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The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression

The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression_tabaye

در نمایش آنلاین پاورپوینت، ممکن است بعضی علائم، اعداد و حتی فونت‌ها به خوبی نمایش داده نشود. این مشکل در فایل اصلی پاورپوینت وجود ندارد.

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اولین کسی باشید که نظری می نویسد “The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression”

The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression

اسلاید 1: www.tabaye.ir

اسلاید 2: The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression Using Homeopathic and Bach Flower remedies

اسلاید 3: The Supplementary Treatment Of Depression Is Useful For Patients who will not take anti-depressantsPatients who develop side effects on anti-depressantsTreatment resistant depression

اسلاید 4: Samuel Hahnemann 1755-1843

اسلاید 5: The “Like Cures Like”Principle (similia similibus curentur)The drug which cures is capable of producing symptoms similar to those which it cures (eg.onions for colds)

اسلاید 6: Materia MedicaSymptoms produced by poisoningsSymptoms produced by provingsSymptoms relieved when remedy given for other symptoms

اسلاید 7: Taking A Homeopathic HistoryPresenting complaint-aetiology,modalitiesPMHDHFHSHGenerals-environment,foodMentals-personality,anxieties,mood

اسلاید 8: Patient Remedy Symptom PicturePhysical characteristicsLocal & general symptomsTemperament Drug PictureToxicologyProvingsExperience

اسلاید 9: RepertorisationRepertories-books or computer programmesList symptoms under body systems and the remedies which produce them Ideally choose prominent symptoms in each area-mind,general and localAetiologyPeculiar symptoms

اسلاید 10: How Are Remedies Prepared ?From- plants,minerals,animals,disease -macerated in alcohol = mother tinctureSerial dilution - 1 part added to 9 or 99 parts of solution = 1X or 1C potencySuccussion in between dilutionsCommon potencies :- 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M

اسلاید 11: Precipitating FactorsAcute grief reaction - IgnatiaSuppressed grief - Natrum Mur.Emotional shock - OpiumWorry,grief,homesickness,disappointed love - Phosphoric AcidResentment - StaphysagriaLoss of property - Aurum

اسلاید 12: Aurum (Gold)Often suicidal thoughts - talks of suicide and desires death,but also fears it.Dreams of death.Ideas of worthlessness,critical of self and othersBroods,wants to be alone.Sensitive to noiseCraves alcohol-can feel better for itOften unable to cry

اسلاید 13: Natrum Sulph.(Glauber’s Salt)Often suicidal thoughts,but fights against themOften early morning wakening, 4-5 amHates coversingPoor memoryPeriodicity,down every spring

اسلاید 14: Arsenicum Album(White Arsenic)Depression and anxiety or agitated depression.Very restless,never placidDespairing,hopeless,irritatedFears + + death,being aloneLack courage,aggressive to othersVery tidyHallucinations of smell and sightExhausted after slight exertion

اسلاید 15: Cimicifuga(Actea Racemosa)Depression & anxiety- “like a black cloud”Often pre-menstrual or puerperalFeeling of impending evilFears- going mad,being killedHallucinations-rats and mice

اسلاید 16: Calc .Carb.(Chalk)Depression with psychomotor retardationSit staring in front,heavy,dull, not restlessBroods over little thingsFears- insanity,illness,dark, “something terrible” will happenSensitive to injustice to othersSilent tearsPoor memory

اسلاید 17: Phosphoric AcidExtreme indifferenceSettled despair - often after grief, worry, homesickness, disappointed loveTATTImpaired memoryOften young peopleUseful in PVFS with depression

اسلاید 18: PhosphorusDisinclined to work,study or converse.Weary of life.Indifference even towards own children.Weeps before menses.Anxious and restless esp.in dark or twilight.Memory poor.Dread of death when alone

اسلاید 19: Ignatia (St.Ignatius`Bean)Acute grief reaction -usually expressed, often remorseful and self-criticalMay be silent and brooding

اسلاید 20: Natrum Muriaticum (Salt)Depression following grief, rejection - prolonged grief reactionIndifferent (usually sympathetic)Anxiety,hypochondriacalPoor appetite,bad dreamsAfraid will go to hell,but may feel suicidalWorse pre-menstrually

اسلاید 21: Staphysagria (Delphinium)Suppressed resentment or guilt (esp. sexual)Difficulty expressing angerAnxious, irritable, hypochondriacalVery sensitive to remarks of othersPrefers to be alone

اسلاید 22: Edward Bach 1886-1936

اسلاید 23: Cherry PlumUncontrollable fears - going mad , suicide“Out of control”

اسلاید 24: Sweet ChestnutIntense severe suffering.Feel trapped. Isolated. Silent tears. Not usually suicidal , but feel ttere is no way out.

اسلاید 25: GentianDepression when the cause is known eg. disappointment in job or love.Disillusion , doubt .

اسلاید 26: GorseHopelessness , despair More profound than Gentian , but not so acute as Sweet Chestnut.Useful in terminal illness , patients in long term care .

اسلاید 27: MustardDepression when cause unknown .Out of the blue “like a black cloud” (cf.Cimic.) Lifts of its own accord Not as hopeless as Gorse. Can be useful for SAD

اسلاید 28: Star Of BethlehemAfter effects of loss , grief .Depression that feels like a loss .Can seem to cope superficially , but no joy ,anhedonia .

اسلاید 29: HoneysuckleUseful for regrets after a bereavement .Keynote - “ Living in the past”

اسلاید 30: ClematisCan be useful in grief .Lack of concentration , thinking of lost person May escape into alcohol or drugs .Keynote - lack of interest in the present .

اسلاید 31: HornbeamMental fatigue and lassitude .Don’t want to get up , can’t be bothered .

اسلاید 32: OliveExhaustion, longstanding overwork, burn-out .Overtired , can’t sleep .More physical than Hornbeam .

اسلاید 33: PineGuilt .Punish themselves Often insidious depression .Unhappy relationships because they feel unworthy . Feel guilty if they relax or go on holiday - workaholics .

اسلاید 34: Willow“ Victim mentality “Not true depression , but may present as such .Resentment ( cf. Staph )Not happy with improvementPut responsibility for their feelings onto others (opp. Pine )

اسلاید 35: ElmOverwhelmed by responsibility .Usually temporary .Normally capable ,take on too much and feel inadequate and depressed .Less physical than Olive

اسلاید 36: Wild RoseApathy and resignation .Chronic illness or situation .Reluctant to change .Flat affect .Sit down heavily

اسلاید 37: ScleranthusUncertainty, changeable .Useful for mood swings , cyclothymic or bipolar illness .“ Bach remedy lithium”

اسلاید 38: Outcomes for Patients with Depression 1996 - 2000 n=24GHHOS0=No improvement1=Minor ``2=Moderate ``3=Major ``4=Cured

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در صورت نیاز با شماره 09353405883 در واتساپ، ایتا و روبیکا تماس بگیرید.

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