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انتخاب صحیح تم پلیت تاثیر زیادی در اثرگذاری مخاطب دارد


39 صفحه
628 بازدید
24 فروردین 1401


صفحه 1:
ae ۰ ۲ ۲۳5 ‏کا‎ ۷۵۱۲ | Presentation Title

صفحه 2:
EDIT IN GOOGLE SLIDES EDIT IN POWERPOINT® Click on the button under the Click on the button under the presentation preview that says presentation preview that says "Use as Google Slides "Download as PowerPoint Theme", template". You will get a .pptx file that you can edit in You will get a copy of this ‏ديه‎ document on your Google Drive and will be able to edit, add or «Remember to download and delete slides. install the fonts used in this, presentation (you'll find the links to the font files needed in the Presentation desian slide) More info on how to use this template at ‘his template is fee to use under Creative Commons ABfibution icanse. You can keep the Credits slide ar mention SidesCarnval and other resources used in aside footer, You have to be signed in to your Google account.

صفحه 3:
. Hello! . Z lam Jayden Smith lam here because | love to give presentations. You can find me at @username

صفحه 4:
Transition < Headline,

صفحه 5:
م “Quotations-are. 4 commonly. printed asa | means of i inspiration and ۱ to invoke ? philosophical thoughts from the reader.

صفحه 6:
# ۲6۵۲۵ ۷۵ have a list of items * And some text *® But remember not to overload your slides with content Your audience will listen to you or read the content, but won’t do both.

صفحه 7:
510 606۵۲ Bring the attention of your audience over a‘ * key concept using icons or illustrations

صفحه 8:
Black Is the color of ebony and of outer space. It has been the symbolic color of elegance, solemnity and authority. White Is the color of milk and fresh snow, the color produced by the combination of all the colors of the visible spectrum.

صفحه 9:
In two or three columns 1 Yellow Blue Red ‎the color of Is the colour of Is the color of‏ وا ‎gold, butter the clear sky blood, and‏ ‎and ripe and the deep because of this lemons. Inthe sea. It is it has spectrum of located historically visible light, between violet been ‎yellow is found and green on associated with between green the optical sacrifice, ‎and orange. spectrum. danger and ‎courage. ‎ ‎

صفحه 10:
A complex idea can be | 5 conveyed with just a single still image, namely making it ‏ب‎ ‎possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly.

صفحه 11:

صفحه 12:
Wse diagrams to explain your ideas

صفحه 13:
nd tables to compare data 10 20 7 20 - 15 10 5 24 16

صفحه 14:

صفحه 15:
89,526,1 Whoa! That’s a big “numb "t you proud? eS ۶ 1 a

صفحه 16:
ese ‏بيدا‎ 89,526,124$ That's a lot of money .' 1۳ 185,244 users _ And a lot of users 100% wo Total success!

صفحه 17:
Our process is easy ‘Vestibulum congue tempus Vestibulum congue ‘tempus Vestibulum congue tempus

صفحه 18:
3 Act's review some concepts - Yellow Blue Red Is the color of gold Is the colour of the Is the color of blood, butter and ripe lemons. clear sky and the deep _and because of this it In the spectrum of sea. Itis located has historically been visible light, yellow is between violet and associated with found between green green on the optical _ sacrifice, danger and and orange. spectrum. courage. Yellow Blue Red Is the color of gold, Is the colour of the Is the color of blood, butter and ripe lemons, clear sky and the deep _ and because of this it In the spectrum of sea. tis located ‏قط‎ historically been visible light, yellow is between violet and associated with found between green green on the optical _ sacrifice, danger and and orange. spectrum, courage,

صفحه 19:
You can insert graphs from Excel Or GOOEIEg Sheets

صفحه 20:
Pees — yy Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

صفحه 21:
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

صفحه 22:
Show and explain your web, app or software projects using these gadget templates.

صفحه 23:
> Thanks! ‏م‎ ‎1 Any questions? You can find me at: ع5 ناه 8« ۵ ۲ ۶(

صفحه 24:
Special thanks to all the people who made and released these awesome resources for free: * Presentation template by SlidesCarnival * Photographs by Unsplash

صفحه 25:
This presentation uses the following typographies: Titles: Dancing Script Body copy: Bitter Download for free at: https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/dancing-script ‏ام‎ 8 أمارع] وه تمع .اعم |

صفحه 26:
مه لوط 2۵0 ,205315 2 ns, Proj

صفحه 27:
nd the den sea Yellow is the cole of ool, butter an pe ee ٠ Black's the color of ebony and of ‏و‎ Timeline Black's tne color Yelow (the color White Is the color Blue's tne colour -ofenony and of pf gald,tulter at mikeand fresh ofthe Guterspace|andripelemans stow Cae 7 Blue isthe colour. Red isthe colour tthe dearsky of danger and ‘APR nd the deep sea. courate JAN FEB MAR. Yello js the color Whites the'color ‘Blue s the colour. Red i the colour ofmileand ftesh ofthe cearsky” of danger snd Sna'the deep zea. courage of gale butter ‏ند‎ lemons.

صفحه 28:
3 Blue isthe colour of Black the coor of 0 and the - fed isthe colour of ebony ana oF outer ‘danger ard courage lw te car ot Vine the ctr ot ‏معط‎ ' ‏ی شم ی ند‎ 5 0 20

صفحه 29:
rs Gantt chart L ۱ He ع

صفحه 30:
SWOT Analysis ۱ STRENGTHS , WEAKNESSE Blue is the 9 colour of the Yellow is the clear sky and color of gold, the deep sea butter and ripe lemons Black is the color of ebony White is the and of outer color of milk space and fresh OPPORTUNIT Stow: ۴5 THREATS.

صفحه 31:
۰ . Business Médel Canvas ۱ Customer Segments ‎Key Activities Value Propositions Customer‏ ما ‎rset yourcontene ‘Relationships, Inst your conten hore‏ مه موه ۱ مس مود ‎Insert your content‏ 3 5 ‎Key Resources Channels 1 30007 ۱‏ ‎Ingre your corcene ee yur comer : 2‏ ‎ost Structure: Revenue Streams

صفحه 32:
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صفحه 33:
Imani Jackson Ixchel Valdia Nils Arud he ee ‏ی‎

صفحه 34:

صفحه 35:
4 Weekly Planner ‎ak L‏ و ان ها يا اعد ‎ ‎Brae ee ee ۱

صفحه 36:
سس ار( ‎peel‏ ‏85 ۲۵ 2 9 ۶ 8 8۵ 32 دين + هن 0 ب د [] فقا | 4ك 8 9 بت ۲۲ فى جر ص م دم ۲ ۶ وه ۱.۵ ‎٩‏ ۸ ه ۵ ۵ 5 ‎y‏ ‏۵ 2؛ ۵ 5 لوا لا لا از 2 () ها سا طا ۵ 2 ۳۲ ‎Cn‏ ‏935 ه و9 ۵ ۶ 38 5 0 89 ص که ون هک 6< 58 ذم ذه

صفحه 37:
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صفحه 38:
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صفحه 39:
Carnival 1 Free templates for all your presentation needs For PowerPoint and 100% free for Ready to use, Blow your audience Goagle Slides personal or professional and away with attractive commercial use customizable visuals

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