صفحه 1:
Oe a AO ad rma rad
۱۵ ا
GOWMpesice: Ca مت
تسب Oe era a
GO10 OCrewaw
eer ROCCE |
صفحه 2:
* Tetroductica
© GO1D Progen Oveniew
٠ Gerive Oricoted @rchiterture (SO) مهو
aed the Oxivod @irspare Systew (DOG) Gervice
QReistry/ Repository (DGRR)
* OOG Coterprise Deseuging Service (DEDG)
٠ Geqevedt I Opdate
* Chadd Computer
© bowePern Phos
صفحه 3:
۰ 6010 Crogan Overview
٠ GOO G ued the OGRR
٠١ 05
دعم( ) مجممیيق ٠
و02 لصوا ٠
جدواة) ممص “-يجورا ٠
صفحه 4:
* Awoplewed 3 GOB in te DOG
° Clow te POO tt vrede vew syste hierPares wore quichy wad cheuper trea
poseble today
+ Partials he date shorten hot & required Por he Ort Bruercion Or Trexeportior
مسرت )02(
COW ui wt
اوه ره جر بو و Or +
مجم ملحا طحت 0008905 عونا Oconee +
Repker POO Tebrrennnictioe ‘hProeichre (PM) +
صفحه 5:
600010 Cowept
۰ Orkpue te DOG tb GOD
= Ockes t ewier pstublok ister Pores between ورد
۰ Get he right صا دادو رو ذه the right place of the right toe: Ort
= Povttae Skored Givationd مب
= Pavia Ookeboraive Devisioa Dobie
۰ Cstublisk qvercawe over service kopleweckiivos
۰ Represcus siqaPiccd cuturd وه
صفحه 6:
GOO oreenizes teckuicd vopubiiites too stordarcd way to
00 ی لالب wr be
باس by اه لجع تارب
لت بلمسا و وم او و مایب ای
صفحه 7:
GO10 t& و 0۵05 1:
۰ ۵010 :طسو
—GO6O tevkarlow tProstructure
over bras ho iPorwatva wneparect strokes avd
processes ore Pobowed
© beads to coveted service develbpwed, vperaiva, ond
وواسج جات ها وه ون
* @p Polowiee GOO standards ued pricipies:
—G6O10 wakes services woluble ooo ceo
—Crnbles sysiews oa the wetvork seckiny hose services اور وا thew
waked havi وا chooge or صا موی the veer via oplecrectata oF the
senice (ie., bose courier)
صفحه 8:
صفحه 9:
Qoeress we Ord
= Dore pontio-poist ise
= Conky developerect, tt,
رس 00
= Dew devise tobe اه
تسه مد
مسي مك وب ساس 0 -
DBO صا اه
للها اماد وعدم ج02 -
رح ومست تاجات Domne +
صفحه 10:
Geceveded Q@pprowlk tp SGO1D
۰ COMM Geywed 4:
of Pedercted services ta the DG wit GO10-provided بو و و مات
0 اس ty support daveb oP ماه اوه له و
= 801 موم requireweus, schede, ood Roane وا seven rer DPC
مور tracks prowess را و reviews
resuls tt SOO services tepbyed io ol Bir Route DroPhic Contra ( یو
Radar Ppproack Oncol لس ?9 Ovcters (BRPOOs),
(PROCOOse), be Or Drofie Coated Opstew Orwernn Orueer, ke Oikos
A. Wanker Peckard Order (OWVTO), and DOG Baterprice Oernneect
decters ((DEDOs)
۰ COM Ceyved S:
— Contour proviioa of ypverneare, stentards, od spPivare to ackbicnd DBC:
سا ۹۵ تیوه و موه موس موه ارات
مت روا مه الم (عظ۵) و۳ 4 ۶
صفحه 11:
من لل
0۵ نسم as
sorta Bote (MDDS)
srry One an (ROR)
Gevpvedt Cupubiliies
“Order OO1 |
“Corer apc Deca
yon (CADE) مهف
+e mes (YOO) Obes
Pe en (ANH) Das
ped Doe rye (AD)
Darras Oa Ochre
Oupabilies wil be kopkerneciied car conliple services by
۵ 00
صفحه 12:
GO10 Goede
COW Coywea d
COW Caged
صفحه 13:
GO10 Dieses
Ieteqraed Deuker Gpstew (C1MG) Publication طسو
vperstiond * O1DG GAP
Gpeord Doe Prepare (S00) Purwaed Data Bacher
ساسج * Peroanticd Poros Dannewent (BID) GIP
Derwind Deaker Gysiew (POG) Pubtoatoa
خاكت) 1۳۵۵ ۰ سس
عم Dota امه ۰ مت ملس
PARE cts Publection operctioad * Decker Deseo Guatchint
Ovcter Repkrewrect (DOECR) GP
Pichi Oca Pubhcatirs — Toitd Pit Osta Ser ices operaioad * Bt
Rote Putrcaton Dodercizctira (BROOD) GIP
Y Oveber G00
Y Devewber OUD
00 سول ۷
0 2
hice COIS
0 اون
صفحه 14:
(مس) عمط( 62010
GOB Bucwoed Data Bxckoae ppercicnd * ERBO GIP
Pew IePorwaica Pubteoica pperciocad * DPD CUP
Der امس Dott Dpitbuton operand * GOD لس
Oetrtrics Gyeew (POO) GAP
ight Data Publoatod — West Bucczatca Duta Disttbutica
Gysiew/Pight Data Taz Ouput (WCDOG/PO10) opercticcd *
Reavw Oud Roce (ROR) Publicaica Gervice operatic *
۳ Ota Pubtoatics — Cuterprse Gervices vperaiocd * 0
PIREP Outa Publication pperaicad * BROOD GIP
GO1D Tol Kits + GO1D Core موه
09 رسد
COO مه
Cups 89
she COUP
COIS امه(
صفحه 15:
Her Q@vvvwplisk weds
te GON Seywed © Teckaird Overview ond det Prat دحا
Proqraw Requireweds
* OG ud ITOG GO series bevawe vpercicnd
۰ O10 ceworwrced GOS Gurwaed Ouse Exchange “Init Operates
Orpubiy (100)
* Depbyed Teroknd Dota Optibuica Gpstew (TOO) prowype
و9 O1Ps and cher POO proyuws 2۴ اوه عمجم PerPorwed ۰
مت سوت تس مت مت ات تما
۰ اون GO® sutcbliy weese مومسم )۳ له ن trot we
xptog rough te lott Rescurces Ovued (JRO) سس
* Cpatrued pperatay OowwercdHOPP-TNhe-GheP (COT) spPtivare
vepostory, wiht, oad web sie
صفحه 16:
۳۲49 له @vivites
‘hopewed riterpree GOB wvernne
* م6 طموت C wives
۰ تاو 00606 ۳16۵0 Octs Publocion
۰ ول owas Dawe Garvie (DOG) prope
۰ ول Review Por Oetwork Pave Proved (DTP)
۰ بل Review Por “Weaty oad Key مه )10(
۰ موق سلمون 6 10۵ Prod Iwestrrdt Devbicn (PO)
صفحه 17:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 18:
ملس ۰
٠ GOW Progen Oveniew
* GOO Covercaae und he 6
* Geywedt | Opdate
* Chard Cocpputicry
* bowePern Phos
صفحه 19:
Oket & Govercee?
° ke set oP processes tt species he تسیل +
ed wovucdbiip tht eaccurage desirable betaviors tr
ke prysazaird (Barter, COO)
عا وو ع انه لج ome جسم لج Pog Ea ۰
دصادطعا بواج حمق جد os expevied
vertat evel oP qualy (Bartaer, COO)
4oeeds to be just euvugh to posure suDDRSs,
but aot sv qurk os te becowe idPlexible oad wraliisic
صفحه 20:
Wow des vee @overa?
۰ منت ,روص و وه پمپلصال2) ord
TO ۱ وه people (devisiva
۰ Cstoblshtag weasureweud, policy ood coud
weokwiisws to exible people to carry out their
roles ued nespousibiitics"
Ou Cuterprise Perspevive
“Reto Dabed Process, versen PD. GO سا مه له موه
صفحه 21:
Guterprise @overcene Perspevive
The Good...
‘Led Por GO oad Deb Gervices
uadiiout (Boverocame beads امه و
ioplewentaives und “rogue” services.
صفحه 22:
Goope vE GO10 @overseee
VWs a pat FP COO Covercawe
Oke & POB/WTO/OOG yoverceae?
Q@stcblohtay deviicd woktry righty wepctded
wth ter ۵
Oke t» GO1D #عد هی
Oxewis «۲ OBC werwwe
a te Peoprl oP server io COND Bovercnwe & 3 root لوصحو
Por toprnn over DOG, Br
owe the betes ve oP COW ON ( ad
COO مسج
صفحه 23:
GO10 و0
* 01۵ ۰ او
لس Onrvice Ouwckchate Dpprovd by Peckuird Review Board (MRO)
+ ۵010 تا ماما نجل سوم approved proyrniy
۰ 01۲ روا نمی do
= 010 و Prices A.C
- GOW Gervee LPeorle Docxewed Provesses ALO
* LOO west tey dt
= Deckard Grandirds coordeted wik DOG (Baerpree Drokteckre
۰ POG Pecketcal Orcackards ProPte
۰ (۳4 اه ولج ای(
= COO للم
* POO-OTO-O89 XOL Ouarsparw
* POO-OTO-OOF Deb )سم
+ POO-OPO-OO9 Web Cerrace Deveriains Dixanvnrcty
+ POO-OPO-0OO Orb Orree Pannen
- 0010 و مه( سول ALD
- 0600 ی و
صفحه 24:
‘Techical Infrastructure Services
صفحه 25:
GO10 Govercoue Policies Oultoe
COO موجه روط
] Drokwwoure
سوه ۵00 سم( تون
لیا له سا طسو
٠ 2 80106 0661607110۵ 00۵۵
- موه لو مس
ما سوه
۹ م0 احج
وه ول
مه Devebpwed Process
مه ماه
- مه سم مه
موه مه
ون مه
۵01۵6 ۵00۵ 0۵۵۵۵۵۵۵
- مه م0
= Restore Gent
Gener Ooreneort
(ote: chy Pronr fe سه 2 ی Brohiechre Gyan Orn”
صفحه 26:
GO10 ‘Ikteropercbiliy Grondards
* Ose oP GOW Genice Ooctaer OoPivare (Geuwedt 0(
= NOG Provider Orxndarckzuivs (POCE Oessape Oroker | عنم
Ove DQ)
* Gupported Orssage Porwots und Troosporis
= CODP-wer-Lyper Pent DrexePer Prowl (PDP) LyperDent
DrexePer Proton Oevue (LPPPO)
= eXtewible Dark-wp Lerner (XOL)-over-LPPO/LP DPS
- COOP -werlaa Desenye Serve (JOO)
= XOb-vver-IOG
* GOBP Orssagay OG-1 CoPoreawe
- O10 ‘eteropercblyy ast: Prohle
* Orrery Otackwerts 1 COOP Dessages
— GOP wi Btackwents
= Orson ما م0 مومس )0۱0۵0(
صفحه 27:
GO10 ‘kteropercbiliy Gtandards (cou.)
* (06 Orsexp Type
= DexXDevexne Por XOL vr text
= موس Por brary data
= Obert(Desene — DO, toples uadesircble محري وها
۰ رسپ | Reposiory
- م0 - رفسمه Gervices Desoripion Lacnare (DOL)
— Cateyprizaiva - PRB-STO-O89 and 6۵0010 Paxcwwies
۰ وربوق IeterPace Orsiqn
= Orsi Pokies
موه IoterPace Desorption — Deb Gervice اجه سو حب ذا
* IePorsvdics Geruniy
- GOW Owic Gevurty ProPie
* Ceruice Ouragewed
(100) عملا موه( مرول -
صفحه 28:
ماو 860210)
* ۵010 Copious Deh tatica:
- وا موه تلو(" ۵0۳10 Potoies.”
(GOW Gervee LPeoole Dacagewect
rovesses Vl.)
* OrrPicdion Oerkuisws
= Dern review وه ۳و
- واه رس مهو
۰ 008
+ Devan Pooks (Prtoad, Leu, et...)
COW Orb Genice Genny Oowpkane
Pest Kt (GOW OC-G OPK)
+ Pokey Gervers
۰ ۷0, مج
١ مه تا سم )600(
صفحه 29:
صفحه 30:
GOO Gutabiliy Criteria
* OOG Cxterpree Ow
= Poteutd Por extstry G10 service ty be uized or واه to cert he
— Cotectal Por oker users to beoePit Prow the iPorcatica ام
لوح hazards Por expostry dota trouds O10 (e.x., proprietary
dota, oP wer wress)
٠ Prope Ow (Cost, Gckedue, Tevkurd)
— biPe-Oprle Cost oP GO10 versus viker شوه
بص م۳ زرا زاو ون Oysew =
و توارط -
اج رو و
= Cxtetay architecture! vedere soktiod kepacts
صفحه 31:
Gernice Dsopvercbiliy
© Oscovercbiliy sa hey Pricciple oP Gervice Desicn! ta
* Comer wetadata Prexvework 7 express purpose
und copublites oP the Gervice
— Bbw تعنص یط
— @llow workice-io-warhice queries
° Packs of Genice Dest, Br etd. Precice Wal, 6
صفحه 32:
thet privat dete tshed OO Prow امن روط و( ue the exbieore بط و
نمسای فا preven
ما سبط ۵ اروت
صفحه 33:
Gernice Revysiry/Repvsiory
۰ @ Geruice Reysty مور و و tot provides courvled were 0
dota wevessary Por the koplewestaica ved qovernne oP GOB
* © Qepostow tu debe ون هت وا رون wetcdata rot
و ار GOO reystrpy
- و۳ coded voddaico cod workPow support
— Gores Polves, Provesses, und Oohewes ty support Bovercawe @riviies
رت لسن ماه اس co oe لا رای ore تس ote:
صفحه 34:
Ok u Revyeiry/Reposiory?
Coley on standards ecPorvewedt
او مامت اوه وه
رون تا لو )20 tePrastructure to هن مات حول rewse
صفحه 35:
"مادم وان ۵ص سل or رصن ۳و تلوب امه ٩6 *
۳ حودمم وشوو ووط ۳046009 .۰
* GO10 kes dePiced uddhicod tourwies required Por DOG Gervices
* Ose ond Suppo oP excep ecPorvewed is orticd io the sucess oP oy
reysty مصاداموم هاوه
* Cotectd Taxcanmy Ounddates:
oer sy + Leos Orne
eked eee
-<business Service servooKey="uddlus-govdottaa'swimvrsonvica”
DusinessKoy="udd:us gov-dotfan:orpanization’>
صفحه 36:
عدن ©
1۱ 0 جا ممصت © ها لاصف حصنا بجوم desorber he service pr
www be wed ييه ند he serie
* Gowe exnoper torkde:
= OGOL (Orb Gener Orsorpion Locance)
- 0600 ) Geriee Deserves Danone, لس 1 PHO-GTO-DOS)
= OpsOpe (Orrear پم سم و م0 ety.)
= ARO (‘hierPore Requirrsorte Dieancnnt)
Revysiry Gtoadards
Orsorpios, Osrovery, ont Ideyruics (0001) حول ۰
سم وف مره بط و
ایحا مارح رجات اوقت توا
+ Ckvrvur Owkess XOL (bXOL)
ونم واه له وه تام تال
صفحه 37:
OGRR Order
صفحه 38:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 39:
Cor مهو 6201010 وس ۵ ۶ب ued tke
OGRA, plewe vrutat:
لول لو
لچهرا عون GO1D
phous: (COC) 9979
صفحه 40:
688010 Progra Overview
GOO مه مهم the DGRR
* Gegeedt | Opdate
* Clad Cowputicry
٠ ممص ا“-يجور| Phos
صفحه 41:
Oye اك
082 ) ۰
شور -—GO1D
—GO10 ic OBE Brchitertune
-—ODEOG Aateqraica Tate DOG Crchiterture
Ortivities 9 عون Oupr —
— Precsitiva Phocroiagy — Provisiocicgy —
ارجه )و6 +1
-0 ©
صفحه 42:
9 ۷
Guerpree COP Gervees Dlrctos (DOS GO-F GOIS-G018)
interaction Services:
User Interaction Interface and Portals Notifications and Alerts
CE =——
مج | مه )| 55٩۱|
‘SOA Core Services
Messaging Services nferrice Service Management
Publish’ YL Request ۳ ی
ماه Response ‘nd Metre ده
oa me : =
ou Sa Mevies
on 50 ‘and Reporting
Interface Management
laboration Services
sip conga cron
ture/Other us mate Camm
صفحه 43:
Lbwered, Pwo-Mer Orchitevture:
Cxterprise Ooweid on Gervice Oowuicr
Layered wchtecre weed Por باط سجر oP شوت wor
= Gerver Downs Per: eerloion prowrawe de w pramlbleow ner wah dons
سوه Der! ی وله را اجه سود سره تا
1۱ Douce kyer choir ecierprise dowd erie dooce
و وم مهار ون عم موم عمط Ww EAP SEM RATS WEEN
= Caxbbs oxo, onenkrckard weckous Por oppo prowawe b doar, uM, اوه اجه
مد ره rapkly Keproviy KPorcrcion reel cores ber BS
9:2 سمخ [so 7)
7 | 5 سب “xx peEDe
Bom doen
he dos
صفحه 44:
صفحه 45:
۰ ان لن) م۱8
© Provewaicy - Ow Rawpieg Produvers/Counnvers
* Copcbiites Gukauweweds
صفحه 46:
۳005 6 Gteps
Decision to
ta ما سول cumer
On-ramp content” ۳
ftecture —Ingfastructure famps 1
(Policy) aes
Geruice Proveivatay: Ow-Rawpicg Providers vad
Onwuvers tt DEOG
صفحه 47:
OGOG Oser QOeplbp wet Gratus
SS aw
PEOEX (rock Oper — 0 تسه و۵۵
Overs reports)
MORE CADE (OAL) 0000۵ سس 0 0
OORP — موه ۸۵0۵ OOO Ope مات 9
۲۵6۵ 1۲۱۵6 بسا هه ...سم POO
0000 ۵۵06 معط سس POO
©0108 بط 5009
POO G01 بسا OO
ow ODO & بط POO
صفحه 48:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 49:
or wore Poros oo how pour prog wil toterPace wik DEOG,
Pwr prota:
shoo Robb
GOW Require weds bead
لور iev.obb@Poaxpy
موومه موه (609) سر
QOuwees Ordo
۳۱۱ مه Door
تج 6و وت و
سار )60( 6-۵
صفحه 50:
GO1D Progagw Oveniew
GOO مهو vad the OGRR
[+ Gexpoeat 7 Opdkie
۰ Chad Cowputicry
٠ bow Tern Phos
صفحه 51:
600010 Gexpvect 0
۰ @ederced Opprowh
= Akoplexvectaioa of a set oP Pederated services ta the DBO wi GOWM-
provided qpuernnre, standards, موه ۵ كام اعد developarect of
rawcble GOO services
- GOW praites:
Overdl Progra Oust oad Grbedue
= GOND Gystew Cagneeriny ond Require weds Oonnewect
= OrPitoc oad Dotter of Progra Level Oareewects (PLDs) wits
او POR
— Coverccae oF Greed | porticipacts
- ON oe ا ساس
QOaoaxtoy the develbpwedt od deplored oF olorted GOD requirewects
per ke GOW Pied Progeny Requireweds Ooruvedt oad it word
wits he GOI Progran Grbedie
— Reportey progress اوه موه
صفحه 52:
GO10 Geceved 1 Cupubiliies
من لل
“had a
srry One an (ROR)
Curry ات رنه
rane (O28) Abbess
> cra rated Decker
> yeas (YOO) Abdo
bs ines (PARE) Oo
Oupabiities wll be teopkerected جه couliphe services: over
the cert Pre pray
ped Doe rye (AD)
Darras Oa Ochre
صفحه 53:
علب مع 50009 Grier het made
اس موی ۵01000 مس رقم
Ora Grophiod Omer |
Por eoxennvers tr ber be ad ييه
end hoe سید ۵0۵ سیر
ا ا ا
sheskrd )@(
bth ODD GOB باس سس
shh For vor by he pb deen
OG opercenrd tmam (ur, OB
] (GOE))
CO1 الاك
صفحه 54:
Oruker CO1
bk be renege orl bey raid © سوم ويا
OND shes prevkow w sere te raed cents of he
Pronk che cre! الس
rrorhaen) 010 وا رال
سن دق روز
Behe Dope Dower ((| ar reckon) ایح 6و
مسجت و Gober
stele Dome
Gtx eb: Coho Pop Pore
Gere “ro: leery Beka
Onto Oreo ترا سیگ
sO Corecrnt Omran (Grad Doce)
+O Porecret Orranary (ner Dork)
‘Boke Tore اس Orne
Bronk & Derry Coane
‘Correa Broun: Beko Tm
هپس امن رم سمل
BD سس CO سم
BD veer Trent
صفحه 55:
سات فجت لیم 1۱۵ سم تسس
irkee Operetint Ornter= (BOs) ened her
mrbmerbers, Prockets take ore
spor Urbans Dorey
Onder Ore
روا سول
shen Prone MRDOOW oy
sDerebneat PROD Oey
عم Sm
0 و
280 GOP Coxe
280 GOO bern Roe
سجس Deter Det Dor
Norcent Ohot
مت لیات
‘Ont Prot
0 “kee Preys
MP rane
thet Prone
“ned Det Gone
“ered Do boo ome
Mel Dent MRO
MIND مهس عمط
Deans ADD با
su Dears ROOD
Dat Ghee OS
صفحه 56:
a Rn voniers ft مق ب سيق
reat voor (Pet Report, ef Prty rt
baw nto BROO, shirk ud wernt ae
ODCOR » مار
010000 سوت موم تسس
] tw previ denen ort
Ovaker CO1 (c0u.)
[Pkt Reporte (PARGP)|
BD سس CO سم
CB عمست Oren
صفحه 57:
Pow Ournewed (P&PO) 8 بیع
سم ات میت Pht Ove
BD rte سم الع
صفحه 58:
رمع 00۵1 ۳8۵
BD سس CO سم
CB عمست Oren
صفحه 59:
رمع 00۵1 ۳8۵
صفحه 60:
رمع 00۵1 ۳8۵
Corie ud جا طحو محا DOG ver red
*OCOB-X ormaeny سم مق
Gort (GOB) سم( سای
(POC) سنا مسبت ] 61006
سم الع BD rte
Oren عمست لم
صفحه 61:
[0 bet prank وس BROOD
nde Bene Foreman chores
sever سجرن oP rab اجه را
‘Dhar wd mechs far Pena
+ Chae Coretrstesd Bros (FOO)
+ Orepae Phu Progen (PEP)
+ Groveel روف Pronger (GOP)
+ Groat Geym (BGr)
+ Berne
مد ۰
رمع 00۵1 ۳8۵
صفحه 62:
Gevpvect d Gratus Guvwaryp
۰ COW Ceywed | rows ,ای 9 (ه بط و 9 oP whick oe oa track:
* Dee capcbties oocoplete ced operatic:
+ APOC Ota Publcctiod
* C1OG Oxta Publicaticd
۰ ماه رت له سوام امه عم
٠ 0000600 PIREE Oat Publication
* C10 GOB Butewated Data Cxchocce
* PreOrporture Revie
* Deo capcbties are vo schedule تاه الما مت ای
۰ 65
٠ 2 DEO Cw Data Pubbcation
* Oxe مساو مها اوه
۰ Plt Oats Publication Gervice
صفحه 63:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 64:
Cor wore مق va COND ات رش موم
اما ول
جرا ما1 ۵010
وم مهموو (606) سر
0۳ سرا
ما1 ۵010)
مه لا ی
همم وه (۵06) سار
صفحه 65:
ملس ۰
= GOW Progra Overview
٠ GOO Covercnewe und he D6RR
* Geet 1 صدلاكم()
* Chad Cowputtay
* bop Ter (Places
صفحه 66:
© Overview
° Clad شمه & “a wodel Por eoublay pooveded, oedeword ج اياعم
wees ta shored pool oP coPiqureble cowputey resources... trot vac be
تور رل oad released with wrod sacayewed ePPort or service
ها امه( ما سم of Grardkards cad Perko
۰ Peberd Obud Oowputcy Gruew (Pebruy 8, BOM, Ovek Kurds,
O.G. ObteP ePorwatoa OP iver)
= Oerisica Pramework Por Cloud Digratioa
= O1GT Paotitctes ced leads the developed oP standards Por ره
interopercbtiiy, aad portabiiy
— Cock Ogeuy O10 ts required tp ideuiPy three “oust wove” services ond orecie
موه ۳ ام امسر و pack oP thew to cloud schuizcs ood retire the
wevpttted lequoy sysiews.
— OP the tree, of feast vor of the services ون رات بو too cloud svhutice
wikia (2 soothe oad the reczataiog tive uthia JO ی
صفحه 67:
P@O's Chad Progress
۰ ۳06 066 aad Ore DOG orqazdioe have ond wil coun ty works
vokbordively ca vod adopioa vader te brudership of the Obie مب
0۴۴ )010(
- 6010 امه ما ماو سا و ODE
= Phe POO 101“ | ام و اوح لو جمسخص حصت
snikrare Por POO's coer DOG 1? pPrasiructare, farhrdag chard oe wel
موم ما بو oP Rat:
اما ماه لاو ارت وه با مو كان لعي اما الراك =
سصوت له leaders
همصب ه جه طاصام ماص ره اوه موه severd coud لح -
beter venderstad cloud issuer
= Dre POO ts conceal) estdbkshiay o private clad that wll be used by tre
POO oad cher Pederd paces
صفحه 68:
exible to wove to te coved
تسه رل لعطن
elope ¢ Olbud Gutcbliy Bsserswed trot ull be used to tdeoiPy whick dota te
would mave to the|
cloud first
3 Medium-term,
3 movers,
Building Ready
readiness =
صفحه 69:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 70:
= GOW Progra Overview
٠ GOO اجه مهو he DERR
هلم ) یمین *
۰ Chad Computer
* Lowy Terw Phos
صفحه 71:
boowrTers Plocs: ©
— DetCeraric Prowppes ont Oewoustroivas
— Ober Eaters Ooordicratiza
= Brock Poress to GOW (BOD)
صفحه 72:
DetCruric Prowippes/Dewos Privy
+ GO ove DetOrure Propypes! ews Tevkied اه
Ovvtere (Mz)
— اه PAD ketd Bprt 0
= Revedt Ms held Oovewber 9, COID wed Ow F, COA
= Povticte Det-Cruiric Dew coerdenivalicteration
* Orwos way iterat wih GOI ta te Puture
= Coorctrativa Por “SOW Cowphaace”
= Dex MO schedled Por Oovewber G, GOdd
+ GOW -Derctcced Let oP DetOrurte Prooyper! Dower
را oP ره cod placced proipypes ood dewos of possible tcterest to GOW
- ,وه وول) cwoer, locuiva, hey Peutures, poiiis-oP-cratart (POOs), ord
GO10 retticaship
— Ghered wik doict Ploosiog ood Oevelppeeot OP Five (UPOO) Por use ist
شوه موه موم ول
صفحه 73:
دصنكب الك 0) امه وان
U@OO سونو( Operaices Dorkiay Grou
1۳00 لالب Test 8 امس شه
QOet-Crcric Operuiow Tedusiry Oowsoriiu
OextGeu Iopleweuaiod ond Isieqruiva (1&1) Geywed Olpka
ud Crave Oorktag Groups
۳8۵6/8 Curcpeas Sky Or TroPPic Dernnewedt (PTO)
Reseach lott Oudertchicry (GEG@R UO) GOW
‘ktervpercbliy Ovordicatica
صفحه 74:
OGG Overniew
* Oka COG?
= Croker tron wih 0 comenion ty DDG services eabled by 0
۰ OW bur wot 7
وه له اوه وووو 1 =
— Orerdt wil با مها وی بل سم POO uses to woke WTO
جات (000) وی مت هی ۵ ۰
+ WO Pray dows ol ree partes (PTO, POO, oer he عفسوره جا (اخلصصصف
و موه و م۳
۱ ty he cockpt. BOG delivers coon tiPoreation
صفحه 75:
OGG Overview )(
۰ سین
= CO val rata) Lor existe DOG und توت kProsinctwe (v4. PM,
۵010, مسا Pioht Bare (CPOs)
اسلا Por uses that direrdy للم debvered vis BOOKS ts oot مرو
با tracery oP
= POO kee ae phe ol this سس مرو و توص صا صمح
sperPiodly sport DOO
— COS rf wirephce mntstioy or phrrced POO systews
صفحه 76:
OCG Overview (vot)
* Dutt services via BOG
— Onl) services woiuble though OEOG will be avcilable by
* COGO10 — wikou GO10 there is w COG
— Gootibliiy capabiliy is key
۶ ew data rewents cot be added wore quick, wore ext, od feos
+ Dew O@G chia wil be cade avalble وا مت و grat
pperdions access to the akbicad dota recent provided by GOI
صفحه 77:
صفحه 78:
(ey 062 ۲۳
+ POO طسب و0
5 ل
= Phybt ced Pou روط
— Druker IPoraaica
— Cw.
+ POO Ouerpee ‘kPrwrrwtre (8010, PM)
+ Oxta Daexpwrdt Gerviee (DOG) Provxers (Dor POO)
و provess & desewtcte dota produrts Proc POO ced cud users
— Oreue opphoutccy a ceeded
+ Qua Trewpon Provery
— Proud terresitd cad/or sutelte dota kobe to cad میتی وی اتف نوا ما
— Oras, Ovstaess Ovtatca, Becerd Ouiawa, cod Diag Duration
صفحه 79:
او SWIM / AAtS Physical Architecture — Proxy Configuration امم
ae a) سور
: 0 م
on Ee ل ana
i eee eee J+ bad GEO equatorial —hrmarsah
م et
> SWHi-Syrton Wee ntxmaonsanogement {Ram مده متكي ا Paras PAC} Vat
م مس وچ | ی
2 ane ng soaps
eae بجع سب Satie [> Mona AAS Ungue Date ses مرجم - دج
صفحه 80:
OG Coctiviies
* Oewes — te beg bite 0
= Vo ovate to COUP
= pope sw perPorw sivtaioas, dewoestraies, end tricks
۰) اجان سا اجه ارام مت سای لمن سم
۰ Orchtevture ord tevuird proPle dePraica — vader wy
= (Rocntond arvhievture is beiey developed ia phases
* Orwe = te supp OOS etvutaticcs ced tProstructune developed — pul tr droPt
* OkHere = support BOG capdbtty JOO ta ety COUP — Dark 8
۰ یو( =e support boy tere evchiica — Orpterber 6
= Devkood requireweus develpwed targeted Por kite COE
© ered Prow urchtertune uy tevhutd proPie (PO-S)
صفحه 81:
OGG — POO 6۳۳
۰ Dew OTO Requreweus — OextBeu Gystew Devebpwed
= Cowen of Ose developwedt. @ssvniied dePiaiioa od MeciPimatza oP ie
ways tet BOIS oPPevis the pperaioay of te DOG — tachudes Wace
Ao Dkeboop (VDL) sicoutations oad decay
= Dechoicd Coavept devebpaed. Bssoctted dePrtioa oP the BBS
achierture, techoicd proPle, oad ideutPiraica oF BOG ieopact oa the
0G inPresieunture — tach ides techoiod stavvkatiocer ord tet
شب COC *
اجه ان مس تمرم سا امه - ©®C Operaved Pride =
مات لماع شون
صفحه 82:
OGG Gtovukiow, Test, @ud
Opercitiocrd Tris
۰. 2 0
= COE Conder coeept: valcke
= 006 rehired cowepts vaklaioa, ساسج سحب فد عجو شوج
= Gervicey با با لس مات مس مالس avakbity oP services thet arr structured pier و
من امه مد (80D (red or exokted)
٠ 6
= OBO dxowste ططخ مسح
= Gervieey werd ia deb be deterniaed by avakbily oP services oa GOD (opereaced or
اجه سرا بلط لاد by ODE)
- له بخ
سمه ره سای باه تمطللی لحي هط
٠ 8
= 00۵ عفكا موس مت امین رالموست لا
= Gervices وه لمات سوت با نوا سا بانط الم OOIC dowentc operciiod te
ik he لس ۵00 00۵06 سا تاه مطللی امس
سای مج -
ره سارت اه Robenere ecto und ockkiond =
صفحه 83:
Qvuesiow vad Oowweuts?
صفحه 84:
Cor wore tPorwuiod vt GO10's LowpTerw Pros,
اس یمتا
Dike Wriz
GO1WD Euokaicd & Ovordicaioa Led
phow: (COC) 908-7199
صفحه 85:
وموم 0 ۰ جروب we severd و۷
wow GOI
Dhe GO10.xpv website ©
desorbes the GOI رم
cad provides صيصه
semue weds Por cuneat
ideo ooctaics key
,سمل toad select
,مسا he GOW
Orwsteter cod the GOIM
صفحه 86:
GO10 ois vP Coutact
و0 8 مساسظ که بصعت
Oke eee 0 اداه
مسجو | 00)007-0001@(
موه (ه60)
مصك دحامو
سوت وی اب
Robert ets مج( باه
(08) 007-6770 a
Leck Ohea (E09) ۵90
(eve) 267-2600 Prowew Ovieal
سید ند سیم
©666-666 (609) بحي ده © ناو