صفحه 1:
In the name of
Subject : VPS’s features
صفحه 2:
What is
VPS ??
صفحه 3:
Always available
Make PCs/clients connect to gather
Save information
Arrengement information
Share data between clients
Allow or disallow clients to get access
or not
Data base makes from many servers
And etc. features
صفحه 4:
Si: 1-Internal networks servers
-—— (without internets connections)
2-World wide webs networks
(include Internet connections)
صفحه 5:
SERVERS / with internet connections
Easy connections
Easy search
More information process
Easy access
Good connection for far
Make developed anything such
as companies , government ,
Can keep many information from
every where
صفحه 6:
SERVERS / with internet
Disadvantagonnections :
6 general servers are so good for clients and everybody in hole world but it can be
risky sometimes when there are simple servers and have these features like these :
Many devices should be connect like هر
cables and cases
i More price and expensiveness
i Low space as memory and hard discs
mm They can be hacked but not as easy as
you are thinking.
Take a lot of space physically ها
i Hard to protect them physically
difficult to move them from
somewhere to somewhere else
Hard inspection هر
صفحه 7:
Web hosting:
O web kovtey service ts 0 ype oF Toteroet hostog service that ای ده ناه
rep to woke their website جه tte ura the Dord Dide Deb. te the sicople uray , this:
te that thiog pou ceed to Por stort pour web site ood display too the وا
صفحه 8:
Types of web Sa sf scrvanvou'vs avi
with other people
i ۰
hosting : -———— Sharing or Good for simple
shared web websites
Provide security by
organization you've get
5 Can not handle a lot of
13 5و1 مجع 94 51665 ,
organization ,
i companies ,
Hosti كك governmental offices
Private servers mi strona CEU and RAM
= (More space and fast
(dedicated) processing (
@ Virtual IP addresses
@ Complete access to
server management
™@ Expensiveness then
جتحا Virtual private servéparing webs and
صفحه 9:
Introducing with
A type of hosting services, that makes main server be came like certain
private server that can be have their own Operating System and they
can act like a separate server.
صفحه 10:
It can be a good occasion and alternative than “Shared server” and
“Dedicated server” with low price and high ability with objectives that
can not possible with shared server and it will be expensive in
dedicated servers.
In VPS with “Virtualization technology software ” can classification part
by part of server and have their OS , run and reboot it.
You can buy a good type of VPS that matching with your needed
things , by good companies activated to provide these context.
و جهن
صفحه 11:
F@atures of VPSes:
More Bandwidth
Fast in update setting
Private Email address domai 5
Root My
High security
More control and manageme
Virtualization and more نیت
Good for high traffic websites"
Providence and improve performance
صفحه 12:
In general “VPSes” are good for average of people
and company’s for it’s benefits and features for hole
صفحه 13:
References :
1- httr
1 1 1
5- ht www.youtube.com/watch?v=trxnAi0A_CO /
go daddy hangout
6- ps
7- hte ww.
8- http://www.dotech.ir