کسب و کارمدیریت و رهبری

Strategic management: a summary

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Sa SS The Dimerstoms-of Strategic Change Content (the what) *Assessment of choice of products/services *Objectives and assumptions *Targets and evaluation Internal ResourcesContext Capabilitiqthe wh Culture 8 3 Politics Process (the how) Change managers Models of change Formulation/ implementation Pattern through time ernal Economic Political Social

صفحه 3:
Strategic Drift * Can occur where a firms strategy does not ‘fit’ or moves away from changes to its operating environment

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:
The risk of strategic drift Environmental change Strategic 3 change Amount of change Time Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3/4 Incremental change Flux Transformational change or demise

صفحه 6:
Restraining Forces Equilibrium Driving Forces

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