فیزیکعلوم پایه

The Work of Waves and Wind

صفحه 1:
Dke Dork oP Owes ocd Dic Obpvives: resedt coustice Peutures oP ervsivu, trassport ord deposiiva (Cxavice the processes oF wied erosion cod ‏امرس‎ ۱۱۱ difPencd types oP duce Orsontbe the wierd deposit LOEGG

صفحه 2:
600020270 ۳۵۵ wove tects —— ۲7۲۲۶ 1 7 ‏"تک‎ ai ss Wwe 1 ASS height punices it woes ‏نطاوم‎ a virmukae

صفحه 3:
دناعم روحاك ۱ 5 Outer bevowes shullpw, wave height wreuses bevouse wwe tea decreuses * Owes bevowe steeper, thea collapse (brevhers)

صفحه 4:

صفحه 5:
جستاعد او ‎Owe‏ Clove to vows, water yets swore shulpw Owes we slowed ‏مب‎ Po wwes onive of oo conte, oe pot is slower thoc the rest Causes wuwwes to bead = wove ‏مشاه‎

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:
© Owes oniviey ot bays ane slows (deposiiva) ٠ Ot headads, Paster (ervsion) Arch Stacks Noteh

صفحه 8:

صفحه 9:
ملسم مو) ۶

صفحه 10:
ll it ‏سب‎

صفحه 11:
۰ Owes wiive ‏اه اجه و له‎ * @uchwuk retures of OO deqrers Gaed is woved diay the beak = loogshore dP or ‏ای جوا‎

صفحه 12:
Coustd depositiva مها ان ‎Result‏ : سا هلت نا Pre the shoretice

صفحه 13:
© Ow wow woes ua bay (boywouk bar) * Oxy tak oc stood to the caret ‏لها‎ ‎(texrbolv)

صفحه 14:
۳000۵0 ۰ Only chooges io sed levels ٠ Vides rise (PLOOO) tv produce u WIGW MOE * Dad Pal (EB) (LOM MOE) * Produced by the yravitatizcral pull hat the Guo cad Oood exert oo the Cunth's suave (iactudiog the prude)

صفحه 15:
Dhis side is pulled towards the Gua 1 0 5 . Dkerefore, there are tivo Kigk tides vo arte of copy DUP ie

صفحه 16:
‎OF kours SO wicutes vay poidt vo the Burts‏ سور ‎CO high (PLOOO) tides‏ وموك جصادصها عاد 2 ‎(BOO) tides‏ سا 9 له ‎“High ‎/ wator ‎ ‎

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
Cweryec ‏اه‎ ‎© OpliPted load surPace ۰ ‏وه له و لها اون‎ presed seu level لافس ی elevated - upliPted uno tenure

صفحه 19:
Gubwerged poust Rise to set bevel Gubweryedt ust ‏مورا‎ ueder water © no cosstive is uo exaple oP subwergeue

صفحه 20:

صفحه 21:
اش جاعدمج رما ‎ve tow‏ حون ۰ لوب عاوي * PPRRIEGR 1GLOVODG - low ridges oP sored built by woes © — bebted the ishoods are lryoous — shullow voter wits tidal deposits © MOL IOLENG - gaps beeen the het

صفحه 22:
Oeta and ‏وه ماو‎ * OCLNO - deposit by ‏رمنصی جصض‎ the seu ۰ Outer slows dows on spreads vu us it reuters ۰ Ckoooel divides ond subdvides ‏ی وا‎ OIGTRIGOTORIES * Ooleow crusts develop ia voloonic deposits © bow ciPPs Pore ta Presk hava

صفحه 23:

صفحه 24:
اس = Pricciag ree - dinevtly tached ty oc isto ar ‏ترس‎ ‎post © @anter ree? - fax betwers coest ond reek ۰ ll reek - cin, reek ‏یب‎ ‏ص ) مسا ه تمه‎ fod ia recite)

صفحه 25:
®EOMIOD (Evtaa) LEOOGCOREG Oied erosion, trocsport ued ‏موس‎ Ovours ia dry reqious, with litle vexgetoiod suck us deserts ued ‏وله اوه‎

صفحه 26:
Oied Erosion * (aster the air Plows, wore ‏مه‎ ‎٠ Crodes wore rapidy P wierd blows voustodly Pow vor direction ۰ 5 ۳/8۵ 06 0/00 0 — PCROEC1IOO und 0۵۵

صفحه 27:
OEPLOMOD WMOLLOOG kolo bebied (DEPLOMOO WOLLOWG) ls leqwes « surPuve oP closely pucked pies (DEGERT PBOEDEDT)

صفحه 28:
)۱(۰۱0() 7۵ 3 Orry Rice wotertat 7۳0۳ be varied ict 279۳2 it the air - But ager ponies wap be woved by O wetods: GORPOCE CRECEP & 20۵۵

صفحه 29:
d.) GORFGCE CREEP = wotertdl is rolted ulooy the surPace - ‏جاو موصن‎ Por CO% oP wierd trarasport

صفحه 30:
©.) GOLPOMOD - Oooonis Por OO% vP wierd ۳ - Cuuse oP shiPitocy sco duces

صفحه 31:
و( لب لب لس ‎GPOO GE®S (ERGC)‏ = vty 0 DE the world's deserts ‏نروب دصو ادوج‎ be vovered in ۳۸۵

صفحه 32:
GOOD 5 UE ridges DF wierd deposited ‏لد‎ duce is 0۶ ات

صفحه 33:
50 اهننونط عنطعه6

صفحه 34:
wind devrip ۳۳ WOOCKGLOPRE GLAPPOCE ae

صفحه 35:
PYPEG OP GOOD ۶ d.) BBRCWVT ODO - wost 12171712171 ype - presveu-shuped Oited drevica

صفحه 36:
&.) PBROBOLIC 008 - presveutshuped but wits the powcuve side oo the wwietduvard side = wud) eloagated - uy develop io ossocidted ‏كلابب‎ dePlaiva kolows اهن ته ‎ied drevtion >» °‏

صفحه 37:
9.) TROOGOGRGE 62 * tow sod ridge of right cocfes to the Wied direction * way Porw berouse oP barge ovoudts pe sud ا(ا| -

صفحه 38:
.) LODECINOO1ID®L OOOEG © low seed ides parcel to the wierd direction * wap Porw berose oF a bevited aout oF sod * abv khoows us sei duces

صفحه 39:
© Cicely textured sedivedt wierd ‏مررطط‎ foery ٠ ‏مسنصاطا-لدز()‎ ‎xfactal debris ‏اس متا‎ ‎ee ۱‏ ی[ 02۰۱0۱۸ ۳ دس ‎Less than 2.4m f (8 ft) thick ‎[Ta ovne sand ‎ ‎

صفحه 40:
ee eae Bac ce Ne TN Ca ca ‏ها‎ حصت راوس ‎Wa‏ Dees em ea ‏ای سر ا‎ Te oa en oa CAR co ec Boe CRMC os NN Aras aR MCA ol en a ee Re ee RP ed pour teuchicrgy.

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