قالب طرح بیزینس - رنگ آبی

صفحه 1:
Welcome ppt.r ofthe printing and typesetting industry. ppt has been the Industry’ standara dummy text

صفحه 2:

صفحه 3:
BUSINESS Presentatio n

صفحه 4:
Be Flexible & keep ‘customer Happy Accurately, Securely & Honestly Dede Understand Risk ۳ extend commun HaveaNot/ 009 Cavin every Ses

صفحه 5:
۳ ones وج مرا وم رف رود باد سانا Pee ee) ones Sey 3 ۷ كا

صفحه 6:
Content Dir ofthe printing and typeseting inst. ptihas ‏رهاط وم‎ fandaral dummy text ev علج ۳

صفحه 7:
3 ‏او وت‎ the Presentation DeLee eee ‏ص موده ی‎ ۲ ‏سسا ی‎ ‏ی‎ ‎ory‏ > اه نوم ‏سس ‎

صفحه 8:
About Us ppt.irof the printing and typeseting Industry. ppt.ihas been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. «? olor Sit flor Sit سور مويو ‎Amet Amet‏ عط اه ناو ‎peticarine‏ ‏ات ‎ining‏ pot wand ppt 3 Sn

صفحه 9:
ppt.iref the printing and typeseting Industry. ppt.ihhas been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. ppt.ir ppt.i pptirof the printing and typeseting industry. pptircfnepicting and peeing ty intas been the industy's standard Potirnas been the industry stands Sinmy tent ever since te 15008, nen an Summy text ever since the 15008, when an Unknown printer took a galley Unknown printer took a galley

صفحه 10:
Team Members ppt.irof the printing and typeseting industry. ppt ihhas been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. Post Title hea) Post Title i pti ofthe printing Pati ofthe printing pti ofthe printing pptir ofthe printing nd typesetting Bnd typesetting Snd typesetting Bnd typesetting

صفحه 11:
Team Members ppt.irof the printing and typeseting industry. ppt ihhas been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since Experience ohn pel he pring and onating ty NY ع hort —pptiroFthe printing and typesetting industry. ppt has ‏وچ و0‎ been he css andar damm tent ever sce te ۷ ] when an unknown,

صفحه 12:
2 Business Solutions

صفحه 13:
9 Facts to Business Solution sty potirot the printing BUSINESS Presentation

صفحه 14:
6 BUSINESS Plan 240

صفحه 15:
Business Plan ppt.irof the printing and typesetting Industry. ppt as been the industry's نوم ‎ofthe printing and typeseting‏ جوم ‎Frausty- pot ipsum:‏ Ipsum is simply dummy text Lorem thas survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting نوم ‎ofthe printing and typeseting‏ جوم ‎Frausty- pot ipsum:‏ Simply dummy text pptiris thas survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting Standard dummy text ever since. ppt.ir of the printing prtuirof the printing and bypeseting industry potas been the industry's standard dummy

صفحه 16:
Business Plan وم ‎pptirof the printing and typesetting‏ ‎Industry. ppt ipsum‏ 5 وم ofthe printing and typesetting industry 7 3 ‏عتمم‎ pptuirof the printing and typesetting industry Dhtimas been the industry's standard durnmy pptirof the printing and typeseting pes ies baa Industry. ppt sum.

صفحه 17:
مقاط ودع وأدنا8 ppt.iris simply ام ‎pati ofthe printing and typesetting industry‏ Toward 3 Ahead eee) commie en eres) orc recs ‎eee‏ مكلة اناق ‎Perec‏ ‏056 503 تانودم 2 :1 0000209201 | ی و ‎ee a ree Crs Perea nee ‎

صفحه 18:
Lastly We have to Rememb + ppties simply dum + Tanto he printing and typesetting + pptimas been we industry Standard dumy text ever since ints tok a gly of type + Scrambled to make a type specimen + Typesetting, maining essential er That ptr ofthe printing and Fypesetting industry. pptirnas been the industry's standara dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer tok a Salley of type and Scrambled it to ‘make a type specimen book. thas Survived not ony five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially Unchanged! Ir was popularised,

صفحه 19:
د ‎Think Before Beginning‏ 505 ©5106 نك مها رس مه 290

صفحه 20:
‎rintng and typeseting industry.‏ عل ‎BP voce tne ncustrye standard Sumy text‏ ‎By rcs ‎pptir ‎pptirof the printing ana typesetting Industry. pptrpsum. ‎Ipsum is simply dummy text Lorem tt has survived not only five centuries, but ‘iso the leap into electonletypeseting ‎pptir ‎pti ofthe printing and typesetting Industry. pp. iris. ‎Simply dummy text ppt.iris te has survived not only five centuries, but ‘alse the leap into electronic typeseting ‎ ‎© ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 21:
ppt.ir Ppt. ofthe printing and typeseting Industry pptir But algo the leap nto slectrone typesetting, ‘ermaining essentially Unchangee. ‘ptr ofthe printing ‘hd typesetting industry. pot mas been the industy, Ppeipsum, موم ut azo the leap into slectronie ‘ypesetting, remaining essentially. pti ofthe printing fd typesetting Industry. pat ina Deen te industry's ‘Standard dummy text

صفحه 22:
زر ‎Analyze‏ ‎Competetion‏ 20

صفحه 23:
Analyze Competetion pptirof the printiig and typesetting Industry. ppt has been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. ppt ofthe printing and ‏و‎ ppt.irDol or Sit pti ofthe printing and typesetting pti of tre printing and les survived at any ve "ypeseting entuces but aso te ep ta, ‏ها‎ ‏معد مقا مم‎ he nds. ppt.ir ofthe printing and typeseting industry. pt.has been the ] ۳ sstangard dummy text ever since

صفحه 24:
Analyze Competetion pptirof the printiig and typesetting Industry. ppt has been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since ‎J nf ۵‏ م ‎ppt.irlspum ‎pptirispum pptirlspum pptirispum Dolor Sit Amet Dbler'sivAmet ‏يي‎ Dolor Sit Amet petit ‏وقيم موه فد مام م‎ peti of the printing ‏تسه نوج‎ ‏ممع‎ 2 aur ‏ی‎ aay ‏و‎ ‏و هنت ماما امه‎ ‎

صفحه 25:
Analyze Competetion pptirof the printiig and typesetting Industry. ppt has been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. Printing and typesetting pears been ‘Standard duramy text ever ‏عجوم‎ simply dummy Printing and typesetting ‎been‏ دهم ‎ ‎Printing and typesetting ‏ممم همم‎ ‎Standard dummy text ever peas Simply urmmy Printing and typesetting ‏عع عجوم ‎ppt.ir ‎ ‎Printing and typesetting ppkurhas been the industry ‘Standard dummy text ever ‎9 ‎Printing and typesetting industry ‎ ‎PEAS een Industry ‎Ptr ofthe printing and typesetting Industry. ppt thas been the Industry's ‎Standard dummy text ever since. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 26:
ot: ‏ول‎ Have a Not/To Do List In Every Steps 9:9

صفحه 27:
Have A not/To do list in every Steps Ppt.iref the printing and typesetting Industry. ppt has been the industry's fandard! dummy text ever since —_ = Fat Goes Here ‏شش‎ Goes Here ith ith But also the leap into electronic fut also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially. ppt. typesetting, remaining essentially. ppt {ef prnting and typesetting industry of printing and typesetting indust pimas been the industy's standard potas been the industry's standard Gummy txt ever since Gummy text ever since

صفحه 28:
Have A not/To do list every Steps ‎of the printing and typesetting Industry. ppt thas been the industry's‏ وم ‎Standard dummy text ever since.‏ ‎pptirof the printing and essing. ‎© ‎peti 1 OQ ERS Here © 0 ‎pptir ofthe printing and ‏تس‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 29:
۳ Extend Community ۵ اه و TO}

صفحه 30:
Extend Community ‎the printing and typeseting industry. ppt.ihas been the industry's‏ اه وم ‎Standard dummy text ever since.‏ ‎@ wrote rng ana epesetng ‎Iehas survived not only five centuries, but fsa the leap ino, ‎Printer took a galley of type Scrambled itta make a type specimen Tehas survived not enly five centuries Typesetting, remaining essentially ‎ ‎

صفحه 31:
۱ ihas been the industy's Standard dummy text ever since لل ۷۵ 506121 But also the leap nto electronic typesetting, remaining essentially. ppt. of printing and typesetting industry pp.irhas baen the Industry's standara flummy text ever since: Sut alee the leap into electron typesetting, remaining essentially pptirofthe pptirofthe —pptirofthe _pp.irafthe Print and prntana printana pent and typeset typeset typeset typeset Industy. ‏رن‎ 0 ust.

صفحه 32:
& ۲ [eevee 28 1 Beiar St Amet pet.ir ofthe pining pot sum | jolor Sit Amet pti he rnin ‏وم‎ ۷ [0 jolor Sit Amet ppticof the printing et Ftpsure ptirlspum, olor Sit Amet peti inting Band typeset Inaustry ‏و‎

صفحه 33:
5] Understand ‏اكلم‎ & ie ۵

صفحه 34:
Understan dRisk & Reward ۰۰ 6 ‏رح‎ 190 But also the leap into electric typesetting, remaining essentially. pptir of printing and typesetting industry. pptirhas been the Industry's Standard dummy text ever since. But also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially printing and bypeseting,

صفحه 35:
Understand Risk & Rewards lusty. ppihas been the industry's ppt.ir Goes But also the leap into electronic typesetting. Femaining essentially. ppt. ‘fpanting and typesetting Industry. ppeirhas bees, ppt.ir Goes But leo the leap into electron typesetting Femaining essentially. pptie bf printing and typesetting Industry. pptiehas been, pt.irof the printing and ty امن ppt.ir Goes But also the leap into lecironic typesetting, Femaining essentially: ppt. ‘fpnting and typesetting Industry. pptirhas bees,

صفحه 36:
Understand Risk & Rewards Ppt.irof the printing and typeseting industry. ppt has been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since. ppt.iris simply But also leap into electron ‘typesetting, remaining ‏ل د‎ ppt.iris simply But also leap into electron ‏سر‎ remaining essentially: ppt ppt.iris simply But also leap into electron typesetting, remaining essentially ppt ppt.iris simply But also leap into electron ‘ypesetting, remaining essentially: ppt اماك اعمج ی fut also leap into electron typesetting, remaining ‏ات‎ ممه كانم ی But also leap into electron typesetting. remaining essentially: ppt

صفحه 37:
5 % 2 Accurately Securately & Honestly Define Q O70

صفحه 38:
Accurately, curately & onest

صفحه 39:
Accurately, Securately & Honestly Define 18۳ ppt.irsimp! y dummy But also the leap into electronic typeset, remaining ‏رک‎ 00 print dustry’s standard dumm 9 ppt.irsimpl y dummy But alco the leap Into electronic typeset, remaining ‘cesenballypptir of print ppt.irsimpl y dummy But alco the leap into electronic typeset, remaining ‏ره‎ of print pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. ppt ihas been the ppt.irsimpl y dummy ut also the leap Into electronic peset, remaining ‏اليا‎ ‎pene

صفحه 40:
ppt.iris simply Sut aso leap nt electron ‘ypeseting, remaining eoeontily. Poti. ppt.iris simply ut aso leap nt electron ‘ypeseting, remaining ebeentily. ppt. Accurately, Securately & Honestly Define ppt.iris simply But also leap into electron typesetting, Femaining essentially. ppt ppt.iris simply But also leap Into electron typesetting, remaining essentially. ppt

صفحه 41:
BS ۴۱۵۱9۱6 6 69 Customer Cy a ‏م‎ ۳ — eae رس

صفحه 42:
Be Flexible Keep Customer ۰۰۰ —————— لُق إل But also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially. pp of priting and typesetting industry. ppt thas been the industry's standard dummy text ever since. But ‘als the leap Into electronic typesetting, remaining essentaly printing and typesetting ppt.irDolor is simply ppt.irDolor is simply text Goes Here text Goes Here But also the leap into electronic But also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essential typesetting, remaining essentially ‘tir of printing and typesetting tir of printing and typesetting Industry Inausty.

صفحه 43:
Be Flexible & Keep Customer Happy pptirof the printing and typeseting industry. pptihas been the industry's standard dummy text ever ppt.irsimp! ppt.irsimpl ppt.irsimpl ppt.irsimp! y dummy y dummy y dummy y dummy Butalzo the lean But azote leap Butea the tap Sut alo the lap tnt electron int electron int electron Into electron ‘ypeset, remaining typeset remaining typeset remaining typeset remaining essentially. ppt of ‏مم ری‎ 66 essentially. pptir of essentially. pptirof pene pant pene print

صفحه 44:
Be Flexible & Keep Customer Happy pptirof the printing and typeseting industry. pptihas been the industry's standard dummy text ever ut alco the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially. ppt of printing and typesetting Industry. pptitas been the industry's standard dummy text ever since, ut also the leap into ‘electron typesetting, remaining essentaly panting and typesetting

صفحه 45:
and dp Measure Everythin Test, Test & Test Again ©5106 شاه ها سل اوه ©

صفحه 46:
Measure Everything and Test Test & est Agata? ‏آذآ[‎ ‎the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially. potirof printing and typesetting‏ معا مره ‎Industry. pti been the Industry's standard dummy text ever since. But alco the leap ito‏ ‎electronic typesetting, remaining essentially printing and typesetting‏

صفحه 47:
Measure Everything an Test, Test & Test Again ا ۵ © 6 Ppt.iris simply —_ppt.iris simply ppt.iris simply But also leap into But also leap into But also leap into electron typesetting _ electron typesetting electron typeseting fem essentially Fem escentaly Fem exsentally pts simply ne. pptins simply fe pets simply fine

صفحه 48:
ppt.iris simply But azo leap nt electron ‘ypesetting, ‏ات‎ ppt.iris simply But azo leap nt electron ‘ypesetting, Femainingexeenialy. pote ppt.iris simply But azo lap nt electron ‘ypesetting, Femainingexsenialy. pote ppt.iris simply Eutaso leap int slectron‘ypeseting, ] Measure Everything an Test, Test & Test Again Sut also the leap into electronic typesetting remaining essentially. pptirof printing and typesetting industry. pptirhas been the industry's standard dummy txt ever since. But ase the oop Ingo electronic typesetting, remaining essentially ng and typesetting

صفحه 49:
Have a Coffee Break 6

صفحه 50:
Company Timeline 0 a eae ec po ee as ‎ce‏ ال ‏ا ا ا ا د ‎Bie‏ سس ‎bea‏ ۳ ۳ 0 ‎printing and. printing and. printing and. printing and. printing and, printing and ‏9و ‎

صفحه 51:

صفحه 52:
Our . Service 5 ‘ofthe printing and typeseting Feustr. pptihas Been the industry's Standard dummy text ever since the 415005, when an unkron pier took a galey af type ana seramblea to make 3 type specimen book. thas survived hat oniy five centres, but aso the leap Into electron typesetting, cemaining essentially unchanged. was ] the 1960s withthe ‏سم‎ sheets containing Patirpassages. and more recent mith ‏ساسا‎

صفحه 53:
ppt.irsimply © ey © 9 ‏ليده‎ ©

صفحه 54:
Our Services pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. pptias been the industry's standard dummy text ever w Q Graphic Design Web Design Search Engine Opt. 2 aa ap necro pest ‏ام ها ماه‎ lect 9 ‏و سن‎ Gd ‘Bs wth Social Medi Opt. Email Marketing Affiliate Marketing ‏محم سيم‎ | | Seat | ‏محم مسمس‎

صفحه 55:
Our Services pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. pptias been the industry's standard dummy text ever Graphic Design Graphic Design Graphic Design ut seo esp ito ‏یه‎ ut aso ap ite lection typeseting, ‘leon typesetting, lection typeseting, femalring essen fering escent femalring esent ‏ی‎ Ipsum epi. Ipsum imply. Graphic Design | Graphic Design Graphic Design ‏موه‎ | ‘ut aso ap ito ‘ut aso ap ite flection typeseting, | lection typesetting, lection typeseting, ‏و | وی و‎ ‎is inp. 1 "psu imply. ‘psu spy.‏ سم ‎

صفحه 56:
Our. Servic es | the printing and typeseting industry. ppt has been the [dusty standard dummy text ever since 0 Graphic Design © Web Design 9 Search Engine Opt. ‏متعم ما مدنا مك ا متعم قاط مهدا ماه ع‎ Bt a apa elacton | rena Sipeceting remoting ‘peeling remaining ent ppt sin ert ppt snap ane pine any Sie Eero to ‘Sin Bort 23 oto Si Bu ae to ‏ی مه‎ ۳ ۳ ‘ing ean ‏تست سريت‎ Social Media Opt. Email Marketing Affiliate Marketing But a leap nt election Butea ap it lection Bt a ap electron ] remating ‏وت وشوو‎ ‘petting remaining ent piney ert pps sry iene pice any ‘Sy ‏ها‎ to Sn ‏ل‎ wo Si Baa ta ‏هون مد ا مه‎ نی وم و ‎Femaining essen‏

صفحه 57:
Optimiz. But ago te leap ito econ typesetting, remaining essential. pti of pring. Our Services Web Designs ut aco te eap ito tectonic typesetting, remaining essential. pti of panting Graphic Designs But aso the eap into secon typesetting, Femaining essen peti of pricing. But aio te ep nto electronic typesetting. maining exsentally pis spy umn But also the leap into electronic "ypeseting, remaining essentially: ppt of printing and typeseting industry pptienas been the industry standart dummy text ever since but aso the leap int electronic

صفحه 58:
حك Responsive Screens Hy. ppt.irhas been the industry's ©5106 شاه ها سل اوه ETO}

صفحه 59:
os =x 0000 BUSINESS

صفحه 60:
2 Samrt =) Bhone pati of te printing and typesetting Ist. ppeimas been te naustry's Standard gummy text ever since the 4500s, when an unknown printer took a galley oftype and seramblea to make $type specimen book thas survived. hot only ive centuries, but aso te leap Into electronic typesetting, emaining essentially unchanged. as popularised inthe 1960s withthe Fateace of Letraset shests containing potirpassages, and more recent wth ‏ام‎ نا معط عما امع ‎the printing and typesetting Industry.‏ اه وم ‎Industry's standard dummy text ever since‏

صفحه 61:

صفحه 62:

صفحه 63:

صفحه 64:
Tabl 3 ef PC ere ‏موه مرسمه م ل‎ fear eer? ‏و‎ But also leap into electron typeset remaining essent Potirdolor st amet

صفحه 65:
Responsive Screens pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. pptihas been the industry's standard dummy text ever ۱:۳5 Personal Computer Personal Computer2_ Tablet PC Smart Phone But aio eapinto seco «Bt aleoeapinoelectio «UL also leapinto electro But also leap nto electro {ypeseting veraining eSsent typeseling. remaining essent typeselng Yemaiung esentlypeseing, remaining esent ‏جع ما له روم دا‎ hum sain Sutskoleap — Ipbumis ply. But ake feop Issue singly. But ss leap Into electro typesetting Ine elec typesetting Into elec typeseting Inc lec ypeseting

صفحه 66:
Lorem Ispum Dolor ‎of the printing and typeseting industry.‏ ناو ‎Potithas been the industry's standard duremy text‏ ‎Ever since the 2500s, when an unknown printer took 3‏ ‎galley of type and scrambled it to make atype‏ ‎peclmen book thas survived not only fve centuries,‏ ‎ ‎ ‎pptir ofthe printing and typeserting ‘pti ofthe printing and typesetting Faust ppt has been he industry's Must. ppeirmas Been the Industry's ‘Standard dummy text Standaré dummy tex

صفحه 67:

صفحه 68:
Column Infographic ‎i pptirdolr sit‏ ع ممم و ‎The Title Text Goes Here with ‘The Title Text Goes Here with Short Short ‎pti ofthe printing and typeseting Petr ofthe printing and typeseting Industry. pptirnas Been the industry's Indust. pptirmas been the industy's ‘Standard dummy text Standard dummy text ‎

صفحه 69:
و اهاط ۱ SATS em, apolar st petioles | DAs amet, Smet pr 0 Smet pe met sn ‘mode agam team mods Sgam mods gam 2-6

صفحه 70:
۲ ع و۴۱۱ > Headline text goes Headline text goes < pptinlorsit amet, pri ‘odo agam facer fimeam adalesce ptiedolo sit amet, pi do agam facer ‏سس سس‎ Headline text goes < rr Headline text goes prt.indlorsit amet, pri ‘odo agam facer ‏سس سس‎ pt iedolor sit amet, pe do agam facer ‏سس سس‎

صفحه 71:
۱۷/۵۱۱۱۲۵۱۱ ‎the printing and typesetting Industry. ppt has been the industry's standard dummy text ever‏ او وم ‎Sihee the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type ana serambled ie to make a pe‏ ‎‘specimen book I has survived not only fve centuries,‏ ‎

صفحه 72:
Pie Infographic Black Fact : 45% 1 patirdolor st amet, pr ‘ode agam facer Fray Fact : 25% patirdoler st amet. pri ‘odo agam facer Torange Fact: 20% potirdoler st amet, pri Frode agam facer 10% سام ل | Frodo agam racer ‎ofthe printing‏ نوم ‎‘and typesetting‏ ‎industry. potas ‏ما‎ ‎standard dummy text ‎tne 1900s,‏ مر ‎when an unknown‏ ‎printer took ‎ ‎

صفحه 73:
Pie Infographic Two Black Fact : 45% Black Fact : 45% Pptidlor st amet, pei pt idalor sit amet. pi mado agam facer ‘odo agam facer Oran 2 range Fact : 20% Patirdolor sit amet pt pptidolorst amet, pri ‘modo agam facer Fado agam facer

صفحه 74:
۴600۱۶ © 60 520653 5543210653 form

صفحه 75:
People infograp Two \ 5

صفحه 76:
Social Media __Infog raphic

صفحه 77:
Social Media Popularitie 4536865462 5096 / 453686562 tir tthe printing ana ‏و‎ ‎ben tne industrys standara ‘dummy text ever Since the 1500s, ‘then an unkown ponte. 60% / 753685462 58% / 536865462

صفحه 78:
amet ۳ ۵۳ ppt.irlspum Text Buta leap ito ection typeseting, ‘ng en Be 907 5 30 29 ppt.ird ‏ترا‎ Dolor Sit Amet But sea leap into econ typesetting, Femaining essen pts ‘dren buts Tea ‏اا‎ Social Media For. Business ppt irispum Text من دما ‎uta‏ ‏هر ماه ‎‘ong Be‏

صفحه 79:
Map Infographic 8

صفحه 80:
Globe Infographic ppt.iripsum dolor sit amet pri modo agam Ppt.irlspum

صفحه 81:
‘ut also leap into electron typeset remaining exsent Potirdolor sit amet But also leap into electron typeset remaining escent Potirdolor sit amet ‘ut also leap into electron ‘eset remaining essent Potirdolor sit amet. But also leap into electron typeset remaining essent Potirdolor sit amet

صفحه 82:
World ۱۷۵0۵ ۵

صفحه 83:
ut also leap into electron vernamning, World Map !nfographic 2 remaining essent tials

صفحه 84:

صفحه 85:

صفحه 86:
Ma Australi a ppt.iripsum dolor sit amet pri modo agam Lorem

صفحه 87:
Irnas been the industry's Portfolio & Mores... eee ‏حسم‎ ©

صفحه 88:
Our Port? ‎the printing and typesetting industry. ppt.ihas been the industry's standard dummy text ever‏ أن عناوم ‎ ‎

صفحه 89:
Our Portfolio Pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. ppt.imas been the industry's standard durmmy text ever دنور ‎Pores‏ ‎ie‏

صفحه 90:
Lorem modo 292۳ Lorem But also leap into electron typeset remaining escent Potirdolor sit amet But also leap into electron typeset remaining escent Potirdolor sit amet. But also leap into electron typeset remaining essent Petirdolor sit amet. But also leap into electron typeset remaining escent Petirdolor sit amet.

صفحه 91:
‘$506,658 015 ا 11 $503,210.012 $10,340 $654,321 siz.650214 0213 Table ‘amet pr mado agar Pri mado agam facer Te upturn ‏وق‎ ‎‘Guaerenaum se 0

صفحه 92:
Table General 2 Peeing ana typesetting Printing ana typesetting Printing andypesettng pts been the industry ptimas been tas been Standard dummy text ever Standard dummy txt ever Standard dumany txt ever pti pis simply dummy ins simply dummy Printing an typesetting industry Pring ana typesetting Printing andypesettng ‏هه نو‎ industry tas been ‏عق اام‎ been But als leap into electron But aso leap into electron Pprirdolorstames 9 22

صفحه 93:
Price Table 1 ppt.irof the printing and typesetting industry. ppt.ihhas been the industry's standard dummy text ever since Advance Pack

صفحه 94:
Price pptirof the printing and typesetting industry. ‏وم‎ column 7 20] ۳ v Info One Detals info One etal ifo One Second info Second nto Deta ‏بي‎ Beta hid nfo Detail Thi nfo ۷ petals Tid nfo Info Fourth Info Fourth Detall % info Fourth Detall Five Detals Five Y petals Five Sixth info Sixth nfo Details % sixth info Details Seventh Details Seventh % betas Seventh Info ight Info Eight Details ‏هه باون‎ Y Info eight Detas Nineth © Detals nati ls Neth ‏ما اجه کر‎

صفحه 95:
Gennect with Social Media,

صفحه 96:
عاممعم ‎Award 80۸6‏ Award 2010 Our 0۵۱۶ piel 2010

صفحه 97:
tif the printing and typesetting ( Iraury_ nae bean ne mouso Y's ‏سيت‎ Sammy to

34,000 تومان