صفحه 1:
Principles of Management ‏اور‎ Muhammad Jameel Qazi

صفحه 2:
Management: A Competency Base Approach MANAGEMENT

صفحه 3:
Methodology = Lectures = Videos = Cases = Presentations = Discussions and debates = Research reports = Projects

صفحه 4:
Webpage, Blog, Wiki, email = http://faculty.kfupm.edu.sa/MGM/jamil ۹-۳ ® http://mgt301.pbwiki.com/ ™ http://mgt301.blogspot.com/ ™ mgt301.072@gmail.com

صفحه 5:
0-0 Managing in a Dynamic Environment

صفحه 6:
Learning Objectives = Define Managers And Management. = Explain What Managers Do. = Describe The Competencies Used In Managerial Work And Assess Your Current Competency Levels.

صفحه 7:
Introductory Concepts: ee What Are Managerial Competencies? " Competency EMO ‏ا‎ =) knowledge, skills, behaviors, and 15 ‏ار‎ ودعدع حتاعع لل knowledge, skill, behaviors, and attitudes that a person needs to be Ja ‏و‎ ‎Sie ‏ار ار سس و‎ | and various types of organizations " Managerial Competencies sets of ‏مه‎ | 3 =e |

صفحه 8:
Why are Managerial Competencies Important? ‎mm Cena eye idem Rene Ce)‏ 400( ا ‎to know your weaknesses‏ روف و۷ ‎be‏ ‎> You need developmental experiences at Aue aime Cr C em Ti ted ‎2 SENN ۱۱ challenged with ‎new learning opportunities » Organizations do not want to waste human ‎< 0۵0۳۵۵ ‏و‎ ‎and new competitors add to the complexity, ‎

صفحه 9:
A Model of Managerial Competencies (adapted from =” ۱۳ = ١ ‏مدمه مومع‎ 1

صفحه 10:
A Model of Managerial Competencies (adapted from Figure 1.1)

صفحه 11:
What Is An Oraanization? QO A formal and coordinated group of people who function to achieve 2 8 ‏ا ا"‎ ane individuals acting alone Q An organization has a structure, discussed in depth in Chapter 11 7 KY

صفحه 12:
Characteristics of an Organization = An organization has a structure. [ ل لطا = An organization consists of a group of people striving to reach goals that individuals acting alone could not achieve.

صفحه 13:
Management Organization Two or more people who work together in a structured way to achieve a specific goal or set of goals. Goals Purpose that an organization strives to achieve; organizations often have more than one goals, goals are fundamental elements of organization. The Role of Management To guide the organizations towards goal accomplishment

صفحه 14:
conWwasis the allocation of human, material, financial, and information resources in pursuit of the organization’s goals.

صفحه 15:
Management =" Management refers to the tasks and activities involved in directing an organization or one of its units: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. = The process of reaching organizational goals by wopkinc. and through people and ot#¥=— 2 010311231101121 1650111605. ۴

صفحه 16:
What are the Types of Managers? * Function: A classification referring to a group of similar activities in an organization like marketing or operations. * Functional Managers: A manager responsible for just one organizational activity such as accounting, human resources, sales, finance, marketing, or pro = = Focus on technical areas of ‏ععناتمصیده‎ | " 156 © 013311211131162131013, 21413131130 | and administration, teamwork and self- management competencies to get work done

صفحه 17:
What are the ‏سي ا‎ ‎Managers: responsible for the‏ ا ‎operations of more complex units—for example, a company or division ‎ ‎" Oversee work of functional managers ‎" Responsible for all the activities of the unit ‎guide organization ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 18:
Basic Managerial Functions (adapted from Figure 1.2) ‎٩‏ »> م ‎۳ ‎03 Controlling

صفحه 19:
Management Process and Goal Attainment Organizational goals Planning Influencing Controlling Organizing

صفحه 20:
Management and Organizational Resources Organizational Finished Resources Inputs Outputs Products People Production Goods Money Process Services Raw Materials Capital Resources

صفحه 21:
Planning Planning involves tasks that must be performed to attain e 22 ‏هه‎ ‎organizational goals, ‏5ت‎ 217 5 outlining how the tasks must be performed, and indicating when they should be performed.

صفحه 22:
reas@QFablish an overall direction to 4. ‏لا‎ the organization’s future 2. Identify and commit resources to achieving goals 1 0 47 3. Decide which tasks must be done” to reach those goals ‏لته‎ 5

صفحه 23:
Organizing means assigning the planned tasks to various individuals or groups within the organization and cresting a mechanism to put plans into action.

صفحه 24:
Organizing " Process of deciding where decisions will be made, who will perform what jobs and tasks, and who will report to whom in the company "Includes creating descriptions

صفحه 25:
Leading Leading (Influencing) means guiding the activities of the organization members in appropriate directions. Objective is to improve productivity.

صفحه 26:
Leading "Getting others to perform ‏لاط ككعائها تكدتوووعع»26 عط‎ motivating them to achieve the organization’s goals "Crucial element in all ‏ا‎ = Discussed throughout the book and in depth in Chapter 15—Dynamics of Leadership

صفحه 27:
Controlling 1. Gather information that measures recent performance 2. Compare present performance to pre-established standards 3. Determine modifications to meet pre-established standards

صفحه 28:
Controlling 2 ae es "Process by which a person, group, or organization consciously monitors performance and takes corrective ۳ action "Discussed in depth in Chapter 10

صفحه 29:
Basic Levels of Management (adapted from Figure 1.3) Nonmanagers

صفحه 30:
Levels of Management = First-line Managers: have direct responsibility for producing goods or services Foreman, supervisors, clerical supervisors = Middle Managers: = Coordinate employee activities = Determine which goods or services to provide = Decide how to market goods or services to customers Assistant Manager, Manager (Section Head) = Top Managers: provide the overall direction of an organization Chief Executive Officer, President, Vice President

صفحه 31:
First-line ‏ا‎ rl " Directly responsible for production of goods or services "Employees who report to first-line managers 06 ‏5م تأأدختصون2ه عط‎ 117011 " Spend little time with top managers in large organizations " Technical expertise is important " Rely on planning and administration, self- management, teamwork, and communication competencies to get work

صفحه 32:
Middle Managers " Responsible for setting objectives that are consistent with top management’s goals and translating them into specific goals and plans for first-line managers to implement " Responsible for coordinating activities of first-line managers " Establish target dates for products/services to be delivered " Need to coordinate with others for resources " Ability to develop others is important "Rely on communication, teamwork, and planning and administration competencies to achieve goals

صفحه 33:
Top Managers Responsible for providing the overall direction of an organization Develop goals and strategies for entire organization Spend most of their time planning and leading Communicate with key stakeholders— stockholders, unions, governmental agencies, etc., company policies Use of multicultural and strategic action competencies to lead firm is

صفحه 34:
Management Level and Skills MANAGEMENT LEVELS SKILLS NEEDED Top Needs Conceptual manage- > skills ment Middle Needs coe management > skills Supervisory or operational Needs Technical management ‏هد‎ skills

صفحه 35:
Introductory Concepts: ee What Are Managerial Competencies? " Competency EMO ‏ا‎ =) knowledge, skills, behaviors, and 15 ‏ار‎ ودعدع حتاعع لل knowledge, skill, behaviors, and attitudes that a person needs to be Ja ‏و‎ ‎Sie ‏ار ار سس و‎ | and various types of organizations " Managerial Competencies sets of ‏مه‎ | 3 =e |

صفحه 36:
Six Core Managerial Competencies: What It Takes to Be a Great Manager ommunication Competen@ 3 anning and Administration Comper iy) Teamwork ۹ Strategic Action Competenc ع ‎Multicultural Competenty‏ ‎elf-Management Competen&?‏

صفحه 37:
Communication Competency " Ability to effectively transfer and exchange information that leads to understanding ‎i baee‏ ی در ورن ات ‎networks FP‏ 1لا ‎and good interpersonal relatio:‏ ‎ ‎ ‎* Formal Communication AOR Cem rel (ie ۱ Casey Creve oak ta Cee vite 38 ‏ا‎ 1 0 5 ‏ما‎ Is up to date ‎ ‎ ‎¥ Used to settle disputes, obtain resources, and exercise ‎

صفحه 38:
Planning and Administration Competency

صفحه 39:
Teamwork Competency Accomplishing tasks through small ۱۹۱۱۹۰ of & people who 9 collectively 1 sponsible 5 10 ‏از‎ cena Na Fae i people participate in setting goals ۳ os Creating 2 Pity syle aa hie) team environment ‏عاوو‎ ‎people committed to the team’s Ylaeging team dynamics involves settling i val conflicts, sharing team success, and 21 ‏كنت كا‎ that use team members’ strengths

صفحه 40:
Strategic Action Competency Understanding the overall mission ,¢ and values of the organization and ensuring that employees’ actions match with them Understanding how departments or /3 divisions of the organization are /)’¥ interrelated MG f Taking key strategic actions position the firm for eee especially in relation to concern of stakeholders

صفحه 41:
Sony must sell off businesses that don’t fit its core strategy of fusing gadgets with films, music, and game software. That means selling off its businesses in its Sony Financial Holdings, which

صفحه 42:
Multicultural Competency Understanding, appreciating and responding to diverse political, cultural, and economic issues across and within nations Cultural knowledge and understanding of the events in at least a few other cultures Cultural openness and sensitivity to how others think, act, and feel Respectful of social etiquette ۳ ) variations of langue @

صفحه 43:
Self-Management Competency pveloping yourself and taking responsil ۹ Integrity and ethical conduc. * Personal drive and ‏اه‎ ‎Ce)» Balancing work and life 0 QO Self-awareness and personal development activities

صفحه 44:
olf-Management Competeng “My strengths and weaknesses haven’t changed a lot in 51 years. The important thing is to recognize the things you don’t do well and build a team that ۹ what you know the Anne Mulcahy, CEO, Xerox

صفحه 45:
Learning Framework for Managing Part III: Planning and art V; Leadin

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