صفحه 1:
۳۳1۵۵۸۵۲۵۵ ۲
106601 MLO MING
صفحه 2:
Pree PPT _ Olek to odd tite
Olch tp edt text sper - Oktesorern(10:9)
‘hee Power وج تفص لو ماه سا وروت بو frat oon be adopted و xy codec one ی varie
coarket seqnoeats. (tk tke oxy shies you arr chlo w «woke a mops PowerPror (Preseorion frat beet out you
‘Phe Power(Por سا موه clus cd ceuird desk frat con be adopted iy oxy و ی امه تسه
coarket seqkoe. (Dik the comp shoe you are cb w code 0 cope (PowerPor (Preseotaiza tral best فد una
“Dhis Power(Por ‘Pecophar has cleus aad مرج تفس trot oon be adopted i oxy ی ای تسه varios
coarket seqeoeets. (Dik he my shes you are cbt woke a eopbe (Power(Prt (Preseutcton tral bert at our
صفحه 3:
to add tile اسان ۳2۳۲) سیب
(©:06)ممصحوط:() - سياد پیت لت تن Oleh
| Pecopkte bear cleus ad vet deans thot con be skied iy ony cote
seed wees verbs worket seywedis. Dik her روم shes you are cble ip woke «cope
مه و سوق tr beet sul yon ceeds.
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saad wets vores مه تساو Dike coma sides pow ore هط سا a coc
(Pruumr(Pont Preceuiston tr bent at yon ceed.
“Dhae Power Port Pecopkte has cleus ad شح deen thot cos be asked ty ony costes
cal wets vores موجه او Dik her coma aides pow ore سا to ره و یه
مهم نو طسو tr beet ut yon ceeds.