صفحه 1:
۲۱ 2 سار ۱۱۱۲۱۰ جه وا ‎COMMONPEGPLENUSIC.COM‏ ‏وميم menéame TIDIG. co ‏امتهم‎ 935 am تا CommonTimes rd 5 : 12 blinklist... ese" gabbecom ‏كك‎ wink? ake shadows" = ecadémy ‎bibitog.com.‏ .مه ‎ ‎Blogniscient ‎ ‎xanga ‎ ‎%squipoo:

صفحه 2:
‎Prey‏ اب با يد رس ‎ene‏ ال لاسر ‎Focus on Simplicity ‏ره وج ‎0 ‎0 LOL ‎Reise cri rt a ‏دسا‎ Bem mente ‏"هورق‎ 2۱02100 ۳۳۳ 0۷ ‎۱1۳ aia ‎Audio Convergence OAT a5 ۳ ‏ره ا م‎ ‎nner‏ سس الا لت س0 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏مهم وی سيد ليك ين 626225181170 لايور 2321/6 ‎Web Standards‏ ‎cy‏ 0/001 ‎<< ene

صفحه 3:
Web 1.0 was Commerce

صفحه 4:
Introduction 08 2 ed “pepe ata ms ‎Rc SERA‏ اا لت ل ‏تس ی ‎FALE‏ ۳ دم ‎PEE‏

صفحه 5:
Principles of Web 2.0

صفحه 6:
No Products but Services “There are no products, only solutions” کر ۱۹0 ٠ ‏ریت رز ىم‎ approach ‏ات۱‎

صفحه 7:
Customization عناوتصن ذأ اهنال ألما لإرعفيع ‎٠»‏ 0 -* Allow him to choose instead of forcing him ‏20م عناقط ناملا غهطننا عدن م‎ عمط ی ‎2D‏ 0 ‏ا‎ Tea ea ‏ات ل‎ ‎er LL)‏ رم1 رعنتعط وا عولد 1|5) .و.©

صفحه 8:
Customization * Every individual is unique * Allow him to choose instead of forcing him to use what you have made * Some people want to be different * Make him feel home eg. ٠ My yahoo, Google Homepage, myspace, my naukri?? * Firefox extensions e.g (This slide is better for taking printouts).

صفحه 9:
Focus on the “Long Tail” 1۱ creeks * To the edges and not just to the centre, to the long tail and not the just the head * Leverage customer-self service eg. Google, StumbleUpon, orkut

صفحه 10:
Harnessing Collective Mellie) ales ee The Wisdom of crowds - Users add value ro ‏ا‎ aon - oe 1 eae = falters tagging im ی

صفحه 11:
۲۱۵۲۱۱655119 ۷ ۱ Some systems,designed to encourage participation - Pay for people to do it - ‘gimme five’ Soa volunteers to perform the same Se cS Re enc ge Rio Sa MIU LOT Uni ‏ا ا‎

صفحه 12:
Harnessing Collective Intelligence 0 ‏اأننا 5زع5نا 01 اهم ی‎ Eau Melee ‏ی‎ ‎EER earn oneal es epee Mee ne value as side 07 001531 use of the applicatior * It requires radical experiment in trust “with enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow”

صفحه 13:
‘Specialized Database * Every significant application to date has been backed by a specialized database - E.g. Amazon, Google, Ebay * Database management is the core competency of Web 2.0 companies * “infoware” rather than merely “software”

صفحه 14:
۱۸/۲۱۵ ۵۷۷۱5 1۱6 ۵۵ ay over data es oe) ‏کارت‎ ۱ data e.g. a ares 99acre, yahoo

صفحه 15:
End of the Software Release ‏كاك‎ ‎* “Release Early and Release Often” * “Perpetual BETA” * Daily operations must become a core Set eR Res RON aot ao} it is maintained on a daily basis

صفحه 16:
‎le NotI‏ 1 لك ا ات ‎kL‏ ل تن لوك ف هألاقطعط معدن 6ه ومأءمغ أمممم عصاة ادعم ‎٠‏ ‎Microsoft - upgrades every 2-3 yr‏ - و ل الف ا ‏يي ‎eee opt them take

صفحه 17:
عاوصأ5 3 5ه اعناعا 0 علاوداة ع10//3ه5. ‎Seve:‏ e PC is no longer the ba access device 0 internet applications * Applications that are limited to a single ‏عنة غهط عدوط مهم عاطهن اهنا ددعا عرج ع ابعل‎ connected. * Design your lication from the get-go to ‏سم‎ ee ee a PCs, and internet servers.

صفحه 18:
Benefits of Web 2.0 Pree en tctaie a PM ‏ات ی‎ Sree usability-focused interfaces (the ‘cool’ factor) تا Organisations adopting Web 2 0 16 0 nical candidates. sophisticated, high-caliber te , but ‏عط‎ same ting (non-Web 2.0)

صفحه 19:
0 Benefits of Web 2 كك ‎The open, ey Web 2.0 environment encourages‏ ‎and (6۰‏ 7 و سکیا یات ‎user contribution,‏ Marketing/PR. ing 201306896 ٠ of the aforementioned aay marketing and PR teams can implement low-cost, wide- 0۷۲۵96 ۷۲۵۱ 0 ‎egy (SEO)‏ لت ‎pees‏ معروء5 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ae enhance search aren ‏ل ات‎ i 1 istributed natu

صفحه 20:
Summing Up * No products but solutions: * Customization ability * Focus on long tail * Users add value * Specialized Database * Perpetual Beta ٠ ‏عاوماد أه اعنعا عط عنامطج عمو ريزوك‎ device

صفحه 21:
تمهت ماه و Seoul, South Korza Bangalore, Inds Chena, nia Francisco, Pleasanton, CA stn, T%, USA Kong, Hora ouver, Canada Top cies (ural) San Francisco, Ploaant Hong Kong, Hong New York, KY, USA

صفحه 22:
What Next ??

صفحه 23:
* This term that has been coined to describe the Semantic Web * It promises J “organize the world’s information” 9 5 reason about information and make new conclusions

صفحه 24:
Thank you !

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