علوم مهندسی

Software Processes

صفحه 1:
CSEB233 Fundamentals of Software Engineering Module 2: Software Processes

صفحه 2:
Objectives * Dp desoibe types oP process Plows. * Do exphia soPtwore provess potteras. ٠ Do tdediPy severd provers wsesswed ‏عمجم مرو له‎ Proneworks ۰ ‏موی و‎ presoipive ond spevicized ‏امد‎ provess wodels. ۰ Do select u process wodel ‏واه و(‎

صفحه 3:
A Generic Process Model ۰ @ spPiwwe provess: ‏باس تست تست اه مایت نت لا‎ tusks, whick oe perPorwed whe soPiuvore ts 17 ‏.له و‎ ۰ @ process wodel or Praxvework Os where these usivites, uctives, umd fushs reside, ood thot dePioes their retoivaship wity المي سيو يسول حي هد رما باق ما ‎ut svPiwvurr process.‏

صفحه 4:
A Generic Process Model (cnt’d) اسب سای ۳( ۰ اه - ‎hierarchy‏ ‏ات رس Software process Umbrella activities pomiksed by took. ‏ةي‎ ‎۰ Cook ‏مت‎ ty deed by o sete | Sho ‏مل‎ ‎fet ee haber a (tke aot work to be Besa dl Dali ‏و‎ ۳ ©. he works produnty to ber ‏رال‎ ‏تا عمجت سامت سا‎ framework activity #n tw be oped, cred ‏زج اه سوه »اس‎ 6 ‏مات م۲‎ thot ual be ‏شش | سس‎ ‏لصي‎ wy nabs the proper 0 ‏تس سل لعي‎ i ee

صفحه 5:
Process Activities: Framework and Umbrella. مر اه الج عجارتن عت جل برعي مين و رس سس سا ان سا ورس یج اس :یمام ‎Soke pre nication,‏ 0 رطع لت اوه ۰ Ovobrete uniivities: مه و تا لو مه وولو ۵ امن ‎prvjert vod help woeage ord ovoid progress,‏ ‎res,‏ ی رجا موه و امه له مها موم علما1 ۵

صفحه 6:
Process Flow * Oesmribes how the Prowework ontiviies aod the upiives ced tasks that pour withic Pack activity ore ‏ار لحم‎ respect io sequeere ocd tee. ٠ Whe Bows: 0. Dieear — exevute the Proawework oniiviies ic ‏سوه‎ اه با هه 0 ۲۰ - مها .9 سا ما روم وس لح و وا رش با صجوو — ‎Cucktouey‏ .9 Somer. @. Paull — exevutes vor or wore wives ‎wih viker actuiies.‏ برص جصددانجهاد

صفحه 7:
جا جا

صفحه 8:
Process Patterns ۰ woud be ‏موم ۴ لخلیی‎ soktioa to the probes, ‏هط وت ما و و ام‎ ‏ی[‎ ‏ی‎ evant. ‎eros, 0 process pales provides yu wits‏ لو و و۰ اس بو لمات موه مص[( ]ماو و و ره بطاخم موه ‎thre‏ ی هه ما ‏سم سس 0 ۰ ‏اد امس و لا ام لاوس و سوام با ری هرود ‏ما وا امس با مات و نمی سا متام اجه لامج ‏ارام ع وا موه موس و هارمه ‎

صفحه 9:
Process Assessment and Improvement Opprenahes: 4. Oxankad ODO Ooorrecret Deter! Por Proveny ‘hegre (Oo) : ورن 000/1 اتا جا معطم موصعم جد رسيي سيت ‎oem thro ear,‏ 0 امح روف و ©. COO -Deerd Oppratrd Por tered Proveyy “Ieoprovenvent (OOO 4): بمميخاد د ‎chats eft Bor semen brett tir of‏ سور ‎rcpt ere ar (AE! ODD cr be nr Po fe erm (Dan‏ ‎Aree, OM kr bees rere by (AE se rho XD yang of‏ ‎serch‏ 9. O08 (OOMGOIGSOF): + karl fa denen at oP resurecoest Por Pune procene seme, Ther acto he sachs ‏مه وم و‎ chub ox cba rack ae ‏متا‎ of ane ‏سای متا‎ preveny. [SOOO] تساه ۳ 5000:6000 1۵0 ۴ موه سم با موی مد مهم موم روت با و وا ما مود ‎kerk rey‏ سا ساسا ,لو نج سم سول سر [0420] موجه احج سج ۳

صفحه 10:
Prescriptive Process Models ©) Crowote oo orderly, structured approach to GE 8 ‏عط‎ Bou ‏ل‎ ‎115 ‏دس‎ room ‏ات تا نتاس‎ ‏اه و مجوومةة مجم سح طسو لت‎ ine ted tees eck? ۰ et, Pe rent tredicod process wodels (oad the order they kop) ond rephice thew wth sowetiery ‏مر او رایع ۱ ی نلویو میا‎ ‏تاه و موس مه موه‎ ۶

صفحه 11:
Prescriptive Process Models (cnt’d) * OsterPal Dodel — represeuis eleweuts of o bear process Pow 6 * deorewecid Dodel — cxobrey eke oP tea: ood pardel provesy Plows * Cuckitocary Oodel — Polos the euckacoay process low that coxwbiaes ekecoecits oP tesar ed tereiive process Plows * ‏اروصم‎ ‎٠ Gpirdt ۰ ‏ای - ا() حون‎ eleweruts oF terete ood |

صفحه 12:
۱۰ ‏بطق‎ The Waterfall Model ¢ Represents a linear process flow from communication through deployment. analysis esign * Also known as the classic SDLC * The original Waterfall model proposed by Winston Royce in 1970 made provision for feedback loops, but many organizations apply this model as if it were strictly linear.

صفحه 13:
11۳ V-Model QA variation in the representation of the Waterfall ‘System model. ‎Q |llustartes how‏ اعم ‎۲ ‏كه‎ V&V actions are [es associated with earlier SE action. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎nt ۲ ۱‏ أجل[ ست ‎Genention [| resting Q In reality, there is‏ ‎no fundamentals ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎difference ‎۳4 between the ‎stware Waterfall model and the. V-model. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 14:
The Waterfall odel: An Analysis Applicability When requirements are well understood and unlikely to change radically during system development (e.9. ina well-defined enhancement to an ‘existing system). When software development technologies and tools are well known, The work tasks in the project are to proceed to completion in a linear Weaknesses Real projects rarely follow the linear flow that the model proposes. Although iteration is, indirectly allowed, changes are costly, involve significant rework and can cause confusion to project team and involve. ‘The model requires the customer to state all requirements explicitly, which is often very difficult to achieve. ‘The working software will rot available until late in the project, which can be disastrous for late discovery of major defects Leads to “blocking states” in which some 11 Strengths Simple and easy to Usefexplain to customers. The staged development cycle enforces discipline: every phase has a defined start and fend point, and progress can be conclusively identified (through the Use of milestones) Characteristics It suggests a systematic, sequential ‘approach to SE staring from requirements specification going through planning, modeling, construction, testing, deployment ‘and support of the completed system. Each major activity is marked by milestones and deliverables (artifacts ie. documents).

صفحه 15:
yf ne Incremental Model e functionality and features project calendar time

صفحه 16:
1 fone Incremental Model (cnt’d) Q Rather than deliver the software product as a single delivery, the development and delivery is broken down into increments with each increment delivering part of the required functionality. Q User requirements are prioritised and the highest priority requirements are included in early increments. Q Once the development of an increment is started, the requirements are frozen though requirements for later increments can continue to evolve.

صفحه 17:
ft The Incremental 4 odel: An Analysis Ask the students to analyze this process model and to discuss their findings in class.

صفحه 18:
qm felutionary Model: Prototyping 2-0

صفحه 19:
۳ Model: Prototyping (cnt’d) Q Using this process model, a prototype (an early approximation of a final software product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is finally achieved from which the complete software product can now be developed. Q Although it can be implemented as a stand- alone process model, it is more commonly used as part of other process models. Q The main purpose of the model is to help better understand what it is to built when requirements are fuzzy.

صفحه 20:
1 Model: 4 An Analysis Ask the students to analyze this process model and to discuss their findings in class.

صفحه 21:
هك ‎Model:‏ مدده ان ۱ ۲ ‎Spiral‏ planning estimation scheduling risk analysis communication modeling analysis design deployment delivery feedback construction code test

صفحه 22:
۳ Model: Spiral (cnt’d) Q A process model that combines the iterative nature of prototyping with the systematic aspects of waterfall model. Q The spiral model can be thought of as a repeating waterfall model that emphasizes risk assessment and that is executed in an incremental fashion. Q Each loop/pass through the spiral model consists of risk assessment and other framework activities from communication through deployment.

صفحه 23:
f titre Spiral Model: 4 An Analysis Ask the students to analyze this process model and to discuss their findings in class.

صفحه 24:
۸ ‏ششک‎ Process

صفحه 25:
۱ 1 ‏ام‎ Process Model (cnt’d) Q A process model that combines the iterative and parallel elements of any of the prescriptive process models. Q In this process model, all SE activities (framework or umbrella activities) exist concurrently but reside in different states.

صفحه 26:
1۹ The Concurrent 4 odel: An Analysis Ask the students to analyze this process model and to discuss their findings in class.

صفحه 27:
Specialised Process Models * Opwpoud bused soPware developed (OOOO) the process 7 opr wheo name fo devel cece + Ponwd webods ‏لسوت رتم بط ارو‎ of ‏برد هو‎ ‏فص وه ماوت حرط من اسان‎ ore wo ites used. * Qspectorieued svPware devebpweut (POCO) proves a process ud weber ‏اسر‎ Bor debian, speck any desea, ‏وه او‎ epee * OcPed Process ‏سامت ,مسر وی و‎ tercive ol kerewedd’ soPLuae process bse) decd wk the Oued Drdekay Lornaxe (DOL)

صفحه 28:
Specialised Process Models (cnt’d) * Gee Goa 0 ‏نمی مهو‎ b naneeiints ope ‏ومطع سمت رمسم‎ anal depraved, whick supped rapa hence ‏سوم و‎ * Persond Process Dodel urhwotan he veal y revur enn ‏مه ات ی اجه‎ ‏هنن‎ cine, ov hut keloke orc tev «ire chon thew. * Dean Provess Oodel ‏وه لاه لا(‎ ot plow ed rack fete work, eto rd, ord oun ae procemsen orl pnw. heme ox be pure ‏عن تحص جمدم اد‎ Kier proxket exis (APT) oP bree ‏ص‎ ‏موه 60 مس‎ ‏هت لجی ای بط نما جوم تنطا)‎ tet ‏مج‎ onl he ‏بط مهاست تلا ماس با‎

صفحه 29:
Agile Development * Combines a philosophy and a set of development guidelines. * The philosophy encourages: 7“ customer satisfaction and early incremental delivery of software; ¥ small, highly motivated project teams; ¥ informal methods; Y minimal SE work products; and Y overall development simplicity. * The development guidelines: Y stress delivery over analysis and design, and ¥ active and continuous communication between developers and customers

صفحه 30:
The Agile Manifesto 1. Value individuals and interactions over process and tools 2. Prefer to invest time in producing working software rather than in producing comprehensive documentation 3. Focus on customer collaboration rather than contract negotiation 4. Concentrate on responding to change rather than on creating a plan and then following it * Why? ٠ The modern business environment is fast- paced and ever-changing. This process model has been demonstrated to deliver successful systems quickly.

صفحه 31:
8 ۰ Agile Principles Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness change for the customer's competitive advantage. Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with a preference to the shorter timescale. Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project. Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they need, and trust them to get the job done. The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a development team is face- to-face conversation.

صفحه 32:
1 0 Agile Principles (cnt’d) : Working software is the primary measure of progress. 8. Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. 9. Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility. 10.Simplicity - the art of maximizing the amount of work not done - is essential. 11.The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams. 12.At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and adjusts its ل ال ‎i‏

صفحه 33:
Agile: Human Factors * the process molds to the needs of the people and team, not the other way around * key traits must exist among the people on an agile team and the team itself: 7“ Competence. ¥ Common focus. Y Collaboration. Y Decision-making ability. Y Fuzzy problem-solving ability. “ Mutual trust and respect. Y Self-organization.

صفحه 34:
The Agile Process Models * Also known as approaches to agile software engineering, which include: + Extreme Programming (XP) * Industrial XP 8 Scrum + Adaptive Software Development (ASD) ٠ Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSM) ٠ Crystal + Feature Driven Development (FDD) + Lean Software Development (LSD) ۰ Agile Modeling (AM) * Agile Unified Process (AUP)

صفحه 35:
The Extreme Programming (XP) ۰ The most widely used approach to ser stories values acceptance test criteria iteration plan

صفحه 36:
if tthe XP: Activities XP Planning Begins with the creation of “user stories” Agile team assesses each story and assigns a cost Stories are grouped to for a deliverable increment A commitment is made on delivery date After the first increment “project velocity” is used to help define subsequent delivery dates for other increments

صفحه 37:
۴ Activities (cnt’d) XP Design ٠ Follows the KISS principle ٠ Encourage the use of CRC cards (see Chapter 8) ٠ For difficult design problems, suggests the creation of “spike solutions”—a design prototype + Encourages “refactoring”—an iterative refinement of the internal program design XP Coding ٠ Recommends the construction of a unit test for a store before coding commences + Encourages “pair programming” XP Testing * All unit tests are executed daily + “Acceptance tests” are defined by the customer and executed to assess customer visible functionality

صفحه 38:
ggme Programming ۹ (XP): An Analysis Ask the students to analyze this process model and to discuss their findings in class.

صفحه 39:
Selecting a Process Model * Oda te sidebars to pores PS ond PP. * Okot we the lessocrlearued Prow these sidebars?

صفحه 40:
Selecting a Process Model ° Punters ty cousider: 4 Dke choradtertotics oP the problews to be solved. uk ‏جم رما هه‎ (E92 sxople with clear, stuble requirewets, cocplen ‏نت‎ ‎rete ‏مج‎ ©. Vhe choravteristiog oP the project ‏رن الم انس لسوت معط سب موه سای اس‎ ‏جا ریا رت مد‎ ۱ ‏بوصاصحادها جإسج حصا ب عمصو كج شوصت‎ اعاسين صا حك محص حت سيك بيطا[ .© ‎wette of te product, product docata, et‏ عبج ] یو رای سا ار رن بو وچ برس بل ۳ works (uck oe polio, puke, Feoxuce str.

صفحه 41:
1 0 Key Questions in Determining Task Set * Different projects requires different task sets. The tasks should be selected based on problems and project characteristics. * Q: What actions are appropriate for a framework activity, given: Y the nature of the problem to be solved; ۷۶ the characteristics of the people doing the work; and Y the stakeholders of the project? ٠ Q: What work tasks (task set) that these actions should encompasses of?

صفحه 42:
ete Example * Nature of the problems and project : ¥ Asmall software project requested by one person (at a remote location) with simple, straightforward requirements. * Actions: Y Opwxnunicuica uted! devebp requreweds + Task set: ۷ Make contact with stakeholder via telephone. Y Discuss requirements and take notes. ۷۶ Organize notes into a brief written statement of requirements. zx

صفحه 43:
Process Management Tools ° Obv kaaws os process wodelagy tools or process teckel. ٠ ‏مج ه منوا‎ to dePtoe ged ooeue the ‏خن تساه‎ poe wodel (untivites, ucive, tsk, work product, wikesirues, ond QO poiuts/Piters). * Gch tools dev provide detaled quidcame vo the ‏عمدت‎ oP eack provess elewect. ٠ De tools wap dsy provide strrdad projevt wwoeayewed tske sucks us esticvatiag, scbeduiegy, tracker cod patrol. © Cxcrople: (ممه سس طه ‎dart Process‏ *

صفحه 44:
f PiBelecting a Process 4 Model: an Exercise * The project: Assume that you are in charge of a project to create a portal for the Shah Alam district of Selangor state. This portal would include a homepage with links to a wide range of discounted travel packages to major destinations in Selangor, links to certain featured places like golf courses, shopping complexes and places to eat, links to the detailed map of Selangor, and links to news and events listing. It also includes a bulletin board and chat room feature where tourists (international and local tourists) can exchange information. The portal should also provide Automated Teller Machine (ATM) locator, timezone converter, and currency converter. *Select a software process model that you would recommend to be implemented:in the

صفحه 45:
Summary "Dhere oe Pour yes of process Paws - near, tercive, euokdiocary, ord parcel. GoPuvare process puleras SOY PARKES! DOE DY Ore proven ‏نما مر ممه نايت‎ problew Pro ver proevis, which aa be rosea ‏وا ذا‎ pron. ‎opt mosis‏ لو موه و اوه بو وال ‎pravticcers.‏ روا اوه سا مه نا موسوم ‎۳ ‏مص ی اسرد له مهو ۶و وله‎ ‏ات تم‎ veri ‏وه مد من تا‎ perro process swede Por a soPwvare developoedt ‏ام‎ whick rea ‏ی ام‎ re been iB toes srt Bo tse project. ‎

صفحه 46:
References and credit Oontedts to the sides are adapted Prow the book ocd ‏امه نا لاد سا‎ the book by R.G. Presswon, SpPivore Bogiceeriag: ( Practiiccer’s Opprowk, ‘Pk. Edition, OeCrav Wil, ۰

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