صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
so ifa client has a question that relates to
the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be.
We spend so much of our life working that
we'd best enjoy it. ppt-ir here works
directly with our clients, so if a client has a
‘question that relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that worked on it.
Pptir here works directly with our clients,
so ifa client has a question that relates to
the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be.
We spend so much of our life working that
we'd best enjoy it. ppt-ir here works
directly with our clients, so if a client has a
‘question that relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that worked on it.
pptir here works directly with our clients,
50 if a client has a question that relates to
the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it. t's fun, as it should be.
صفحه 3:
Se a
Cee ام موتاععناو ه كط غمعااء
relates to the design they'll speak to the
Rearing ti a eae
۱ عانا كن أه طاعيزده
working that we'd best enjoy it
ing elit. Quisque ut
n purus sit
tis non id nulla, Pellentesque arcu
sem neque,
Fusce in erat
orci in mauris placerat
ante mau
id nulla
at orci in
65 8نا0 لظا علاعااع #8
pptir here works directly with our
Geese neers
relates to the design they'll speak to the
Cereal ae eae
۳ تا
lor sit amet
tate orci. Nunc
amet metus th
consectetur adipis
nte mauris. Integer n
eros, semper ac iac len, Ut
dipiscing id
tae, volutpat n
retra turpis. Fusce at
ulputate at sed enim. ppt.irdolor sit amet, con:
adipiscing elit. Quisque ut vulputate orci. Nunc
Integer non purus sit amet met ;ncus loborti
Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipi
pien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae
felis. Fusce in erat neque, et pharetra turpis. Fu
mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim,
cipit a tincidunt n fell
neque, et pl
Pe oes
۱ eens
relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it It's fun, as it
Bre ae ee agra!
ae روزمه اععط
صفحه 4:
pptirdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut vulputate orci. Nunc sed ante mauris. Integer non
purus sit amet metus rhoncus lobortis non id nulla. Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id
sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et pharetra turpis.
Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim. ppt.irdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque ut vulputate orci. Nunc sed ante mauris. Integer non purus sit amet metus thoncus lobortis non id
nulla. Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac laculis ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt
vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at
sed enim,
1۵62 ۵۲ اومو
toward which one
صفحه 5:
FAPALS works directly
with our clients, so if a
client has a question that
relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that
worked on it. It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so
much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it
GQMRANKorks directly
with our clients, so if a
client has a question that
felates to the design
they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it.
It's fun, as it should be.
We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best
enjoy it.
GQMRANKorks directly
With our clients, so if a
client has a question that
relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that
Worked on it. It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so
‘much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it.
pptir here works directly
with our clients, so if a
client has a question that
relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that
worked on it. It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so
much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it
ppt ir here works directly
with our clients, so if a
client has a question that
relates to the design they'll
speak to the designer that
worked on it. It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so
‘much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it.
pptir here works directly
with our clients, so if a
client has a question that
Felates to the design
they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it.
It's fun, as it should be. We
spend so much of our life
working that we'd best
enjoy it.
صفحه 6:
۶ 6 o
ppc. tnat works nere nas a pptir that works here has a pptir that works here has a pptir that works here has a
desire to create amazing user desire to create amazing user desire to create amazing user desire to create amazing user
experiences. Being great at experiences. Being great at experiences. Being great at ‘experiences. Being great at
what you do is the cast of entry what you do is the cost of entry what you do is the cost of entry what you do is the cost of entry
at Neue Swiss, what tends to at Neue Swiss, what tends to at Neue Swiss, what tends to ‘at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit get people hired is ft. ‘get people hired is ft. get people hired is fit.
صفحه 7:
4 ۹۵۰
۱ that works here has a desire to create
‘amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit.
pptir that works here has a desire to create
‘amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit
pptir that works here has a desire to create
‘amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit.
pptir that works here has a desire to create
Amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit
pptir that works here has a desire to create
‘amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
{get people hired is fit.
pptir that works here has a desire to create
‘amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit
صفحه 8:
I think really great products come from melding
two points of view the technology point of view
and the customer point of view.
I think really great products come from melding
‘two points of view the technology point of view
and the customer point of view.
| think really great products come from melding
two points of view the technology point of view
and the customer point of view.
| think really great products come from melding
two points of view the technology point of view
and the customer point of view.
I think really great products come from melding
two points of view the technology point of view
and the customer point of view.
© © © © ©
We are.
Professional &
Competent in
al it Fo8 dB is the cost of entry at Neue Swiss, what tends
pptir here works directly with our clients, so if client has a question that
Felates to the design they'll speak to the designer that worked on it. It's
fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our life working that we'd best
enjoy it. pptir here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a
question that relates to the design they'll speak to the designer that
Worked on it. I's fun, as it should be, We spend so much of our life
working that we'd best enjoy it. ppt.ir here works directly with our clients,
so if a client has a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be, We spend so much of
our life working that we'd best enjoy it.
صفحه 9:
We spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy
it, ppt.ir here works directly with our clients, so if a client
has a question that relates to the design they'll speak to
the designer that worked on it It's fun, as it should be. We
‘spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it It's fun, as it should be. We
spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it It's fun, as it should be. We
‘spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should be. We
‘spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so if a client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should be. We
‘spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should be. We
‘spend so much of our life working that we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so if a client has
‘a question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should be.
صفحه 10:
so ifa client has a question that relates to the
design they'll speak to the designer that worked
on it. I's fun, as it should be
تسوپ سس
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ita
client has a question that relates to the design
they'll speak to the designer that worked on it.
It’s fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best enjoy it. ppt.ir here
works directly with our clients, so if client has a
question that relates to the design they'll speak
to the designer that worked on it. It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it.
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ita
client has a question that relates to the design
they'll speak to the designer that worked on it.
It’s fun, as it should be.
pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa
client has a question that relates to the design
they'll speak to the designer that worked on it.
It's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best enjoy it. ppt.ir here
works directly with our clients, so if a client has a
‘question that relates to the design they'll speak
to the designer that worked on it It's fun, as it
should be. We spend so much of our life working
that we'd best enjoy it. pptir here works directly
with our clients, so if a client has a question that
relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should
be. We spend so much of our life working that
we'd best enjoy it
pptir here works directly with our clients, so if a
they'll speak to the designer that worked on it.
صفحه 11:
‘All Lasting Business Is
Built On Friendship.»
صفحه 12:
+ Columbus College of Art
and Design ‘00
+ Claims Chuck Norris grew
his beard to look like his
+ Screen printer
+ Columbus College of Art
and Design ‘00
+ Claims Chuck Norris grew
his beard to look like his
+ Screen printer
عاط قا
+ Columbus College of Art
and Design ‘00
+ Claims Chuck Norris grew
his beard to look like his
+ Screen printer
+ Columbus College of Art
and Design ‘00
+ Claims Chuck Norris grew
his beard to look like his
+ Screen printer
صفحه 13:
او >
pptir that works here has a desire to create amazing
User experiences. Being great at what you do is the _pptir here works directly with our clients, so ifa client
cost of entry at Techan+Lax, what tends to get people has a question that relates to the design they'll speak
hired is fit. When talented people fit well together _to the designer that worked on it t's fun, as it should
they produce some pretty impressive stuff. We always be. We spend so much of our life There are no pitch
strive to put the right people with the right skills on teams, no "B” teams. ppt.ir here works directly with
the right projects. our clients, so if a client has a question that relates to
‘There are no pitch teams, no "B" teams. ppt-irhere _the design they'll speak to the designer that worked
works directly with our clients, so ifa client has a on it. I's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of
question that relates to the design they'll speak to the _our life There are no pitch teams, no “B” teams. ppt.ir
designer that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be. here works directly with our clients, so if a client has a
We spend so much of our life working that There are question that relates to the design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be.
We spend so much of our life we'd best enjoy it
ric To
72۲ . اعددهنه
۳7 ۷:۰
7 ۶۰0۳0۳7
no pitch teams, no
صفحه 14:
| Want To Put A Ding In
The Universe!»
صفحه 15:
© © 4» ©
Total client
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting. But it seems that no
matter where you go, and no
‘matter how long you're gone.
Total report
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting. But it seems that no
matter where you go, and no
matter how long you're gone.
Total projects Total customers
124,750 15,631
There's something about ‘There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It has traveling, don’t you think? It has
this way of changing you. Maybe this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new you see and experience is new
and exciting. But it seems that no ‘and exciting. But it seems that no
matter where you go, and no ‘matter where you go, and no
‘matter how long you're gone. matter how long you're gone.
صفحه 16:
There's something about.
traveling, don't you think? tt has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting,
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it’s that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting,
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting,
1 م
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? it has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? it has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? it has
this way of changing you. Maybe
it's that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything
you see and experience is new
and exciting
صفحه 17:
o9 999
I think really great
products come from
melding two points of
view the technology
point of view and the
customer point of view.
+ Goals & Requirements
+ Application flow
Wireframes & interactions
* Creative concept
+ Visual design & Identity
+ Ul Specification
I think really great
products come from
melding two points of
view the technology
point of view and the
customer point of view.
Goals & Requirements
Application flow
Wireframes & interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
I think really great
products come from
melding two points of
view the technology
point of view and the
customer point of view.
Goals & Requirements
Application flow
Wireframes & interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
I think really great
products come from
melding two points of
view the technology
point of view and the
customer point of view.
Goals & Requirements
Application flow
Wireframes & interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
I think really great
products come from
‘melding two points of
view the technology
point of view and the
customer point of view.
Goals & Requirements
Application flow
Wireframes & interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
صفحه 18:
By fostering creative personal development across the
whole of our business we have built a team of high-
performing, talented individuals, driven by passion and
a desire to build industry-leading digital for our clients.
‘There's something about
traveling, don't you think? It
has this way of changing
you. Maybe it’s that it takes
you out of your comfort
zone, or that everything you
see and experience is new
and exciting,
‘There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It
has this way of changing
you. Maybe it’s that it takes
you out of your comfort
zone, or that everything you
See and experience is new
and exciting,
There's something about
traveling, don't you think? It
has this way of changing
you. Maybe it’s that it takes
you out of your comfort
zone, or that everything you
ee and experience is new
and exciting
There's something about
traveling, don’t you think? It
has this way of changing
you. Maybe it's that it takes
you out of your comfort
zone, or that everything you
see and experience is new
and exciting
لسا لسا
4 لب لب لب
صفحه 19:
۱62۸۲۴۲۱ DESIGN =
0/0 students cannot 09
58% Maite a aie ste
28% eras Sse
74% See
3 989
10/. oF Hispanic youths cannot
2B% re eae tate race
TAY teste
صفحه 20:
Of non-college cannot
read or do math at
grade level,
Of Hispanic youths
cannot read or do math
at grade level.
Of English students
cannot read or do math
at grade level.
Of Hispanic youths
cannot read or do math
at grade level.
I think really great products come from
melding two points of view the technology
point of view and the customer point of view.
I think really great products come from
melding two points of view the technology
point of view and the customer point of view.
I think really great products come from
melding two points of view the technology
point of view and the customer point of view.
I think really great products come from
melding two points of view the technology
point of view and the customer point of view.
58 8 5 ۵
صفحه 21:
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
m41% Men
| m69%
صفحه 22:
ppt.irdolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean
consectetur dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam
‘mi ppt, luctus vitae.
ppt.irdolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean
consectetur dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam
‘mi ppt.ir, luctus vitae.
١ WF consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean
consectetur dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel,
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam
mi pptir, luctus vitae
ppt-irdolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean
consectetur dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam
‘mi ppt.ir, luctus vitae.
صفحه 23:
© 66۱0۷۱۸۱
ppt-irdolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nulla feugiatbibendum
porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
in faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae;
Etiam mi ppt-ir, luctus vitae.
ppt.irdolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nulla feugiatbibendum
porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
in faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae;
Etiam mi ppt.ir, luctus vitae.
@ Logistic
ppt-irdolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nulla feugiatbibendum
porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
in faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae;
Etiam mi ppt.ir, luctus vitae.
ppt REUNT Git ame
consectetur adipiscing
elit. Nulla feugiatbibendum
porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis
in faucibus orci luctus et
ultricesposuere cubilia Curae;
Etiam mi ppt.ir, luctus vitae.
صفحه 24:
ff Ff FF FT TF
Tt tft fF fF f
From 0 people 6 make their choice
On the fact does the product look & the
not ir of it’< carvicec
صفحه 25:
There's something abou traveling, don’
You thing? ns ths nay of changing You
Maybe i's that takes you cut of you?
tnd expenence ie new and exciting
oe ff ff f ff ff f لست
ff ff f ff ff f 65%
ff ff f ۳۳19 ل
comfort zone, or that everything you see
and experience is new and exciting
صفحه 26:
ppt-irdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum porttitor. Aenean consectetur dignissim sapien, ut
imperdiet urna tristique vel. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam mi
ppt, luctus vitae vestibulum feugia
Flyers Toys Clothes Ticket
2010ه 2009م 1
© prorit
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create 2
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their work from
anywhere, at anytime.
@ exeression
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create
امم once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their viork from
anywhere, at anytime.
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create ة
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously,
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their work from
anywhere, at anytime
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create 2
امم once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their work from
anywhere, at anytime
صفحه 27:
Business Is A
Combination Of War»
And Sport.
صفحه 28:
By fostering creative personal
development across the whole of
our business we have built a team
of high-performing, talented
individuals, driven by passion and
a desire to build industry-leading
CHIMES ie. Shey ی
‘commercial hub
+ For the last ten years our hugely talented team has
brought brands and consumers together through
innovative and inspiring digital communications. Because
at its heart, great digital is delivered by great people. Our
core belief is that people thrive when they're empowered
to fulfil their potential
+ The digital space is a challenging, constantly evolving,
dynamic working environment, We encourage debate,
ideas, entrepreneurialism and aspiration across our whole
team. Our pedigree is passion and commitment to
excelience and with that, we can make yppt.ir shine.
صفحه 29:
ppt.ir here works directly with
our clients, so if a client has 2
question that relates to the
design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it. It's
fun, as it should be. We spend
reheat tow
Wireframes & Interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
ppt.ir here works directly with
our clients, so if a client has a
question that relates to the
design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it. It's
fun, as it should be. We spend
Fea enous
Gireteames 5: interactions
Creative concept
Visual design & Identity
UI Specification
pote here works clectly with
bur clients, sofa clent has @
question that relates to the
design they'l speak to the
designer that worked on it I's
fun, ast should be. We spend
ار بر و apt life workin
ale MEH)
pplication flow
+ Wireframes & interactions
* Creative concept
+ Visual design & Identity
+ UI Specification
ppt.ir here works directly with
our clients, so if a client has a
question that relates to the
design they'll speak to the
designer that worked on it. It's
fun, as it should be. We spend
+ Wireframes & interactions
* Creative concept
+ Visual design & Identity
+ Ul Specification
صفحه 30:
‘After listening closely to a
client's needs, we use our
knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
‘After listening closely to a
client's needs, we use our
knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
After listening closely to a
client's needs, we use our
knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
After listening closely to a
client's needs, we use our
knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
After listening closely toa
client's needs, we use our
knowiedge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
After listening closely to a
client's needs, we use our
knowledge and experience to
carefully craft a strategy
that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that
their customers will enjoy
using, time and time again.
صفحه 31:
‘The digital space is a
challenging, constantly
evolving, dynamic working
environment, We
encourage debate, ideas,
entrepreneurialism and
aspiration across our
whole team.
‘The digital space is a
challenging, constantly
evolving, dynamic working
environment, We
encourage debate, ideas,
entrepreneurialism and
aspiration across our
whole team.
The digital space is a
challenging, constantly
evolving, dynamic working
environment. We
encourage debate, ideas,
entrepreneurialism and
aspiration across our
whole team,
The digital space is a
challenging, constantly
evolving, dynamic working
environment, We
encourage debate, ideas,
entrepreneurialism and
aspiration across our
whole team,
‘The digital space is a
challenging, constantly
evolving, dynamic working
environment. We
encourage debate, ideas,
entrepreneurialism and
aspiration across our
whole team,
صفحه 32:
Any question you can
ask about your data,
mixpanel can answer.
ppt.ir that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being
great at what you do is the cost of entry
at Neue Swiss, what tends to get people
hired is fit. When talented people fit well
together they produce some pretty
impressive stuff. We always strive to put
the right people with the right skills on
the right projects. There are no pitch
teams, no "B" teams
Any question you can
ask about your data,
mixpanel can answer.
ppt.ir that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being
great at what you do is the cost of entry
at Neue Swiss, what tends to get people
hired is fit. When talented people fit well
together they produce some pretty
impressive stuff. We always strive to put
the right people with the right skills on
the right projects. There are no pitch
teams, no "B" teams.
Any question you can
ask about your data,
mixpanel can answer.
ppt ir that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being
great at what you do is the cost of entry
at Neue Swiss, what tends to get people
hired is fit. When talented people fit well
together they produce some pretty
impressive stuff. We always strive to put
the right people with the right skills on
the right projects. There are no pitch
teams, no "B" teams.
صفحه 33:
صفحه 34:
By fostering creative personal development
across the whole of our business we have
built a team of high-performing, talented
individuals, driven by passion and a desire
to build industry-leading digital for our
* Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations.
* Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
~ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
~ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
* Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
كيه فو طيحيو لد
Our commitment to combining highly effective wo عي ١ك ٠
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations
Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
+ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
یونم wa ae.
صفحه 35:
By fostering creative personal development
across the whole of our business we have
built a team of high-performing, talented
individuals, driven by passion and a desire
to build industry-leading digital for our
* Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations.
* Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
~ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
~ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
* Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
كيه فو طيحيو لد
Our commitment to combining highly effective wo عي ١ك ٠
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations
Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
+ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
+ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
یونم wa ae.
صفحه 36:
By fostering creative personal development
across the whole of our business we have
built a team of high-performing, talented
individuals, driven by passion and a desire
abe) to build industry-leading digital for our
* Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations.
* Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
~ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
~ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
* Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
كيه فو طيحيو لد
+ Our commitment to combining highly effective woAGhhENtS -
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations
* Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
+ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
+ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
+ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
یونم wa ae.
صفحه 37:
By fostering creative personal development
across the whole of our business we have
built a team of high-performing, talented
individuals, driven by passion and a desire
to build industry-leading digital for our
* Our commitment to combining highly effective working
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations.
* Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
~ We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
~ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
* Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
كيه فو طيحيو لد
Our commitment to combining highly effective wo عي ١ك ٠
practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing
we'll exceed are your expectations
Our team excels at marrying creative thinking with digital
We bring innovation, ideation and creativity, underpinned with a
solid business rigour.
+ We always strive to meet each client's unique set of needs and
expectations by delivering a truly personalised experience on a
professional basis.
+ Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
of everything we do.
Our passion may steer the project but the client is at the heart
یونم wa ae.
صفحه 38:
Real Riches Are The
Riches Possessed »
صفحه 39:
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create a
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
Feview their wark from
anywhere, at anytime.
@ Expression
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create a
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
Feview their wark from
anywhere, at anytime.
@ Reactive
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create a
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their wark from
anywhere, at anytime
علا لمعم ©
Real-time ppt.irs with
dynamic slides. Create a
ppt.ir once, and it updates
everywhere instantaneously.
With AWSM, students can
access, share, create and
review their work from
anywhere, at anytime
صفحه 40:
There’s something about traveling, don’t
you think? It has this way of changing you.
Maybe it’s that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything you see
and experience is new and exciting,
There’s something about traveling, don’t
you think? it has this way of changing you.
Maybe it’s that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything you see
and experience is new and exciting,
There’s something about traveling, don't
you think? It has this way of changing you.
Maybe it’s that it takes you out of your
comfort zone, or that everything you see
and experience is new and exciting,
صفحه 41:
ppt.irdotor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit.
Nulla feugiatbibendum
porttitor. Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut imperdiet
uma tristique vel. Vestibulum
ante ipsum primis in faucibus
orci luctus et ultricesposuere
cubilia Curae; Etiam mi ppt.ir,
luctus vitae vestibulum feugia.
+ Persona
+ Information
+ Architecture,
+ Design, Usability
صفحه 42:
(lato ةك
ppt-irdolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla
circ ease eee ir eee Tears
دمن عع انمع مص rns mt eet mies
faucibus orci luctus et ultricesposuere cubilia Curae; Etiam mi
Poot ecteieek eee}
CLIENT: Apple inc & Microsoft inc. DATE: September 21,
صفحه 43:
۱91 Renan ar ats
ات۸ لت یت سییر
CMake nny auc kena Rae aac
ner auc io aN Ta ل
See ego saree meee Rec a)
Teun eM un eta R eM Ic etter iN
تسا یت اس ایا زیر
صفحه 44:
If you have a project you
ould like to discuss,
Get in touch with us.
Mailing silin Contact Info So
ailing ddresgontact Inféocial Media