صفحه 1:
Okuapter GO
Supply Chain
Operations Management - 5% Edition
Ruevell & Oeraad O. Tay, 111 ما
صفحه 2:
"Lecture Outline
* Supply Char Oacagewedt
Devkuloyy: @ Supply Ckaia ی
9 Guppy Choir هه[
* Guppliers
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 3:
"Lecture Outline (cont.)
* €-Procuwre went
ماو *
* Gupply Chain Oacageweut GoPivare
* نو( Guppy Chua PerPorwcare
* Global Guppy Chait
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 4:
1 Supply Chain
" Ol Pociiies, Puavciiogs, uviviies, ussuvidied wil:
low ded tracsPorcwuiva oF yoods dad services
Proxy raw woterids iy mustower, os wel os
the ussuvidied icPorwaird Plows
Qa tteqrdted your oP provesses to “suwce,”
“eoke,” wad “deliver” products
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-4
صفحه 5:
صفحه 6:
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 7:
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-7
صفحه 8:
Supply Chain Processes
نادس ۱ ل ییا
أ بزاع
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-8
صفحه 9:
13 15 6 Chain for
Service Providers
عاسو كدب hac ۹۳ بو() +
* Opes wit Pocus va the Bow of physicd qwods
» C@oouses va hued resvurves und support services
9 QOovre یی و اجه اون
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-9
صفحه 10:
"Value vs. Supply Chain
* Odtue مه
" every step Prow raw woterids to the eveotud ead user
® dicate yoo is delivery oP woxtrusr uolue to the eo user
* Guppy ckoia
® onivites thot yet row woterids ond subussewbles into
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-10
صفحه 11:
Supply Chain
Management (SCM)
* Dacagiag Plow oP مه راومه روا موه +
order to uttaic the level oP syockrodizatiod that will wake
it wore respousive to pustower ueeds while eric
* عرو)) ۲ ef Pevive GOO
۶ موز
۶ اون
۱ وی
۶ اصص
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-11
صفحه 12:
1 Supply Chain
ای ما یوج * Oe wd i GOO: *
تج تا وی و لیر ۰
و( decwodd موز ۶ نات موی حجصصی
tenes ایا ان Sreuitny Cosi) excess "bay
ieveuiory ® kee
رات Orgaive ePPevis oP "orotate *
batch ordertay موه ملس ۰ ای
لس لوا « عطن ”
daveciory *
اجه موه یی "
وی ماو
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-12
صفحه 13:
Effect فطل
Occurs wheo sight dewond vorsbiiy i ocaPed ce KPoreato coves back
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 14:
Information Technology: A
Supply Chain Enabler
* وق code onl poictoP-sde
8 dota creates كتجصكمامماصا مد
copter record oP a sue
* Rado here
© teckorleyy con seod proocunt dota
و و وا ما مت مب vist
لور waves
۰ هه با و oF
supply مه
* Chrenxess
© replewedt of physicd bustcess
Processes wih elecirvair poe
۰ مد موق
عجان جومم وان رجف جدود
جم عسجصك دوصمصجا خأ عكمدكاوجع
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 15:
E-business and Supply
سس سس
* نم لمه موی وونل reductions
* Reductiv or لصو اه صا عا ان ماه
۶ راومه مان choc respouse له trocsartios
* Garttogy 0 wider pressure ved eoreused visibly Por
* Greater choices ont wore عونا وصتممس وها vustowers
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-15
صفحه 16:
E-business and Supply
Chain (cont.)
سب > > 2222+
* 1 ما بقاطاوووصمه امواوم خأن الججم جه جه وموك لوبوعوم
* و اوه تا اه راومه له مساو
وعممو و( مه ال صموصه
۶ مین oP موم امیش
© Levelt playiog Piel Por sol cowposies
۱ لمه ,جمصتارصنت ,جاعكاءوم ما كوعوصه أمتاصان
distribuiod chock
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-16
صفحه 17:
Supply Chain Evolution at
“Then: Nabisco determines the amount of Planters cashews a customer in New York
might sellin a quarter, without consulting the customer.
Now: Nabisco and its customer share sales forecasts based on current point-of-sale data,
‘past demand patterns, and upcoming promations via the Web, and agree on an amount
to supply. 5
“Then: Nabisco phones its Brazilian ollice and employees deliver the overs tn
person ta local farmers, who put the raw cashews an trucks, which take them
to the port
Now: Nabisco contacts its Brazilian office by أل
‘e-mail, but employees still must contact local
farmers personal 2
personally 2
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-17
صفحه 18:
Supply Chain Evolution at
Nabisco (cont.)
Then: The shiping company notifies Nabisco when the cashews have sale
When the cashews arrive in Jacksonville, Florida, a freight forwarder processes the
paperwork to clear the shipment through customs, and scurries to locate a truck to
deliver them to Nabisco plants, The truck takes the cashews to Nabisco’s manufac-
turing plant, although it may be only halt-full and return empty, costing Nabisco money.
Now: Shippers and truckers share up-to-date data onlin via a calaborative global
logistics system that connects multiple manufacturers and transportation companies
and handles the customs process, The system matches orders with carriers to make
certain trucks travel with full loads.
all اص اسلا
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 19:
aa ply Chain Evolution at
isco (cont.)
“Then: The nuts are roasted and packed, and trucks take them to Nabisco’s 12
warehouses across the country, where they are ready to be shipped to stores
However, they may not he neat the store where the customer needs them because
‘demand has not been discussed,
Now: After the nuts are roasted and packed atthe plant, Nabisco sencls the cashews to a
thirel-pary distributor, which relieves Nabisco of a supply chain activity not among its
cove competencies, The distributor consolidates the nurs on trucks with other products
fom Nabisco’s competitors going toa customer resulting in full loads
Then: If Nabisco ordered too many cashews they will turn soft inthe warehouses,
and if they ordered too few the customer will buy cashews elsewhere.
Now: Nabisco correctly knows the customer's need so there is neither a shortage nor an
oversupply of cashews. Transportation, distribution, warehousing, and inventory costs
‘drop, and product and service quality improve. يمي
=~ 2
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-19
صفحه 20:
RFID Capabilities
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-20
صفحه 21:
_ RFID Capabilities (cont.)
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-21
صفحه 22:
دام را رت
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 23:
E-automotive Supply Chain
(Pull لایر
Cos va mmicer
لاني ام امس
punks chs Bata
Pos, retable, od
eirwtzed اح نا cars ۲
@hored ی بو ocd
Pusk—ell Pow
اه روز
Gol oF even ocd
stuble production
Owes opproak
Guppy Okan
Custower sales
عاص مداه
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 24:
E-automotive supply Chain
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-24
صفحه 25:
~ Supply Chain Integration
٠ مساك مودو رول amoey supply choi wewbers
۰ Reduced bulhip eFPevt
"Cory problew سند
" Poster respowe
® Quilts trust and ای
* ماو ماو Porevosting, replevishwect, ort
اه انش Recuoed ©
لعف ساف سي رس فاح Lower Coste (wuterial, *
متا موی زرا ۶
۰ موه جوا service evel
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-25
صفحه 26:
Supply Chain Integration
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-26
صفحه 27:
Forecasting, and
* Process Por two or wore cowpunies ita
supply choie to svochrouize their decvocd
‘JJecrecastng, ang
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-27
صفحه 28:
Procurewedt *
Pree sapiens: سور gach oh grad and ©
Odeword (dient respouse) delivery *
روا ی بت او سرا یب و :۳
ا كر *
OF ae wonder ea لتم بای بحاص ی رارینی اف
اه سس
processes لت مه منم موم وم «
ood supplier موه مورا
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-28
صفحه 29:
1 Outsourcing
سا __
۰ 6
® porckase oP yoods ocd services Prow ue vutside
* Core vowpetewies
" what 0 cowpoy does best
۰ Grote 7
" a oowpoy porches yods und services Prow
vay a Pew (or var) suppliers
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-29
صفحه 30:
[Orteterd Bqugzanat و( ۳
DernPacturer 0 عون
)060( Operetta (OPO) هت
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-30
صفحه 31:
1 E-Procurement
* Direct purchase Prow suppliers over the Votercet
* سر products yo direvtly into produoiiva provers a
procul, iodicent products ut
ماو *
® Web sites where cowponies ond suppliers poorduct
* Reverse مه
" a opwpo posts orders oc the Iotercet Por suppliers to bid
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-31
صفحه 32:
Online Sourcing/
Procurement Process
ان ۱0
1. Initial Supplier Review
Start the sourcing process
by conducting realtime:
online supplier reviews.
2, Gather RFQ Documents
Electronically gather all Request
for Quote (RFQ) documents in
a central online repository.
Send Out RFQ |] se
From desktop simultaneously
send to multiple bidding suppliers RFQ|_Supplier 1
electronic RFQ documents 2
4, Gather Revisions and Resend : 8.
Al revisions to RFQ tracked
electronically سا
Supplier 3
supplier 2
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-32
صفحه 33:
1 11
Procurement Process
‘Supplier 1
Receive RFQ Re ۷ ۳
5. Receive Responses
Hee eres ۳0 ae,
from suppliers in templated format ۳
Buyer can award business or ۰
6. Compile and Evaluate Responses
Compile data fom all bidders or Supplier 2
[ا#سعوم 7
7. Supplier Review و دی
Review all bids
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-33
صفحه 34:
1 101
Procurement Process
8. Narrow Bid List
Electronically notify noncompetitive
bidders that they are no longer in
9. Conduct Negotiations
Invite all remaining bidders to
participate in an online auction
that is conducted within several
10. Select Winning Bidder
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-34
صفحه 35:
Berane PO(2; Owed 1992), یه تسا م9
QRetiicoship bowers Pontes ond Pyaricas ubay the Ou-
00-1 © باج 0-5
00 Headqutes
Ditton Centre
تا اسف( لا( هه Proce موه یسم
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 36:
* Gaoowposses di chamets, provesses, und
ساموت بط( ,و۳ ocd ردطادا وس
مس ور الم و ما tis way to Pied وی
ها (سلی مان *
" Lowstcs
* (rocsporteiga ccd distribuiod oF yoods ocd
® Ornivicy Porce today is speed
۶ Contour) toportat Por Itercet dor-oows
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-36
صفحه 37:
Custorner places هلاه Reed lights show worker which products ae
ع S سا ی
diatibution centers prot placed in crates on conveyor 5
- Crates ride
conveyors through
Order arives
within | to 7 days
hems sete
by bat codes
Boxes shipped by
Us Posial Service
ard United Parcel
Crates artive at cenital point
and bar codes of products
matched with orckrs,
items soied automatically
into one of several tousand
chutes, into a box
Boxes are packed,
taped and weighed
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-37
صفحه 38:
— detribution Centers
1 (DC)
and Warehousing—s———
"OCs we sowe of the largest business Pasties ta
tke Ovited Grates
* Dredd is Por wore Prequedt orders ia swoler
دع حكني
مت موی لت یبیل رری() ۲
@osipocewect "
Bod ussewbly acd product codPiquraica way "
be dou ot he OC
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-38
صفحه 39:
Management Systems
" Dik) cuowdted sysiew that rus day-to-day operdicas
* Cows tec puta, pichiod, pachiod, ord shippicgy
مج *
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-39
صفحه 40:
Labor Management
8 manages, arel reports
52 سس
Worshoune Optiniain
که ones
ont ten te ;
ceeanclled جا اذا 8
1 Caton tabelng
- ۳
Space pula
a Order Tracking
۳ ای ماس
dock il outgoing 0
put away and picking 1
Yard Managerncat 0
كاا1 وی
an chee doce
oe 0
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 6
صفحه 41:
|۳۳ Inventory
Qaaacturers و orders, wi dstribuiors or retilers
Giockiag iePor<aivg is )او یه
© Prst step towards supply chain colaboraiod
(eorewed speed, reduced errors, und koproved service
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-41
صفحه 42:
Logistics and
ا الاق
" Colkiboraive لمم ی و
جلموو خأو جیوه دعوم جام
«۰ Vtercetbased exckodge oP data ded ماو(
3 OrpePocdt devreus in دعوو مجه هروا رمووچیم
نیما بطم
9 Covwpunies Poous vu vere vowpetcwies
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-42
صفحه 43:
1 Transportation
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-43
صفحه 44:
1 Transportation (cont.)
* Bir
© wot expose avn Paste, woke oP
Pret trexeport
"hohiveight, owal puckaps <OOO be
« highvoke, pertshuble oud امش woods
"eos bet
* Package Delivery
© xv parka
* Pest od nouble
ات نت موی«
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
صفحه 45:
1 Transportation (cont.)
8 law-oost shipper woe
© prkoary xomccs ob سس shipper;
"0.6. waterways
® slowest shippiey wade
۶ امین severd wodes of shippiacrtiruck, water
لاس اس
۶ ای ها موی روا
“ravepert oll ced products tt hepa مو"
"high coptd ost, eovarvicd use
"loo te aed lou اجه رون
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-45
صفحه 46:
7 Qricy toyeter shippers und corriers
" atta poctast, aeypitoiods, duotods:
* Cxavples
® ww te co
۰ Db
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-46
صفحه 47:
0 Software
۶ uterprise Resource (Placroercy (ERP)
® soPiwere thot iateqrutes vowpourus oP a powpoy
* GOP was First ERP svPiware
" GOP cw
* راومه ار wodules thot low امه beter
powponies uray the supply choi
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-47
صفحه 48:
Lickicxy Guppy Okan witk GBP
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-48
صفحه 49:
Measuring Supply Chain
:اا سسسس سس
۱ inicio
ما ررسمپریز ۱
© post oF coma sles ای رها ور
® iwedory days oF supply
© total votue oP oll tees beter etd هد و
= Pil rote
© مودو oP orders Pied by a distributive cecter witsic a
ان وا ما
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-49
صفحه 50:
Key Performance
Cost oP qouds sold
] مر value oP uediory
۶ وا هط
رسمه اه صل سوه ومس6
39د ضاف Por tew i) XC (vot ضيه (werage =
Qverage cqyreyate value oP rdiory
۹۶ NS (Oma ch cet ee OOS =)
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-50
صفحه 51:
Key Performance
Indicators: Example
0. Cost oP goods امه $POS مب
©. Prockunton waterts ond parts: 50: ,66© 00000
9. مب 900,
۰ Prisked ول $00
6 ۲ وه مه ructory (OHO+#): SOF 49,000
86866 ۵۵۵, OOO 6
$9, ,€4d9,000
90 م
(6066,000,000(665) 19
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-51
صفحه 52:
۱ 01 Measures of Measures of Supply
Chain Performance
* @rovess ) اس
"sed to wodior ud ovarl ad provess in supply
35 Guppy Ckaia Operaionws QePerewe
" estubisk torqets to ushieve “best ta oliss”
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-52
صفحه 53:
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-53
صفحه 54:
۳) روص :)6806
ساب /()
سس سا نا ۳۵|
oP orders shipped wii oP هت
hones oP order revel
(Perceckne oP orders delvered oc tie ord i
Pu, perPeniy crotcked wks order جد كلابب
Ducber of dave Brow order reveipl 7
Prustoxver dehvery
(Duxober oF days Por supply cholo ty respond
مد ص Voptooced siqaPicod chon لمح و
wahoo cost pecohy
Duspber oP days to achieve oct vopkroced
20% chose tt arders wikout a cost pecray:
جع رون جو
صفحه 55:
۳ مه :8۵000
مطم 02۳ | عومس بو
Supply chain | Direct and indirect cost to plan, source
management _| and deliver products and services
602 of goods | Direct cost of material and labor to
sold produce a product or service
Value-added | Direct material cost subtracted from
productivity | revenue and divided by the number of
employees, similar to sales per
Warranty/ BHBLWEid indirect costs associated
returns with returns including defective,
processing planned maintenance and excess
€98h-to-cash | RYBIH@AMGF days that cash is tied up as
cycle time working capital
Inventory Number of days that cash is tied up as
days of supply | inventory
‘Asset turns | Revenue divided by total assets
including working capital and fixed
صفحه 56:
"Global Supply Chain
۲ Wo cowpete ماو requires oa ePPevive
supply chat
® 4ePor<vaios tevkovlowy is ac “ecubler” oF
dobd trade
۴ له و ش۱) «rou
ال سس و 0() ۲
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-56
صفحه 57:
Obstacles to Global Chain
* Cooreused domuetaiog Por vives, vary
icsurcuce, letters oP oredit, ooo bile oP adic or oie
uwxpbils, ood inspections
* ما ونر رزوی ور vary Brow pour to
* لو yvups, todPPs, duties, cod radio posts
* OPPerewes in powumivdion teckel cord
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-57
صفحه 58:
Obstacles to Global Chain
Transactions (cont.)
OP Perect busivess pruvives us well os hoogquage barriers
Covernved codes ved reportiog requireweuts that vary Prow
Doniry to cous
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-58
صفحه 59:
"Duties and Tariffs
. CrolPeraiva oF tride aperweds
. Grou wewbers charge uaPorw torPPs
" Oewber رما لب 0 cowpetiive advocate
wikia the wou
۰ Drode ۹
"tachide Preight Porwarders, musiows house
brokers, export packers, ood export
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-59
صفحه 60:
i Duties and Tariffs (cont.)
اا 0
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-60
صفحه 61:
1 Landed Cost
5 لك oP productay, ب
proodust to the ste oP coos pion وم او عبن
* Ochs added tx (OPT)
© oc iodirent tox ussessed oc the الم و و دس و و
at oapy stage oP production process Brow row woteridl صا
icra طلسم
* Clicker shock
" Oovurs wheo oo ordered is ploced wi a powpony thot
does ut have the vopubiliy to colrutote hooded post
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-61
صفحه 62:
Web-based International
Trade Logistic Systems
٠ Aotercativcdl trade Iruystiog web-bused svPtiwure sysiews
reduce obstacles to ub trate
"power تسه له جوا
8) provide bora va ied FS, dbs ead nei processes:
ریصب ورن سنوی يي اه ocd Wal prices tb induced
products ordered over the Deb
ميدن وم سین ای بسا میب أل
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-62
صفحه 63:
Globalization for U.S.
۶ Two siqPicad changes
® posse oP OBETO
* akvissiog of Chia ia OTO
* Gleorodic Terdusiry
" 0O% oP vwstis in vowpoceds
" نب supply choos have woved to Chica
* @rvlPeratva oP و اون
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-63
صفحه 64:
Effects of 9/11 on Global
«+ Cooreuse sepuriy weusures
added we to supply یی اه
۰ (eoreused suppl cha costs
* GP hows rules Por “risk screed”
ول تلو«
« را جوا لام 04 days
* Aauedory levels have لامج 06
* :لیا وی بان
۶ برس ی سس تسه اقب لا امسر end
scrercien of Giorno ی[
seaports arvuend the work!
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 10-64
صفحه 65:
Copyright 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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of this work beyond that permitted in section 117
of the 1976 United States Copyright Act without
express permission of the copyright owner is
unlawful. Request for further information should
be addressed to the Permission Department,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The purchaser may
make back-up copies for his/her own use only
and not for distribution or resale. The Publisher
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