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Social Capital and Health Outcomes Among Older
Adults in China: The Urban—Rural Dimension
شوه رم هودنا
“+ Author Affiliations
ilagoess conrespondencetolulie A. Norse, Graduate Scho of actalork Basten
{oteae, 140 Commarea Avenuc, ChesUMcel اه و دیاقع eo
| کر مه
ect 1
Purpose: This study examines different types oFincvidual-level social capital
‘wonding, téging, and linking) and their relationships ith sical and
femarional health among oldar Chinese ising n urban and ural cerings.
Design and Methods: sing the 2005 Chins General Social Survey, PAYSICAl
anc emotional health were recressedi an social capital centelling for
seciedemographic variables by urban and rural Chinese aged 65 years and
‘Reswles: Banding sozil capital was significantly associated with
physical end emotional hacth f= -14 p< ob) snd B=.11; peo,
Fespectivehy) and linking social capital was significantly associated with
physical health (B = 11; »=.01) among che utoan older Chinese. No sionifcant
assacatlons benween social capial measures and health were found among rural
واه Implications: The relsionship between social capital and health
feutcomes chould race inta azcount geographical certing. fans to inrese
social capital inthe hope of decreasing nealth dispanty might be inadequaze
‘without eliminating China's unigue rural-urban eistinetion in eistibuting
economic and social resources, Further conceptualization of socal capcal may
jour ek ra Rar ل ا
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A. comprehensive foundation
Haji, - Neural Networks, 2003. jexeepoys coe. org
‘ten tom an engineering percpectve, NEURAL NETWORKS prvi & comprehensive,
Uuptostha rina tealmont of hal, compote vith nce oxarm ee, chal
frceleme and comer criented exeetimems. The marorals presented in
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(Onthe approximate realization of continuous mappings by neural
‘1 Furahach\- Nowral networks, 1922- Elceve
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by Rumelnar-Hintanligms! mutlayar meural networks vith st eest one hideer ayer
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[Specht DF (1990) Probabilistic ne orks 3:10.
@ Hie Tabane
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Menmoudi 2012 Siver-Coated Enginaered Magnets... ACS Nano
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Zhe 2012 Factors Associated ith Caregivers! Dement Ge
Dionne search Niknem 2012 Swalowed toothbrush Ach anit
Hammemi 2011 Autoimmune pancreettismimicking. Name
QacadSeachPr.. ()| ورم 2012 Rambling and Trembling in Respors.. Motor Cortrol
G.CAB Absrects(.. (0)! Menmoud| —2011——Developinert of sensitive detection o ran J Pare
QLibrarrot Congr. (0}| اههد 2012 “Five-year avalucton ofthe antinicro... infect Dov.
@ustafessco) زر BeDor 2012 -—_Anovel minimalyinvasive access to... Catheter C
Minerva Ca لا فا ری وه
GWweb of Science
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نمونه صفحه ۷۷۵/0 بعد از نصب 2۱۱0۱۱07۲۴
induction. The te hiden lye cose i proved abo by us
theorem and his proof abo gves nant relzations|
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پس از باز کردن ۲ ۴۸1۵016 مراحل زیر را انجام دهید
Tie Esk مده هی موی Hep
۳ B=
15۵6906 ۲ 2 9ب 4
۱ ine Jounal Rb
5 5 Haykin مراد A comprehensive foundation Neural Net... Journ
یت smith 95 Recombinant mouse OB protein ext Journ
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Untied 43
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وا IFunahashi | (1969) On the approximate realization of conbnuous mappings by neural
ering eon Tee etwerks, Neural Networks 2 182-192
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با انجام
‘Thestarting point ofthe proof for the one hidden layer case's an integral formutarecentl proposed
by lnecRiyake anc! rom this, the generalcese (for any number af hidden layers) can a= aroved by
Induction, The two hidden layers case is proved also by using the
‘theorem and this proof also ges nor-trvial realizations (Funahashi 1"
Funahasi . (179) "On the approximate ealzation of continuous mappings by neural
retworks." Neural Nefwors YT]:
صفحه 27:
همچنین برای افزودن منابع می توانید از ابزار ۱0]0016]] نیز استفاده
براى اين كار با استفاده از 211011010 ۱۳56۵۲۲ و زدن ۴۱۳۵
0 عمل نماييد.
شتا | سس نا
مومع مه عاود
ی رود صت تسایس
‘The starting point of theproot forthe anehiddenlayer case's an integral formlarecertly proposed
by lfg-Mivake and from ths, the genera case (for ary numberof hidden ayers) can be proved by
Induction. The two hidden layers case is proved ao by using the Ko\mogorov-amold-Sprecher )
‘theorem and ths proof ao gives non-trivial eatzations|
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0 Review Yiew هی
ne hidden layer caceic an integral formula recently proposed
_e~ Pralcase (for any numberof hidden layers) can be aroved by
Induction. The two hidden layers case is proved also by using the Kolmogorov-Amold-Sorecher
‘theorem ang ths poof also gives nor tive realizations (Funanashi *
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