صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
صفحه 3:
۱ اه ام
۱ iodusi-y. ppticsas bees
Dre ra dee es Re crace a ec ad
1 Diecast
صفحه 4:
PPtits sttoply ducmeny text oF the prictoc cod iypesetiog iodwsty. pplicsas bero the todusty's stoadard duevey text ever
swe the (SOOs, whee aa uokoow ve pricier took a ley oP ype oad sorawbled iio woke ype speviven book. I hos
snived wl pay Pur cecires, buoy he kup ide elevirvar ppesetiog, reworiny esseuidly vachooed. Wier
popuketsed in the (OO Os wth he releuse of Letraset sheets coctakiay pplirpussnces, wad wore reveuly wih deshioy
تالم soPivare the @ktus PayeQoker tactic versioas of phir.
pplins sion رود موه و هلو با ما اون وله ولج بجع اه ها مود text ever.
ام sicoply موق اجه مها موم
صفحه 5:
Os ا)
۱۳ ا ل occa kd
۱ م کر cial cia
NI Para I مه ba
Le Dee an Ng RM OA tel Noe Can CM ced oan ea Peco ASANO coca ca LB
Reena cas dU Pasccal coe ata ccc ech eee ORG Se م ot mc eo ccd
NE ee a Rea ea يي ا
SS Vie? QD Pie Ts Die Pe Mie De
ES ‘ext 9 ‘ext ext iu ext
bout Os Our ۳ @bout Os O @bou Os 9 @bou Os Pour
وی و
صفحه 6:
@bout Os
ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing
and typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been
the industry's standard dummy text ever
since the 1500s, when an unknown printer
took a galley of type and scrambled it to
make a type specimen book. It has
survived not only five centuries, but also
the leap into electronic typesetting,
remaining essentially unchanged. It was
Dea ee Ea تحت
typesetting industry. ppt.irhas bi
Industry's standard dummy text e'
fay, ۳
text oF the مت امه او
ترا لعدد ۲۱۳۸۲
صفحه 7:
4ص تمد امه وله duczeny text oF the priotiog cod ypesetiog teuetqy. pptidsas bero the امه او
مره رز ever swe the (GOOs, wheo oo vohaowe prister took a yaley oP ype ood sorawbled iio woke o
books. Thos survived ont odly Pive veutudes, but dlsv the leap toto elevirvuir tppesetiiog, necvuictas essruttaly:
woohouged. UW uwas popularised ta the (QOOs wis the releuse oP Letraset sheets ovutuivieg ppLiqzassuyes, ood
swore revediy with deshiop publishieg soPtvare the Dkdus PageQMuber tackidiry versivcs.
6 0
Tile 4 Tile Tent Tile Tent
®bou Os © مس Os 9 @bou Os Pow
peli stcophy ducopy tend oP رونت ان chicry text oF plies steophy duce ted oP
the pratt preety
knhwsry exasrple text,
سود ورد
لوسرو لعي لمكي the
the priatacg cad اس
صفحه 8:
صفحه 9:
مسصت(ا) طانمی()
Post Miter Ment
جما خات نا رود روت Petite
رده ما اور pricier
Oko Or Ore?
oP the priate, cod tyresetiog todusiqy. pptirses beeo the fousty's stoodacd due text ever stuce he IGOOs, wheo oo وجا ducroy باه ار
Ccusovuckit dir.
Post Mite Pent
جما chor tent oP راومه ام
له ما اور prvi
اما متسه سرا هن ced sorambled ite smoke را اه بان و اما له مایت
Orkat Ooteva
Post Pile Pent
pris sicophy hxc text oF te
prices plies bee the feisty
Gokawi Deda
Post Vie Pent
اه فا رود راو حط ام
رده ما مار مر
صفحه 10:
pplins ,ع)ظ)1) سا وه وه ما تومست لحولمواه ع تلد سا ما اون له حاورا معا جان فا تم راجت whea oa
Oucio Dany
Post Vite Text
CQacvuckit Ur.
Post Vite Peat
مون 11
مس هه ب
species book را و cube ما لا لجانامجوجوت لمن سر خن بصن و سا نس نی
مسرصهن) تامو)
Post Tile Meat
مس هه
WO —
= ا
oC =
© انهاه eda
Post Tite مج
سس 1
=—— ۷
oC —_=
صفحه 11:
Ouriativa (1 لبون حرا ع( امل
و مایت رع)ظ)18) عا سوه وه فا ترممت oP the priciiog ood ypesetiog todustyy. pplirvas bers the todusiry's stoccdard فا ترمل راجت ام
species book را و cube ما لا تااممجچو لجی سر خن بصن و سا نس نی
ver ste the IGOOs, wheo oa usbaoue pricier took pricier.
صفحه 12:
Oko Or Ore?
مه اس مه مت
a a ل و۱
SSA eC و
terckioty, سس سس
۳ سا رب a
س0 SL
ea ea ) 3 ری فا ری
۸۱۱۰٩۹٩۱٩۱٩ ss
نه RR at a ced 1۱
Te ل
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
6 © © © ©
ppliris sivoply dusoxny text oP the prictiocy cord
fupesetiog todustqy. ppticsas ber the iodusiry's
stocdand duc text ever siue the ISGOOs, whea
اه ترصام ه عامما عصواح منتصكاى جه type oer
soruvbled it to wake u type spevived او It kas
survived ont ody Pive cecturies, but olsv the heap foto
elevirvair iypevetiog, ارحص رامشوه رت
عم populodsed ia the (QOOs wih the release oP
رات واه اپورا ppLirqvossayes, ond wore
revedy wi deskiop .كج ان
صفحه 15:
ل ا Rg a Oe ee هت
بيسنت ناا
nad كك
Re a eas
و 6
060000 عدا عه
Ro انیا
۱۳ اف فا رس
RO a a RT
A Ra
Re en ee ee ل ل ل
تسم میرم میت له
يي ا ۱
ل اي ver
ae ae اور سنوی
ل © Geverd
TES kl لا يي م
ae ae او يسك
۱ es ele
PO RRO EE a cae
a AOA لك
SRO ia age
Cropery Oucagewect
eS eA na
صفحه 16:
Wows. Qewvuior
ver siwwe كلا 0600005
meister” tors ی و ب
Greco @uiday
ver sie the IOOO;
سا ام سنوی مه wheat
Lecoirate Plovrtay
buer stuwe the ISDO:
roan pricier toots
: 0
Cver skwe he (OOOs, (at)
سای مه مرن pricier
Deta ۳۹ ©
سر ste he 0
seo ot voharus priser took
Orvkeruage ppt.ir
Cer sor جملا 0600005,
whe oct voharus prisiter
صفحه 17:
ام ا
0 اه مه رود راومه ع ام
بصاصكها سوسم
ee) ره
بصاصكها سوسم
سم ۱
a سس ۱۲
ea 0 ncaa
۱ a
صفحه 18:
معدم ورد
له رح جملا خات وجا روصت رنه ام
typesrtiog trusty.
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
pptins sivoply ducey text oF the pricaicrey ced
۱ تصاكسلها
pphiris steeply decry text oF the امه رحس
۱ .تصاكسةها
تاماسم جما خات م تومل باه 7۳۶۲
coed typesetito trdusiry. ppt.ickus beed the
stradard duce text ever ste رل
سنوی نی the (GOOs, wheo
oP tye sed soresbled ۱ بانب took a
امه اون میا تست سرا و woke
وا لت رس سا انم رل
oP the pricitac, ced ypesetiog tocustiqy. pplirsas beeo the trcustqy's فا توصمل رجات ار
duczey text ever sie. مود
صفحه 19:
ام ا
0 اه مه رود راومه ع ام
بصاصكها سوسم
ee) ره
بصاصكها سوسم
سم ۱
a سس ۱۲
ea 0 ncaa
۱ a
صفحه 20:
معدم ورد
له رح جملا خات وجا روصت رنه ام
typesrtiog trusty.
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
pptins sivoply ducey text oF the pricaicrey ced
۱ تصاكسلها
هو ۱
.تصاكسةها ۱
Our ppt.ir
و ال ۹
Petits stop ducrany text of the pricier
مت اون له مهو لجن
وه وه فا وحم لعولدماك ىتوص لز
the (GOs, wheo oa chorus pricier
took o octhey oF type ord stacacbted از
woke «ype spevicven book. ppiirs sicophy
| ced Ippesetios
oF the prices ood yyesetiog todustqy. pplidvas ber the iocustry's فا توص steeply ابر
duczey text ever sie. مود
صفحه 21:
- 1 ۳۱
معدم ورد
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
oF the prtcitery ord مس ومد باه م۳
pptins sivoply ducey text oF the pricaicrey ced
۱ تصاكسلها
هو ۱
.تصاكسةها ۱
Our ppt.ir
و ال ۹
Petits stop ducrany text of the pricier
مت اون له مهو لجن
وه وه فا وحم لعولدماك ىتوص لز
the (GOs, wheo oa chorus pricier
took o octhey oF type ord stacacbted از
woke «ype spevicven book. ppiirs sicophy
| ced Ippesetios
oF the prices ood yyesetiog todustqy. pplidvas ber the iocustry's فا توص steeply ابر
duczey text ever sie. مود
صفحه 22:
۵ ون Text
prioites ced tyyesetiog todusiqy. pptirses bee the todusiqy's storded duery text ever stor the (GOOs, whea oa لا چات فا تحص جات ات
اس مه سرا و لین tte تاو له سر
It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It
was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset
sheets containing ppt.irpassages, and more recently with
desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including
versions of ppt.ir. ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing
and typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the industry's
standard dummy text ever.
بعاد ه عاصدم ۱
ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting
industry. ppt.irhas been the industry's standard dummy text
ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley
of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has
survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It
was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset
sheets containing ppt.irpassages, and more recently with
desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including
versions of ppt.ir. ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing
and typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the industry's
standard dummy text ever. ppt.iris simply dummy text of the
printing and typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the industry's
standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown
printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type
cnecimen honk
صفحه 23:
am e
۱ Me يش
كا Re
ای aa as
سا 0 تا رت
ل ا ی ۱۱ الل 0
a ۱ يك
صفحه 24:
Ms تسا
۱ جلا )© 00005,
Pe RR Ta
ver sae ie
(600s, whea va
(800s, whea oa
سم ی
لفات یی
:600 م9 صمت سجر 03
ne erence
0 اسلا یت :
Ca els
Pe ee
Weedice Text
@ver sir he ISOOs,
موی مه مرن
took pricier
صفحه 25:
صفحه 26:
لمسلدمه واتصاصلد] عا ما ار لها مقر له تن سا خن ما ومد اوه ار
واه عونك ابا رل
لا ۶
te OOD رن ۳
سای وف مایت
Weedice Text
(ver ster the (GOO
aks sca, A oes) حاترم
Rel تسس on
صفحه 27:
تم ام و
Br NN gE a
ea a ل Ca
ل ا لي يي
Ra ال ا
بماصلها و سم
صفحه 28:
stop ducy text oF the privacy ood اوم
صفحه 29:
prt.ir- Duarheticcy
priate cod ppesetiions tacusiqy. لا ان فص ول اند ار
pptirkas bee the trcdustiry's
© كج 3-7
6 ] ber the trdusiqy's
جر سا وا ما
سس اه 9 SO
۱ 5 4
ده بط prtidsas bees 6 >
= و2
ری ما نا يهم ۰ عام وو ریب چیه Gur ince be
ل م9 2-00 (S00 whea (S00 wha (S00 whea wo
سم ورد
صفحه 30:
مق وا اه فا رل pptirs sivoply
كواب وريز كحم
واتصصكلوا عدا مجججا جدكاط. اجاج
۶ 6 با
ار ۵ standard ducreny.
pptirbos bere the tocdusiry's
OW, =
pphidsas ber رل با
بركجصيك وود % SO
prt.ir- Duarheticcy
لاه رال tet of the prides ood yeesetiog tdstry. pptidves beeo ike رود رویط ار
thiaveny text ever siuce.
@pri Ow
pride skepy duo) text oP the prictog ما مان ,وبا بجاو له ie
هه ما ول fedustry's stoaderd
صفحه 31:
pphirs stop dun text oP the له پم
re مت ات
صفحه 32:
priate cod ppesetiions tacusiqy. لا ان فص ول اند ار
Weadice Text Weudice Text لوا Text Weadice Text مس Text
مد امه اجاج رصجمت امه ص۳۳ تمد باه ۳ مد اند عط ابوج sivoply ducomy
ای رشن text DP tke له رنه text oP the: كمه ممعم جك خم the pricitercy crord text OF the pricier srr text
سر ۳ 0 ها peptic.
(een the iecdusiry's standard ducrrry ©
text ever stuce the (GOs, whee wr . era the tedusiny's downy
سياد معي جره مرت 5 تا
cally Hapeycity
صفحه 33:
pptirs sicoply cheery text oF the priory ocd
cherry tent oF the prison ord اوه او
keke. امسر
=m ©
Pplirts stoply ducowy text oP te priatag ocd ار
0 Ea onl
dummy 0۳ ۱
pricticrs . با ان ما
صفحه 34:
the (Right owe با
Our مور
Hi ity |
Geen لها
صفحه 35:
جرا جا كدص ةا
cod ypesetiog tocusiqy. pplirsas ber the trdustiry رجف جوأ خان فا تم امه انم
نت text ever ملد
petits خان ود رات
the pricier.
petits skoply hewn text oF
thr pater.
pple skoply خان ود
the pricey.
Wowe ‘pu
PPhits stoply ducpp tend oP the prtotry cod
] تست tordeiry.
curry tent of راومه وم
the pricier.
frockard heey text
صفحه 36:
Wowe Iesurccave
اسب یات ات Te
يي يمينا
صفحه 37:
Wowe حوتسجهم|؟
وان ever مضا توويك
oP مود اوه او
the pricinny.
the pricy.
Petits مد راو 0 of
لاله ع له سا ما ان له وا لجت رجف oF the فا تم امه انم
of فا مود مومه عناوم
the priciry.
be pricier.
of 0 مود راومه الوم
© فا مود اوه حاوم of 0 Petits مود راومه 0 of
سدم the و
ppt.ins sivoply dueveny text oP the priate cod Vpesetiog trdusiqy. ppiicsas bee the todusiry's sterdend dueowy text ever stare he IGOOs, wheo ao vekaruve prtater took a gyalley oF type oer
soruvbted ito woke a type species book. Whos survived ant vay Pive aectudes, but sv the leap toio ,تساه recvotoioy esseuitaly vackoaged. UW was popuorsed ta the (OOOs
wits he release oF Letraset sk رنه ppLirpassayes, ocd wore revedly wih desktop publsttay soPtuvare tke ktus (PageQabser 4ص برد امه عضاوم ساوسو حلاص ۴
مه مرا له مر سا
صفحه 38:
را ما ما
ext ee ster وود توت
the (SOO.
صفحه 39:
[0 decked cana
Set aeanatcaa ed cence
صفحه 40:
له مقس عطا اه فص روحم امد
Wupesetiog trdusiqy. ppLirsos bere the
jodusiry's standard dusmeny text ever siuce the
ris 3 text oP the: ISOs, 1 ۰
ا 0 ايا 500 ۳۳ ey (800s, wheo oo vokoowa prister took a
5 ۰ q y oF 74 52
سم امین س کی وس سب ۱ سبو a ۳ ploy اجه کم سا ان
۱۱ tee tech eae open
standard hepa, text ever ski
text ever ste وود للم
te (SOOs, whe oa
te (600s, whee oa voor
printer took a cpley oF pe.
lana. - او (Plone here
صفحه 41:
جما خاب روجا برجكعمسيل برادردواك حصا ادزمر
ris ae و ی
,00)0) ل
و مت
Piece eae
صفحه 42:
(Property Deus
prin stops dace) text oP the priate cod resets forks.
@ Pable Duceber Our Dable Duceber Ove able Ducober Ove
988,00 860,00 9 99,0 6266© 9 99,0 88,00
Gubert Ow Tie Te O Gubert Ow Tite Te S Gubevt Ow Tite Tie O
سس سس 7s
@poven okey اه مس اه مس
q0,008 ۵ q0,008 ۵ 1۵,00 ۵
فا توویظ) Oucpeny text Durvery text
e989, 0666© وووه. وووه ,0606 وووه
(Pricaticrey (Pricaticrey (Priciticre
eo eo eo eo eo eo
نسم نسم eee
68,00 69,00 68,00 698,00 68,00 69,00
مصصلع1 مصسلس]” ملع
© © e © 6 ©
00,008 00,008 00,008 00,008 00,006 00,002
صفحه 43:
Hi 7 ۵
(Property Deus
او اج مس سا خن تا ود رود prin
994 00,00
Propery Dawe
oO oO
wey text 0) 7 060060 ع00
6© 666,680, 6009 0
fey pot A 7
O00 00 OOO
7 RY text
0ت 2526, 55
ون متا sine
oo )
9 0 8
00,90 10,008,040
© سف وم chump text oP the priate. 90 ppkirty oily chan tent of he prey 0 polite skophychemeny text oP ke priate.
90 pple skopb hemp text oP the price. © Polis skoply cheoeny text oP ike pricier). petits skophy chmeny text oP the priate.
صفحه 44:
يي یی ا رات سم هر رس مس 1 0
اس مم ت RE ee ee ۱
RC ام ی ل CeO AV
ee acca od تست
MOS as ia a
ال ”ا ۳ سحن سيت 06
صفحه 45:
معدم ورد
Ovde رامیب
Property Dawe
psec stop ۱۲ 9۰ 60 60
Durexny tent Bpooe باه 0۹,9 0069 ۵,۵06,6۵9
0600© 6
oO oO 0
ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing and
typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a
galley of type and scrambled it to make a
type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially
IF aie Hn eel In eee TORRE ی و و
صفحه 46:
معدم ورد
Property Dawe Ovde Ducober
(Epsow stop سس 60 60 eo
Durexny tent Bpooe باه 0۹,9 0069 ۵,۵06,6۵9
0600© 6
oO oO 0
ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing and
typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a
galley of type and scrambled it to make a
type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially
IF aie Hn eel In eee TORRE ی و و
صفحه 47:
معدم ورد
Property Dawe Ovde Ducober
(Epsow stop سس 60 60 eo
Durexny tent Bpooe باه 0۹,9 0069 ۵,۵06,6۵9
0600© 6
oO oO 0
ppt.iris simply dummy text of the printing and
typesetting industry. ppt.irhas been the
industry's standard dummy text ever since
the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a
galley of type and scrambled it to make a
type specimen book. It has survived not only
five centuries, but also the leap into
electronic typesetting, remaining essentially
IF aie Hn eel In eee TORRE ی و و
صفحه 48:
Petits له بل | و مها بل راو ppesetiog trdusiry.
A has survived ont voly Pive cect seuitaly vaokorged, I wer popukartsed ter tke
(900s wi the release oF Letraset sheets ovctaicicy ppLirvossages, ood wore repediy wil: deskiop publisher soca عط) لا
CageQMaker tockidrery versio.
, but on the Irop tat elena vair peor), reco
Doble Dusober Our
9 9 9 مه مه
6 e
10,008 ۰ 0,006
ات ,999
۱۳ e)
q0,00e __40,006
۳۳۲ ۴و فا بل باه ۳۳۲ ۴و ها بل اوه ۳9 (ه فا مود باه the
۳۵ privity ۳۳۹
ده مها 7۳ ی pptidscs beec the torchestqy's
مود ducny text ever ste. وی موه فا ول ولو standard ducrey text ever sae.
alm tency (
صفحه 49:
‘able Ouceber Ove
وم هوجو ...هلق
e e راصق
00 بروج tent 00,002 00,006
99,8 999 عجش
eo 5
oP he priate cr rest بسا رل رود او
the ircketry's standard hero مصصط دجا اوم سكو
text ever soe the ISOOs, wheo oa chara pricier
او ype oad soreenbled i ake اه رای took a
speokren book. kes survived ot voy Pie cecines,
but dy the op tay eevirva pene, Pexrzatciny
essruitdly vockorged. TW was popularised to the
(900s اب
( وه و«
صفحه 50:
‘able Ouceber Ove
Gubiert Ow 89,00 ۰
© 6 اماد مسوم
00,002 00,008 لدعا تركو 00
9999 99,8 ۳۳
60 60
oP he priate cr rest بسا رل رود او
the ircketry's standard hero مصصط دجا اوم سكو
text ever soe the ISOOs, wheo oa chara pricier
او ype oad soreenbled i ake اه رای took a
speokren book. kes survived ot voy Pie cecines,
but dy the op tay eevirva pene, Pexrzatciny
essruitdly vockorged. TW was popularised to the
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صفحه 51:
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كن رصني و اوضر ype ead sored pane ape
وميه berks 4 heer سمي جر رقي بن السرو ييه
رم مد وا مد توا بط مه نا
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ppt eke cherry text oP the
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siply decry text oF the pricier cord
له سور
صفحه 53:
تب یت
اا توت باه ع ۲۳۷
صفحه 54:
دون : ور
۰ص مرا لت متس سا اف فا تمد رابود ار
Wewdive Text
با رود رام petits
۱ بط the
اه فا ول رات ام
مايه سين ا
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polite scopy chreoy tent oP
the مه حي رمسم sien cn
.لطس كلوز
صفحه 55:
pple sicophy
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صفحه 56:
بت روخ بوه
كال اتن له بجاو له
>كلكاج اس ومیل امد ۲۳۳۱
#كحاعا ادوم توصلا سوب له
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صفحه 57:
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له رس با اه مس توت
مب مس
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Darecoy text oP the pricey rd تسده مس
وا ۳۳۲۷
له پر سا چات ما مت اوه ادم >
.تماصلا تاسسوم
Werke Ove
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دهم لت مر
prtidvar bewa te تال
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cducveny ten و
عا برمكمسل stcophy ام
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صاسا ۳۳
عا ومد بارصی ام
ها رومیل امه ام
لت وا
ها روم راومه ام
لت لا
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Gix | Boxes
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ppLins sieoply ducpspy text oP the سم له با
مد hos beeo the tedusty's stordand رل
peices. موجه مها مود باه ام
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pptirts otek
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Petits stop ducmy text oF the privity
pptickes bero the todusiry's stradard
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ate ence &
صفحه 64:
معدم ورد
وا له رم با ام فا نرومد pple sitoply
bees the tockeriqy's standard ducreny. plaice عدا توص كور
stcoply duemoy text oF the pricier.
۲۳۳ اه فا رت رونت ع tre
لا اه فا بر با
duereny text oF مجاه عا ابوج
۲۳۳ اه فا رت رونت ع tre
صفحه 65:
al ا
صفحه 66:
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De ah Guat
صفحه 67:
scopy cheery text oF the prvi ام cheery text oF the privity راو ام prc اجه سا مود باه تام
the todvstyy's standard ما سا he icketry'y otarkard prlirkes beva he tockwiry's stauckard ما معا
chron text ever Starr. ۳ shinny text ever Siar.
معدم ورد
صفحه 68:
۲ ۲ وس
مات ری ۳
tency ED
صفحه 69:
صفحه 70:
oP the priate cod Vpesetiiog trusty. اس رم اند ام
Wenke Text Ove Wee Tent Tio Wenke Text Theor
pptids stcophy ducmeny tert oF ما مود امه ابوج خام فا تمد راومه اجرج of
the price. the pricitery,
polis story chewy text oP ام steeply cherry text oF
sr prea. thr prey
the pricier,
Petit soph cherry ted oP
bbe price
petite empl مب میک
polars sien heey exh Ppl skp) huey text oP
the ۳ و
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the ۳
صفحه 71:
sito chr tent oF pple stops decry end oP ام
020:50 he privicns. سا
ppt.iris » 7 ۳ OF
لاي سا
رد را ۳ : ie tery chosen teat of »ون ا
the privity. ie prety he prior
صفحه 72:
ducmey tex of the priate cod Ppesetions trusty. رابود ار
صفحه 73:
۰ص حاورا لت رح the جات ما رل امه ام
اس ز()
re pptins soply cherry text oF the perience Preset facie. pptidsas bere the
رود وه عرص text ever stare he ISOOs, wheo oc ما بصن سای a
خان ترصام ype od scrambled ite scoke a ype speckre book. i has survived ct oly Pave
1 ات اوه رت را وهای تلا وا سا ماه تا وی
war populated in the (QO0s uals the retour 9?
صفحه 74:
cca مت
سوه وه اس رل
صفحه 75:
pplins skopy cherry text oP he pricey ood Ppeseticn,
dustry. pptirsas bere the iechstry's stocctard ducrrery tent
ever stuce the ISOOs, اما ان تحت مه مایت
لخنارنجت کی و ان رای tity woke مرت رات
book. hus survived oot voy Bue pectunes, but obo he keay
tao elevirvair ypeseticny
Hi 15 ۵
صفحه 76:
H ity ۰
صفحه 77:
صفحه 78:
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