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“IF YOU DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING, ANY ROAD WILL TAKE YOU THERE.” The Koran “Management’s job is not to see the company as itis... but as it can ibeseme:.”

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STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic objectives operationalize the mission statement. They provide guidance on how the organization can fulfill or move toward the organizational mission and vision 5 2

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STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES Strategic objectives are an organization’s performance targets-the results and outcomes it wants to achieve. They function as yardsticks for tracking an or rformance and progress

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BENEFITS OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES They help to channel employees throughout the organization toward common goals Challenging objectives can help to motivate and inspire employees throughout the organization to higher levels of commitment and effort They resolve conflicts when they arise Provide a yardstick for rewards and incentives

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TYPES OF STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE 9 Objective Strategic Strategic Objectives etm 0 ‏5ع /اأاعع زط‎ * ۳

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TYPES OF OBJECTIVES REQUIRED Financial ObjectivegStrategic Objectives Outcomes focused Outcomes focused on improving on improving long- financial term competitive business position = performance

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EXAMPLES: FINANCIAL OBJECTIVES X % increase in annual revenues X % increase annually in after-tax profits X % increase annually in earnings per share Annual dividend increases of X % Profit margins of X % X % return on capital employed (ROCE) Increased shareholder value Strong bond and credit ratings Sufficient internal cash flows to fund 100% of new Capital investment Stable earnings during periods of recession

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EXAMPLES: STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES x Winning an X % market share Achieving lower overall costs than rivals Overtaking key competitors on product performance or quality or customer service Deriving X % of revenues from sale of new products introduced in past 5 years Achieving technological leadership Having better product selection than rivals Strengthening company’s brand name appeal Having stronger national or global sales and distribution capabilities than rivals Consistently getting new or improved products to market ahead of rivals

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SHORT-TERM VS, LONG-TERM OBJECTIVES Short-term objectives Targets to be achieved soon Milestones or stair steps for reaching long-range performance Long-term objectives Targets to be achieved within 3 to 5 years Prompt actions now that will permit reaching targeted long-range performance later

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TO ACHIEVE LONG TERM PROSPERITY, STRATEGIC PLANNERS COMMONLY ESTABLISH LONG-TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES IN SEVEN AREAS: Profitability Productivity Competitive position Employee development Employee relations Technological leadershi Public responsibility

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FOR STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES TO BE MEANINGFUL THEY MUST BE: TF REG: there must be at least one indicator (or yardstick) that measures progress against fulfilling the objective «Measurable: this provides a clear message to what needs to be accomplished «Appropriate: it must be consistent with the vision and mission of the organization. *Realistic: it must be an achievable target given the organization’s capabilities and opportunities in the environment. In essence, it must be challenging but doable. *Timely: there needs to be a time frame for accomplishment of the objective. After all, as the economist John Maynard Keynes once said, “in the long run, we are all dead

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QUALITIES OF LONG-TERM STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES *Acceptable *Flexible ¢Measurable ¢Motivating ¢Suitable ¢Understandable eAchievable

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GENERAL MOTORS Strategic Goal and Objectives

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ا 4م GM OBJECTIVE 2003 Global Objectives In 2003, GM established a global energy use reduction target of 10 percent and a global CO2 reduction target of 8 percent between 2000 and 2005 consistent with global goals for energy and water usage over this time period. The global energy use and CO2 targets have been met successfully.

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GENERAL MOT! GOAL (2007) “to take the lead in development and production of more fuel-efficient vehicles and the conversion to alternative power, such as Ge electricity and hydrogen fuel cells, to power vehicles”, = 77 ۳ Larry Burns, vice president of research and development and strategic planning

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۰:/92) مورا" ,م۳۳ ‎vet‏ GM'S GOAL

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GO ‏مج مج‎ Report 7 ‏و‎ Education 9 Geveratay Public Ioterest

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BANK ONE CORPORATION (NONFINANCIAL STRATEGIC OBJECTIVE) To be one of the top three banking companies in terms of market share in all significant markets we serve

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Senior Art Direction at Interbrand ‘New York City 2001 ~ 2002 Brand Visual Core idea: Colors of Life Brand identity Creation, Credit/Debit Card Direction, ۱ 0

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3M CORPORATION’S FINANCIAL average A return on stockholders’ equity of 20-25% A return on capital employed of 27% or better _ Have at least 30% of sales come from r oducts ‘ts introduced i a

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CONCEPT OF STRATEGIC INTENT A company exhibits strategic intent when it relentlessly pursues an ambitious strategic objective and concentrates its

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NIKE’S STRATEGIC INTENT Nike’s strategic intent during the 1960s was to overtake Adidas (which connected nicely with Nike’s core purpose “to experience the emotion of competition, winning, and crushing competitors”).

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1 ۱ ( 5 1 9

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۲۱۵۱۷۲۸ 5 STRATEGIC INTENT When Yamaha overtook Honda in the motorcycle market, Honda responded with a warlike strategic intent: Yamaha wotsubusu “we will crush, squash, slaughter Yamaha”

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