پساب کارخانه های خمیرمایه و الکل به دلیل BOD و COD بالا و دارا بودن مواد سمی همچون ترکیبات فنلی و داشتن pH پایین بعنوان معضل عمده محیط زیستی شناخته شده است. دفع مستقیم ومستمر این پساب درخاک موجب کاهش کیفیت خاک و از بین رفتن محصولات کشاورزی محیط زیستی میشود. درصورت تخلیه در رودخانه یا دریا، حیات آبزیان را در معرض تهدید جدی قرار میدهد. به منظور جلوگیری از این خطرها، روشهای بیولوژیکی، شیمیایی و فیزیکی فراوانی برای تصفیه این پساب پیشنهاد شده است.وشهای بیولوژیکی بی هوازی و روشهای هوازی درسالهای اخیر جهت کاهش BOD توسعه زیادی یافته اند.


صفحه 1:
Leg vinasse treatment ۶ ارائه دهنده: ۶ استاد : * تاريخ ارائه :

صفحه 2:
خلاصه * تعاریف زیست پالایی و زیست فروسایی و 000و 800 9 انواع ملاس * مصارف ملاس و مصرف ويناس * فرآیند تبدیل ملاس به ويناس * مضرات و چالش های ویناس * روش های رایچ و معمول تصفیه ويناس * بررسی چند مقاله تحقیقاتی درباره تصفیه ویناس و رنگبری آن ها به روش بیولوژیکی .

صفحه 3:
WHAT IS MOLASSES ®On industrial scale, ethanol can be prepared by the fermentation of molasses. Molasses is the mother liquor left after the crystallization o Sugarcane juice. ® It is a dark coloured viscous liquid. Molasses contains about 60% / fermentable sugar.

صفحه 4:
تفاوت ۱۵۱85565 و :Vinasses ملاس‌<پساب کارخانه قندو شکر ویناس<پساب کارخانه الکل سازو | Milling and bagasse separation 3 3 & 1 3 Healing t Fermentation t Distillation

صفحه 5:
مصارف ملاس در صنایع تخمیری *۰ - تهیه الکل اتیلیک و اسید استیک * تهیه خمیر مایه نانوایی ( ۷65۲ ‎(Bakers‏ ۰ تهیه اسید گلوتامیک * تولید اسید سیتر * تولید پروتئین ‎(single cell protein) ais SG‏ * تولید لایزین از ملاس * تهیه دکستران * تولید چربی از ملاس * تولید اسید لاکتیک * تولید استن و بوتانو

صفحه 6:
فرآیند تولید اتانول Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Dilution | water__4,50, | Nutrients ا ۱ ۱ | | | ‘Molasses | 12-20% |__| Fermentation-12 to 60 hours| 7-10% | Multistage | 95% Sugar | | at 30°C {Ethanol | evaporation Ethanol | ۲ ۲ Yeast sludge Spent wash Figure 12.3 Ethanol manufacturing flow sheet

صفحه 7:

صفحه 8:
Strategies for clean environment

صفحه 9:
انواع ملاس های تولید شده در کارخانجات قند عبارت اند ‎al:‏ ‏:از 2 ملاس كارخانجااتجغندر قن . 5 قند ‎uj‏ ‏4 ملاس: صفبه خانه هلیکه شکر خام چهدیبا شكر سفيد جغندر را به قند تبدیل ‎INES‏ كرا ها که ون کر مار ملاس‌دار رد

صفحه 10:
8 تأسلاب صنایع الکل سازی ‎ee‏ ۱ ال تولید شده. تولید 15-10 لیثر پساب. ۰ درصد بالاي مواد آلي و معدني موجود در پساب واحدهاي تولید الکل ۰ رنگ قهوه‌اي پایدار y.L, COD 5 BOD + ۰ دارا بودن مواد سمي وترکیبات آروماتيك(به خصوص فنل‌ها) + داشتن 0۲۱ پایین

صفحه 11:
روش‌هاي معمول تصفیه و دفع پساب واحدهاي تولید الکل * تبخیر و خشك كردن بساب براي توليد خوراك دام تولید پروتئین تك یاخته استفاده مستقیم از پساب براي آبياري زمين‌هاي كشاورزي رقیق سازي پساب با آب و دفع آن در آب‌هاي جاري(در فرهنگ محیط زیستی روش رقیق سازی جایگاهی ندارد و راه‌حلی برای رفع آلودگی نیست) بازیافت مواد معدنی * تصفیه بیولوژیکی

صفحه 12:
2 دخانه یا دریاء حیات آبزیان را در معرض تهدید از اين خطرهاء روش‌هاي بيولوژيکي, شيميايي و براي تصفیه این پساب پيشنهاد شده است.

صفحه 13:
مقایسه ترکیبات ویناس و ملاس Component Molasses Vinasse %, m.f.b. %, m.f.b Stachyose Raffinose Sucrose Glucose Fructose Galactose Total Carbohydrates Proteins Lipids Fibers Ash ISOURCES: Siqueira (2006); the author (2007)

صفحه 14:
جدول شمار ۵ (۱): مشخصات نمونه پساب و احدهای تولید الکل در ايران» استرالا و هد ‎(Singh and Nigam, 1995; Barnes,et al., 1984)‏ مشخصات تموله نموه هندی نموله استرالیایی ایرائی ‎YHA WA PH‏ ‎Fors‏ (aly af CoD 2 الیرم در لت کل چامدات[درسد 0 ‎Fer‏ عل سولفات(میلی کرم در لیر نیتروژن(میلی گرم در لیترا ‎wre We‏ قفا (ميلى ‎(Hp oS‏ 7 پتاسیم(میلی گرم در يترا ‎Wee‏ - و : : ۱۷۰۰ ‏رم در ییا‎ bale

صفحه 15:
Waste and Biomass Valorization https://doi.org/10.1007/s12649-019-00690-1 ORIGINAL PAPER Spectrophotometric Estimation of Total Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Molasses and Vinasses Generated from the Sugarcane Industry Andrea Molina-Cortés'”© - Tatiana Sanchez-Motta’ - Fabian Tobar-Tosse*0 - Mauricio Quimbaya”>

صفحه 16:
5 ۴ 3 2 9 a 1 0 E 3 1 mmm TPC =+ DPPH =e ABTS -* FRAP (TE) FRAP (FeSO4) ‎ay | i 59‏ + ۱8 پچ 6 ۱ - 2 2 6 6 ‎Molasses Aqueous extracts of‏ ۰ ۱9083۲6206 ‎molasses‏ ‎7 ‎2 5 Dagon, 1 a 8 ۰ 6605۰ 7 ‎Vinasse Aqueous extracts of B Molasses C Molasses Vinasse vinasse ‎/ ‏5 که چم مه هه هم د م ‎TPC (mg GAE/g)

صفحه 17:
duly 2010, 31, 521-528 (2010) For personal use only Commercial distribution of this copyis illegal Journal of Environmental Biology Olriveni Enterprises, Lucknow (India) Free paper downloaded from: www. jeb.co.in Removal of melanoidin present in distillery effluent as a major colorant: A Review Radhika Agarwal", Sneh Lata’, Meera Gupta’ and Pratibha Singh ‘Department of Chemistry, Ideal Institute of Technology, Govindpuram- 201 301, India *Department of Botany, M.M.H. Post Graduate College, Ghaziabad - 204 001, India ‘Department of Chemistry, SSSAcademy of Technical Education, Noida- 201 304, India

صفحه 18:
Reference dain et al,, 2002 Kambe etal, 1999 Ohmomo et at, 1938a Siianuntapitoan etal, 200 Dahiyaet al, 01 Kumar and Chandra, 2006 Mohana et af, 2007 Colour removal (%) 0 35 104 Table- 2: Bacteria erployed forlhe decoloureation o dsilley effluent Comments All the three strains needed glucose as carbon source and NH,Clas ritragen soure Thedecolounzation efficiency of free cells was bettertheninm cbilizedcells. Decolourzation ocurredai 55°C in 20 days ‏هلمن‎ of peglone of yeest extrect a supplemertal rutfient Stran could not use MWY as sole carbon sours Immobil zed cells ofthe hetero fermentative lactic acidbactetium decolourzed 40% ofthe melannidn solution within 4 days aerobically The organism required suger especially, glucose and fructosefor decolo.rization of MSWs ‘The decolounzation was obtained with cellulose cariercoated withcollagen. Reuse of decolourized cells reduced the decclaurization efficiency Aciction of 1% plusose as @ sunplementary carbon source was necessary Thethree strains were part of aconsortium which deoolourized the anacrobically digested soebi wash inpresence of basal salts end gluvose Name Xenthomonas fragariae Baalus srithal Lactobadius filgardi Anetahacer cet) Pseudomonas Fluorescens: Bacillus thuringiensis Pseudomonas aenuginosa

صفحه 19:
BIOREOURC TECHNOLOGY ELSEVIER Bioresource Technology 78 (2001) 111 114. Short communication Decolourisation of molasses wastewater by cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens immobilised on porous cellulose carrier Jagroop Dahiya *, Dalel Singh ®, Poonam Nigam °* © Novopharm Fermentation, 130 Hamelin Stree!, Wianipeg, Man, Canada R31 3Z! < Department af Microbiology, CCS Haryana Agricultura? University, Hisar 125004, India © Bicteclaology Research Group, University of Ulster, Coleraine BTS2 184, Ireland Received 11 April 2000; received in zevised form 10 September 2000; accepted 10 October 2000

صفحه 20:
Microbiological Colourants Removal from Sugar Beet Molasses Vinasse — The Effects of Process Parameters and Vinasse Dilution Marta WILK, Malgorzata KRZ YWONOS and Przemystaw SERUGA Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland Abstract: Distilleries, in addition to ethanol, produced vinasse which is hazardous for the environment. Sugar beet molasses vinasse (BMY) is the most problematic waste from distilleries because of the coloured compounds contained therein. Traditional methods of the removal of the pollutant load from the waste do not allow simultaneous decolourization. The paper presents a microbiological method of coloured compounds removal from BMY. The conditions of the process (pH and temperature) and vinasse concentration were optimized. The bacteria Lactobacillus plantarum MiL,AB393 applied showed the decolourization activity of 26% in medium consisted of 30% v/v of BMV at pH0=6.5 and 35.8°C.

صفحه 21:
0 0 لدان The Role of Microorganisms in Distillery Wastewater Treatment: A Review Terefe Tafese Bezuneh” Callege of Natural Scence, Arbamnch University, Arbaminch, Ethiopia Abstract Distileries are one ot the most polluting incustries generating large volume ot wastewater having a serious environmental concern. Disillery effluent is characterized ky cark brown color, acidic pH. high temperature. low dissolved oxygen (DO), high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and cherrical oxygen demand (COD). Distillery wastewater disposed onte the environment prior ta treatments hazardous and leecsto soil and water aollution. The dark brawn color of distilery effluent causes reduction of sunlight penetration, decreased photosynthetic activity and dissolved oxygen concentration in rivers, lakesand lagoons, hence becomes detrimentalto aquatic life. Italso causes reduction in sail alkalinity and inhibition cf seed germination Different physicochemical and bialagical methods have heen Investigated for the treatment cf clistilery effluents. In recent years, increasing attentions has been directed! towards biolagical wastewater teatrrent methods. Biorermeciaton of wastewater using rricroorganisms is efficient and cost effective method. Microorganisms as bacteria, fungi, and algae have been shown to exhibit bioremediation activities rnainly due to their production of complex and non-specific enzymatic systems capable of degrading various forms of pollutants frorn wastewater The main concem of the present review is also to expiore the role of microorganisms in wastewater treatment disposed fram distileries. Further, the mechanisms of color remaval by fungl, bacteria and algae have also been incorporated)

صفحه 22:
Production of Protease Using Wastewater from the Manufacture of Shochu SHIGERU MORIMURA, KENJI KIDA,* anp YORIKAZU SONODA Department of Applied Chemisiry, Faculty of Engineering, Kumamoto University, 2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto 860, Japan Received 23 August 1993/Accepted 25 October 1993 The production of protease using wastewater from 2 shochu distillery was investigated in order to devise a process for the treatment of shochu distillery wastewater. Aspergillus usami mut. shirousami IFO 6082 was se- lected from among eight strains for production of protease. Production of 240 U/ml of proteolytic activity was achieved after 72h in a jar-fermentor culture under the following conditions: initial pH, 5; 30°C; aeration, 1vvm; and agitation, 600 rpm. The protease was purified by column chromatography on Sephadex G-150 and isoelectrofocusing. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme determined by SDS-PAGE was 56 kDa, and the isoelectric point was pH 4.0. The optimum pH for the reaction was about 4.0, so the enzyme is therefore an acid protease. The optimum temperature for proteolysis ranged between 55 and 60°C, while the enzyme was unstable at temperatures above 60°C.

صفحه 23:
Resea rch Article Influence of Vinasse Application in the Structure and Composition of the Bacterial Community of the Soil under Sugarcane Cultivation ‘Wellington Pine Omori,! André Ferreira de Camargo, Karla Cristina Stropa Goulart,! Ellana Gertrudes de Macedo Lemos,” and Jackson Antonio Marcondes de Souza’ Department Biolog Applied ‏متشه‎ and Livestock. Sehcolf Agrcuibureland Vteinarian Scenoes ‘Sto Pao Sate Unverady (Crp SdnAvel Pals), Paulo Donwio Cerone Kr 98 Revd 4884-000 jedetevdal SR Bret Department of Tciaclog, Shoot of ‏لوستم انوع‎ end Viterinarien Since, So Bevo Sate Universby (Univ Ptaduel Pael:te, ‘alo Demato Castellon Km 05 Road, 16884-200 folie, SP yaatl ‘Comespondene should be addressed t Jackson Anténic Marcondes de Souns;jackson @foseumesp He Recaved S March 2016; Revised $9 May 2016, Aconpted 26 June 216 svadwntc eaten Aina Farad ‘Copmght © 2016 Wellington Fine Omar et a This san opan acces enidedsrbutod under the Crestve Coramens Attibation Leese, which permits uzesticted use, szibution, and nepeeduction in any moedium, peovded the eriginal wak ts propely ated, ‘Although the wie of wnace es « waste hepa rorenish cul nstnence and impraves the quay ofthe sagarcane op, sts evn ‘that vinteee residues alter the dovasity cf bactersa naturally presnt inthe soi, Th actual impacts of winter appliction on the saloon of baciLa aya ate uot sudeveisod bocatce ho csc have ‏هجو مره رل موس نا دش که‎ gene cone sequencestrom four so. types shose tatthe sot plantad wath agareane en ft» wath vnasse basa high dvecaty oPbacterta compared to oer biomes, white Acidabactetaeare the second most abundant phytua, Aliough the composition, and soucture of bacterial communities der signieanty im the four aviconments(Libchus test), forest cos and sot planted sith sagaccane without vinasse fertilizer were amila to each ober because fey share at least 28 OTUs related to Rhizutialer, ‘which ommperantogente ‏هلله ادكه‎ mirogon fueauon, OTUsbaonstng te Acanomjcetaleowiee detect mote oft the cll ‘hat hed vinase applied. indicating tha these groups ere mote Favored by ths typeof anid management

صفحه 24:
Decolorization and Bioremediation of Molasses Wastewater by White-Rot Fungi in a Semi-Solid-State Condition S. KAHRAMAN®, O. YESILADA® "Department of Science, Faculty of Education, "Department of Biology, Science and Art Faculty, Inom University, 424069 Malatya, Turkey e-mail sskahraman@inomu.edu.t, oyesilada@inonuedu.tt Received 13 January 2003 ABSTRACT. Molasses wastewater (vinasse; the by-product of distillation of fermented sugar) was decolo- tized and its chemical oxygen demand (COD) was reduced in static cultivation using the fungi Coriolus versicolor, Funalia trogii, Phanerochaete chrysosporium and Pleurotus pulmonarius (‘Pleurotus sajor- caju’). The effect of cotton stalk on decolorizing and COD removing capability of four fungi was deter- mined. In the entire concentration range tested (10-30 %), wastewater was effectively decolorized by C. ver- sicolor and F. tregii. Cotton stalk addition stimulated the decolorization activity of all fungi. The utilization of cotton stalk represents several advantages due to its function as an attachment place and as a source of nutrients; its use also reduces process costs.

صفحه 25:
Key words: *Distrilly wast water + Molasses wast water *Fermentation wast water *sugarcane vinasse * Biological treatment *Bioremedation + Microorganism pathway «Sugarcane distillery spent wash * Sugarcane by-products *Spend wash

صفحه 26:
pplexion’s answers to vinasses and stillages treatment > Typical vinasses composition Enhanced value Process Evaporation, Nanofiltration Reverse osmosis Mempbrane-bio reactor ‘Water Water 89% back to proves Suspended Animal food Clarification, filtration solids 44, Fortilizer Crystallization > Saits 2% Valuable organic | ‏ماع‎ 5 ۰ romatographi —> component glycerol graphy raffinose Animal feed Water MSuspendedsolids Salts Valuable organic component Others ‏ا‎

صفحه 27:

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