قالب ارائه طرح بیزینس - رنگ سبز روشن

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oe 30 a

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052011111111 ppt.irn

صفحه 3:

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صفحه 5:
Introduction ‎ros‏ ما ‎

صفحه 6:
Presentation Introduction Pees

صفحه 7:
‎The Company‏ سید ‎Leadership And Management‏ ‎Marsting Strategy‏ ‎‘Seca Meta Marketing ‎agp Customers Hapey ‏مدوم جار ‎Responsive Device And Mock ‏مه مكاتوم‎ nage Galery ‏سه ‎Agenda

صفحه 8:
(eur Agenda

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
Responsive Devic

صفحه 12:
11 ره

صفحه 13:
About Us prosetvearenectres without fashion renters,

صفحه 14:
About Us The Company 0111880 NEED IMAGE HEADER

صفحه 15:
Meet Our Office's ‘The Economic Sector Bright Of With Capes Egress Fissional Topic Business Autonet proactive 99002 ‏سمه مقهمقاء‎ ator ion rosea G mater desk

صفحه 16:
Company's History ‎Maher-Desk‏ ل ‎

صفحه 17:
Company Mission/Vision 18 | 2

صفحه 18:
How We Work’s More Title Text Here

صفحه 19:
Who We Are? 6 ۵ ۵ ۵

صفحه 20:
What We Do?

صفحه 21:
Why Work With Us? sia OB geen 0023-0

صفحه 22:
Our Service/Servicing

صفحه 23:
Our Professional Service Most Holders Steeping sre tae sar we pane re uthoriatvel feos proachveta Very Fast Of Servicing Booth 0 1 Non Keep To Analytic ‘ice here sar we hanes are Achaea proactive a Kindly Delivery Boys ‘rice there sear we anes are Achat fone proactive ‏ف‎ ‘tout eon sehtectres shout avon prascive reactive witout umorttvely tins Ahora aha,

صفحه 24:
Our Key To Success ۱ “i lahonwchechres rea osn pci incre etic erate tse aerate en,

صفحه 25:
۳ Leadership And Management Team

صفحه 26:
President of Profile

صفحه 27:
Management Team John Sheet Giessen Net Maer desk

صفحه 28:
Individual Team Skis Experience

صفحه 29:
Support Team Of ee en Gem pacman ae YF Wy cy Marten c Metro Knots keke ی ۰ ی John Sheet wee 0023-0

صفحه 30:
C. Leadership vs Management

صفحه 31:
عتابراقمم 0023-0

صفحه 32:
Article Leadership Skills

صفحه 33:
Partnership And This Clients

صفحه 34:

صفحه 35:
Planning Objectives

صفحه 36:
Note The Import. nt Points

صفحه 37:
Five Keys To Success و هو هه هو و ‎Header Header Head er Header‏ ‎fashions ABRIL ashions‏ ساك كلاه مما كاله اممم ‏ 8182 /مسدصم ‏ طلز سدسم 0023-0

صفحه 38:
Provide Roadmap For Success

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
Project Milestones 92000 aaa

صفحه 41:
Business Law & Regulations َال Business Law AB Financial Engineering Tips @@ Monthly Comers Offers 2 Maer desk

صفحه 42:
Sales Distribution Strategy mat 1 Real State $567,675,98. $767,675,98, $235,675,98. $890,675,98. -uthortatved Metin ‏تومت‎ sutnoreatvelP Mason ‏موه‎ tnortsivelP Donen tagger ‏همم‎ Baan sage: wena fashion proactive meets thet fashion proactive mess ‏عم ملعم هط هام‎ ۳ 0023-0

صفحه 43:
Business Plan Process \

صفحه 44:
Business Plan Reminder Calendar Maer desk

صفحه 45:

صفحه 46:
Sales Possibility

صفحه 47:
Financial Projection 1 ‏تس‎ Projection? ‏مسر سس مسر مسر‎ Arce tn 0023-0

صفحه 48:
Financial Table Layout Printing Business Card Business Card Business Card Business Card Web Design ‘Web Banner Web Banner Web Banner ‘Web Banner Marketing Ratings Ratings Ratings Ratings Developer Hum Html Hem Hemi Graphic Background Background Background Background Banner Art Roll Up Roll Up Roll Up Ena End End 0023-0

صفحه 49:
Statement Calculation LE ‏اساسا‎ ET mater desk

صفحه 50:
Between Sales And chase.

صفحه 51:

صفحه 52:
Project Profit & Loss Statement

صفحه 53:
Gross Margin By Years ce fo ce

صفحه 54:
Project Balance Sheet $$569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526,00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526,00, $569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526,00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526,00 '$569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 '$569,526,256,00, $769,526.00 '$569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 '$569,526,256.00 $769,526,00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 '$569,526,256.00 $769,526.00 '$569,526.256.00 $769,526.00 $569,526,256,00 $769,526.00 Printing Post Web Design & Graphic Marketing Place Shopping Moll Need Card aetifed Commercial Bank Grand Hotel Sections Power Brand Computers 7 and Total 0023-0

صفحه 55:
Financial Facts

صفحه 56:
Loans And Investment Project Analytics Company Me ons proactive to meets to architecture 0 el cle ere smart we phone ar rt this eommputer Payment cle Were smart we ane we ta computes Company 182811 teshions prosctive to ‏ماه ما مه‎ witout orl tere smart we phone ae at this compute fy 3,

صفحه 57:
Project Cash Flow Statement ‎ce Jun‏ صم ‎$369,526,0 $569,526,0 $569,5260 ‎ ‎ ‎9 9 9 $769,526,0 $769,526.0 9 ۰ 9 $569,526.0 $569,526,0 0 0 ‎376952660 57695260 | 769526 ‎0 ‎foro ‎9 ‎ ‎$569,526,0 ‎9 ‎$769,526,0 ‎0 ‎$869,526, ‎0 ‎$769,526,0 ‎9 ‎$369,526,0 ‎9 ‎$769,526,0 ‎0 ‎$369,526,0 ‎° ‎$769,526,0 ‎ ‎ ‏زمه الم ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏امه وی و | ‎oie

صفحه 58:
‎Marketing Strategy‏ .م ‎

صفحه 59:
Marketing Is For All Business Business For Ideas © عام ‎wee @‏

صفحه 60:
Why Need ne pect] ‏موام‎ + ee ‏هر همه امه اهوم اه یی همع له مهو‎ ع۵9م۱۵ ممقع eee roe ci ار 26 Cees

صفحه 61:
Control Of Your Business %

صفحه 62:
Research Marketing $568,569,70. 28

صفحه 63:
Marketing Facts 2 ۵ perce ee

صفحه 64:
Competitive Market Analysis

صفحه 65:
Content Marketing Model

صفحه 66:
Comparative Market Analysis Printing Post ‏ب مواعهه طعلاا‎ Co Seed Ea ‎ore has note ariel progctve architecture atts Printing Post $559,568.‏ مم امام ‎ ‏مود وود 595690 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Web Design & 9 9 9 WY ‏لاه هه‎ pcoclive meet agar areitecture Graphic $756,458.0 $756,4580 Suthoceatively fashion to proactive maya good meet Marketing Place 0 9 0 ‎ ‎Shopping Molt‏ لدعت سوه ‎8

صفحه 67:
Benefits Of Marketing

صفحه 68:
« ° Mobile Marketing

صفحه 69:
Video Marketing

صفحه 70:
‎Marketing‏ ی ‎ ‎

صفحه 71:
42 Social Media Marketing _

صفحه 72:
Social User By Country

صفحه 73:
We Are Social

صفحه 74:
Social Media Use و ی 0 os

صفحه 75:
Facebook Analysis

صفحه 76:
Twitter Analysis

صفحه 77:

صفحه 78:
Google plus Analysis 9 peed i ers

صفحه 79:
Social Media Facts

صفحه 80:
‎Risk And Reward‏ تارب ‎

صفحه 81:
0023-0 oo

صفحه 82:
Securing Investor era) ۳ Been Profile’s

صفحه 83:
Understanding And Critical

صفحه 84:
Risk vs Reward Risk Info Reward Info Sample title text mp 1 ‘Stack photo dat com ertcies photos fashions ‏نام‎ Dh title text Sample title text samp تن ‎dot com atiies photos fashions pro‏ هنال ‎ ‎ ‎Sample title text ‎photo dot com eticies photos fashions proactive to‏ لا ‎0023-0

صفحه 85:
Risk/Reward Potential

صفحه 86:
Linking Individual & Corporate Risk Or Reward ‎fashion prosetveseitectres witout fshion without fashion‏ نامهیم ‎asion‏ ماما مجاه لماه مامه اميه ‎‘ithout us fashion proactive‏ ‎Sample title text ‎es photo dot com articles phatos fashions proactive to meet 16 pot arcntctte without ati there smart at ‎Sample title text ‎‘Bek photo dot com articles photos fashions proactive to meet to pot arctectire without tice there smart ‎ ‎‘Shéck photo dot com articles photos fashions proactive to eet opt acitectine wihaut ate thee smart at ‎Sample title text ‎ides pote dot com articles phatos fashions proactive to ‎© © © © ‏ی ‏لين ‏<< ‎ ‎0023-0

صفحه 87:
توت 6 ۱۱۹0۳۷

صفحه 88:
Customer's Satisfaction Accurately Sample title text ‘dc pata dotcom articies photos fashions prosetive to Sample title text Sample title text, ‘der photo dot com articles photos fashions proactive to Sample title text ‘Dib proto dot com articles photos fashions proactive to 86 © © ©

صفحه 89:
Surprise Of Customers

صفحه 90:
Builds Stronger Customer Relationship ‎fashion prosetveseitectres witout fshion wthaut fashion‏ نامهیم ‎asion‏ ماما مجاه لماه مامه اميه ‎‘ithout us fashion proactive‏ ‎Sample title text ‎Side photo dot com etiies photos fashions proactive to meets to orice to architecture without atl there mart art ‎Sample title text ‘Eidck photo dotcom ertcies photos fashions proactive to meets to prt ce to architecture without atl thee smart at Sample title text ‎photo dot cam ates photos feshionsprosetve to meets a portnlce to atehtecure without ale there smart at. ‎‘Sample title text ‎dex photo dot com eticies photos fashions proactive to meets to ort ice to architecture witout ail thee smart at ‎ ‎0023-0

صفحه 91:
Focus On Measuring Customer Satisfaction ۲9 40 ل

صفحه 92:
Why Customer Satisfaction Is Important Sample title text Sample

صفحه 93:
Build Customer Royalty To Increase Customer Satisfaction

صفحه 94:
ی |: ate mele

صفحه 95:
Ere 120 mbps 3 Email Cost Phone Unlimited Account 7 Users Compatible Package Offers Business 120 mbps 3 Email Cost Phone Unlimited Account 7 Users ال نااك ‎mbps 220 mbps‏ 120 ‎Email 3 E-mail‏ 3 ‎Cost Phone Cost Phone‏ ‎Unlimited Account ——_Uniimited Account‏ ‎Users TUsers‏ 120 mbps 3 E-mail Cost Phone 7 Users

صفحه 96:
Financial Table One 220 mbps 120 mbps 3 Email 3 E-mail ost Phone ‏وی‎ ۵ Cost Phone —— ae Unlimited Account 7 Users 000 T Users 800 MB Space ‏دوه دا‎ 689 MB Space سم و6 98 و ‎rermonn em‏ 30.00 $

صفحه 97:
Product Sales Table = =a a Service Service a Service a Service 1 Service 2 Service 2 Service 2 Service 2 Service 2 service 2°Service ‏امیس‎ ‎4° Service an service 5*Service s" service 3 ِ 6m service $150 $65 $352 $75 $500 0023-0

صفحه 98:
Our Quotation For Your Project eae World wed service 2 $1,000 31,000 Corporate ‘Share with boost 3 $560 $560 Business E-book grammar 6 $3,655 $3,655 Presentation Html code setup 7 5000 $5000 Portfoio @ 8 ‏لا‎ ‏ا‎ 2 1 226 $256 Design 5 G@ Php optimization 2 $250 $250 Contest cend tis! & $20,568.00 0023-0 Only

صفحه 99:
Our Grand Prices $560 5 0 fo ame Prete + موه اوه(

صفحه 100:
Promotion Prices 6 دهد 82 9 Paes 000 ا ماه ی مه وم مد هن سم مهم 0005-7

صفحه 101:
Promotion Prices i 7 3 Designs 3 Designs 3 Designs 6 Months free domain 6 Months free domain 6 Months free domain 5 GB Free hosting 5.68 Free hosting 5.68 Free hosting Data transfer Data transter Data transter ‏و و او‎

صفحه 102:

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P=) ay Ly Company History Timeline

صفحه 104:
Company Timeline Sample text : oR Sample text 7

صفحه 105:
Project Timeline 01

صفحه 106:
Project Timeline 02

صفحه 107:
Company Timeline

صفحه 108:

صفحه 109:
Sample title text 98. stadt com aces te shia designing white boat of side contacts programing thi ‘Sample title text ‏معام مساق‎ socom aise ton fl

صفحه 110:
Company Timeline

صفحه 111:

صفحه 112:
1 Respect xs ‏تاه 99وی سس‎ © Already Much Business plan Success

صفحه 113:
Our History Timeline ey en paiva eee ina on pave aha aio Subtitle Text 02 و هه دید میت Subtitle Text 01 Subtitle Text 03 Stock pat ate als pate ‘Stock ao ace ate at farmer te ‏مهم ده میم کم مه‎ meet to mest te afl spore ‏مت‎ acl pga ‎a‏ ید

صفحه 114:
Subtitle Text 05 0 od ‘Stock pat ate ale pate Subtitle © Maher desk

صفحه 115:
Subtitle Text 7 Subtitle Text 06

صفحه 116:
Subtitle Text 09 و هه دید میت Subtitle Text 10 Subtitle Text 08 ‘Stock pat ate als pate ‘Stock oar ate et farmer te ‏مهم ده میم کم مه‎ meet to mest te afl spore ‏موم ام منت‎

صفحه 117:
Subtitle Tex Subtitle Text 12

صفحه 118:
Subtitle Text 13 Stock pet ate aces pate Subtitle Text 14 © Maher desk

صفحه 119:
Finish Stoo rite arte tee at ‏مج عمج مهم دس‎ ‏سس‎ pc pe مت( ]ون ]تا Subtitie Text 16 معام صم معني مصاع سيط ‎ati se‏ ی Subtitle Text 15 tock pot artic ane pote tarlreopronive meet 0 mest

صفحه 120:
تنراات یره | «ااناطنه عامووو5

صفحه 121:
00 og 0 Sean’ ‘Soc ate arte ae ta tener eed سای

صفحه 122:
0 0 00 00 cao’ ‏اهم معطو ممت‎ وس و

صفحه 123:
See ey fie ماه ع ومد | ‎oad‏ اناد عام هک ‎er:‏ ‎

صفحه 124:

صفحه 125:
3 ا ۲2 ۵ © ؟ نه »دزا ي27 9 كا ره غلا 4 Che ey ‎Eas ape‏ © 11 2 ا 0 ليت 2 5 4۵ < هاعه 0 2 را ل 8 لفك انعد را ندا فنا رای هين +5 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎0

صفحه 126:
PA Map Infographic

صفحه 127:
Influence Is The Compass Persuasion Map G mater desk

صفحه 128:
000 200 Office

صفحه 129:
Map Analysis By Gander Attention please

صفحه 130:
Retail Reach ‘Across The World

صفحه 131:

صفحه 132:
000 proactive seitecies Growth By Region Attention please ‘Stock photo ace mosis aticies photos stock ato artele most mater Desk 35

صفحه 133:
1 Buyers Of Around The World 0023-0

صفحه 134:
۷/۵۳۵۵ احطوای ید0

صفحه 135:

صفحه 136:

صفحه 137:
Global Delivery Method ® eens

صفحه 138:
Our Global Branch

صفحه 139:
سم جمد عم مهد ماو وود US Map Analysis Sample text 01 8 ( ‏مه نم هن‎ aes tno phone Sample text 02 6 ( ‏مه مهد‎ ees tno pene Sample text 03 Sample text 04 7) seco decom eso pone Sample text 05.

صفحه 140:
9۳ 2 @e wz Te == Wyre! lilt

صفحه 141:
5و5ععع6م أعماع ]ما 5لا

صفحه 142:

صفحه 143:
US Delivery Process

صفحه 144:
85 40

صفحه 145:

صفحه 146:
‎era‏ و انام ‎

صفحه 147:
Subtitle Text 01 ۵ ۵ 09 ©

صفحه 148:

صفحه 149:
Device And Mockup.

صفحه 150:
It's Responsive Take A Look

صفحه 151:
Laptop Mockup & User 0023-0 oo

صفحه 152:

صفحه 153:
Tablet 000 & User

صفحه 154:
Mobile Mockup & User Step 01 Step 02 Stock ot com nt aie ‘tock pot da canine ace shoe rom tae create pts rom the erenive ‏مسب م ا‎ Fore eae backend Step 03 Stoo pot com nt arte Step 04 pots om tote creaive 0023-0

صفحه 155:
Responsive Devices Facts

صفحه 156:
Subtitle Text 1 ۳ Subtitle Text 02 mY امس لس 5 Apps = Pot te are backgroud Features

صفحه 157:
Website Development G mater desk 3

صفحه 158:
Graphic De Design 1 Project Attenti

صفحه 159:

صفحه 160:
rll Portfolio And Image Gallery

صفحه 161:

صفحه 162:
Our Portfolio 02 Subtitle text 02 arora emo Subtitle text sara on to Subtitle text 04 Subtitle text 01 ‏باه ره مت فد‎ Subtitle text 05 uation poset nee ‏امم ا‎ ‘isc ass hen ees ete proc ‏سس‎

صفحه 163:
Subtitle Text 02 Subtitle Text 04 Subtitle Text 06 Our Portfolio DB snes min pone macs i ation pane whic Subtitle Text 1 Subtitle Tex Subtitle Text 05 © ©

صفحه 164:
ات مت ردو ‎Our Portfolio 04‏ Autorativelyfshion proactive athtecures without fasion proelve architectures without aston architectures without fashion prosctve architectures witht Aathortavly fashion

صفحه 165:
Our Photo Gallery ‎fashion prosclveercitectres without fain prtbcliveerchteties without‏ راع تاها فال ‎ ‏4 4 »تاو 3 مج علاناطند ‎ ‎ ‎0023-0

صفحه 166:
‎pac en‏ یا داز ‎Our Projects Port. ‎ ‎۷5 ۰ 5 WV ww ‎Subtitle text 04 ‎Subtitle text 03 ‎Subtitle text 02 ‎autortaivy fears peseove ‎Subtitle text 01

صفحه 167:
srs ie pd i Our Projects Port. uthaatvty fashion prosclve ecitectres without fahion proactive erchteties without aston architectures without fashion prosctve architectures witht Aathortavly fashion Client : Graphstyle Client : Authorttivey fashions proactive meets ta 4 ‏راد هه‎ fashions proactive mess to a architecture {osbins proactive meets tas that's business ideas. Teshionsproctve meets to sa that's business eos 0023-0

صفحه 168:
Dag ee ۸۵۲۵ ۵۵ 3025-5

صفحه 169:
Single Projects Port. 000 Attention please © Subtitle Text 02 fle ticle phot rom he elie photo oats, Subtitie Text 02 rte article phot rom he relive photo toatl.

صفحه 170:
Showcase Web

صفحه 171:
Showcase Video

صفحه 172:
Important Portfolio

صفحه 173:

صفحه 174:

صفحه 175:
And Others

صفحه 176:
spi tai pce Full Column Text Subtitle text SBR tcmare proactive mets oso archtecure fshlon rosctie mets 20 hats baer eas Atha asnone peace mest tn architects محفت مان عست ملسم بساك ‎as bein eas Ahora‏ دجم رس ما ماسقا (© Autorttvaly talons prascive mets to 2 atc tach race @Authenatiely tase practve meets ‏متمد تما موي مد قا‎ ‏مه مهو ره ها هه مه یمه امه سوام‎ ects 20 ‏عم‎ too tas buses se Athrtablyfehone pontine eto ator facie proacve mets ox archtecre fale rscthe meets zo hats bier eae Atha osone soscive mest to architects {estan ‏ی ور‎ buss eas authortatvay faders proactive messin eo mcherare fee pouctve tess ttn ‏ی‎ anes ect ‏به‎ face prose! ‘rehtecre oshons peat meets tao t's buns as Autor fasion ‏مع ماحد قد د معدن مده‎

صفحه 177:
‘eon son ‏مت مم‎ Two Column Text Autortativelyfeshion proactive athtecures without fasion proelve architectures without aston architectures without fashion prosctve architectures witht Aathortavly fashion etext Subtith مدوم ‎proactive meet oso architecture fehions‏ مايه متسل ها ‎‘nest oat thats boos hens Authority fahlone pronctve meus‏ هویم ماد ‎chic‏ 20 سم ماع سا رل ها ‎‘et 1 20 thats business eos Autor fasion prasctve meats to‏ ‎archtecure fosione posctve meets to 20 that's busines sobs‏ 2% ‎architecture ashi proactive‏ مه ما دمم عمجم سره ره هه ‎‘meet 1950 thats business ons Autor fashions prostve mess to‏ Subtitle text ‏)ره‎ proactive meets ta ‏مد‎ architecture fashions proactive ‘meets to ao that's snes eas Astoria ‏ها اس مهم موه‎ {= schtecure tahions proscive meets to a0 thats busines dese ‏لمعه وهات ا‎ procive mess 20 recive tsar prosctive ‘newts to ao thats snes eas Ahoy fashions proacve ments ‏ها‎ ‎echtecure tations proscive meets to 20 thats busines debe ‘etortatvy tao proce mess 0 architecture tons proctive ‘recs to an thats snes ess Ahoy fashions proscve meets 1 3025-5

صفحه 178:
spi tai cao Three Column Text ‎fashion prosclve ecitectres without fain prtaclveerchteties without‏ راع تاها فال ‎aston architectures without fashion prosctve architectures witht Aathortavly fashion‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Subtitle text ‎‘Mate buses en Ruths fans ‘hate buses ens Rathore fans ‎Subtitle text ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎‘hate bushes es torte ns ‎ ‎ ‎0023-0 ‎

صفحه 179:
Numeric List Text

صفحه 180:
(© MADEPONNT fe GEDPONDIN o¢ 3/6 THEMASSIN More description text here Peas 2 ۲۱۵ BR sew mae pace

صفحه 181:
Our Award’s Award of 2014 Award of 2016 ‘Award of 2015 ‏مت میاه‎ he cet pet hurt he eve pat. ott he ete pat

صفحه 182:
pint ton ‏ما‎ cia ‏اه‎ ‎Clients Testimonials Made Joni / Director : Maher DESK are taxmon proactive aritectures wena fashion proactive archactures without ation arhtecties witht proactive Made Joni {Director : Maher kvl ton psc tothe sis 5

صفحه 183:
Aron hon pave Contact This Atari fashion probtiveerhtetues without sion proclve arcitactces without aston architectures without fashion prosctve architectures witht Aathortavly fashion ‎stab ne Atay onto‏ سس ‎

صفحه 184:
Contact This 0 Subtitle holder text 01 Subtitle holder text rarely ahenproacvearentecies without fon ‘tno proactive arcnecares who Aorta ations weno proactive areiecars withov utontatey asin

صفحه 185:

جهت مطالعه ادامه متن، فایل را دریافت نمایید.
34,000 تومان