صفحه 1:
Training and Pruning Basics Objectives and Tools

صفحه 2:
HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 3:
What happens if you do not prune? HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 4:
Objectives of training **A, Establish a strong tree framework | B. Facilitate management of tree and crop JC. Harvest sunlight effick Aly 1D. Maintain a? * by renewing fruiting woo HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 5:
A. Establish a Strong Tree Framework i Structural “Upright vertical Wood : trunk 1 f | Well distributed ۹ ig scaffolds 2 ‏با‎ 77 | Wide crotch angles ‏در‎ HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Ni

صفحه 6:
‎le‏ رن رو کر ار و راو مرس و هر ‎Framework ‎ ‎

صفحه 7:
نانيع لم لم ال رس ‎CL UL‏ 1ل نل د لق مايا قه السگه Framework “ Wide branch angles are stronger ۱ angles are weak and increase shading inside canopy HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 8:
۶ ۵۲011 6 Framework: © Qupr vbevive of the Pst ther peas © Dust host the tPRetve oF the ree D Gtewctural support Por Prout crop Ghoul oot be crowded HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 9:
حتاتماك الل مساك كردا ‎Management of the‏ ‎Tree and Crop‏ “Height of primary scaffolds | Distribute scaffolds well ! Tree uniformity | Tree size HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 10:
1. Height of Primary Scaffolds ‘Access to tree base * Irrigation, herbicides, fertilizers | Allow air movement to minimize disease pressure HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 11:
2. Distribute Scaffolds Well ‘Easy entry to tree | Thinning, pruning, harvesting | Good pesticide coverage HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 12:
3. Tree Uniformity | Easier to train employees | Mechanization possible HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 13:
HM 6۸ 7 8 8 66 ‏بر ۱۳۳ هل م6‎ ee ‏سي‎ ae © tite 4. Tree Size | Small trees are easier to work ‎No ladders needed‏ ذأ ‎| Easy to reach all parts of tree ‎| Better spray penetration ‎HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 14:
Facilitate Management of the Tree and Crop “Optimize height of primary scaffolds * Allow space at tree base | Distribute scaffolds well * Do not over crowd scaffolds | Tree uniformity J Limit tree size with summer and winter pruning HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 15:
C. Harvest Sunlight Efficiently < Maximize surface area of orchard covered by canopy » Limit canopy depth

صفحه 16:
1. Maximize surface area of orchard covered by canopy ‘Most rapid in high density plantings HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 17:
Efficiently: 2. ee Oucwpy Oephk % Light Penetration Canopy Depth (feet) Light Intensity Decreases Within the Tree Canopy HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 18:
Efficiently: Photosynthesis Decreases at Lower Light Levels 00 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 % Full Sunlight HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 19:
HAG FA es a api ‏ی دی ای مت ار رل‎ Pe Poor Light Intensity Leads to ! Poor fruit color ! Poor fruit distribution * Less fruit bud development | Poor fruit size | Poor fruit flavor HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 20:
Efficiently: Poor Light Intensity Leads to % Red Color

صفحه 21:
Efficiently: Light Intensity Affects: Fruit Color and Size Open. centre Vase HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 22:
Efficiently: Light Intensity Affects: Fruit Color and Size HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 23:
TEM a HGR PY ee LN Va ip ‏ار دک‎ Efficiently: Light Intensity and Fruit Size % Light Fruit size (grams) Multi—leader Multi—leader Open Centre Open Centre HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit aud Nut Prediction

صفحه 24:
Light Intensity and Fruit Distribution % Light % Fruit Penetration 40 a 45 ۰ Multi—leader Multi—leader Open Centre Open Centre HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 25:
8۰116/61۰ Light Intensity and Fruit Flavor 4 Light % Soluble Solids Multi—leader Open Centre Mutti-leader Open Centre HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 26:
Harvest Sunlight Efficiently | Maximize Orchard Floor Covered with Canopy / Limit canopy depth to 3 feet * Expose all parts of the canopy with at least 50% sunlight HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 27:
Productivity Sustain maximum bearing area for maximal time ®ukxeed Revewul HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 28:
۳( و فا و مه ‘Maintain light distribution in canopy ' Remove unproductive wood [ Maintain good vegetative:fruit: balance

صفحه 29:
Maintain light distribution in canopy “Only sun-exposed areas produce quality fruit | Limit canopy depth to 3' ' Control tree size * Unless control tree size tl fruit moves up every year | | * Lower part of tree will be Figure 11-12, Average ight ditibton, a a pet shaded centage of full sunlight, in standard-sized Delicou: apple trees Shaded interior produces inferior fruit 0 peor color. [After Looney 1968.) HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 30:
‎my ۰‏ 8 در رعذ 04 8 ر؟ 2 هل کر 8 0/6 8 8 8 6 8 ۳ + ‎Remove Unproductive‏ ‎Wood‏ ‎Fruiting wood which hangs down ‎| Fruiting wood which is shaded ‎| Water sprouts and root suckers ‎| Diseased or damaged wood ‎| Weak or thin wood ‎HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 31:
Maintain Productivity: Remove Unproductive Wood * Remove weak or thin wood HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 32:
ex. Maintain Productivity: Remove Unproductive Wood ° Remove weak or thin wood HORT 319-1

صفحه 33:
Maintain Productivity: Maintain good vegetative:fruit balance ° Thin out excessively vigorous vegetative growth during summer ° Allows light into center of tree HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 34:
Maintain good vegetative:fruit balance Remove excessive fruiting wood ! In peaches - remove 40-60% of new fruiting wood each year

صفحه 35:
‎ee Tee Poe a eases‏ تن ی ‎How should you train your trees? ‎* Many approaches work ‎| Open center is most common for peaches ‎! Central leader is most common for pome fruit ‎fl 1 21 aba ~ ‏کت وج‎ ‎ ‎HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 36:
422) 6۸ ‏ار ات‎ How should you train your trees? Keep in mind the four objectives ** Establish a strong tree framework | Facilitate management of tree and crop | Harvest sunli efficiently ! Maintain ge. ee by balanced renewal HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 37:
What Tools Are Used in Tree Training?

صفحه 38:
ee ‏ی ی ی‎ eee eee ‏ال حيس ار‎ ees Training “Manipulation of apical dominance »Controlled by the plant hormone auxin * Produced by actively growing shoots »Moves down the branch with gravity HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 39:
Effects of auxin v Inhibits lateral ‘Apex or terminal bd bud break | v Inhibits lateral shoot growth ee v Affects branch ‏ات تا‎ angle Hormone moves downward, suppressing lateral buds HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 40:
Remove the Source of Auxin “Heading Cut ‎Remove part of‏ ب ‎the branch‏ ‎¥ Stimulate bud break near cut ‎¥ Stimulate localized branching ‎ ‎HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 41:
1190101130 = Heading Cuts *Tnitially it opens up the canopy U Since heading cuts ‎Stimulate lateral‏ ذا ‎bud break‏ ‎! Vigorous vegetative growth creates a dense canopy ‎ ‎HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 42:
7 Remove the Source of Auxin “Thinning cut ¥ Remove branch at point of origin ¥ Least invigorating cut ¥ Promote light pone Hn into ١ ‏جد‎ ‎00 S| THINNING v Maintenance pruning 3 تمس مسج مه ات ‎HORT 319 - Temperate‏

صفحه 43:
Bend Branch Towards Horizontal ‘Decreases amount of auxin 1 “| from tip ج ‎radios PS‏ ملحب جرد 60 Increase lateral branching Decrease terminal growth HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 44:
pena 1۸۲0116/۸ 5 Horizontal ! Decreases amount of auxin 1 | from tip oud beloiy the Increase lateral branching Buds at highest point brea! Decrease terminal growth HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 45:
Timing of pruning | Dormant pruning * Most common approach | Summer pruning * Works well in combination with dormant pruning * Open up the tree to allow light into center HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 46:
Pruning Response Varies with Tree | Different varieties/crops grow differently * Spur types in apples | Vigor level of the tree * Age of the tree * Rootstock * Fertility/irrigation/soil constraints | Small fruited vs. large fruited crops HORT 319 - Temperate Fruit and Nut Production

صفحه 47:
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