قالب پاورپوينت - خلاقیت

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ABOUT We're a full service digital agency based near Reading in Berkshire. وس ‎baved amar‏ مريت صرق محمد الاج د لا ماسر الجا فج سييست ‎Power Oxley‏ مومحم سا إن سي جار ‎yer our fare fed toc fae brow bro od‏ 0ك اميل محري لمن ممسميي ‎pounnmere ther bron‏ | اج ‎prot. Our core bebe fal prophet wha key reper‏ ‎FUR ew ooo‏ ‎@y Pooeviy errane prrsvod dhurpanral corres fae whee oe ‏روم مورا ان مه ها رهاط‎ kod ke ‏تم بو ال رمق وا لوط سل و اوه میم با یف‎ ‏د‎ ‎yom worker‏ واه هداس روا نت رهق مت ‎od‏ صا ممصت هي , مسار اعباط مه 0 ور کی میج وش نموت ‎epson core our hole‏ ‎[0 excrlarr ood us fo ue oon orc Your unio ata

صفحه 3:
ABOUT We're a full service digital agency based near Reading in Berkshire. ‎ed py bowed mar Reena‏ تمه الاح ‎Decks w‏ سس ‎ub‏ فج سييست ‎the cece oP ae fanny Power Oxley‏ ‎(Cor tee hte yer our fare fed toc fae brow bro od pounnmere ther bron ‏اميل محري لمن ممسميي‎ | prot. Our core bebe fal prophet wha key reper ‏اج‎ ‎0 ‎0 ‏جسن شطا سا بط‎ 0 hacker, ated ehh, ‏مج بو ال رمق رصقي لايجا ب سل و اوه میم با یف‎ pre ۳ ‎yom worker‏ واه هداس روا نت رهق مت ‎od‏ صا ممصت هي , مسار اعباط مه 0 ور کی میج وش نموت ‎epson core our hole‏ ‎[0 excrlarr ood us fo ue oon orc Your unio ata ‎

صفحه 4:
OUR SKILLS We're a full service digital agency based near Reading in Berkshire. GureelRock Dechy & oA service aed ey crooowe GS ber rr Rady othr cree oP fe Fs ‎<a‏ طلست وس اس ‎(Cor er hota yr our honey tet‏ ‏و ات و لمه لوا تام ‎0 So. Groowe ‏تدسف تمل مسي مداع د‎ orm 06006106987 prope. Our core bee a people fre sha ‎they're eepmumre 2 PUP ty pt ‏> : سیب ات ‎ey‏ ‏9200 | ‏و رش رسد اقا سمل ولج سم 8 موه ‎tm‏ ‎13 ‎} ‎i ‎1 ‎1 ‎3 ‎i ‎ ‎0 ‎The important thing is not being afraid to ‎take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to mot try. ‎wm

صفحه 5:
THE TEAM We have a talented team, who love coming to work and immersing themselves in all things digital © Poort errr perso tevebyoral corms fa whole oP oe ‏اه وزیا اه موه قاطا‎ ruth, rare by pars aod a dort ded cmd shed Por our chee he deel ‏اهامای روما نموه‎ here work euro ‏سد علد ا يه‎ ‎ow whe te, Ox‏ سد سات ل سه ‎sd ef se‏ ل لس سم دام ‎oho‏ ماس سوب سای مس ‎GuueetRock Decks a Pull wervee del ‏میلست وی‎ (Geenhay he rare of fe Fraser Menor Okay eoaraerend va ‎(Cor tee hota rr our hare fect far bros bro col means thre frou ora cd ea ad ‏با مسح ب سين ب سات د سمه للم‎ ‏ادس ةنايد عات ديه‎ Popenuneed RUM few pom ‎ ‎

صفحه 6:
THE TEAM We have a talented team, who love coming to work and immersing themselves in all things digital DANNY DECKER Designe DANNY DECKER Designe DANNY DECKER Designe DANNY DECKER Designe ع ها ری ‎Oak‏ + ايوج معان عمسيو ‎١‏ ‎Geena iD‏ هی سس اس ‎Ohno‏ >

صفحه 7:
KEY PEOPLE We're a full service digital agency based near Reading in Berkshire. on 8 7 eromoc BF همه ‎coorwore FB‏ ‎oe‏ DANNY DECKER — Designer (Por the het a yeary our taney teed ear ar brent brace ox mua th anak ave an pa ioe coum. Drone ott hear, erratic by orm pele. Ou core bee te tt prope daar |

صفحه 8:
APPROACH Our proven methodology ensures we deliver on time, to budget and exceed expectations time after time (4 be sore on ted rte mde tut Phenty (Dele wt terested churn ot oe at Pe ol. De chur sre pret wack chee cepa pet of cede ood ‏وی‎ by | ‏ی‎ on a prob ord best, (Oe prin ara seer te prope but ea fe art ١ ever eo 1 emabnrn icky ect work ‏لنت مس‎ after. time. ‎re‏ تسوت لاس رس رای سا میت هه بط موطوور ‎(Our tary arcs of erorryeny ‏ره‎ ecko ae deg ‏مسج‎ ‎(Oe dl werk was on rotblebed weaning, kena by years oP ‏يجان ادل اس ل‎ we brace rk, dewdaey od de ‏ام مه رجا بل لصو معط‎ ۳ ako sok baer er ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 9:
APPROACH Our proven methodology ensures we deliver on time, to budget and exceed expectations time after time after time. 9 penne 9 » Deliver (Oe teu ences wcrc orm fea sk ha ‏بت تلفت بسن قل 02 اسمس‎ rd ere, ‏مدحف قم ب مسعصوت 2 سير را لس‎ ao ] ‏مهست سمح‎ de ‏مه‎ Drive One te exces cry orev they uk a | ‏,لامجاي‎ ‎fed by ears oP reported ‏سجن دای سبط‎ fark, deeds ol fer ‏بات سوه تسه‎ ‏تایه‎ Discover ‎create ky ae hod‏ مسمس تمي عا ‎reve, Oo dork utes ou anche eet‏ جح دس سح لد وت ‎ob‏ سس ‎(andy‏ ‎ke‏ سسا لس م مده ‎Define ‎(Ou tery rarely of eorrytn ores feck a dept ‎mevatee. De dlwork us oa eotblohed cbr, ‏روم باس سح مب سوت اه و ‎hoard by‏ ار هون مها سا لسن سول موق ‎

صفحه 10:
APPROACH Our proven methodology ensures we deliver on time, to budget and exceed expectations time after time after time. ree ‏م‎ ‎ale oe‏ اك اده مه لاع اد حيصا عد مسقت 0ه ‏اعسات کر ‎ee‏ ی ‎Cae oe ‎Discover Deliver ‎Evaluate, 1 Engage. Design. Build. Deploy. ‎Define Drive Initiate. Scope. Specify Maintain. Promote. Optimize ro workshop wo okey (Ong Pad wd rework wt yo roped oe ‏مت نیت تم در اس ایهم لوق‎ ‏ست سس لس رف‎ ‏بلسي يسا ليف ‎tw‏

صفحه 11:
SERVICES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. Communication Currier Deca 0 ‏وی قوف مود لا‎ bored co Rect fe cour of be heat Phen Oey ‏يه‎ The Marketing (wwestRork Dechy & 9 Pull ervce dep eer bowed acon (Renn fr ort of he braver Phe Okey ‎(or fe bt eras or honey fected to be bro bcs‏ سس ‎repay ak‏ کنو رو رو سار دمص لو زو اسجط بلط عسن باس ‎coerce. Caras ot‏ ‎ ‎Punctuality set mere, Or core kw ra rane rahe bre ] Rock Dedka te a Pull service cept pony bused 2 fo eet | try Tse Onky rast 0 ‏لل‎ ‏اس راردا ان موه ‎bul‏ رجا سب میا وه ‎recite, deve by poms aod kee bh uyeen‏ ‎Key Source ‏تست‎ ‏اس وه ی یج انان ا مط 0 سس ‎raven Phe Oa‏ سا هس ‎Rew hr‏ مس طحا لم

صفحه 12:
SERVICES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking CUSTOMER SERVICE hock ely pret rence comme Proc coc ‏صب‎ ‎onto oP uw fr coy porto ee Poway porto ‏بيد‎ ‎ENTREPENUER ‎eck vey spec prot com Prom cotton hu ote oP a arch po oP od ‏ج09‎ ‎Pmt po oP PUBLIC RELATION ‏رقم بلج‎ erect renee coe Frou coc ne E [0 pont ova or fe and client services excellence. BLOG SETUP 1 baa rely pect pranks owe Prone reer ta ect oP wa ee choco porto wea el de Sema porto eu COUNSELING 1 aak rely pet pranks comme Pro eet ‏يد‎ ‎sorte oP ur eck pea ad ewan port oP ven EVENT PHOTOGRAPHY 1 beak rely ope peck coe Prony chen ta ponte oP um ar woke po 5# un oad fey porto eu

صفحه 13:
KEY POINTS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. Communication CasmmRerke Dea tr @ Ad eevee ded xy bed co Rots he cece oP fe fra Phen Orley oem bb The Marketing ‎ged ny bed‏ یی ات نت0 تسه ‎sar Recta the cece of he ken Phan Orley‏ امس ‎Punctuality ‎Cuneo Det 0 Pulentce cogs ese boned co Rect fhe cour of be bea Phas Ory ‏ك2‎ ‎Key Source ‎GuutmRorks Dea © Rd stor dae np bed ‏مس‎ Rect he secre oP he Bran Phen Oy Soren hab ‎Communication ‎Currier Deca 0 ‏وی قوف مود لا‎ bored co Rect fe cour of be heat Phen Oey ‏يه‎ ‎The Marketing ‎Curent Orta 0 Pulerce coos ‏وی‎ boned ‏من‎ Rew he eevee of he brat Phen Ory ‏ات‎ ‎Punctuality ‎serve dad np bed‏ هه نت0 سم رن ‎sw Rew tr cote of sty Tow‏ سس ‎Key Source ‎]0 Det 0 PUlzervce coos ney bored sa Rev tr cote of fe rst owe Onde ‏ول سدم‎

صفحه 14:
CLIENTS We build relationships and work with smart people from forward thinking organizations the world over. لمهم ‎DOOD‏ ‏~

صفحه 15:
GALLERY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence ~ Project Name * Project Name * Project Name ~ Project Name * Project Name * Project Name —

صفحه 16:
GALLERY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence

صفحه 17:
GALLERY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence ABOUT THE PROJECT asaw. get, poarevehr xb at Reanrabeee porn. Ceca a SERVICES مسا سل ۰ + Aber + ‏مايه‎ hers + Ween, Deby

صفحه 18:
CASE STUDY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence ABOUT THE PROJECT asaw. get, poarevehr xb at ‎porter, ess‏ تا سارک ویب سین 1 ‏وا اس عطصو مورب ‎ee Cine‏ ‎Hever Poses ‎Aeron ‎+ een, Doc ‎—

صفحه 19:
OUR ANALYSIS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. 5 ‏عا سيد‎ (Deda ww AA nerve deg oxen ome cee Reentry fhe crue of Be dren ‘Memes Ody rece (or the het tra rors or ace tected way a brent brenda eure ther torah meena ood epien dhal enenouacaene. Decne a te hea, or ‏صرق‎ cevewed by ope people. Our ime bre ft prope toe who ‏عطق‎ reopowered w PuPt hea pom ‏ره‎ Bost errr permed euch oor he tho ‏ان مه هط و مها ده‎ ‎prem ood‏ يا سه اقيق لست اس ‎Por our cee‏ دوع ومشدصاس مسقي قلط د جمس ‏ماه رای دماین با سوه لوط ‎earoome. De recourse debe, Mea,‏ تاج مق ‎arrormcer el weotacn scr mar whole ke.‏ ‎Ove ‏دعم مسجو امس‎ oud renremort © eacdeer ad va a, ue oo cba jour ue hose ‎ ‎ ‎Marketin ‎Strategy 9 ‎

صفحه 20:
SWOT ANALYSIS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. © egzmmiment to combining night effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only ۳ ‏اک‎ thing we'll exceed are your expectations. ‎o.combinng highly eective working‏ ات و ‎practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only‏ ‎thing we'll exceed are your expectations.‏ ‎o.combinng highly eectve working‏ او ی ‎practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only‏ ‎thing we'll exceed are your expectations.‏ ‎ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. ‎ ‎Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations.

صفحه 21:
SWOT ANALYSIS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. © er gommitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. Our commitment to combining highly effective working Res practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. © ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. © Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. ه© Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. كت

صفحه 22:
SWOT ANALYSIS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. © er gommitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. OPPORTUN هه 137 ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. e Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. @ Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. e

صفحه 23:
SWOT ANALYSIS A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. Our commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations. © © © © ©

صفحه 24:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. Discover Cae te werner ri ch od seven, De unk he oo ented wrt, ‏مس با لس‎ oP epic, te lou wr eee ‏ماس سنا ان قفد سنة‎ ‏لس‎ Define (Our tay rarely of worry oreo: tack a dept eevate. De ol work uss oo eokbtehed crete, owed by years oP espero, et ou a ac ‏مقس موق‎ ood he bones neers ‏سوت‎ Deliver Oe tee rarest worry orev fron ke gd rmcevcos. De ork rk oo eobbehed corte, ened by vere oP experrece, tat claus ve rarer

صفحه 25:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. -- ۳ 0 AWSM is a full service digital Market Analysis agency based near Reading at User Experience Planning the centre of the thriving Information Architecture Thames Valley commertial Measurement & Analytics hub. ‏لمحا تيون ل‎ © ‏عمدت‎ ميات ده شم وب تس مد مت مس

صفحه 26:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking Communication Owen Deco a PA sevice dg ney bowed cer Reheat he cour oP be sen Shenae Oxley ‏مقر‎ The Marketing ‎PA see deg ney boned‏ د ب ‎Decks‏ امیس ‎ceo eto he crue oP he ese Mhenore Oley‏ بقج سس ‎Punctuality ‎Deco PAM serie dg ney ome‏ امیس ‎ce Rentoy he cour oP be sen Phones Oxley‏ ‎conn‏ ‎Key Source Cusack echo 3 Pl see dg ney ome ‏لجسا سس‎ he cee oP be heen Manors Oodey ‎— ‎coer i ‎and client services excellence. ‎Communication Planning User Experience Planning Information Architecture Measurement & Analytics ‎AWSM is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving Thames Valley commercial hub.

صفحه 27:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking 000 Oren & a Pu cere dead apcey boved ar Beenie the crate oP oe ay hence Ory corer Ib (or the nt tr pray our han tte or far bron br ‏ماو‎ rock momianve cd tp ded mr at tear, orrat ved ered by yond poe Oe tore bck be hel people ‏یط جات‎ repre ‏مما احا م‎ praca ee ی Punctuality ‎Deco PAM serie dg ney ome‏ امیس ‎ce Rentoy he cour oP be sen Phones Oxley‏ تك ‎Key Source ‎Cusack echo 3 Pl see dg ney ome ‏لجسا سس‎ he cee oP be heen Manors Oodey orem be ‎and client services excellence. ‎Communication Planning ‎Market Analysis Information Architecture Measurement & Analytics ‎ ‎Punctuality ‎Det 0 PUlomnver doa ee bored‏ سس ‎sor Rao he cure o he hein Toes Orde‏ ص معفم ‎Key Source ‎eve gd ny bd‏ لحان جا مس0 شاه ‎sr Rect the eeu oe fri Thos Onde‏ ‎corned hb‏

صفحه 28:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. Communication Planning Market Analysis User Experience Planning توص میت نس ات تیا Measurement & Analytics ato - 3 AWSM is a full service digital agency based near Reading at the centre of the thriving ‏وو‎ ‎Thames Valley commercial hub. ۱

صفحه 29:
STRATEGY A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. Communication Communication Planning eee ee Market Analysis cer Reheat he cour oP be sen Shenae Oxley ‏مقر‎ ‎User Experience Planning Information Architecture The Marketing a st aan resi area an ot ‏بقج سس‎ Punctuality اس رویارد سوه ناتسم 0 اسك Key Source Cusack echo 3 Pl see dg ney ome ‏لجسا سس‎ he cee oP be heen Manors Oodey ‏سيك‎

صفحه 30:
‘ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your, expectations. (ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your, expectations. ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations, ur commitment to combining highly effective working practices with paradigm-busting creativity means the only thing we'll exceed are your expectations, How it works A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking ® 6 © e and client services excellence. ۳ This is ‏بش‎ ‎WORKS!

صفحه 31:
worldwide A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence

صفحه 32:
SALES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. 120 @ ۸50۱۲ ۵۲ seu ‏عا رای سا‎ ] Reged porter. Beare corer one oo ‏سو‎ eon vom ‏سفن اس‎ ‏نوی‎ eure pris Poca oes her | Cot br, Meck ue vena Panga Orebndae oe pane pret ‏حرف سص امه سوم‎ ‘dah Ouro Cnc ot bro, haha ace nek Pes 2010 2011 2012 2013 miPad miPhone m Android

صفحه 33:
SALES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. 200 180| 160| 140 120 100 50 60| 40 20 = 2004 2005 2006 Interest rates Currency rates Equity prices Commodity prices ان ‎BUTT aoc‏ مجاهيو ديعم جة 1937 une ‏سبجعاستصدت ,ناوج‎ rb Dida Perabo porto [۳ ‏ی‎ supe, Roper uroa roy ue rth tod oy Onsthuhae ote ‏و او دعوم سح‎ hoke Ht ueomepemare 0 wt ‎Se ets‏ لس ‎han oo ore, hake unas ntbnhatr Pose‏ سنن مقف همست رسد له یت ‎ated ery tn ever hee fe ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 34:
oun enti, sree cleo ‏بعل‎ ‎Oude Penge ‏مه سس‎ omer con NT oper re were Orci ‏عون موی‎ Patna et hes كه nue opti, ‏میس‎ cpt ‏ع‎ ‏هرن‎ econ cocci dak cM operat rm wer ie Orman ‘ar cy prec Poe et he SALES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. 2010 82011 82012 3 sxe ppt, craecitr dpc ‏يله‎ ‏هی‎ ‎corona theta sea ‏ف‎ operat roa Wi uk, ttn ae porn priate Pourtns ore he 0- sexu ptr, ‏سوقت تعتمت‎ ot 9 ‏و0 و میت‎ ‏یط مج‎ ocr, ‏ی لو‎ war ok Onin ae youre prt Pot ove he

صفحه 35:
SALES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence. 2 85% 85 85% 8 NING 85% 96 85% 85% 85%

صفحه 36:
SALES A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking 85% ل 5 ]( ۷۲ (Oe teow execs warrynny orev hy ak hg 85% and client services excellence. 2 85% ae ites Discover (Our tere execs ot wary orev chen ad mewn. De work waa oo eek wtih, ced by years oP rt enw ww ar ۳ [0 e ‏ی‎

صفحه 37:
CONTACT A creative digital agency founded on strategic thinking and client services excellence PHONE : +1234 567 0 EMAIL: youremail@myemail.com www : Mywebsite.com

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