صفحه 1:
عنا0151© 00 ‎Industry‏ ‏نا 0 Basics ۱ 4 Ne deo 67

صفحه 2:
Cll Benchmarking. | Objectives | ‎aol Tay definitions —‏ ایجاد تعاریف ‏عمومی ‎norms‏ 8 + ‎°Determi he 7 e of best‏ ‎practices ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 3:
Benchmarking - a systematic process o measuring one’s performance against recognized leaders for the purpose of determining best_practices that lead to It is part of a continuous improvement ۴۲۵۵55 ‎one‏ تیان ل نا مه طم ‎ph‏ قي و0 ‎organization‏

صفحه 4:
Strategic Benchmarkiy Berea O16 =\ 1-10] a oo) alg Y= V=V=< =v business - Non competitive - Examines non ipdustry ۲۵۱۰۰۱۵۰۱۵۱۲ 7197171 فقاوه وله 89زور روو(ه روت ‎Study of competitors |‏ - ۱۹۲/۱2۰۵۱۱۵۱ اه ‎processes against‏ 0 را بر ات۱۱۱۱ ۳۹ ‎database interrogations at 7‏

صفحه 5:
18/2 ‏تست‎ ‎Proce La -“ ‏معو‎ ime Tae [2] 2S. ‏توجه به نیع‎ of company — ‏ا‎ conducting a particular business rocess ارتقا یک پر‌وسه ویخره بای متال پرروسه ت ©0666 ميدن ea. Process —- Chanqe ۱ CG

صفحه 6:
07 performed by ۵0 benchmarking analysts Low - Can use trained company personnel or consultants 4 سس ‎High —‏ ۰ industries to determine opportunities for strategic change initiatives in core business processes. The analysis of relative اک سا زا تس competito Suc) conducted as “blind” studies ‏كلا للك لانن‎ ak SSSI The analvsic of nerformance Types of Benchmar of Performance ۳ —_

صفحه 7:
ure 10 Determine critical success factors i= 200۳00۲۱۵16 ۵ صح 300۳00۲۱39 1060۲5 (representative) tossetvey Identify appropriate populatia compare to Obtain data for comparisor Determine performance and process Determine 2001 ١ ‏فك‎ _ 2 arr) S| | I Select.best practices to narrow procesg& au 7. ۳ gaps ~8\l lmplement best practices& ‏لاسي‎

صفحه 8:
8 رضایت مشتری أکلحت وت زوو(ه» 61۳2 7 Planned | 7 - CG, BF, absolute SG, SF, RIR, LWCIR, ‏يل‎ ‎Accidents Quality performance ‏ةا‎ cost . Achieving d 7 ۲ . Cost perfo ©

صفحه 9:
Basis for 56۱۲-۸۵۷ 5 a ‏ل نالك‎ here should ‏نالا‎ 6005 your effor ‏كجا بايد تلاشتان را متم كن كنيد ؟‎ Cost Performance Schedule ‏و2119‎ ' 85 نی ۳۳۳۰ ۳ Quality? Cll

صفحه 10:
Cost BA are -Cost a a. ec -Phase cr ۳ 1

صفحه 11:
Performance Metric NORMS | Cost Performan ۳ Compare to Metric 59 [Value Quartile “sy orowate [Project Cost Growth 091 [Delta Cost Growth . vailable Soon [Design Cost Growth [Procurement Cost Growth rruction Cost Growth 63۳13۳۲3 [Pre-Project Planning Phase Cost Factor [Design Phase Cost Factor ‘rocurement Phase Cost Factor |Construction Phase Cost Factor Startup Phase Cost Factor

صفحه 12:
oup: Heavy Indust Project Cost Growth for Project O51: Respondent Type: Owner Database: Domestic gory: SISMM Industry Project Type; All Project Nature: Grass Roots Project Cost Growth Score:

صفحه 13:
حل ‎A)‏ ‎W‏ ‏0 ‎W‏ ‎W‏ ‏5 ‏لك ‏5 ‏او ‎fe)‏ ‏لو : 0( Schedule -Schedule Grow: -Schedule Facto -Phase eo 1 Factors | 5۳5۵ ra cil”

صفحه 14:
‘Delta Schedule Growth Pre-Project Planing Phas Factor Design Phase Duration Factor Procurement Phase Duration Factor ‘Construction Phase Duration Factor Startup Phase Duration Factor

صفحه 15:
Project Schedule ‘Respondent Type: Cost Category: Al Project Type: All Project Schedule Growth S Beat 100% 90% boy ase 8 27

صفحه 16:

صفحه 17:
۱ ‏کت[‎ ee Te Factor Le ‏ل‎ ‎Rework Ps 3 4 “Tol Field Rework Festor 058 (2

صفحه 18:
stage... MN ات مه ‎Continual analysis & reassess‏ Objective results BM methodology must be a Significance of results must be ۳ must be justified by 0| ‏عات‎ ‎26 2 ‏وتزد۱‎ aoc integrity 0 sake of findings Paes ‏با‎ 0 eon 2 ‏خلاقی:‎ 3 Avhigh code of ethics is essential “10. Successful SEN ins ob ana sls, nlanned annroach ‎aay ise ee‏ ی ‎ ‎

صفحه 19:
ra ees ran commitment 12.Must establish & enfo; 13. Must report-indings fe management : ۱۳۱ ‏هت اروت زر‎ 06۲50۳۳6۱ 15.Access to a benchmarking 16.Use of a good MIS - manag | 1 15101191361011 51/566151 8 ۱۳۵۱۱۵۹/۰ ۰ ‏ام سای ساني مطانمت )8ت حقلع؟ | كع‎ & external)

صفحه 20:
ste] Agee 3 Benchmarking J 1. ۳۵۵۲ 0۲ 06۱۳۵ 566۱ ۶5 / ۷۵038 2. Fear of losing competitive a, sharing ۳ ‏ات‎ 3. Arrogance - a are the best, why benchmark?” Response - 1 “How do ‘ou know?” 1 4 Pee ١ 06۳6۳۱۵۲۲ ۲۰۵*657 Which is convenient, but may ‏عم كاسن‎ 5

صفحه 21:

صفحه 22:
Benchmarking = Observations mm لت 00/9 دراوراه رت ال ‎requires deep self-assessment-and the‏ ‎doing to the‏ نو ‎ability to adapt what others‏ ‎context of your organization.‏ 2. Benchmarking is the application of scientific methods to process improvement 3. Key is to “Adapt not adopt” - ۷ ‏0ع‎ 10 Deming 4. 2۱ ۵9 065 206۲ 60۴9۲6 95 3 ۵۲۷۲۵۱ process for Americans - competitiveness doessbutnot benchmarking, because 9 Yenchmarking requires a ‏كني‎ - atson 95

صفحه 23:
Soe | antec L | prefer to profit by others’ ‏هون‎ and to control and eventually to improvement.” reel OM Cte Tei aaa much less:than those ‏شید‎ no data ۳9 0, ‎ee Sapte‏ 0۵ ۳5 ۱6 ذأ أمع دوع يمجع الا“ ‎ ‎2

صفحه 24:
Benchmarking E 2 OUG 5 ۳ ۳ being humble enough to admit that someone else is better at something and wise enough:to try and learn how 2 to match and even surpass them at ‏و‎ ite” - ; you are not keeping score only practicing.” Phe bs ۳۳5: ۲۳۲۲ ۵ ‏تفت‎ ‎Schneiderman ‎Journal of Strategic وتاي یات روت زو رازه 2-۱ ‎ij January 1999‏

صفحه 25:
Benchmarking Bb alele " ۱۳ imble of data is worth more than ‏ا‎ ‎- Slaughter Overcoming ‏د‎ to copying can be difficult: Bm “From kindergarten onward, we have been punished fo ‏ایا سا‎ and rewarded for individual ‏رع ممع باع تطاعة‎ 4 keamwork in the classroom is called

صفحه 26:
Gil Benchmarking Code: of Conduct = 110g 0] 0)=\ = ee oo -to guide Committee, staff, and participant activities -to promote 7a 36 ‏نت و ور رت رورت‎ overall effectiveness of the program | ] ‏آ آ‎ "۲ ۲ | ۲۱ ۲ ] 055 Cla ‏ی تا ری رت ار »راز‎ lalali ‏سيد به‎ in the Cll Benchmarking and trics Program.

صفحه 27:
6۱۱ Benchmarking Code: ey eK ate eam || Committee & Staff Principles: - Confidential treatment of data " Publishing of aggregated data only . " Use of confidentiality ‏لت تت كت‎ =, aan SS s fro companies 2 aU eee) of ‏م‎ 3 9۹ 5 benchmarking, research, and ‏ال ارت زر با‎ activities ۹

صفحه 28:
of Conduct “Ba Participant Principles: ۱... ‏سر‎ - Avoid activities that might lea to bid rigging, restraint of trad etc. - Agreement to input em representative, complete, and accurate data |- ‘Will not'séek confidential data Es from.Committee or staff Gil” ‏لوي لتك‎ to attendance at annual trainina and data

صفحه 29:
average, you're just as close to the عم 'ناملا سك 0 LInbnnawin

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