صفحه 1:
Strategic Thinking Strategic Planning Strategic Action Dennis Ogherty, Frincipal 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 2:
Contents در Strategic Thinking Preferred futures 3. Where are we now? ... engagement Strategic Intent/Plans Why? دم Or ‏كر‎ 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 3:
Strategic Thinking Whether we, as educators, like it or not, schools are commercial organisations that have to: ٠ make their budgets balance, * compete for clients on an open market, * constantly reinvent themselves, * understanding their purpose clearly, * produce satisfied customers. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 4:
Strategic Thinking Strategic Thinking... not just Strategic Planning “the central challenge facing school leaders today is to create and lead an adaptive enterprise... an organisation with the built-in ability to sense and rapidly adjust to change on a continuous basis” Petersen W...Reinventing Strategy 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 5:
a Strategic Thinking Strategic Thinking (and planning) is about the future of the school We understand what the future might be when we understand - why the school exists - who we are and - what we aim to achieve 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 6:
Five key questions go to the heart of what constitutes the school’s future What is important to us as an organisation? - What sort of School? - What do we want to achieve? - What is our point of difference/distinctiveness? What seems to be happening? - What is working? What is working against us? - What is the demand? What are the treddow will - What are our competitors doing? we know What are the possibilities? we have What are we going to do? been 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting successf ul?

صفحه 7:
The Preferred Futures concept Not the “normal” strategic planning exercise Not just the Possible! Not just the Probable! The Preferred Futures Beare H: Chasing the Future Schoo! 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 8:
Where are we now? Cultural Audit The Engagement Index 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 9:
The Engagement Index The Vocation 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 10:
The Engagement Index What is Engagement? “Engagement is a voluntary state of connection with an organisation.” Teachers (sta Students and Parents engag th the school 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 10

صفحه 11:
The Engagement Index Teacher Engagement Teachers embrace the vocation of teaching for many reasons. * some because they like working with children, * some because they enjoy the challenge of developing their students in all sorts of ways, * others become teachers because they have a passion for their subject area and, * there are those few who are teachers because the hours and the holidays suit their lifestyle. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 11

صفحه 12:
Engagement Whatever the reason for embracing the vocation of teaching, teachers are then employed in a school setting. They are employed to lead their students to learning, not just academic learning but that learning we all need to become balanced human beings. For any teacher, to be able to do that happily, the school (their employer) needs to provide an environment with which they can engage. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 12

صفحه 13:
Engagement Stage one: ٠ The first stage is a purely knowledge and understanding level of engagement. In other words, I know and understand about this organisation so therefore I willingly become engaged with it. Stage two: * Because I made the initial effort to engage with the school on the basis of my knowledge of it, I become motivated to be more and more involved with the school and its activities. So the second stage of my engagement is involvement/motivation. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 13

صفحه 14:
Engagement Stage three: * As I become more and more involved with the school and its activities I develop a level of professional (and personal) satisfaction about my connection with the school. So the third stage of engagement is satisfaction. My level of satisfaction may be strong or weak. Stage four: ٠ When my level of satisfaction is high I may move to the next stage of my engagement with the school and develop a commitment to and/or passion for the school as an organisation, for what it is, what it stands for, what is doing and how it does it. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 14

صفحه 15:
Engagement Stage five: ¢ The most engaged I can be with the school is when, as a result of my commitment and passion, I advocate willingly for the school. So advocacy is the fifth and final stage of engagement. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 15

صفحه 16:
Engagement What is it about the school that I engage with? 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 17:
Engagement What connects the aspects to the teacher and the teacher to the aspects and therefore the school? 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 17

صفحه 18:
Engagement The Mission/purpose and the Working Conditions have a valuing effect that encourages my connection with the school. The Working conditions and the Leadership have an inspiring effect on me The Leadership and the Best Practice encourage my emulating capacity The Best Practice and the Opportunity the school provides is empowering of me. Finally, although the actions are always in perpetual motion, The Opportunity and the Challenge have an energising influence The Challenge and the Mission are about embracing what the school is about and its, and my, capacity to make a difference. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 18

صفحه 19:
Engagement The Mission/purpose and the Working Conditions have a valuing effect that encourages my connection with the school. The Working conditions and the Leadership have an inspiring effect on me The Leadership and the Best Practice encourage my emulating capacity The Best Practice and the Opportunity the school provides is empowering of me. Finally, although the actions are always in perpetual motion, The Opportunity and the Challenge have an energising influence The Challenge and the Mission are about embracing what the school is about and its, and my, capacity to make a difference. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 19

صفحه 20:
Engagement Aspect 1: The Mission Ey + [understand the School’s Mission / purpesst 5 + Limpart an understanding of the history and traditions of the school to students * Staff inspire others / students to embrace t Mission and direction + The beliefs and values espoused by the ‏امن‎ ‎beliefs and values 221 الس مهمع اممطعع هط غنوطة عللها ‎Staff proactively‏ + purpose for the students and others + The school’s Mission / purpose encourage a sense of collegiality * Staff demonstrate a commitment to the School’s Mission purpose I strongly believe in the School’s Mission / purpose * I model the School’s Mission / purpose in all my dealings with students * The Mission / purpose is very evident in the day to day operation of the school 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 20

صفحه 21:
Engagement The measurement The person completing the questionnaire is asked to rate each Item on two seven point scales. On the first scale the rating refers to the level of importance the person places on the particular item. The second scale asks them to agree or disagree with the Item according to their personal position. The two scales approach provides a valuable measurement tool. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 21

صفحه 22:
Engagement If the person is asked, for example, just to agree or disagree with the statement, the inference is that they see all the items as of equal importance. Not all the items are of equal importance to everyone. To disagree strongly with a statement that you rate of little importance is of less consequence than strongly disagreeing with a statement about an issue you believe is really important. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 22

صفحه 23:
Engagement Hig High Gap High Gap Low Personal Position Hig h 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 23 سو وه عم م و وه

صفحه 24:
Engagement The Gap score indicates the average difference between the two rankings of an item. If the Gap score is high, e.g. 25% to 50% (or higher) this indicates that this is a “crucial item” and worthy of further attention because the Gap obviously indicates a level of emotional concern by the people who have completed the questionnaire. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 24

صفحه 25:
Engagement Gives a snap-shot of the current situation Staff, parents and students Highlights areas of strength and concer Pin-points source of concern Raises the “crucial Wwarere are we now? 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 25

صفحه 26:
Where do we want to be? Creative think tank Consider everything From all the possibilities and the probabilities comes the preferred Mindful of the strengths and areas of concern 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 26

صفحه 27:
The Future Focus ٠ The future of Australian society ° The future influence of religion, societal norms and values as we know them ¢ The future of education and schools What are the implications for your School? 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 27

صفحه 28:
The Future... The Future of Australian Society? What's happening to marriage and the family? * 42 per cent of contemporary marriages will end in divorce * Marriage rate the lowest for 100 years * Shift in emphasis from ‘institution’ to ‘relationship' * The Options generation - wait and see; ‘what else is ere?’ * Birth rate lowest in our history ? * Consequences for the age distribution of the population - the single-person household Most children have more parents than siblings 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 28

صفحه 29:
The four revolutions... Beare In the last 15 years we have all lived through four simultaneous revolutions... ¢ Technology...restructured our idea of knowledge * Gender...redefined the rights of half of the world’s population ¢ Culture...changed our view of what is important about culture...global movement = loss of identity * Economic...total victory of economic rationalism 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 33

صفحه 30:
The four revolutions... A child born in the last ten years... She has a mindset fashioned by the four revolutions She is international in thinking She is unlikely to marry before she is 32 (if at all) She will most probably have one child (if any) She will have two or three career paths She will live well into her 80’s She is facing transformations of life on earth that are beyond our imaginings 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 34

صفحه 31:
The Planning * Where are we now? * Where do we want to be? (Preferred Future...the Strategic Intent) * How do we get from one to the other? (the Plan) 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 35

صفحه 32:
Strategic Intent The Preferred Future Long term What do we want the school and its students/graduates to be like in 2020? - clarify the mission/purpose - create a new vision 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 36

صفحه 33:
Strategic Intent Focus on “big picture” concepts * the learning environment * the learning experience ¢ the global citizen * the enterprise * environmental sustainability 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 37

صفحه 34:
38 Strategic Planning * short term (3 to 5 yrs) * educational management plans * master plan (buildings and facilities) * business plan 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting

صفحه 35:
Strategic Planning Features * Goals...from the strategic intent * Strategies...how will the goals be achieved? * Specific actions...what needs to be done? * Responsibilities...whose job is it? * Indicators...what will it look like when it is done? ¢ Timeline...when will it be done? Achieved? 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 39

صفحه 36:
Why? ¢ the best thing about the future is that we can change it * “I’m all for progress...it’s change that I don’t like” max Twain 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 40

صفحه 37:
Why? Planning is a timetable for taking deliberate actions to maximise the chance of achieving your preferred futures, a road map to guide you to the future of your choice 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 41

صفحه 38:
Why? Strategic thinking describes the process of constant inquiry and change which is essential if the organisation is to not only survive but to thrive. 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 42

صفحه 39:
43 Fathways Questions? Pathways International Consulting 25/12/24

صفحه 40:
creating pathways to a ‘hettep future Suite 10, 2™ Floor, 32 Florence St., Hornsby NSW 2077 Ph: 02 9476 2896 0412 636 899 25/12/24 Pathways International Consulting 44

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