صفحه 1:
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صفحه 2:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion,
there's learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by
heart. They have a passion for the art and through
learning they combine all the elements to a degree of
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purus sit amet metus rhoncus lobortis non id nulla. Pellentesque arcu eros,
‘Semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt
vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci
in mauris wiputate 0 0
صفحه 3:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion,
there's learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by
heart. They have a passion for the art and through
learning they combine all the elements to a degree
of perfection!
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view and the view and the
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1 think really great I think really great
products come from products come from
melding two points melding two points,
of view the of
technology point of technology point of
view and the view and the
customer point of customer point of
صفحه 4:
صفحه 5:
ppt.ir is an
art, and art
passion. With @
ی ppt.ir is an art, and art needs
learning passion. With passion, there's
These 0 learning. These outstanding
outstanding photographers are able to “wow!”
@ photographe
rs are able to 1
ppt.ir is an art, and art“wow!” pptir is an art, and art
needs passion. With
Passion, there’s learning.
These outstanding
photographers are able to
needs passion. With
passion, there’s learning.
These outstanding
photographers are able to
صفحه 6:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs 9
passion, With passion, there's pptiris an art, and art needs
learning. These outstanding :
passion. With passion, there’s
photographers amaaalc to leaming. These outstanding
wow! photographers are able to
® ppt.ir is an art, and art
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs needs passion. With
passion. With passion, there’s passion, there’s learning.
learning. These outstanding These outstanding
hotographers are photographers are
صفحه 7:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion,
there's learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by
heart. They have a passion for the art and through
learning they combine all the elements to a degree of
« 2۳28۱۴۱۱۶ CREATIVITY
صفحه 8:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion,
there’s learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!”
| think really great I think really great { think really great
products come from products come from products come from
melding two points melding two points melding two points
of view the of view the of view the
technology point of technology point of technology point of
view and the view and the view and the
customer point of customer point of customer point of
صفحه 9:
صفحه 10:
“What i like about photographs is
that they capture a moment that’s
gone forever, impossible to
صفحه 11:
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صفحه 17:
pptir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion, there’s learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by heart. They have a passion for the art and through
Iearning.taey.canekine. allithe alamaents.toadearescofer faction purus sit amet metus choncus lobortis non id nla,
Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et
pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim. ppt.ir, consectetur adipiscing elit.
صفحه 18:
Wes BE
صفحه 19:
صفحه 20:
hoto of the yea
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eee a ee een aster ce از
nulla. Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id sapien.
eee ected
eae tes eee are ore ene ec
vulputate at sed enim. ppt.ir, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut
Rieter oi te eta te ert eee can
۱ a ere tee nie ee ie are
Ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae,
volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci
jn mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim.
صفحه 21:
hoto of the yea
۱ Te tee a neem Meet)
pe tee ee et ere et
ee ete eters ee aca eaS
Pein ee tea tee rie ers
vulputate at sed enim. ppt-ir, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque ut
۱ ee eae
te .قاانم نأ ممه ee ee eter ae ater
ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae,
Re Oe ec a ot ice are
in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim.
صفحه 22:
صفحه 23:
صفحه 24:
صفحه 25:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion, there’s learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by heart. They have a passion for the art and through
Iparning.they.cambing allithe alaments,to a. dearer. OfDerfacsionyn purus sit amet metus shoncus lobortis non id nulla
Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et
pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim. ppt.ir, consectetur adipiscing elit.
صفحه 26:
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion, there's learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by heart. They have a passion for the art and through
Jearning:shey.cpneking. allithe alaments.to ولا هاطع 9)/ 9879820629 ره purus sit amet metus rhoncus lobortis non id nul
Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculs ut, adipiscing id sapien, Ut sem neque, suscipit a tineidunt vitae, volutpat non fels. Fusce in erat neque, et
pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim. ppt, consectetur adipiscing elit
صفحه 27:
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such. The process
developed and employed by we is a flexible
framework designed to maximize time
effectiveness and successful client outcomes.
ppt.ir is an art, and art needs passion. With passion, there's learning. These outstanding photographers
are able to “wow!” us because they learned ppt.ir by heart. They have a passion for the art and through
lparning.they.cembing allithe elaments,toadeagrar-ofperfacsionn purus sit amet metus roncus lobortis non id nulla
Pellentesque arcu eros, semper ac iaculis ut, adipiscing id sapien. Ut sem neque, suscipit a tincidunt vitae, volutpat non felis. Fusce in erat neque, et
pharetra turpis. Fusce at orci in mauris placerat vulputate at sed enim. ppt.ir, consectetur adipiscing elit.
صفحه 28:
mCanon aMANUHEACTURER Sympus mSony
Panasonic mKodak mKonica mRicoh_ Leica
صفحه 29: