صفحه 1:
۷ سا Therearemany activitiesin Well Engineering that involve Working at Height ! Anunprotected Fall froma height asCow as 7.5 meters can be FATAL

صفحه 2:
Weil ‏محل‎ Use the 2 TOOLBOX TALK ١ ‎A supervisor stood on a truck‏ تت ‎Encoarage Questions while it was being loaded, a spool‏ ‎rolled towards him, he stepped‏ ‎backward and fell to the ground 2‏ ‎Two Way Dicussion

صفحه 3:
ea Working at height ! Think before you act: * What could happen if I slip ? ‏ا‎ ‎* How could | do this job safely He tripped and fe! backwards, striking his head on the ground Gi ig arod intoa basket - walki _backwards !

صفحه 4:
a لكر Working at height ! Working at height, with a ۱ harness, but not using it ! ۳ | killed Use ‏اه‎ w roortox TALK i this is what they are for !

صفحه 5:
| Why does he need to limb on this container ? What should he Did he save any | time ? eee eee free a snagged lifting slin slipped, fell and broke his wrist! Why didn’t someone say Think not about how yourcan do the job, Think how you can do the job CAEEILW

صفحه 6:
fell and struck his head How to make an incident: 1. Take four separate ingredients - unsecured ladder, smooth surface, poorly maintained equipment & one person ! 2. Bring ingredients together at well site and mix well ! Improper use + poorly maintained equipment = 6 Iniuryv

صفحه 7:
ea Working at height ! ArethereIngredients for anincident at your Cocation ? ° AreHarnessesin badcondition ? * Arethereany highworkareasthatare“Unrailed’? “Isthereunnecessary use of 7 *Do YOu check fall arresters before youuse them? Discuss the falling fromheight Incidents presentedhere andthose that have happenedat your location.

صفحه 8:
as = Workingat height ! re] ‏دی ی‎ Discuss: What You can dotomake your workplace a safer place. Some Suggestions: Inspect YOURfal( protection equipment TODAY andif required, repair or replacethem. Make sure ALL fall arresterson your siteareincludedin your Inspection Programmes. ۶ DO NOTworkat height without fall protection. * Don't Cook the other way STOP alCunsafework. Neverusealadderuntlessit isfixedor held,

صفحه 9:
ea Working at height ! 3 Theincidentspresentedareonlyafew of theincidents that have occurredin Well Engineering -therearemanymore ! Remember if youfall fromanheight of 7.5m ‘youcowldbe Seriously Injured or Killed .

صفحه 10:
3 ‘Wer Working at height ! If youthink the workisunsafe STOP

صفحه 11:
11 ‎Thefall won't hurt,‏ زاس ‎but the sudden stopwill !‏ ‎ ‎Y Lookafter yourself Vv Look after the people around you

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