علوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبانسایرتحقیق و پژوهش

آشنایی با نحوه نگارش و ارسال مقالات برای نشریات معتبر به زبان انگلیسی

صفحه 1:
6 6 oe 9 آشنایی با نحوه نکارش و ارسال مقالات برای نشریات معتبر به زبان انگلیسی شعله ارسطوپور عضو هیات علمی م رکز منطقهای اطلاع رسانی علوم و فناوری ‎arastoopoor@ricest acir‏

صفحه 2:
مقاله نویسی: اصول اولیه شروع به کار * انگیزه های نوشتن * لزوم توجه به تفاوت رشته های مختلف

صفحه 3:
نوع شناسی مقالات علمی ( مقاله های مروری) مرور 16-361۷ به معنی با ز-نگری» باز-واکاوی و یا باز-آزمایی است اين تعريف كليه انواع مرور را در بر مى كيرد ‎(Critical Review) cs! 55 °‏ نویسنده مقاله جستجوی وسیع و عمیقی انجام داده/ صرفا به توصیف مقالات نپرداخته بلکه آنها را نق آن ارائه مدل و یا فرضیه ای مشخص است. (Literature Review) o¢+ 55» ° نویسنده مقاله جستجوی وسیعی انجام داده/به دلیل وسعت متون مورد توجه کمتر می تواند بهتعمیم دهی بپردازد/ هدف آن آشناسازی خواننده با متون جاری و فعلی در رشته ای خاص است.

صفحه 4:
نوع شناسی مقالات علمی ( مقاله های مروری) * مرور انطباقی/ تطبیق ساختاریافته نویسنده به مرور گسترده و عمیق متون می پردازد/ هدف انطباق پژوهشها و مطالعات انجام شده برای کشف زمینه هایی است که نبازمند کاز پیشتر هستند, * فراتحليل (1/16]2-2723137515) به صورت آماری نتایج سایر پژوهش های با ماهیت کمی را گرد آوری کرده دقیق تر و در عین حال تعمیم پذیرتری را ارائه نماید. (Mixed Methods Review) ‏مرور آميخته‎ * مطالعاتی که از چندین روش برای گرد آوری اطلاعات استفاده مى کنند ولی یکی از روشهای آنها مطالعه مروری نیز هست/ معمولا شامل مرور سیستماتیک و کمی اثربخشی یک کار و بررسی کیفی نظرات در خصوص کارایی همان کار.

صفحه 5:
نوع شناسی مقالات علمی ( مقاله های مروری) ‎(Overview) aS JS sls. *‏ مرور کلنگرانه یک نام عمومی برای هریک از گونه های مختلف خلاصه سازی متون است که مى تواند سطوح مختلفی از ساختاریافتگی را در خود داشته باشد/ نتیجه آن می تواند ارائه دید گاهی کلی نسبت به حوزه مورد بررسی باشد ‏* مرور ساختاريافته كيفى ‎(Qualitative Systematic Review)‏ روشی برای گردهم آوری و تحلیل یافته های پژوهش های کیفی/ که می تواند به ارائه يكك نظريه جديد بيانجامد / ماهيت تجمعی نداشته و بیشتر بر بسط و فهم بهتر یک پدیده مشخص تاکید دارد. ‎Rapid Review) «55. * ‏برای مدیران محدودیت زمانی هميشه مشکل ساز بوده است/ ویژگی که با روح مرور و نگارش مقالات مروری در تضاد است / صرفا برای دانستن آنچه دانسته شده به کار می رود. ‎ ‎

صفحه 6:
نوع شناسی مقالات علمی ( مقاله های مروری) (Scoping Review) «£54 * این نوع از مرور به ارائه شمایی اولیه از زمینه مورد بررسی می پردازد/ زمینه هایی همچون تعداد مطالعات؛ زمینه و ی » و وجود يا عدم وجود متون قابل بررسی/ اين كار با هدف شناسایی ماهیت و حجم شواهد قابل بررسی صورت می كيرد. * مرور وضعيت (507 1165716 ات۸ عط 0۶ ‎(State‏ تقریبا مشابه با مرور نوشتارها با این تفاوت که به مرور متون جدید و تازه پرداخته نا وضعیت فعلی را نشان دهند/ نتیجه صرفا بیان وضعیت مطالعات کنونی بوده و دید گذشته نگر ندارد. (Systematic Review) us 55 ° به جستجوی نظام مند متون پرداخته و در صدد تحلیل و تر کیب یافته ها وشواهد پژوهشی است/به واسطه شفاف بودن مدل پژوهش, قابلیت. تکرار پذیری دارد.

صفحه 7:
6 نوع شناسى مقالات علمى ( مقاله هاى مرورى) (Systematic Search and Review) 1 pls js 5 ‏جستجو‎ * ویژگی اصلی اين نوع از مرور بهره گیری از مزایای یک مرور انتقادی در کنار یک ساز و کار جستجوی عمیق است/ هدف از انجام آن پاسخ به سوالات کلی بوده و نتیجه آن ارائه و تحلیل نتایج حاصل از بهترین شواهد است. * مرور نظام یافته ‎(Systematized Review)‏ تلاش مى کنند تا ویژگی های یک مرور نظام مند را داشته باشند اما هنكام ارائهنتایج ادعایی دال بر این مساله ندارند/ معمولا در مرور های دانشجویی چنین دسته ای از مقالات را می توان مشاهده کرد/در اين روش يا روش جستجو دارای نقصهایی است. و یا آنکه تحلیل ها کامل و جامع صورت نگرفته است. (Umbrella Review) «2-55, ° بروری که یر سیر مروزهای صورت گرفته ‎wath‏ 6 6 ©

صفحه 8:
e A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies Maria J. Grant* & Andrew Bootht, *Salford Centre for Nursing, Midwifery and Collaborative Research (SCNMCR), University of Salford, Salford, UK, tSchool of Health and Related Research (SCHARR), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK e Cc

صفحه 9:
نوع شناسی مقالات علمي ( مقاله های پژوهشی) * بخشهای مقدماتی ‎)١‏ عنوان؛ ۲) پدید آور(ان)/ وابستگی سازمانی/ بی و گرافی/ تصویر؛ ۳) چکیده؛ ۴) کلیدواژگان * بدنه اصلی/ محتوای مقاله (11۷1۴۵) ‎Introduction 0 ‎Methodology ‎Researcho ‎Discussiono ‏بخش های پایانی ‎)١‏ تقدير و تشكر؛ ۲) فهرست منابع؛ ۳) پیوست ها ‎ ‎

صفحه 10:
نگاهی به ساختار 11/111410 و نحوه تنظیم زیر بخشهای هریک از قسمتهای مقاله I: Introduction * * مقدمه * بیان مستله ۶ اهداف * پرسشهای پژوهش ‎ee >‏ * ضرورت اجرای پژوهش

صفحه 11:
e e over time, or geographic and organizational distributions of research (Glossary of Thompson, 2008). Moreover, Scientometrics is one of the most important measures for the assessment of scientific productions. It is the study of the quantitative aspects of science as a discipline or economic activity. It is part of the sociology of science and has application to science policy-making. Scientometric evaluation is a very key component of any research and development activity. One well known productivity indicator is the number of publications produced by the scientists, institutions and countries. Studies like this will provide some insight into the complex dynamics of research activity and enable researchers, scientists, policy makers and science administrators to provide adequate facilities and proper guidance in which direction the research has to be conducted (Kademani, et al,2006). Hence, such an indispensable technique is used to evaluate the quality and quantity of literature published across disciplines within a particular geographical area. e ©

صفحه 12:
مقدمه و بیان مسئله * بیان مسئله ضرورت انجام پژوهش نیست/ هدف انجام پژوهش نیست/ بلکه دلیل انجام پژوهش یعنی مشکل اساسی که منجر به ايجاد مسئله اى شایسته پاسخ گویی شده است می باشد

صفحه 13:
۳ ۳ A gfobal discussion on the new generation of the web and the next generation of usershas ۴ ie-libraries take-a-good_look at-their-services-and-how-they-fit-into-the rapidly-developing— environment, By not following technological innovations and the trends on the web, libraries will not be able to compete with services such as Amazon or Google and may lose their position as primary information providers (Coyle and Hillmann, 2007; Sadeh, 2007). Even though users still recognise the quality of library services, they routinely bypass catalogues in favour of other discovery tools (Calhoun, 2006; OCLC, 2005). But problems for the online catalogue did not start with the advent and development of the web. Reports on catalogue’s poor functionality and difficult use can be traced continuously for more than 20 years (for example Markey, 1984; Borgman, 1986; 1996; University of California Libraries; 2005 and a number of librarians’ as well as users’ blogs). Through time, the catalogue did change, but most of the modifications were made on the surface and not in the core functionality that would truly affect the user experience (Borgman, 1996; Tennant, 2005). Awakened by the Web 2.0 discussions, librarians have started to implement features to improve the basic functionality of the catalogues and adapt to the new trends. Libraries are now faced with some features that challenge the traditional frame of mind and need to decide what the next generation library catalogue is going to look like. The paper looks at how library catalogues have tackled the mission of becoming the ‘next generation catalogue’ and how the im} 8 a model of an innovative tool. e

صفحه 14:
6 2 e اهداف / researchers can become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of data being processed. Often, it is not until the final synthesis stage (when data are fully tabulated or examined as a forest plot) that the patterns and relationships across the extracted data emerge, and the implications of the findings from each study, and from the review as a whole, become fully understood. At this late stage, researchers might realise that they have not extracted all the information they need in order to fully answer their research question and will need to repeat earlier steps. On the other hand, they may realise that the data they have spent considerable time extracting is not in fact required. Either way, time (and money) may be lost by inefficient extraction of the relevant data. This paper seeks to address this problem by proposing a modification to the current systematic review methodology, to take account of the rising volumes of clinical trial data available now and increasingly in the future. 3 = ©

صفحه 15:
پرسشهای پژوهش 3. Research Questions From our primary research aim, the following research questions arose: . What are the most frequently occurring non-topical terms in Health and Social Sciei subjects? . What are the most frequently occurring non-topical terms used with topical terms in Health the Social Sciences?

صفحه 16:
Systematic reviews The research questions for this review were: 1. Is therapeutic exercise of benefit in reducing impairment for people who would be expected to consult a physiotherapist? 2. Is therapeutic exercise of benefit in improving activity and increasing societal participation for people who would be expected to consult a physiotherapist? The research questions for this review were: 1, Is strength training effective, ie, do strengthening interventions increase strength in people who are suffering the effects of acute and chronic stroke? 2. Is strength training harmful, ie, do strengthening interventions increase spasticity after stroke? 5. Is strength training worthwhile, ie, do strengthening interventions improve activity after stroke? The research questions for this review were: 1. Which models of undergraduate/entry-level clinical education are being used internationally in allied health disciplines (Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech and Language Therapy, Social Work, and Podiatry)? 2. What is the effect and, from the perspective of stakeholders, what are the advantages/disadvantages and recommendations for successful implementation of different models of undergraduate/entry-level clinical education?

صفحه 17:
Clinical trials The research questions for this study were: 1. Does eight hours of stretch per day for three months reduce thumb web space contractures in neurological conditions? 2. Are any gains maintained a year after intervention? The research questions for this study were: 1. Is the Mapleson C circuit more effective than the Laerdal circuit in removing secretions and improving ventilation and gas exchange during manual hyperinflation? 2. Would ventilation and gas exchange revert back to baseline within an hour of intervention?

صفحه 18:
Experimental studies The research questions for this study were: 1. Whats the relationship between vibration of the chest wall and the resulting chest wall forces, chest wall circumference, intrapleural pressure, and expiratory flow rate? 2. Is the intrapleural pressure during vibration the sum of the intrapleural pressure due to recoil of the lung, chest wall compression, and chest wall oscillation? The research question for this study was: 1. Does faulty proprioceptive input disrupt the internal model of the body that the brain uses to control movement? Qualitative studies The research question for this study was: What are the characteristics associated with the people who, having undergone a behavioural graded activity program, have successfully integrated the activities into their daily lives?

صفحه 19:
© Observational studies The research questions for this study were: How much upright mobilisation, particularly uptime, is performed in the first four days following upper abdominal surgery? In what part of the day is the greatest uptime achieved? Is length of stay related to uptime? Is there any difference in uptime in terms of postoperative factors? The research questions for this study were: What is a clinically-representative maximum force for central PA mobilisations performed using the thumbs on the lower cervical spine? Can students reach this force while maintaining the recommended thumb position of neutral to slight flexion at the IP and MCP joints? What happens at the IP and MCP thumb joints of students who are unable to maintain this position?

صفحه 20:
e مرور نوشتارها ‎Literature Review‏ .2 ‎Query expansion and related issues have long been of interest in IR research. The literature on‏ ‎searchers formulate and reformulate their queries to improve precision and/or recall is extensive,‏ ‎for example Harman, 1988; Anick & Tipirneni, 1999; Efthimiadis, 1995, 2000; McArthur & Br‏ ‎Bruza et al., 2000: Billerbeck & Zobel, 2003) Many research projects have investig‏ ;2000 different approaches to the use of thesauri (manual or online) for query expansion, However, it sh“ be noted that, in many cases, subject clustering of results and thesaurus-based expansion of queries; not improve precision without considering aspects of the documents and the users’ queries. Ww; information sources may differ with respect to document types, intended audience. readership le = depth of content, etc., such differences have not been dealt with adequately in many thesauri an query enhancement features. ©

صفحه 21:
ضرورت انجام پژوهش * هم راستا با بیان مسئله» دليل لزوم پاسخ گویی به مسئله است که از طریق بخش ضرورت انجام پژوهش مطرح می گردد

صفحه 22:
نگاهی به ساختار 11/111410 و نحوه تنظیم زیر بخشهای هریک از قسمتهای مقاله ‎M: Methodology °‏ * نوع؛ روش و رویکرد *_جامعه آماری؛ حجم نمونه و روش نمونه گیری * ابزارهای گردآوری داده ها * ابزارهای تحلیل داده ها * بیان محدودیت های پژوهش

صفحه 23:
e Methodology Type of Research The type of research that will be used in this study is qualitative research and quantitative research. Qualitative researchers aim to gather an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the reasons that govern such behavior. The discipline investigates the “why” and “how” of decision making. Besides this, the researcher will also examine the phenomenon through observations in numerical representations and through statistical analysis. Along with questionnaires that will be given out to respondents for the statistical representation of the findings in the study, interviews with the respondents and a few experts in this field will also be conducted. © ©

صفحه 24:
© e Sampling Method The research sampling method that will be used in this study is random sampling to obtain a more scientific result that could be used to represent the entirety of the population. A list of all health care facilities (maternity and lying-in clinics, public and private hospitals, health centers) was acquired from the Las Pifias City Hall. From 20 barangays, 3 will be picked through random sampling. The health care facilities and institutions in these three barangays will then be the target sources of respondents of the researcher. The health care facilities and institutions will be contacted to obtain a verbal consent to administer the questionnaire to mothers at their places. A letter of consent will also be sent to them along with a sample copy of the questionnaire that will be used, as well as the protocol of the researcher. A letter was also addressed to the City Health Officer to obtain endorsement and consent to conduct a research in selected barangays and distribute questionnaires to the mothers in the vicinity. Data collection was conducted throughout the facilities" and health centers“ operating hours from Mondays through Sundays in order to include both working and non-working mothers. © 9

صفحه 25:
6 2 e Respondents The respondents in this research will all be coming from one single location - Las Pifias City, specifically the randomly selected barangays of Pamplona |, CAA/BF International and. Pamplona Ill. The researcher chose Las Pifias City because of the socio-economic conditions present in the area that is relevant to the study and also as it fits the time frame and resources of the researcher. The randomly sampled respondents will be asked by the researcher for consent and approval to answer thequestionnaire until the desired number of respondents which is 100 is reached. The opinion of experts will also be sought in this research to provide explanations regarding the respondents" infant feeding behaviors and practices. Questionnaire The questionnaire requires information about the socio-economic and demographic background of the mother. It also has questions related to previous infant feeding practices and the birth of her youngest infant and also regarding the baby’s general health and age. Statements that are perceived to be factors that influence mothers" infant feeding decisions were presented. The description of the type of infant formula given by formula and mixed feeding mothers will also be asked in the material. 9

صفحه 26:
Limitations This paper examines exclusively 361 papers of KIIT University that have been indexed in Scopus database ranging from the year 2000 to early 2013. Thus, the papers of KIIT University published in other different channels and sources which have not been indexed in Scopus are excluded from the purview of the research.

صفحه 27:
نگاهی به ساختار 11/111410 و نحوه تنظیم زیر بخشهای هریک از قسمتهای مقاله R: Results ° * بیان یافته های توصیفی ‎D: Discussion *‏ * بحث و نتیجه گیری * اراثه پيشنهادها *_پیشنهادهای اجرای ‏* پیشنهادهایی برای انجام پژوهش های دیگر ‎ ‎

صفحه 28:
e 6 2 Components of Results section Results should answer main hypothesis or research question(s) -Order of presenting results is- arbitrary *May be done in Table 1 in less-complicated studies; or be set apart to emphasize its importance. Results that are "sidelights" should not receive equal weight When presenting the results for the main hypotheses, consider: + Clear, concise, simple + Is enough detail presented to allow the reader to determine whether the effect of the experimental treatment (vs. chance alone, not bias or sloppy technique) produced the significant statistical value? * Were adverse effects reported? +Do not state any differences were present between groups unless a significant P value is attached. *State "Cardiac output was less in the beans-and-franks group (P = .03). See Table 2." NOT “There was a significance between the beans-and-franks (B&F) group and the corn dog group. See Table 2." *You may note trends if you like (.05 < P <.10). Don't comment on results. *Don’t attach equal importance (or even bother to include) the entire statistical ‏مود‎ ‎select those descriptive and inferential statistics vou wish to use. and place them in the order

صفحه 29:
6 2 e Tables and Graphs Presentation ‘Tables and graphs must stand alone (Can a member of your department unfamiliar with the study pick up your graph and explain its meaning to you?) *Text should highlight the importance or meaning of the figures and tables, not repeat the data contained within them. *Tables and graphs both carry a necessary part of the message- use both *Do the numbers add up? *Are baseline values for the groups similar? +Is the degree of variability reported (and whether it is an SD or SEM identified)? *Are tables and graphs clearly labeled and appropriately scaled? *Are the results of statistical analysis presented? +Can one determine what statistical test produced the result? Choosing graph types *To compare proportions and relative amounts (How big?), use a pie chart, a horizontal bar chart, or a table *To show trends (How do things change over time?), use a column chart or line graph ‎show what's typical vs. exceptional (particularly how two groups compare in some‏ و ‎dimension or variable), use a histogram, a cumulative percentage chart, or a box plot. 6‏ ‎-To.show.correlations.(how,well.does.one.thing-predict.another?),.use.a-Scatterplot, Of me‏ ‎multiplot chart.‏

صفحه 30:
6 2 e Discussion Presentation Don’t repeat results -Order simple to complex (building to conclusion); or may state conclusion first *Conclusion should be consistent with study objectives/research question. Explain how the results answer the question under study -Emphasize what is new, different, or important about your results -Consider alternative explanations for the results +Limit speculation *Avoid biased language or biased citation of previous work *Don’t confuse non-significance (large P) with “no difference" especially with small sample sizes *Don’t confuse statistical significance with clinical importance -Never give incidental observations the weight you attach to conclusions based on hypotheses generated before the study began 9

صفحه 31:
5 9 Components of the Discussion section Look back -Answer whether the results make sense in terms of * _your expectation as expressed in the hypothesis? * what you read before beginning (texts & research articles)? * clinical practice? + theoretical considerations? *If your results agree with previous work, fine. If they do not, explain why not, or you may leave it unresolved "We cannot account for the difference seen in..." “Were there limitations (sample size of course but what else)? Were there any problems with carrying out the method as originally planned? Not enough men in the study? Unanticipated amounts of side effects or pain? Low response rate? Failure to look at a crucial time interval? Any unsettled points in results? Look forward «Implications for patient care, or for theory *Suggestions for future research ("If | had to do it over | would..."). Be specific. Conclusion *Beware inappropriate conclusions (beyond the range of the data, beyond the design of the study) 4 © e

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:
چکونگی انتخاب عنوان عنوان اولین جزئی است که سردبیر و اعضای هیات تحریریه می بینند عنوان اولین جزئی است که داوران مقاله می بینند ن اولین قضاوت ها روی عنوان صورت می گیرد. عنوان بایستی: * مختصر: حداكثر بين ‎٠١‏ تا ‎١5‏ كلمه * روشن و گویا *_دربررگیرنده عناصر اطلاعاتی اولیه: استفاده از کلمات (واژگان کلیدی و اصلی) مناسب

صفحه 34:
The Machine-Language of the‘ (\ Muscles”: Reading, Sport and the Self in Infinite Jest 2) The Effects of Light and Temperature on the Growth of Populations of the Bacterium, Escherichia coli ©

صفحه 35:
Scientometric Dimension of Research Productivity of a * Leading Private University in India Evolving collaboration networks in Scientometrics in ° 1978-2010: a micro-macro analysis Routine piloting in systematic reviews—a modified ۶ ?approach

صفحه 36:
لزوم توجه به نحوه ثبت نام افراد و وابستگی سازمانیی * ام و نشانی و وابستگی سازمانی * اطلاعات تماس اعم از آدرس و يا پست الکترونیکی * بیوگرافی کوتاه و گاه همراه با تصویر (مثال)

صفحه 37:
آشفتگی نگاد ث , نامهای فاد س , ه تعات منفی آن وزارت علوم. تحقیقات و فناوری در پایگاه تاسون رویترز و یکدست سازی نام آن‌ها فاطمه على نزاد جمازكتى ASC) ps ole pale got ‏ابايكاه‎

صفحه 38:
۱۳۹ Al Ahmad Exp Way Tarbiat Modares Univ TMPSC Modares Univ Modarres Univ Tabiat Modares Univ Tabiat Modarress Univ Tabriat Modarres Univ Tarbaiat Modares Univ Tarbait Modarress Univ Tarbat Mofares Univ Tarbeiat Modaress Univ Tarbia Modares Univ Tarbia Moddares Univ Tarbial Modaress Tarbiar Modares Univ Tarbiat & Modarres Univ Tarbiat E Modarres Univ Tarbiat Madrres Univ Tarbiat Modaras Univ Tarbiat Modare Univ Tarbiat Modares Post Grad Univ ‘Acad Ctr Educ Culture & Res TMU Tarbiat Modares Univ Culture & Res TMU IPSERC Modaress Univ Tabait Modares Univ Tabiat Modarres Univ Tabriat Modares Univ Tehran Taebiat Modarres Univ Tarbait Modarres Univ Tarbat Modares Univ Tarbayat Modares Univ Tarbeiyat Modarres Univ Tarbia Modarres Univ Tarbial Modares Univ Tarbian Modarres Univ Tarbiart Modarres Univ Tarbiat e Modares Univ Tarbiat Madarres Univ Tarbiat Mod Univ Tarbiat Modares Univ Tarbiat Modares Tarbiat Modares Unit

صفحه 39:
Tarbiat Modares Univ Iran Tarbiat Modares Univ Tehran Tarbiat Modares Univ TMU Tarbiat Modares Unvi Tarbiat Modaress Tarbiat Modaress Univ Jalal Al Ahmad Bulivard Tarbiat Modaries Univ Tarbiat Modarres Tarbiat Modarres Univ Tarbiat Modarres Univ Noor Tarbiat Modarres Unvi Tarbiat Modarress Univ Tarbiat Moddaress Univ Tarbiat Moddars Univ Tarbiat Moderres Univ Tarbiat Modures Univ Tarbiat Modares Univ & Researcher Tarbiat Modares Univ Technol Tarbiat Modares Univ Tehran Tran Tarbiat Modares Unvers Tarbiat Modarese Univ Tarbiat Modaress Univ Tarbiat Modaret Univ Tarbiat Modarre Univ Tarbiat Modarres Uiv Tarbiat Modarres Univ Med Sci Tarbiat Modarres Univ Tehran Tarbiat Modarress Tarbiat Moddares Univ Tarbiat Moddarress Univ Tarbiat Moderes Univ Tarbiat Modrates Univ

صفحه 40:
Tarbiate Modares Univ Tarbiatmodares Univ Tarbiet Modarress Univ Tarbist Modares Univ Tarbit Modaress Univ Tarbita Modarres Univ Tarbiyat Modaress Univ Tarblat Modares Univ Tarbyat Modarres Univ Tarhiat Modaress Univ Tariat Modarres Univ Taribat Modarres Univ TM Univ Tmu Univ Torbiat Modares Univ Torbiat Modarress Univ Trabiat Modarres Univ Trbiat Modares Univ Tarbiat Mondares Univ Tarbiate Modarres Univ Tarbiatmodarres Univ Tarbiot Modares Univ Tarbit Modares Univ Tarbit Modarres Univ Tarbiyat Modares Univ Tarbiyat Modarres Univ Tarbyat Modares Univ Tarbyat Modarress Univ Tariat Modares Univ Taribat Modares Univ Tarniat Modarres Univ TMU Torbat Modarres Univ Torbiat Modarres Univ Trabiat Modares Univ Trabit Modaress Univ

صفحه 41:
e le Unit Tarbiat Modarres Univ Taarbiat Modarres واحد دلنشگاهیک 4 صورت‌ها ختلغف84 ‎Uniy‏ نكاوش جاشته اند Univ Trabiat Modares Turbiat Modares Univ “| Univ Modaress Univ 7 Uniy Uni Uni Uniy Uniy| Uni Univ Univ TMU e ie

صفحه 42:
لزوم توجه به نحوه نگارش چکیده تصویری کلی از محتوای مقاله ارائه می دهد جزهء اولین اجزای مقاله است اما در پایان آن نگاشته می شود

صفحه 43:
Description aim/ objective Method Results Conclusion Further conclusion ABSTRACT In this experiment, chromatography was used to analyse amino acids in solution. Standards were used to identify unknown amino acids in a mixture. Ascending layer chromatography with an isopropanol- based solvent was used to separate the amino acids, which were then detected with ninhydrin, The unknown mixture analysed was found to contain aspartate and histidine. It was observed that hydrophobic amino acids were most mobile. This technique was shown to be an effective way of analysing unknown mixtures of amino acids. A mechanism for ninhydrin binding to amino acids is proposed, based on observations from this experiment.

صفحه 44:
۳ [Pomes ——s][2a7oz7aquay| ‏ااا‎ ‎Save search Advanced‏ 885 03 مسوم سم ‎Display Settings: ©) Abstract Send to: 3)‏ ‎ ‎(cen Tosco (Phi) 2014 Jun S245)526-20. aot 10 3100/15S60950 2014 945175. Epub 2014 Atay 5 Evaluation of dexmedetomidine therapy for sedation in patients with toxicological events at an academic medical center. ‎Monom EL’, Vabialanka JP. Rushton W. Hardison |, Wolnszvn A Holsios C Comen Si ‎@ Author information ‎Abstract ‎INTRODUCTION: Aithough clinical use of dexmedetomidine (DEX), an sipha2-adrenergic receptor agonist, has increased, is role in patients admitted to intensive care units secondary to toxicological Sequelae has not been well established ‎OBJECTIVES: The primary objective of this study was to describe clinical and adverse effects observed in poisoned patients receiving DEX for sedabon ‎METHODS: This was an observational case series with retrospective chart review of poisoned [patients who received DEX for sedation at an academic medical center. The primary endpoint was Incidence of adverse effects of DEX therapy including bradycardia, hypotension, seizures. and anhythean, Fer comparison, vital signs were collected hourly for the 5 h preceding the DEX therapy ‘and every hour during DEX therapy unt the therapy ended. Additional endpoinis included therapy. uration. time within target Richmond Agitation Sedan Score (RASS). and concomitant sedation, analgesia. and vacopressor requirements ‎RESULTS: Twenty-two pationts were included. Median inital and median DEX infusion rates were “similar to the commonly ised rates for sedation. Median heart rate was lower during the therapy (02 ve_93 Beate/minute, p< 0.05) Median systole blood pressure before and during therapy was similar (G11 ve 109 mmig, p = 0.745). Five patents experienced an adverse olfect per study defintions unig therapy. No addtional adverse effects were noted. Median time within target RASS and ‘duration of therapy was 6.5 and 44 5h, respectively. Seventeen patients (77%) had concomitant use. of other sedation and/or analgesia with four (23%) of these pationts requiring additonal agents after DEX ination. Seven patients (32%) had concomitant vasopressor support with four (5734) of these Patients requiring vasopressor support alter DEX initiation. ‎CONCLUSION: Common adverse attacts of DEX were noted in this study. The requirement for Vasopressor support during therapy warrants further investigation inte the safety of DEX in poisoned patients. Larger. comparative stusias need to be performed before the use of DEX can be routinely Fecommenciod in poisoned patients. ‎ ‎ ‎Pao: 24792700 (PubMed - indeed for MEDLINED ‎ ‎

صفحه 45:
Example of a Structured Abstract for Review Article Submissions to Human Factors (250 words maximum) Objective: We develop a method for enabling human-like, flexible supervisory control via delegation to automation. Background: Real time supervisory relationships with automation are rarely as flexible as human task delegation to other humans. Flexibility in human-adaptable automation can provide important benefits including: improved situation awareness, more accurate automation usage. more balanced mental workload, increased user acceptance. and improved overall performance. Method: We review problems with static and adaptive (as opposed to, “adaptable”) automation, We contrast these approaches with human-human task delegation, which can mitigate many of the problems. We revise the concept of a “level of automation” as a pattern of task-based roles and authorizations and argue that delegation requires a shared hierarchical task model between supervisor and subordinates. used to delegate tasks at various levels and offer instruction on performing them. A prototype implementation, called Playbook, is described, Results: On the basis of these analyses, we propose methods for supporting human-machine delegation interactions that parallel human-human delegation in important respects. We develop an architecture for machine-based delegation systems based on the metaphor of a sports team’s “playbook”. Finally. we describe a prototype implementation of this architecture, with an accompanying user interface and usage scenario, for mission planning for uninhabited air vehicles. Conclusion: Delegation offers a viable method for flexible, multi-level human- automation interaction to enhance system performance while maintaining user workload ata manageable level |. robot Application: Most applications of adaptive automation (aviation, AT control, process control, ete.) are potential avenues for the adaptable. delegation approach swecathvoonte: We present an extunded «xampledor UAN mission planning.

صفحه 46:
طول جكيده استاندارد 239.14 1151/11150م2 براى مقالات» و يا فصل هايى از تكك نككاشت ها حداكثر ‎١5:‏ كلمه براى يادداشت ها و مقالات كوتاه حداكثر ‎٠٠١‏ كلمه برای سرسخن ها و نامه به سردییر حداکثر ۳۰ کلمه برای تک نگاشت های طولانی مانند کتاب ها و یا پایان نامه ها یک صفحه/۳۰۰ کلمه

صفحه 47:
لازم است به موارد زیر توجه شود لأ رعایت استانداردهای موجود در خصوص محتوای چکیده ها لا رعایت استانداردهای موجود از نظر ساختار و نموه ارائه چکند» ها لآ رعایت حجم كليدوازه هاى اختصاص يافته به مقاله با توجه به دستورالعمل نشريه | رعايت تناظر ميان محتواى جكيده و متن مقاله

صفحه 48:
لازم است به موارد زیر توجه شود لزوم پیروی دقیق از راهنما و دستورالعمل اعلامی در نشریه از سوی نوبسندگان توجه به کیفیت متن های انگلیسی تولید شده جذب همکاری یکك متخصص زبان به منظور پیرایش زبانی متن در صورت لزوم دقت در جهت حذف اشکالات تایپی و املایی

صفحه 49:
اند یشیدن در قالب زبان انگلیسی

صفحه 50:
توجه به برخی نکات لازم است تلاش کرد هرچه بیشتر از اصطلاحات متداول زبان انگلیسی استفاده شود منابع مختلفی وجود دارد که در زمینه های مختلفی در اين مورد اطلاعات ارائه می دهند به غتوان نمونه یکی از مسائل عمده شناسانی شده در متون نوشته شده توسط غیران زبانان استفاده عتوان نمو 5 ان وا ی توس ی از كلمات ارتباط دهنده است مانند: ‎of-sentence-c‏ مها ]همهم رس نود ‎nglishy‏ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 51:
Sonrrast 1. *This restaurant has the best kitchen in town. However, their staff are quite rude. 2. IN CONTRAST +House prices have gone up this year. In contrast, car prices seem to be stagnating 3. NEVERTHELESS +I was in so much pain I didn’t want to get up in the morning. Nevertheless, I went to football practice as usual. 4, NONETHELESS +I don’t think Sean has serious behavioural problems. Nonetheless, I'll talk to him first thing in the morning. 5. YET ve asked you a thousand times not to leave your dirty socks on the floor. Yet, you keep doing it. 6. ON THE OTHER HAND +England has the best language schools. On the other hand, it has the worst weather. 7. BY COMPARISON | *Going out with Jim has its risks. By comparison, being with Tim is as easy as falling off a log. 8. ON THE CONTRARY | +I don’t hate Jim. On the contrary, I'm rather fond of him. 9. INSTEAD +I didn’t want to take a side in the argument. Instead, I put my headphones on and listened to some smooth jazz. 10. IN ANY CASE +1 was thinking of going round Jim’s place. In any case, I haven’t been invited. G1. ALL THE SAME ‏تاه لت‎ All the. sainenldon-t thin yout Soll Go. Ai ‏ل يبيبط‎

صفحه 52:
SIMILARITY 1, LIKEWISE *You can’t give your phone number to every man who asks for it. Likewise, you can’t go out with everyone who fancies you. 2, SIMILARLY *You’re not allowed to use your phone here. Similarly, you have to switch it off when you're in the library. 3. CORRESPONDINGLY +She’s an excellent photographer. Correspondingly, her paintings are works of art. 4, IN THE SAME WAY *Cutting down on sugar will help you lose weight. In the same way, doing more exercise will help you get rid of a few kilos. 5. ALSO +I want to talk to Prince Harry when I’m in England. Also, I want to meet his sister-in- law.

صفحه 53:
RESULT 1. AS A RESULT +I've done a pranic healing course. As a result, I've been able to cure my neighbour's sick cat. 2. AS A CONSEQUENCE *Zack has skipped school on many occasions. As a consequence, he’s failed his French test. 3. THEREFORE *We’re going to experience some meteor showers in the next few days. Therefore, the number of miraculous self-healings will rise. 4. THUS *You didn’t tell me you wanted to come. Thus, we won't be taking you with us. 5. ACCORDINGLY Plenty of tourists visit the area in summer. Accordingly, selling hand-made objects is the “main source of income for locals.

صفحه 54:
SEQUENCING 1. FIRST, FIRSTLY, FIRST OF ALL, IN THE FIRST PLACE +First of all, I'd like to talk about the benefits of having a pet pig. 2. TO BEGIN WITH *To begin with, pet pigs are cleaner than dogs. 3. FOR ONE-FHING +For one thing, they're completely loyal to their owners. 4, SECOND, SECONDLY, IN THE SECOND PLACE +Secondly, their impressive numeracy skills must be mentioned. 5. FOR ANOTHER THING *For another thing, you might want to consider how cute they look in pyjamas. 6. THIRD, THIRDLY, IN THE THIRD PLACE +In the third place, you can always count on your pet pig to perform some tricks for you when you'd like to impress a pretty girl. 7. ALSO *Also, they don’t eat much. 8. BESIDES *Besides not eating much, they won't ever chew on your electric cords. 9. IN ADDITION +In addition, they can be taught to feed themselves if you allow them access to your pantry. 10. FURTHERMORE +Furthermore, they make wonderful walking buddies. 11, MOREOVER +Moreover, they'll show you the way home when you're drunk. 18. FINALLY 13. LAST, LASTLY, LAST OF ALL

صفحه 55:
ORDER OF IMPORTANCE 1. MOST IMPORTANTLY +I'd like to talk to you about how to keep calm at your workplace. Most importantly, never go to the canteen while your boss is there. 2. PRIMARILY *You'll have to focus on your immediate surroundings. Primarily, on your computer screen. 3. ABOVE ALL Above all, don’t ever look up from your notes when people are around. 4. MOST SIGNIFICANTLY *Most significantly, avoid eye-contact at all costs. 5. ESSENTIALLY, BASICALLY (usually spoken) *How can | put this? Essentially, having an affair with one of your colleagues should be the last thing on your mind.

صفحه 56:
PARTICULARIZATION 1, IN PARTICULAR, PARTICULARLY Nearly a third of marriages end in divorce. In particular, it’s middle-aged couples that yearn for much_more from li: 2. MORE SPECIFICALLY I -Couples tend to argue about financial issues. More specifically, they argue when one of them | is out of work. EXAMPLIFICATION 1, FOR EXAMPLE *To solve this problem, you might want to try making small gestures. For example, making your spouse’s favorite meal for dinner or giving him a massage after a tiring day. 2. FOR INSTANCE Appreciate the small things your spouse does for you. For instance, leave thank-you notes for them every now and then. 3. TO ILLUSTRATE +Misunderstandings can be highly destructive. To illustrate, if your spouse sees you with a friend of the opposite sex in a café, he might not understand why he hasn't been invited and demand an explanation. 6

صفحه 57:
© EXPLANATION 1, THAT IS TO SAY, THAT IS +Keep romance alive. That is to say, don’t let your lovelife fall into routine. 2, NAMELY +I have a very good reason for not trusting my ex. Namely, he’s a convicted felon. 3. IN OTHER WORDS “Don’t be unsociable. In other words, go out and make some friends. 4, PUT DIFFERENTLY | ‘John has managed to get over Jane. Put differently, he’s started seeing other women. EMPHASISING 1. AS A MATTER OF FACT +I love sleeping with my pet pig. As a matter of fact, I can’t fall asleep unless he’s in my bed. 2. IN FACT +I told them not to invite Rachel to the party. In fact, I was the only person who saw what a party pooper she really was. 3. ACTUALLY +I think it would be a good idea to send her some flowers. Actually, you should get her a @undred orchids. © le may be the best-dressed man around. Indeed, he has a really good taste in fashion.

صفحه 58:
9 FOCUSING AND LINKING 1. AS FOR (often suggests disinterest or dislike) +I’m going to Janet’s party at the weekend. As for Mary’s, | think I'll pass. 2. WITH RESPECT TO. *Starting your own IT company may be the one of the best things you can do right now. With respect to opening a pet shop, it’s hard to say the same thing. | 3. REGARDING “Start your day with making the most important phone calls. Regarding emails, you might put them off until later. 4. WITH REGARD TO *With regard to handling complaints, you might want to keep in mind that your customers are always right. 5. AS REGARDS *Working from home has many advantages. As regards disadvantages, it might be difficult to keep your cat off your keyboard. 6. TALKING OF *Talking of cats, you can’t trust them to keep you company when you need it. They're quite selfish creatures. 7. AS FAR AS ... CONCERNED @s far as dogs are concerned, they might give you a chance to get up from your desk and gel ai 27

صفحه 59:
CONCLUSION 1. IN CONCLUSION 2. IN BRIEF +Meeting my boss at the pub was an interesting experience. In brief, it was a disaster. 3. IN SUMMARY +In summary, it may not be the best idea to frequent the same pubs as your boss. 4. TO SUM UP *To sum up, some people are better suited to working from home than others. 5. ALL IN ALL +All in all, you have to make sure both you and your customers are satisfied with your work.

صفحه 60:
CORRECTION 1. RATHER */ thought it was a good idea to get a ferret. Rather, it had always been my dream to get one. 2.TO *You might want to change a few things. To be more precise, | think you should start again I from scratch. TIME 1. AT FIRST ۰۱۲ ۷/۵50۲ a piece of cake to learn English. At first, | couldn’t pronounce all the words correctly. 2. THEN *Then, | couldn't spell all the words correctly. 3. AFTERWARDS. Afterwards, | had a hard time understanding the tenses. 4. LATER *Later, | couldn’t memorize phrasal verbs and idioms. 5. IN THE MEANTIME in the meantime, | was getting some help from MyEnglishTeacher. @ MEANWHILE © TeMearrwinites twas ery OIG TY SKYPE 1ESSOMS TTOTE AINE TOT TTT TTT TT TTT TTT

صفحه 61:
DISMISSAL (of what was said before) 1. ANYWAY +! couldn't get my head around the Passive Voice. Anyway, | don’t think it’s important to use it all the time. 2. ANYHOW “Anyhow, I’ve just decided to learn Russian next. 3. AT ANY RATE *At any rate, | don’t want to become a simultaneous interpreter in five languages.

صفحه 62:
© 900 نوع شناسی مشکلات متون دستوری نگارشی لا 2 3 وازكانى "1

صفحه 63:
توجه به استایل استنادی نشریه

صفحه 64:
استایل های استنادی 361 (لنجم‌یبانمدینلمریک) ‎ge) APA‏ ولنشناسي ونکوور شیکاگو ۸ و ظ شیوه نامه ایران معاهده تهران هاروارد تورابيان

صفحه 65:
e © گونه شناسی استناد‌ها ,* سند مورد ارجاع در جلیی خارج از متن (پایین صفحه پایان فصل يا انتهاى متن) درج می‌شود. رفرنس‌ها به صورت نماد عددی در متن می‌آیند. مانند شیوه ونکوور مشخصات کوتاهی از رفرنس در داخل پرانتز در متن ارلئه می‌شود که اغلب شامل نام نویسنده و تارییخ و مواردی شماره صفحه است. مانند شیوه هاروارد و شیوه ای. پی. ای. (انجمن روانشناسان امریکا)

صفحه 66:
© استفاده از ابزارهای مدیریت استناد 1 article ۹ Your article ew 5 1 book — | Mendeiey Etc. + ‎a‏ ی ‎y‏ ۵ , ‎reference list/bibliograph'‏ ={ ‎conference | /‏ 7 ‎paper‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎e ‎© ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 67:
Papers zotero Free سس MENDELEY EndNol® RefWorks ‘100 Compare Products Basic sofware package (nates ease lesbo) Free web storage space vine tacupo you sais) Reference'Docuient Management “organzaton ot PDFS ana cinetdoeimerts ton Pugin or Wort tation Pugins fer Open Once patonstMighohtng in POS ‘rose plavorm aching acass deekop, web and moda ‘ese nowiedge Discovery ‘Free and open sstabase approaching 100 milion documents Personalized paper recommendations ‘Raaderehip satetes & community tags ‘open web AP Ful to searen acces allvour eae

صفحه 68:
مندلی چیست؟ مندلی یک نرم افزار مدیریت استناد و شبکه اجتماعی دانشگاهی است که به شما در سازماندهی پژوهش. همکاری علمی و یافتن تازه ترین پژوهشها کمک می کند

صفحه 69:
‎tak 0 *‏ مهدأ ‎ ‏5 - مه ل ‎ss‏ متسد ‎bee cotenues | Suppor ‎۹ ‎My Library | Mendeley - Windows internet Fxplorer ‎ ‏متوهای برچسبی شامل انواع منابع ‎ ‎ ‏معط ال 2 ‏1 ‏00 مهد سس ‎1 (ance reseoron es.) 38 7887p 225 ‏و مضه مر موه هتم ‎stu‏ ‎ey‏ ا ‏قهرست منابيع ‏)2011 ا ‎ie geveaton dabeln argent ‏متاو‎ sented al 2a hey ‏اما سم تما سر بو بو‎ | ‎0 ‏ل‎ ea?ar ‏مو ا ا ‎MyLibrary | Papas Groups People ‎RB & & ® ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Ie Fortes 6 ‏سس‎ ‎٩ ‏هدر‎ ‏لس .دس ‎oe Jes‏ مرو ‎Pew O55 edgy‏ ‎rash ‏موه موه چ ‎PlterSelactd Collestion ‏اه رد ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 70:
9۳ Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Obesity Among US born and ‏مش لس سكم‎ 20۱0 0۵ re; Ds Barngton, M. Baquero L ‏ا‎ a مم | ود Abstract: sty cannes sex and eaten ۳ ar fran [ernst eae, ns asenens tans on) Bus tats fon he acon oeath ‏ی تج‎ on SERS toad ‏مت موه عم مهم هت‎ ‏بیس لو اس مومس‎ ators ‏مس وه وت‎ bon Backman the esa roe tet Fer vz man he ‏ع‎ ‎Sopety cbr er Seton Uo Hack se whee woven, ih educate ‏كا‎ ‎2 ikgnte oe مر موی 208 Ose ‏مه‎ 2008 Damn Sitio مد مد ا ا 13005065 Le با ota and sero ‏تس‎ | ‎nage coal‏ ‎Inpacafeoestyn‏ ‏سای وه ۳ اا مد ‎raven‏ موم سا هه ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏مق ‎Pasar‏ .8 وا ‏عصو را « ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 71:
* افزونه مندلی برای ورد و اپن آفیس * چگونگی استناد دهی * چگونگی افزودن فهرست منابع و ماخذ

صفحه 72:
HINARI Access to Research in Health Programme provides fee or very low cost ‏له‎ acoess to the majcr jouraals in Eiomecical and seated social acieacee 1» local, etfocepreftinstitions in developing ‏سمدم‎ HONARI was launched in January 2002, with some 1500 jownals ftom 6 majer publishers: Elacinwell, Elsevier Scieace, the Harcoue Worldwide STAC Grevp, ‘Woltece Kjoer International Health & Scieace, Springer Verlag and John Wiley, following the priaciples in a Statement of Tntert signed is Tuly 2007. Since thet time, the numbers of pamiciparing publishers end of ournals and cther Pall-tew: resources hae grown contisuouily. Today mare than 160 publishers are offering more then 8,000 information esources in HIN ART and many others are joining the ‏عم وم‎ با نصب کردن این نرم افزار افزونه به قالب یک ۳۳" به ورد اضافه شده و امکان استفاده از آن برای انتخاب یکی از شیوه نامه های استناد دهی استاندارد وجود دارد 25715325535:

صفحه 73:
ع هات تست 1 شا تا د د ۰ 9 ق ف ب 9 ها هه هه ما ‎Review View Developer‏ بوطلا | ج50 | ‎Posetayout‏ امنا ‎Home‏ داد 8 رس ۵ 9 مه ۵ و له ‎Bio‏ ‎ation‏ ام ‎oe‏ واه ‎eT‏ عمد فا مه ۳ اد دی دور ‎Cp‏ مهو 000000 ا

صفحه 74:
اه واه ان[ ای ی مه هب۳ و 9 )د 1 7 = HINARI Access to Besearch in Health Programme provides fee or very low cost saline access tothe iar iutanls un bicmtesieal and related rocial seine 19 local, rovforpeeftinstrutons in developing eovries] ‏سه‎ HINARI was tnvacked in Jamvary 2002, with some 1500 jowaals fom 6 majer publishers: Blackwell, Elsevier Science, the Harcourt Worldwide STMC Group, ‘Wolters Kluwer International Heth & Scieace, Springer Verlag and John Wiley, Fallow | resources م مم | براى اضافه كردن استناد درون متد = on nn

صفحه 75:
گزارش نهایی طرح تحقیق آسیب شناسبی ارجاعات کتایشناختی نشریات علمی - پژوهشی و علمی - ترویجی ‎ITAA Js ys ola!‏ محمد رضا قانع استادیر عم اطلاعات و دانش شناسی مرکز منطقه ای اطلاعرسانیعلوم و قناورى گروه پژوهشی ارزیابی و توسعه منابع yay

صفحه 76:
8276 56

صفحه 77:
0-0 Fra} co 60000

صفحه 78:
e e 2 2 خطاهای استنادی درون متن عدم وجود ارجاعات درون متن در فهرست منابع و برعکس. عدم یکدستی اسامی نویسند گان مورد استناد در متن و فهرست منابع انگلیسی (مانند ۸۱0181705 که در فهرست منا به صورت ۸081112 نوشته شده یا 3۳16101۷ به اشتباه 0م 5 با املاء 61213115 ظاهر شده است) در مواردی اثر مورد استناد دارای چند نویسنده است. بررسی ارجاعات درون متن نشان داد که به جای استفاده از نام خانوادگی نویسنده مورد استناد از نام کوچکک وی استفاده شده است. آثاری که دارای دو نویسنده هستند در ارجاعات درون متن برای تفکیکک نویسند گان از (2110) استفاده می شود. آثاری که دارای دو نویسنده همنام هستند باید نام هر دو ذکر شود. ‎oS‏

صفحه 79:
خطاهای استنادی درون متن 0 در بعضی موارد اثر مورد استناد دارای چند نویسنده است که در ارجاع درون متن و فهرست منابع فقط نام نویسنده اول ذكر شده است. 0 در مقالاتى مشاهده شد كه ارجاع غیر مستفیم (16]6161106 11201760) موجود در ‎ole‏ ‏فهرست منابع ذكر شده است. بايد خاطر نشان كرد شيوه استناددهى درون با برون بعضى آثار اين تفاوت را رعايت نكرده اند. برای نمونه در متن به صورت (عابدین در کورش» ۱۳۸۱) بوده و در فهرست منابع به شکل زير ارائه گردیده است: عابدین در کورش؛ س.(۱۳۸۱) د رآمدی بر اقتصاد شهری» تهران: م رکز نشر دانشگاهی

صفحه 80:
6 e خطاهای استنادی درون متن در موارد تکرار استناد درون متنی الف علاوه بر نام نویسنده از "همان" یا "همو" و یا 1010 استفاده شده است در یک مقاله با "قبلى" يا به اثرى از يكك نويسنده استناد شده و بلافاصله اثر دیگری از همان نویسند: حالت باید نام نویسنده تکرار شود؛ ولی از واژه های "همان" ۰ "همو" ؛ "قبلی مقاله های یک نشریه یکدستی رعایت نگردیده و در صفحاتی از مقاله "همان " و در صفحات دیگر " بكار رفته است. "یو" وت نورد اسسادفراز گرف است: در این " استفاده گردیده است. نام کامل نویسنده در ارجاع درون متن در بعضی موارد نوشته نشده است زمانیکه به یک نویسنده دارای دو اثر در یک تاریخ استناد می شود برای مشخص شدن ارجاع مورد نظر در کنار تاريخ نشر بر حسب زبان منبع از حروف الفبای فارسی (الف» ب ...) و يا اتكليسى (12 ر8,...) استفاده می شود یا 6 ©

صفحه 81:
خطاهای فهرست منابع لأ در فهرست منابع بعضی منابع فاقد ناشر یا محل نشر یا عنوان اثر است ‎Ul‏ عنوان مقاله در فهرست منابع اشتباه نوشته شده است که می تواند نشان از چسب و قیچی باشد. اثر ذیل نام کوچکک نویسنده فهرست شده است.

صفحه 82:
e © ست منابع چون نویسنده مقاله نا شده است. در چنین مواردی ترجیحاً ذیل عنوان اثر و در صورت شهرت ترتیب محل نشر و ناش با مراجعه به اصل مقاله صورت ۶۳-۸ باشد. بتدا ناشر و سپس محل نشر ذکر گردیده است. است که به صورت ۳-۶۸ نوشته شده و در اصل باید به 5یا شماره و دوره استفاده شده و جای 2 در مورد نشریات در فه بدون استفاده از واژه 1 ارجاع به منابع وبى دارا نشریه از یکدستی پیروی نمی کند 6

صفحه 83:
دوج تار دخ دست س , له مناد ادنته ند , دوه فه ست دارای تاریخ سترس 8 يدون تاريخ دسترسي ‎wee‏ e

صفحه 84:
یت سایت بسیار خوب https./owl.english.purdue.edu

صفحه 85:
با سپاس از توجه شما؛

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