صفحه 1:
آشنايى با بمج )رول زبانی شی گرا ساخته شرکت «ممسحبه() مستقل از محیط اجر ا(متاهام-حجسس) انواع ومح 8)سمول: (chect-sice) 21S Cres — (server-side eA Cras — ‏مورد استفاده:‎ برای ساخت صفحات پویا(عس)

صفحه 2:
weve rript ‏آشنایی با‎ ‘CLIENT-SIDE JAVASCRIPT

صفحه 3:
آشنایی با از ‎(i ava‏ ‎substitute, guess, word, anewer) 1‏ مغ ‎var resule = ""; ‎Var pes = OF ‎while( pos < Jen) { ‏یقت وه دور‎ poms momen ales var Gnewar char - snewer.substring( pos, poe + 1); Le" Cnord cher == guess | yesult 2 resule’s guess ‏مه‎ Tesult = result + anewarchar; ‎ ‎ ‎0 ‏رعلند نطو ‎1 ‏12 بصعم وصقط ‎ ‎Web tite (bytecode executable) ‎JavaScript ‎application ‎SHINE» <HEAD> <TITLE> Hangman </TITLE></HEAD> ‏یی‎ ‏ا دلوت‎ </i> ‎ ‎ ‎12) Client gamene client. gameno = 1 clisnt wnowgame = "true" ‎nual) ( ‎ ‎> ‎</ SERVER ‎Youlhave used the following lettere so far SSERVERowrite (lient-used) </SERVER> ‎1 ACTrom- "hangman. htm" > What is your guess? ‎<jSony></atm> ‎ ‎

صفحه 4:
آشنايى با دمص )ره لردمم

صفحه 5:
مقایسه من مرول با مرول Java Compiled bytecodes downloaded from server, executed on client. Class-basedl, Objects are divided into classes and instances with all inheritance through the class hierarchy. Classes and instances cannot have properties or methods added dynamically Applets distinct from HTML (accessed from HTML pages) Variable data types must be declared (static typing). Cannot automatically write to hard disk. JavaScript Interpreted (not compiled) by client Object-oriented. No distinction between types of objects. Inheritance is through the prototype mechanism, and properties, and methods can be added to any object dynamically Code integrated with, and embedded in, HTML Variable data types not declared (dynamic typing). Cannot automatically write to hard disk,

صفحه 6:
كار كردن با اشیاء در 6 ‎٠‏ مشخصه هاى («وصاسومم م) شى ‏جدون ( لج درصصح. جدون (1دجتواد "لسوت" تجد اوجن .سو 0) ريه ]و او ‎ester”‏ ]ون ‎9 9 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 7:
کار کردن با اشیاء در )لس ۰ ایجاد شی جدید - استفاده از ‎Objet “loitcizers:‏ ‎sbeok Dene = {properAlinke, propery inke®,..., propery DirkeD}‏ - استفاده از تابع سازنده(مسصاعسی):

صفحه 8:
كار كردن با اشیاء در ‎iss IG‏

صفحه 9:
اشیاء از پیش تعریف شده Ora Objet (son, reverse, «..) uth Objevt (Boor, obs, rand, ...) Gtricny Objert (chart, subsir, raat, ...)

صفحه 10:
قرار دادن )ل در صفحات ,اوررر ۶ قرار دادن کد در بدنه صفحه ۶ استفاده از فایل های ,حو(مناسب برای به اشترلک گذاری کد) ۶ هل به عنولن‌مقادیر ‎attribute‏ ها

صفحه 11:
نحوه پاسخ گویی به یک رخداد در 6ل * تعریف کلی: <صل<) بو مرول امه اوه )> ‎٠‏ مثال: <"(وموخاجها) دجم "ححام امج ‎PY CES"butioa" OBLOC="Carukate"‏ :11/()ذ)(10> "سسست 006۵0 "سس ۵ ۵۵-00 10۵/۳۷ > ۲( لوط اکن

صفحه 12:
Radio ‘Checkbox Plugin Form Hastory تسج ۳ FileUpload | Password ] Layer Link ] سلسله مراتب اشياء در ‎UG‏

صفحه 13:
Property Summary ‏لوسرو‎ Description action Reflects the ACTION attibue elementa ‘An array reflecting all the elements in a form, encoding Reflects the BNCTYPE attribute, Length Reflects the numberof elements om a form method Reflects the METHOD attribute ane Reflects the NANE attribute ‏مومت‎ Reflects the TARGET sttibuce Method Summary Method Desenption handi event Invokes the handler forthe specified event reset Sirmulates-a mouse click on a reset button forthe calling form. submit, Submits a form.

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
زبان های مبتنی بر كلاس و مبتتی بر شی Prototype-based (JavaScript) All objects are instances, Define and create a set of objects with constructor Junctions. Same. Construct an object hierarchy by assigning an object as the prototype associated with a constructor function. Inherit properties by following the prototype chain. initial Constructor function or prototype specifies 4 set of properties, Can add or remove properties dynamically 10 individual objects or to the entire set of objects. Class-based (Java) Class and instance are distinct entities. Define a class with a class definition; instantiate a class with constructor methods. Create a single object with the new operator. Construct an object hierarchy by using class definitions to define subclasses of existing classes. Inherit properties by following the class chain. Class definition specifies all properties ofall instances of a class. Cannot add properties dynamically at runtime.

صفحه 16:
زبان های مبتنی بر کلاس و مبتنی بر شی(دمم = os Manager

صفحه 17:
زبان های مبتنی بر کلاس و مبتنی بر شی(دمم Object hierarchy Individual objects jim = new Employes jim.name i jimedept ‘general” sally — new Manager sally.name is" sally.dept Is "general" sallyreports is [ ] mark - new WorkerBeo mark-name is" mark.dept is mark projects is [] fred - new SalesPerson fred.name is fred.dept is "sales" fred.projects is [] fred.quota ‏كا‎ 100 jane = new Engineer Jane-name is Jane.depe is “engineering” Jane projects is [ ] Janemachine ‏وا‎ WorkerBee ۱ SalesPerson ۱ Engineer ۱ Manager ۱

صفحه 18:
‘Event handler onAbort ouBlur ‘onChange onClick onDragDrop رخدادها در ‎UG‏ ‘Occurs when User aborts the loading of an image (for example by clicking a link or clicking the Stop button) ‘User removes input focus from window or form element User changes value of element User clicks form element or link User drops an object onto the browser window, such as dropping a file on the browser window ‘Applies to images windows and all form clements text fields, textareas, select lists ‘buttons, radio buttons, checkboxes, submit buttons, reset buttons, links windows Event ‘Abort Blur Change Click DragDrop

صفحه 19:
Event handler onError onFocus onKeyDown onKeyPress ouKeyUp onload onMouseDown onMouseMove a IG ‏رخدادها در‎ Occurs when The loading ofa document or image causes an error User gives input focus to window or form element User depresses a key User presses or holds down a key User releases a key User loads the page in the Navigator ‘User depresses a mouse button User moves the cursor Applies to images, windows windows and all form elements documents, images, links, text areas documents, images, links, text areas documents, images, links, text areas document body documents, buttons, links nothing by default Event Error Focus KeyDown KeyPress KeyUp Toad MouseDown MouseMove

صفحه 20:
Event handler onMouseOut onMouseOver onMouseUp onMove onReset onResize onSelect onSubmit onUnload a IG ‏رخدادها در‎ Occurs when ‘User moves cursor out of a client-side image map or link User moves cursor over a link User releases a mouse button ‘User or seript moves a window ‘User resets a form (clicks a Reset button) ‘User or seript resizes a window User selects form element’s input field User submits a form User exits the page Applies to areas, links Tinks documents, buttons, links windows forms windows text fields, textareas forms document body Event ‘MouseOut MouseOver MouseUp Move Reset Resize Select Submit Unload

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