صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Okt we Oustes? wel Oowerutios OePratica oF Owes “Substaaces or objets whick ane deposed of or are tatroned to be disposed of or are required ty be deposed of by the provisiocey oF the kaw” Osposd weoos “cay operaiva Wwhick way lead ip resource recovery, revyokns, ‏,ورام‎ direct rmuse or cheraaive user (Bacex TO of the ‏و‎

صفحه 3:
CQtads vP Oustes Gold Wastes: doweste, coowercid und ‏تلو ...وت ره‎ pow ws Do=dsposd oP wustes بو مر ووومو متسود هار رس مج لوا ما ورن توطوه(1) لفچبرا xcopy: di este washing, chewirds, vis, warts wraier Pre prods, can Packartay ‏سا‎ ond other sources

صفحه 4:
‎their‏ 0ا بجل یه حصیت(1) جن ملاسان ‎ropertes‏ ‎pont be degraded (paper, word, Prats cred others) ‎Oowbiodeyruduble

صفحه 5:
0| ‏ره حصیه() ۲ه اوه‎ 7 ther GPPRevts vo Wecvod Weds ocd the Goviroovedt ‎wustes‏ عط دوسا ‎or‏ تشه له ,ممم جف ذا ‎ede‏ م6 خم بصصحن ‎shipped, traweporied ty or broudht Prow the‏ و با سور ‎igi Por cheoptay pr deposed ta, or to trowel through, way port oP the territory‏ ‎OF te Phiippices:‏ ‎QOow-kuzedous ‎herd, opined), or‏ یحو ‎we‏ وا ‎ote‏ ول ‎eoowwirdy tot ore shipped, trawsporied to or brought Prow te vouiry oP‏ ‎right Por duxoptay or deposed ta, or to trot hough, copy port of the territory‏ ‎OF the Philipps‏

صفحه 6:

صفحه 7:
Gouwves oP Owtes

صفحه 8:
‎Owe Gurey Prd Report Pubtehed by WO WO)"‏ ل29) ‎ ‏سرا مسج سوه سراسمی ‎٩‏ 5996 سول ‎torres |eor‏ © 100 مس امه 0 9.0 ما( رای 0 408 سا سرام 0 190 او امس ‎٩‏ ?80 سس ‎txcesiyear‏ 928,000 دك ‎Obie 8 © tnesiyeur‏ امس 0 45 ‎Chippices‏ ‎ ‎ ‎*Prow primary wad ‏بوهاها ول وود‎ seers ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 9:
Ovwte Geveruive to the Phipps ‘a Det Ouula: tis esticccted that OS ‏منت‎ ow? oP acid cord ‏ورب لها لاله‎ is disposed oP ‏رراسجمی‎ Brow the ‏۰ص ام‎ Okvvst C000 w® of seeds od CC ,OOO tows oP hey wetds, Pectious wustes, biclyicd stiudges, lubriccats ord iairaptuble wreostes ure disposed of va food or into Wwoter bourses. OOO towes oP sold wastes ore yeuercied daly. OF these, pxty obout SP OO tocces ore collected aed trocnsported to

صفحه 10:
Ovwste Geveruiva ict Wir Provinwe ‎oP tows oP dowestic wostes are yeurrded daly‏ لمیر جم ساوج ‎by households codibuioy to he eworwos‏ ‎problews the world ts Pastor.”‏ ‎*Chn, PC (1999) Ooste worrgewent to the ovustd areas of the PCEBO revira. BOLORD Proceedings Ov. 9D ‎0

صفحه 11:
GPPECTG OP OOBGTE 1 COT DMDGOOECED O1GELY ۰ @PPRevts our kelly * @PPRevts our sovie-erowwir voices * OPRevts pur coast an wort ‏موه‎ ‎۰ PPRevts ‏اه یی‎ ad

صفحه 12:
0 0 ۳۳0/۲8 :1 9 بلس ‎a Cat's covers wo resi oP heros wities, mastoy yobd‏ ولمم و عه رای ‎wren su Pace or teoperdure ond subsuPace popu ewopercure i rise.‏ ‎QRetay dobd tewopercurey ore exported to rope ora levels ond choage previptiion oad phe bod ‏یه جوا‎ ‎his oak deo ‏لجه ,طت لها دموا موق‎ way (per oP ‏جیوه‎ ‎god Peoturey oP soce oP our crite porter witht‏ سلاو مها ‎coh expand tty‏ سول ‎be perwouly dered.‏ ‎ae

صفحه 13:
GPEPECTG OP OOGTE... @vvordry to DOG: + Cpwe canirtes we expel” b bevowe warwer, dhoudk olPotes wight keel waren i + Opedits we unbl t eteroke whik pare oP tose oonires wil bevowe weter or der, but there ty bhely be oo overd) ‏لو لسوت تج‎ previptiioa vad evaporation, wore hiewe rowwiorws, ud deer subs. + Obeter raPdl terewes or derrewer pont be rekby proevied Por speoPs wew.

صفحه 14:
GPPevts oP weuste.... Qontes ta have dered he ‏اروت سا ان بووین یمان‎ -Bukky oP O11 s preowt) varbos dente (O04) wetae (OL), ond ‏عفن سس‎ (®.0). 00g & rebwed to he choephere by the burctay oP Possd Pek, word vad word prod, ood sold waste. -O1b, & ewtted Prow he deowpostion oP ori ureter ta kenPily, fer rasta oP ‏سا لب ,سس‎ prodketon wad troxeport oP vod, turd ‏بات له رصعي‎ OO,» eee durtay agtzuhurd wad teckettd aitey, we well we darter powb vets oP wold waste cad Poet Punk. Ia JOP ?, ther OO eeotted chou vce PPK oP tod ‏تحاط‎ ‎Os. ارم ‎DG BPD, Ofer‏ ,50000 :سک لت سیب )مایب ‎DE‏ د بعس 1 ‎ae‏ 66600 660 00۵ موسر

صفحه 15:
1,۶۲ 61۸۵۵۸0 GE DOOG * Rede Owe - Reduce oPPce paper waste by koplewedtay a Parad poboy to duplex ol int reports ued by cwohieg trasiegy woouds oad persvocel Porwdica wuktble ‏رس واه‎ = Wop produ destqa ty wr bees wort. > Redestqs pockayiag to ekoite excess wort whi ‏ره رو‎ - Dork wik nstowers to desiqa ond toplewed ‏اه موم و‎ prow. - Guwtck to rewuble tronsport pookivers. + Pucker products to buk.

صفحه 16:
OWOT GLOOLO #۶ ۶ Qewe > Rewe vomented woviey boxes teerady. = Reve oP Puratre vad supplies, suck us toleroPPive ewelopes, Pie Poklers, und paper. - Ose durubl towel, tublevlbbs, ‏,موه‎ dishes, cup, uct guseer. > Ose revo pockayey woertis Por ‏اه روف‎ > Cwounne eupbpers brewer oPPre wotertds ruber thas pucker cw Des.

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
OLOT GLOOLO ®EC DOOG Gupbyer Cducuioa + Qevebop ‏من‎ “oP Pee ‏"رومام رو‎ packet. + Geed cut revpotey rewtaders to dl pwplpees tachidey poirot wicks. - Tran ewpbyers vo ‏موه‎ pravices pripr ۵ ‏و ماه‎ proyuws. > Opeduet ‏را توت وت‎ provers 3s vew tevhobyes ar tired wed ew ewpbyers iota he kethuicd. 06

صفحه 19:
OWOT GLOOLO #۶ ۶ Cropper Education - educoivd powpoge co Wweste woonge wed frat tachides ud extewsive tera web site, quarterly vewsletiers, daly ‏فصن‎ Prowoivod siqes ued kelpPul rePereue hibels wikia the cooper شلاح مه و

صفحه 20:
OWOT GLOOLO #۶ ۶ Crevectcrs Dost + package wuste redurioes urd choager to fhe wonPacturtay process - ‏ی‎ biodegradable wutertas هه

صفحه 21:
٩۸9۲ 861۱/۵60۱, 6۶ 6۶ Conduct ‏یسم موش‎ wdopiag ‏واه وه‎ owed wuste wore eo systew whirl tachides?

صفحه 22:
Qesideds ar ‏ون‎ tio scout woups to carry put the ‏سا‎ اس سم و و ۱ vowstinwios oP storage bie where revpohbe und rewuble wuterids wr viored by euch kowehokd vowtruwiod OF piece vedere where revyohible oad reusuble wutertds volevied by the vireet sweepers we stored priv ty pela to jak deders wotteurare oP deuikess to yards ond sirens weeding oP ther reppevive oro ‎tp jor‏ هه یسور ‎ ‎8

صفحه 23:
GOOTRODODEOTOL OBOCEEVDEDT GYGTEOG: ECOG Oket & wa COG? @c BOG to Porwd set oF poles oad procedwres tho ‏مسج سج بي برحب وكيك‎ ul evdhade, cxnnnp, ‏,لصوي مسجو وريد جو لسع جحي‎ W Polows the busts weet: @laa > Ov > Okevk > 2 باس ددهت لجه بددخاطط برجا وحددم وثابوم ‎This Paces vosteP Revive paronoedd‏ ها اعوج با لول ماه وه | عبات امن حور | مهم بط

صفحه 24:
6006 Orvebppwrut ۰ @ Coby Grtewedt thot powunicdes wo pryasizuion' Buwirouvedd prices to ‏ورام‎ ° Oxeenerid eudorsewedt oP the policy ste west ‏جما دعصم وجل‎ prxnrizdiod’s cowie to te ePPort ced wiloqouess to doco resources Por koplewectaicd. ۰ Owe vu pulpy stitewed ts to place, the oryenizuiv kopleweuts tt Pollowitery the wodel. or

صفحه 25:
6 ‏جع‎ ia the eoplewentatio ‏خام‎ ECOG loc ‎dl rovircavedd uspers: wy euircaredtd or heals cod cP ey‏ ری ‎services. Nhe orqautzaica tea‏ متشه ‎resultey Prow‏ هم ‎orterta!‏ و رو و وا بت ورس ‎pudhktes wack‏ ‎ederotoadiay oP poorer wtroneedd ood hed ePPevts popes ‏هط‎ ‏لا( ‎Per estubishtay 0 pooper bt oP stqaProd wpers, he orysatzuiva see uvironorod youk vod develops u pho to ohteve those yuk.

صفحه 26:
Ov Dhe ‘do-phose’ oP he wodel wolves toplewedivd of the ewrcawedd phi trough ewpbyer trotitay cod petcblehwed oP pperdica poco. Okevk uchxtes prowess toward weetay progrny «ds throuds poyptay wruioriry ‏سوت له‎ oad periods BOG arte. ®t fRenbee thio correrive weta fp vehi od koprove fe euro pha. or people, Poa ‏اجه و مه مور تحت ول متا‎ ‏ساموت نت مره اوه اوه سوه‎ ton fer priory bet. e.

صفحه 27:
Ohv Ghoud oo Orxprotzatioa Pdopt or COG? 4. Ikoprove eowiroavedd perPorwowe Atkelbs wut, cer and witer cowerictios, respuce ‏اه ماه‎ ‏فلوم‎ prevediou. ساره روج ‎eter‏ .9 امس بو موه موه ۰ نات سوه رولب موه ‎thot ppeud toe wad resources wih requiiory virkiiow.‏ 9. OerntPicdion ved revoyatiod 0 tepkweddion vas edkore wa oryentzaiod's kage wad koprove pubks ‏امامت مقس صو‎

صفحه 28:
€QOG Certficaica * CPO ewounnps oreenizuives to we revoysized BOG Preaeworks to toprove vowploae, ‏رتور مش‎ vher weasues of ruvrvavedd perPorwue,. ° Depart veriPicdios coo dso ahd credibly to wo orqacizuiod’s 605.

صفحه 29:
Geverd oryenizdices whick oPPer vertPicaiod prowess: O@wertcad Okewisiry Ovucell @werteas Porest ved Puper Ossvctica ‘I htercatocd Okawber oP Oowwerce Coution Por ‏بمج جمدو هه ة)‎ Respowible Coowwies Ietercaticod Orqasizaivd Por Gtoadardizuica (GO) developed the wost widely revoysized COG startard

صفحه 30:
‎wa GPRevive COG‏ ۲و حطمم۳۷ ‏5 0 0 8 0 © دم 2 | ‎a‏ ‎f‏ ‎9۵

صفحه 31:
Dat eads wy presectaiod. 41 kope this tecture ubout COO-EMWLICG wil wuhe pou ‏نالك‎ DP whut is ‏جوم‎ to Dur ۳/۷ Oow (urge pou to {pict Cov-Ctics ‏مهب‎ Ouiva to kelp build ot better Kouse Por ‏امه‎ إبجندصا ‎pou Por‏ و71۱۳

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