قالب ارائه پاورپوینت SHIFT – رنگ بنفش زمینه روشن

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
About US ‘Our Works Coffee Break Agenda For Today Talking point for presentations Meet The Team Chart & Infographics 2

صفحه 3:
SUMMARY 01 02 03 04 08 07 06 05

صفحه 4:
۱9۱۵ ‎eee‏ 5ل15 ‎ ‏جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏ ‎

صفحه 5:
Welcome Message

صفحه 6:
Company profile را زا

صفحه 7:
About Us رت عنم ومممع سا 000 ‎cee‏ text. thas roots ina place. Se ee 000 Ce ee ee ان

صفحه 8:
3 Hb Explore History ‏اتا‎ 12d. Suitable for all categories action its compl OQ 2 Shine Our Goals 9 Qonquest shopping carts are abandoned right before the trai For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal uitable for all categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed presentation,

صفحه 9:
Our Goals a a oo oS ۷۵6 موز 0 56 کت shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable for all categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the ‏نا‎ ransaction its completed.

صفحه 10:
Our goals Qonque Shine 5 92 ناو وا موی 3 جوم هام ‎ete‏ ‎ees‏ piece. shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails recelved, we get 3 Phone cals. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, Sultable for al categories business and personal presentation.

صفحه 11:
12 ومع اهامای 000 New Employee: 2005 fh Sutsbletor at cate 0

صفحه 12:
Project timeline © 201 201 201 201 201 6 1 2 4

صفحه 13:
Our Works Se eC eee جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏

صفحه 14:
Bundle Packed Cloud Source Contrary to popular belief, www pptinis Contrary to popular belie, www. ppt nis nat simply random text. thas coats in a fot simply random text. It has roots ina piece. piece. Print Design Media Streaming Contrary to popular belie, wu. pat inks Contrary to popular belief, www. pptinis not simply random text thas roots in a ‘et simply random text. thas roots ina piece. piece

صفحه 15:
Service List

صفحه 16:
Service List & Cor ect

صفحه 17:
Se? ‏:الي‎ ee ia ها eee Pea ee tee ها Service List Oey Rete eee eee) wv. pp iis nat simply random معا ۵ وا عامو: و۲۵ ۱

صفحه 18:
Photography rere 0 هنک رمهتاه:و: Suitable forall categones Sultabe for al categories ion its com Suitable ete 3230300 See ea) een) ۳ Our services Bundle Packed

صفحه 19:
Our services ©) © © eeu ee Desktop Apps eel ‘There are many “There are many ‘There are many ‘Tere are many varations of passages Variations of passages varations of passages variations of passages of of of of wera ppt iavalable www pptiravailable wre ppt avalable wwe pp iravalable

صفحه 20:
Introducing product 5 Web Analysis Printing Photography E-Commerce a Nam a venenatis orc Nam a venenatis orl Nam a venenatis orci Nam a venenatis orci volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae ‘sagitis quam maximus nec. sagittis quam maximus nec. sagittis quam maximus nec. sagitis quam maximus nec.

صفحه 21:
Marketing Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum ‘congue. Nunc in fermentum du! augue. ‘Audit Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue Consultant Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue lilustration Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue Introducing product Photography Praesent posuere turpe sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Video editing Praesent posuere turpe sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Cleaning Praesent posuere turps sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Promotion Praesent posuere turpe sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue.

صفحه 22:
Our product Feature Six

صفحه 23:
Pricelist table ee es eo 4 2 ۵ 8 $10 montn $2O/montn $30/montn $50 /montn

صفحه 24:
Pricelist table ۱ ‏تس‎ ‎Eee $ZO3 mont

صفحه 25:
Pricelist table Pre ۳ ۲ ‏ادا‎ کت Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 3 Featured 3 Featured 3 Featured Featured 4 Featured 4 Featured 4 Featured 4

صفحه 26:
Platinum 9 $50 month contrary to popular belief, www ppt inis ‘ot simply random Bussiness Gi $40, month cons ‏م‎ poplar tele ppt notin random Pricelist table Basic Advanced O° 8 $10, $20, $30, month month month Contrary te popular Contrary to popular Contrary to popular belief, wawpptinis belle, wwm-pptirs belle, wawpptiis not simply random not simply random net simply random

صفحه 27:

صفحه 28:
portofolio Se eae aan ae

صفحه 29:
Magazine Mockup Jus Jeruk Rasa Yang Label Halal Baju Pernah Ada Something about ret ht you shout knew Soreting about poet hat you shoud kno Sameting stout poet ht you shoe knw Suitable fora categorie business and ‏اه ما مان‎ eatagaries business and ‏موی له ما ای‎ business and ‏0ك‎ persona presentation, enue ps use ab patel petrtlon, esque ps ue ‏قد‎ ‎Mo nerve vets et qd areca Io iver ‏اطي تمسو عه سيد‎ Mo invettre vers et gus! arenes beta vine etn sunt exeab, Suitable ‏منم‎ vie deta sunt expbo. uta ‏عم‎ vie ca st expeabo. Stoic fora categories. business ond personal for at categories busines and persona fora categories busines and persona

صفحه 30:
portofolio Our Great ‏ادنيل برق ليقي‎ prices tnt you should know 50% 45% Design Photography

صفحه 31:
portofolio ‘Something about project that you should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab ile inventore veritatis et quas! architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation,

صفحه 32:
Design Interior Something about project that you should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore ventas et (quasi arcitacto beatae vitae dlcta sunt explicabo. Sulable for all categories busines and personal presentation, Ice Noodle Something about project that you should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation,

صفحه 33:

صفحه 34:
portofolio Something about project that you ‘should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation,

صفحه 35:
Mobile App ۱۳ eae ee ued م كوقها موتدعل ,موتدعل م ‎Cee CeCe‏ زر ۵ ۱6۵ 0۵۲۵۵۵۵۵ ,26۲6۵۳۳۵۵۵۵

صفحه 36:
Security Code لدت مايا Development ‏أ‎

صفحه 37:
Mobile APE Developm eRe ecu مرو “ There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs“ -crowwel training- curity Code Dui bevetopment Certificate 2 0 Suitable forall categories Sultable forall categories business and personal business and personal business and personal presentation

صفحه 38:
Desktop Mockup Fresh Idea Well Organized Code System Add-ons

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
Desktop App Cee Le Cd

صفحه 41:
Coffe Break Pr) Ree eee ea eg en cl Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, ۱ Ona ‏ا‎ can rac

صفحه 42:
Vidal موه ۳۵ reset eee eee ] een ny Renu Seago

صفحه 43:
Companyhierarchy Harman Naon Manager

صفحه 44:
Meet the team Dedi Dunn SEO Analysis Riki Belel General Manager Pevita Fierce Graphic Designer Troy Jan Programmer

صفحه 45:
Meet the team pn anager a ‏موحد د معي د‎ ‏ام‎ «= aaneeumn Executive Director Service Director Sultable forall Suitable for at categories business and categories business and GID 9 personal presentation personal presentation

صفحه 46:
meet the team © © © Jack Smile Mira Kuna Tony Hwang Vieky Verra Executive Diector Service Director PR Manager HR Manager Msortce ‏مما سس ها‎ ‏ب منت . مت .. مت »و‎ Making Coffee Making Coffee Making Coffee Making Coffee ‏ی ات و ل وتنك‎ 73% Making Trouble Making Trouble Making Trouble Making Trouble 0 iss ee

صفحه 47:
Developer team ۰ ۰ ۰ Mamet Pape Boim Abet Java Programmer PHP Programmer C++ Programmer Mobile Programmer marty have afleed in a0 monty have need nome smarty have sfered i 00 ‘maar ‏موه منت مه‎ ‏سس ربج ی پم ربج يداس رس‎ ‘em ‏سس سس‎ o

صفحه 48:
Meet the team سار Dues

صفحه 49:
Meet the team _ Gabby Star Khomar Van Peter James What creative Director Chief Excutive officer Genera! Manager HR manager Sultabe forall categories _—_Sultable forall categories Suitable for at Suitable forall categories business and personal business and personal categories business and business and personal presentation eaque ipsa presentation eaque ipsa personal presentation presentation eaque ipsa quae use ‏موه‎ ipsa quae quae

صفحه 50:
Mustrato ‏تج‎ Enjoyin ---@ Meet benjamin Benjamin Sued Developer Throughout cur organisation we've ‏رها‎ looked to bring together the right skis and knowledge to support our technology development, network growth and that goes beyand the telecoms and tact@website.com [=] ontact@website.com ww.wetiitecom

صفحه 51:
Meet two brothers Jack Wakai Jane Saimah Mobile Designer Mobile Development Suitable for all categories business and ‘Suitable for al categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae bilo inventore vertatis et quash bilo inventore vertatis et quasi Professi¥iial PrétéSsional = $$ nab akilis@ ‏سل‎ لوطل # ۷ و وه #اللل ل و ‎Invesign‏ همه ‎Awards ‘Awards‏ 1st champion Mobile contest © Bi master of rms

صفحه 52:
Professional Skill’s Keyboarding Fling Externship Business MS Word Meet komar Award’s Most Innovative Developer 2012-7). ‏سس‎ QD Reach Global Achivement 2012 Fortune Magazine Kang Komar Brilliant Web Design 2013 Administrative ‘Concept Magazine Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation aves

صفحه 53:
Meet the team Jubaedah وم م0 مهو ‎Pe cree‏

صفحه 54:
Jack Noris 4 Project 0 Manager About Jack’s Professional Skills Something about me that you should Security System Code canyon dicta sunt explicabo. Sultable for all business and personal presenat

صفحه 55:
‎eee‏ 5ل15 ‏جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏

صفحه 56:
Column chart 2010 202 2004 2016 20172018

صفحه 57:
ee ee) About Chart 15

صفحه 58:
Line chart 0 2 5 4 5 6 thie ا ا ا ل ال كا

صفحه 59:
Pie chart

صفحه 60:
Pie chart sartting 1 business and personal 7 presentation SEO Analysis Sonate ‏سس گم و‎ ‏سمه‎ and ‏یج‎ Ameer + ‏مدان كلم‎ fora categories business Srd persona Presentation NS Web design [=]. Suitable for all ‏لجا‎ و رم ک ان

صفحه 61:
Area chart 2010 2011 2012 2013 =Data1 mData2 =Data3

صفحه 62:
Gantt chart fe Description Description Description Description

صفحه 63:
Circle chart Description For every 6 emails THEBRIEL al Gat SPB calls

صفحه 64:
Matrix diagram Project Description Latin literature trom 45 BC. Contrary to popular #8 5# ¢ zg Dele has rot ina place of teratre fom 45 2 2 B® Description ® Description sabi fret eg Sci ‏رس تک مه‎ ‏کت تا‎ 18 Description subir eee), sub fora ego i ‏ی ع عد‎ security ‏لس‎

صفحه 65:
Business diagram

صفحه 66:
Venn diagram

صفحه 67:
Phases diagram Research ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore دام و« ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore Design 2 ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation ceaque ipsa quae ab ila inventore m Build ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore

صفحه 68:
Gear diagram Description Contrary to it has roots in a piece of classical Latin tterature Sram a2 8 Catary 9 pul ele rhae rots ma ples of therature om #3 8 @ Content 1 ‘Suitable for al categories Business and personal presentation Content 2 Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Content 3 Sultale forall categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 69:
Arrow process Description Suitable forall categories Business ana personal Description Sultabe forall categories business and personal resentation Description Surale ora categories business and personal resentation Description Sultabe forall categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 70:
marketing concept Key Success on Media Marketing Put your great subtitle in here and shake your audience Analyze Strategy

صفحه 71:
Link Process Description Description Description

صفحه 72:
Recycle STep step Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Step 2 Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation Step 3 Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation ‘Shopping cats ave abandoned right before the transection ts competed. Sultble for al categois Far every 6 emails received, we 83 Phone calls. Suitable oral eategries business and personal presentation, Suitable foal categvies business ae personal presentation. Of shopping cts are abandoned ight lore the ‏مدنا عمو‎ ts compte.

صفحه 73:
Project launch Brainstormi ng Prototypin End 9 Product Developme wnt red stration nso fr ected hum: anise loo een gy bela

صفحه 74:
Funnel diagram

صفحه 75:
Circle sample

صفحه 76:
Fishbone diagram Step 5 Result ‘About Chart

صفحه 77:
Curved list

صفحه 78:
Combining idea

صفحه 79:
Security system Description Description

صفحه 80:
Data driven مامه مهو ‎Cees‏

صفحه 81:
Data driven 1 4 Cee ee ee es Comet ‏ووم ا‎

صفحه 82:
Stage process @ Order Entry @Credit criteria @ Buy product @ Sales Call

صفحه 83:
مع 0 We Solve All Problem ‎shopping cars are‏ بو ‎abandoned right before the‏ 90% ‎Oeransactn completed‏ ‎Stabe forall eategoces for every 6 emals received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable forall categories business and ‎personal presentation, Suitable for all «categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 84:
Tree analysis Media Analysis Description ري

صفحه 85:
Step process Description Description Suitable forall category, Suitable forall category, wwe ppt.inis nat simply D ww. ppt iris nat simply a 9 2 = Description 23 oe Description ssuable or al category, Stitable for al category, ww optics not simply wn pps not spy random random

صفحه 86:
ARROW PROCESS Description 90%:

صفحه 87:
Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation 00 Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Descriptio Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Descriptio: Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Arrow process Description, Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Cure Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 88:
Arrow diagram Web Design Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae Boilie 6 Bundled Packaged Sultable forall categories business and Personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ۳ eCommerce Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae Boilie ecommerce personal presentation, eaque ipsa Que ۳

صفحه 89:
Arrow idea Idea 1 Sultable forall categories business and personal ۳ Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation Idea 3 Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Idea 4 Sultale forall categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 90:
Contrary to it has roots ina piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC. Contrary to popular belief It has roots ina piece of literature from 45 BC. Idea dea 2 Idea 3 Idea 4 ا سا Spiral idea

صفحه 91:
Custom analysis 800.654

صفحه 92:
Strategic Sultable forall category. fr pt es not Simply random text. Loyal Sultable forall 2 Yr: at es not SImpy random text, Honest Sultable forall ‏موی‎ Ye: at ies not $lmpiy random text advantage Respectful Suitable fora category, ۳ nok simply random text Accomplishment Sultale forall 3 ۳ ۳ Energetic Suitable forall category, ww pps 00k simply random text © © ©

صفحه 93:

صفحه 94:
Paralell process

صفحه 95:
Parallelogram step

صفحه 96:
Snake info @credit Criteria

صفحه 97:
Cakra analysis 76 Yerespecttut strategiQ9 1% Loyal 52% nonest3 7% 25 Yeenergetic

صفحه 98:
Description For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo categories business inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore Suitable for all categories business and _ personal presentation. Matrix diagram Question Mark

صفحه 99:
ی Sultable forall category, ‘www-pptir.is not simply random text م رت 3 Sultable forall category, ‘www pptiris not simply random text Cycle matrix Suitable forall category, wine ppt iris not simply fandom text, ۳ ات ‎Description i‏ ‎fr au category‏ اتا © wane ppt nis not simply Fandom text,

صفحه 100:
Custom diagram Description Sultable forall category, ‘ww-pptiis not simply random text Cas} Description e--- Suitable for all category, * ~~ ‏م‎ ‎‘oor pps not simply random text east: + Sutabl or all category, wane ppt inis not simply Fandom text, Description Suitable for all category, = ‘www-pptiris not simply random text

صفحه 101:
Cycle part Pansat Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Sultale forall catagories business and personal presentation Cee a ‏لس‎ ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Peas ‏لل‎ Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation 3. www.ppt.ir, Ipsum Suitable for al categories business and personal presentation

صفحه 102:
Pyramid stage diagram Description ‘Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab ilo lnventore veritatis et quasi

صفحه 103:

صفحه 104:
Basic shape diagram Description x Description ‘Suitable for al category, 1 Suitable tor al category, ww ppticis not simply wa pptinis not simply random text random text. Bo 1 0 “Description ‘Suitable for al category, Suitable forall category, wa ppticss not simply www pptinis not singly random text random text. Description

صفحه 105:
Parkour chart

صفحه 106:
3d layers diagram Frontal Lobe Parietal Lobe Suitable fora ‘Sutabe forall». Category, wa pptiris category, fot simply random text. veo pans nok simply random text Occipital Lobe Cerebelum ‘ultable for alle. ۰ ۰ 4 Suitable forall category, category, ww pat inis awa: ppt.icis not simpy not simply random text Fandom text Throughout our organisation we've always locked to bring tagether the right sis and knowledge to support our technology evelopment, network growth and customer service. With experience that goes beyond the telecoms and IT industry our group of directors and officers are focused on bringing to market the latest

صفحه 107:
Setting Up Yolir Business Finance & Budgets Market Research اس Cone ribbon diagram

صفحه 108:
Triangle analysis

صفحه 109:
Circle sample

صفحه 110:
Analysis process ا ‎oral ategvies business on‏ همان

صفحه 111:
Layer stack Description

صفحه 112:
Custom chart Coan 4 Development

صفحه 113:
Brain explorer Order Entry @ © Sgdit Criteria Sales Call © ‎Buy, product‏ ی ‎ ‎

صفحه 114:
۳۹1 Step 04 Step 03 Step 02 Step 01 Step process ® © © © Discover

صفحه 115:
Performance record 2009 2011 2016 2020 2021 “un ua “ae “a 2

صفحه 116:
Custom analysis ae ‏نت‎ © 60% Weploy Icode Besign Wiscover There are many ‘There are many There are many Tee ae many variations of passages variation of passages Variations of passages variations of passages of 3 of of ora ppt.iavalable ‏ماهر جوم سس‎ wera pptiavalable ww pptiravallable

صفحه 117:
Arrow process Process 4 5 Process 2 Process 1 Git

صفحه 118:
Measure diagram 95% 50% 67% 12% Researc Plan Desig

صفحه 119:
Wine diagram

صفحه 120:
Custom analysis Income Analysis Of shopping cans are 7 5 % abandoned right before the © transaction is. completed Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls, Sutable for all categories business and personal presentation, Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, feaque ipsa quae ab ile inventore veritatis et موس وس وس هس ره رو نو ۰ ‎st‏ ‏2015 2034 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 ۴

صفحه 121:
mindmap DESIGNER

صفحه 122:
Isometric layer Parietal Lobe Frontal Lobe Occipital Lobe Cerebelum

صفحه 123:
Network Analysis Of shopping carts are 2AY% — avandoned right before the Male Users tansaction ts completed Suitable focal categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls, Sutable for all categories business and personal presentation, Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation, aque ipsa quae ab ilo inventre vertatis et quasi Social media analysis

صفحه 124:
Puzzle diagram ۰ ۰ Puzzle Criteria Something about graphic that you should row Part Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 I @ Sales call Parts

صفحه 125:
Custom chart We are not efficient as we could be : For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation 23% 77% Female users Male Users

صفحه 126:
Layer ring Awareness موی موی ۵ business and personal Opinion gE presentation Suitable forall categories business and personal ‏ممتمام6‎ ‎Consideartion presentation business and personal ee ey Suitable for a catagories presentaton a presentation

صفحه 127:
پل Custom chart Description 7 8% of shopping carts ae Jabandoned right before the 9 ‏اب‎ ‎For every 6 emails WEBREL Ha! JA'SPPRERe calls. Stabe forall catagories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all catagories business and personal presentation, eaque pea quae 2 ilo inventorevertati et quash

صفحه 128:
calendar 5 ۷ ۲۱۷ ۲ ۴ 5 5 ۷ ۲ ۷۲ ۴ 5 OO: «2 = 57 456789 10 10 11 12063 4 ده 20 1809 17 مر 17 16 15 4 13 (62 23 18 19 20 21 22 23 4 22 24 25 6 25 6 76896 31

صفحه 129:
Pyramid diagram Content 01 Sutable or at eategory, ‏ماو‎ Content 02 ot simply andar et Content 03 not simply andor tet. Content 04 Sutable or at eategory, amps

صفحه 130:
Buyer interest noreboo¥ ()%

صفحه 131:
Sales business Income Analysis Put your great subtitle here

صفحه 132:
Diverging arrow ا

صفحه 133:

صفحه 134:
Data analysis Description Suitable forall categories L 5% LO% suitable for a categories business and personal business and personal presentation presentation Description Description Description sutabe forall categories 25% 50% suitadie tor at categories business and personal business and personal presentation presentation

صفحه 135:

صفحه 136:
Circle diagram

صفحه 137:
Rain drop

صفحه 138:

صفحه 139:
Mountain sample diagram ee 1 Ceti ۳

صفحه 140:
SWOT Analysis Weakness Strenght

صفحه 141:
Swot analysis

صفحه 142:
SWOT Analysis Streng ۰ 4 Weakne EBay to 1 nas roots in a plece of Contrary to tt has roots in a piec BSP clasial Lalo terature trom 45 ‏ع8‎ classical Lati tcsture rom 45 8 Contrary t0 popular bel has roots Contrary ta popular belt has roots ina piece of teature from 45 BC ina plece of erature fom 45 Bc Opportuni Threat FXerary to 1 nas roots in a plece of Contrary to nas oot na place of classical Latin teature trom 45 ‏ع8‎ classical Latin Iterature tom 45 BC. Contrary to popular belt nae oats Contrary to popula belle thas rots in piece of iterate tom a5 8C 7 ‏و1‎ iterate tom 25 BC

صفحه 143:
Branch diagram

صفحه 144:
United states Map random text Sutabie for allcateaony, | Montana ‏تسه‎ We Ao ‏رهر‎ random tot Sutable for alcatesoy, | Florida ‏دورو مورا اه درس‎ Sutable ‏,تیه ال ما‎ | Texas, ‏مور وود توس‎ ۳ random text suitable fr aicatesery, | Nevada ‏دروم هس‎

صفحه 145:
North america Branch 04 Suan امم ot spy random tox Branch 01 Branch 02 Suitable for at Sultale fora 5 ‏امم »هي 0و‎ category, ‏يا‎ ticle 1 hot simply random text not simply random tt Branch 03 Suitable forall category, wa pperIs not simply random text

صفحه 146:
Australian map Autralian Facts Analysis from ‏سسم/9 9 8 ممص‎ "ant bowie te Suitable for al categories see business and personal 5 presentation, eaque ipsa quae fb illo Inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt expieabo. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, و یو و

صفحه 147:
World map

صفحه 148:
The great partner | ‏ات۱‎ BA graphicriver ‏تن‎ عم 0 معنن ۲ ) مهو و ] organisation we've always looked to bring together the right sls and knowledge to support our technology evelopment, network growth and customer service. With experience that goes beyond the telecoms and IT industry our group of aectors and officers are focused on bringing to market the latest Business Grade solutions and dedicated suppor.

صفحه 149:
Get in Touch Middle Easton, 245 Eva. Pt.Santerus ie mera) 00100 مج

صفحه 150:
Thanks for 4Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgettingpy

جهت مطالعه ادامه متن، فایل را دریافت نمایید.
34,000 تومان