قالب پاورپوينت - طرح SHIFT - رنگ آبی

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
About US ‘Our Works Coffee Break Meet The Team ‎Chart &‏ عسي ممت سدع مم سمت ‎infegraphier‏ ‎ ‎5 ‎1230pm-1800 ‏15.20 مم مم كد ‎om‏ ‎Agenda For Today ‎Talking point for presentations

صفحه 3:
SUMMARY 01 02 03 04 SHIT

صفحه 4:
About us Se eC eee جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏

صفحه 5:

صفحه 6:
Company profile را زا SHIT

صفحه 7:
About Us ‎racy‏ عنم ومممع سا 000 | ‎| ‏اه اوه ها نوم ‎Ce‏ ‎text. It has roots in apiece‏ ‎Ce ‎ee ‎00 ‎0 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 8:
Our Goals ۸ ‏يد‎ 4 oO 3 3 ‏اا اس‎ Qonquest Shine Explore History ‏اتا‎ shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed, Suitable for all categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed

صفحه 9:
Our Goals we 88-2 0 ۷۵96 موز 0 عملم ‎Cites‏ shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable for all categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the ‏نا‎ ransaction its completed.

صفحه 10:
Our goals ٩ ۵ a Renan So 1 ۱ Seer ‏كاعم‎ اه امه نود ا 0 9۶ یس shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed, Suitable for all categories For every 6 emails recelved, we get 3 Phone cals. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation. Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, Sultable for al categories business and personal presentation.

صفحه 11:
12 ومع اهامای 000 ا 000 0

صفحه 12:
Project timeline SHIT

صفحه 13:
Our Works Se eC eee جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏

صفحه 14:
Bundle Packed Cloud Source Contrary to ponular belie, www pps Contrary to popular belie, wu. ppt iis rot simply random text. thas roots in a fot simply random text. It has roots ina piece. piece. What we offer, Print Design Media Streaming Contrary to popular belie, wu. ppt is Contrary to popular belie, wu. ppt iis not simply random text thas roots in a fot simply random text. It has roots ina piece. piece

صفحه 15:
Desktop Apps Contrary to popular beliet, ‏امه عناوم مه‎ simply random text. Ithas roots in a piece سس Contrary to popular beliet, ‘wwe ppt.irs not simply random text. Ithas roots in a piece و — Service List Web Design text. Ithas roots in a pece. سس ۳ Contrary to popule ‏اه‎ ‎we pps nt simpy random Mobile Apps Contrary to popular belie ror pp is nat simply random text It has roots ina piece. سم SHIT

صفحه 16:
ee Sed 000 ae Service List ره SHIT

صفحه 17:
Service List ۵ ها وه 000000 ‎eens 320000‏ 00 es ees a imply random 3000 SHIT 17

صفحه 18:
Our services Sultable forall categories Suitable fora categories Sultable forall categories Suitable forall categories عواعط طونم ‎Cee‏ ۱۳ Pe oy rere 0 هام5 ,موتاهنو: هنک عا 0

صفحه 19:
fie) ‘Tere are many variations of passages ‘of win pp.ravallable eee ‘There are many varations of passages of www. ppt avaliable Our services ‘There are many “There are many variations of passages Variations of passages of wmw-ppt avaliable ‘of ww pp ravallable SHIT

صفحه 20:
Introducing product < 3 Web Analysis Printing Photography E-Commerce 3 Nam a venenatis ori Nam a venenatis ori Nam a venenatis orci Nam a venenatis orc. volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae volutpat volutpat felis, vitae ‘sagitis quam maximus nec. sagittis quam maximus nec. sagittis quam maximus nec. sagitis quam maximus nec. SHIT 20

صفحه 21:
Marketing Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum ‘congue. Nunc in fermentum du! augue. ‘Audit Praesent posuere turpis sed augue ‘rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue Consultant Praesent posuere turpis sed augue ‘rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue lilustration Praesent posuere turpis sed augue ‘rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue Introducing product Photography Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Video editing Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Cleaning Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. Promotion Praesent posuere turpis sed augue rutrum congue. Nunc in fermentum dul augue. SHIT

صفحه 22:
Our product “ Platinum a Business 4 Personal Features Corporate Feature Six SHIT 2

صفحه 23:
Pricelist table 8 $50/montn کح م10 ۳ $2O/montn $30 montn onary to populer contrary o popular contrary o popular onary to ‏لاوم‎ ‎ei, we pps not ett, wa pps nat eke wp aot ett pis not simply andar imal random ‏اوداق‎ andom ‘Simply andor

صفحه 24:
Pricelist table مان ۱( Cee Ultimate 0 3 مد | ,سود ‎10GB Disk Space‏ و ‎ ‎© 20068 Data ‎| © 20068 Data Transfer © 1 Addon Damain ‘Transfer | Transfer ‎ ‎© 1 Addon Domain ‎۱ ز‎ 6 1 Addon Domain | | ‎ ‎Suppor. © 2 Email Accounts‏ 2407 کم امد و ‎ ‎SHIT

صفحه 25:
Pricelist table نا عع موقم تس Benefit Eas Benefit Benefit Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 1 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 2 Featured 3 Featured 3 Featured 3 Featured Featured 4 Featured 4 Featured 4 Featured 4

صفحه 26:
Platinum 9 $50 month contrary to popular belie, war ppt iis fot simply random Bussiness 5 $40, month contary to popiar bel wm pine et spy rnd Advanced w $30, month consay 0 pope betel wpe set snoy endo Pricelist table Basic Pro oS ۷ $10, $20, month month Contrary to popular Contrary to popular belief, wuwpptiris bel, waw.pptiis not simply random not simply random SHIT

صفحه 27:

صفحه 28:
portofolio Ser eae ne

صفحه 29:
7 = Magazine Mockup Jus Jeruk Rasa Yang Label Halal Baju Pernah Ada Something about project hat you should know Soretning about projet that you should know Something abut project that you shld know Suitable for a categories business ond Sutale for a categories business and Sutale forall catagories business ond erinal presentation, eam ee quse ob personel presentation, eoque psa quee ab persanal presentation, ‏ها سنجمه‎ quse ab Io invenore vests et quasi architects ‏موز ها‎ veritas et quasi architect Mo invertre veritatis et quasi arentecto bette vite dicta sunt expcabe. Sutabe beatae vite deta sunt ‏هانگ مهوت‎ beatae wee dca sunt expleabe. Sutabie forall categaies business and persona for at categories business and personal for all categories business and personal presentation, resentation, resentation,

صفحه 30:
portofolio Our Great ‏ادنيل برق ليقي‎ prices tnt you should know Suitable fer all categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab iio inventore veritatis fet quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation 50% 45% Design Photography SHIT

صفحه 31:
portofolio ‘Something about project that you should know Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inven veritatis et quas! architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Suitable forall categories busine: and personal presentation, SHIT

صفحه 32:
Design Interior Something about project that you should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae a ilo inventore veritatis et (quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sulable for all categories business and personal presentation, Ice Noodle Something about project that you should know Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Suitable for al categories business and personal presentation,

صفحه 33:
po rtofolio SHIT

صفحه 34:
portofolio Something about project that you ‘should know Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, SHIT

صفحه 35:
Certificate SUCCESS! UI Deve st personal presentation

صفحه 36:

صفحه 37:
“ There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs“ -crowwel training- مسج 0 Suitable forall categories Sultable forall categories business and personal business and personal business and personal presentation presentation presentation

صفحه 38:
Desktop Mockup Fresh idea Well Organized Code System Add-ons — SHIT

صفحه 39:
بد ن 2 0 ‎i‏ ‎a‏ ‏ابد ‏2 ‏2 ‏© ‏۳

صفحه 40:
Desktop App 7 ee Le Cg

صفحه 41:
Coffe Break secon Ree eee ea eg en cl Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, ۱ Ona ‏ا‎ can rac

صفحه 42:
THE موه ۳۵ reset eee eee ] een ny Renu Seago

صفحه 43:
Harman Naon Manager Companyhierarchy SHIT

صفحه 44:
Meet the team Dedi Dunn SEO Analysis Riki Belel General Manager Pevita Fierce Graphic Designer Troy Jan Programmer SHIFT

صفحه 45:
Meet the team categories business and ‘categories business and personal presentation personal presentation Executive Director Service Director Sultable forall Suitable for at categories business and categories business and GID 9 personal presentation personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 46:
meet the team © © © Jack Smile Mira Kuna Tony Hwang Vicky Verra Executive Diector Service Director PR Manager HR Manager ‏ی‎ sotice ‏ما سب‎ ig ix Making Coffee Making Coffee Making Coffee Making Coffee ‏...ماد‎ SS. —S— » ‏بیدا اد‎ Making Trouble Making Trouble Making Trouble Making Trouble 0g i se SHIT 46

صفحه 47:
Developer team / ee Mamet Pape Boim Abet Java Programmer PHP Programmer C++ Programmer Mobile Programmer ۳ motte bt stl bate ۳ ۱ ‏0ك‎ ۳ aj ave sre Insane ‘em by ed nar or Tornbyinecesmonar Tem by tod nana or ‘em by apa rane SHIT 4

صفحه 48:
Meet the team مقلم 22 09 4 0۵9 ۵ 2 ,اون SHIT

صفحه 49:
Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation eaque ipsa categories business and personal presentation Meet the team _ Gabby Star Khomar Creative Director Chief Excutive officer Sultabe forall categories _—_Sultable forall categories business and personal business and personal presentation eaque ipsa presentation eaque ipsa use use SHIT

صفحه 50:
2-4 Meet benjamin Benjamin Sued Developer Taroughout our organisation we've aay looked to bring together the right sks and knowledge to support our technology development, network growth and customer service. With experience ‘that goes beyond the telecoms and contact@website cam [=] tact@websitecom (> wvwawebsite.com ‏جع‎ SHIT

صفحه 51:
Jane Saimah Mobile Development Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae bilo inventore vertatis et quasi Prdféssional Alls @ ‏سل‎ Awards 0000 Meet two brothers Jack Wakai Mobile Designer Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae bilo inventore vertatis et quash Professidiiat 1 ‏وا‎ و وو هه ده Awards SHIT

صفحه 52:
Meet komar Award’s Professional Skill’s Most Innovative Developer 2012.0). Sea? مب 6 وس .وه وملام و ور تاه .ور مس عم ومی! و 2013 ‎Brillant Web Design‏ وب هک سید سیسات یت business and personal presentation aves Reach Global Achivement 2012 Fortune Magazine SHIT

صفحه 53:
العو 000 Meet the team ۳ eer ۳5 Pee ‏م0 مهو‎ PR Manager SHIT

صفحه 54:
About Jack's Professional 5 Something about me that you should know c 0 Sultable for al categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae #6 ‏لط« ل #ء مطل‎ ab lo Inventore veritatis et quasi ‎Wordpress‏ عند هه ‎beatae vitae‏ مهد ‎explicabo. Sultable for all categories‏ ‎business and personal presentation, z‏ ‎

صفحه 55:
infographic Se eC eee جیهم ۵04 عفهماعناط مآمموعای ااد ۲0۲ عاطهاندی ‎een ny‏ ] ‎Renu Seago‏

صفحه 56:
Column chart 2010 0 2012 2014 2006 20172018,

صفحه 57:
About Chart

صفحه 58:
Line chart SHIT

صفحه 59:
Pie chart عه سه جم مده ‎etetarr wanacer‏

صفحه 60:
Pie chart marking ‏بح‎ SEE cei een SEO Analysis ۳ resentation Suitable for al " categories business and personal presentation Graphic Design ‘sutale forall categories business ii Srd personal Jeb Design entation Sultable fora ‏تفت‎ categories business ‘nd personal presentation

صفحه 61:
Area chart 2013 2012 Data 1 =Data2 =Data3 2011 2010 SHIT

صفحه 62:
Gantt chart ۰ 1 ۰ 0 Description Description Description Description ‎et‏ ان

صفحه 63:
Circle chart Description I8S% RES For every 6 emails TEBRIEL Gal ‏على ه55 وقد نهر‎ SHIT al

صفحه 64:
Matrix diagram Project Description Latin literature from 45 BC. Contrary to popular gE 5 ¢ 2 Dele has rot ina place of teratre fom 45 2 2 © Description ® Description sail frat en Soci ar gi ‏رس‎ ‎۳ ‏سا‎ ‎۲ ‏تن تا کته‎ sua fora nage) ‏ات زوس لاع مايه‎ ‏بت ی سید اس‎ ‘ecutty ‏ل‎ SHIT

صفحه 65:
هه Business diagram Brainstorming ‘Sutable for al ‏ب وهای‎ ev pi not simply rnd Prototyping Stable for al ategery, ev pi not simply rnd Development WN 3 09 ۳ ‘ev pti ect singly endo, End Product Suitable ‏رومیت اه ما‎ eve pp not ipl end © SHIT

صفحه 66:
Venn diagram SHIT

صفحه 67:
Phases diagram Research ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore m Plan ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore 1m Design ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore Build ‘Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation, ceaque ipsa quae ab ilo inventore SHIT

صفحه 68:
Gear diagram Description Contrary to It has roots in a piece of classical Latin tterature from 49 BC. Contrary to popular ballet It has roote in a piece of lterature from 45 Be. Content 1 ‘Suitable forall categories Business and personal presentation Content 2 Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Content 3 Sultale forall catagories business and personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 69:
Arrow process Description Suitable for all categories Business and personal presentation Description Sultable forall categories business and personal resentation Description Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation Description Sultabe for al categories business and personal presentation oo} SHIT

صفحه 70:
marketing concept Key Success on Media Marketing Put your great subtitle In here and shake your audience Idea Target Analyze Strategy SHIT

صفحه 71:
Link Process Description Description Description

صفحه 72:
Recycle STep Step 1 Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation Step2 Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Step 3 Sultable for all categories business and personal resentation ‘Shopping cats ave abandoned right before the transection ts competed. Sultble for al categois Far every 6 emails received, we 83 Phone calls. Suitable oral eategries business and personal presentation, Suitable foal categvies business ae personal presentation. Of shopping cts are abandoned ight lore the ‏مدنا عمو‎ ts compte. SHIT

صفحه 73:
Project launch Brainstorm: 9 Prototypin End 9 Product Developme nt About Chart | ot fazage wn ppiaalaia, bt the mary have uleted ern zee b ted ha, nid ‘ora wheh sont oa even sgh ‏عاض يمام‎ SHIT

صفحه 74:
Funnel diagram تخت نروس 2۰ ES

صفحه 75:
Circle sample SHIT

صفحه 76:
Fishbone diagram Step 5 Result ‘About Chart ‘words whch dot leek even sight teat SHIT

صفحه 77:
Curved list SHIT

صفحه 78:
Combining idea SHIT

صفحه 79:
Security system Description

صفحه 80:
Data driven امع مور مهو ‎Cees‏

صفحه 81:
Data driven

صفحه 82:
82 Stage process @Order Entry @Credit Criteria teeta grace © Buy product @ Sales Call SHIT

صفحه 83:
We Solve All Problem Of shopping carts are 909۵ Suitable forall categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all ‘categories business and personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 84:
Tree analysis Media Analysis Description 2 3 0 2 = = =

صفحه 85:
Sultabe forall category, Suitable forall category, Step process Description Suitable forall category, ww pptirs not simply random Description wn-pptits not simply random Description Suitable forall category, ww pptirs not simply random Description w-pptits not simply random SHIT

صفحه 86:
ARROW PROCESS Description OF shopping cans are 9 0/6 abandoned right before the ‘© transaction ts completed Suitable or al categories for every 6 amals recived, we get 3 Phone calls, Sule forall categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 87:
Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Descriptio: Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation ar Descriptio: Sultabie forall categories business and personal presentation Arrow process Description, Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Cure Description Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 88:
Arrow diagram -, Web Design Sutable fo al categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae Boilie Bundled Packaged Sultable forall categories business and Personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ۳ eCommerce Sultable forall categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae Boilie =) eCommerce Sultable forall categories business and Bersonal presentation eaqueipea quae SHIT

صفحه 89:
Arrow idea Idea 1 Sultable forall categories business and personal | Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Idea 3 Suitable forall catagories business and personal presentation Idea 4 Sultable forall catagories business and personal presentation SHIT

صفحه 90:
Description Contrary to it has roots in a piece of classical Latin Iterature from 45 BC. Contrary to popular belief It has roots in a piece of literature from 45 BC. Idea 2 dea 3 Sutable for categories business Idea 4 Stable er ol eatepaies business Spiral idea SHIT

صفحه 91:
Custom analysis fea sg sr personal presentation, aque ipsa que ail invertvevertats et 800.654 ‎a}‏ ان

صفحه 92:
advantage Respectful Strategic Suitable forall 1 Sultable forall category, «category. wo pois not ve ot is not simpy random text Simply random text. Accomplishment Loyal Sultale forall Sultable forall category, category www ppEiFs not rw: ats nat simply random text Simply random text Energetic Honest Sultable forall Sultable forall category, maw ppt ins eategory. nt say ransom Yew: ats nat Simply random text SHIT

صفحه 93:

صفحه 94:
Paralell process ! our organisation we've always looked to ring together the right sis and knowledge to support our technology development network growth and custome service, Vit experience tat goes beyond the telecoms td indaty our grup of erctrs and ofcers re facused on binging SHIT

صفحه 95:
و Parallelogram step SHIT

صفحه 96:
Snake info @Credit Criteria

صفحه 97:
Cakra analysis 76 Yerespecttul 0 1 10 Loyat 52%

صفحه 98:
Matrix diagram Description For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone ‏ك0‎ nis calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories. business and __ personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore Suitable for all categories business and _ personal presentation. SHIT

صفحه 99:
Description © Sultable forall category, ‏راما امه عناوم هه‎ Description Sultable for all category, ‘www-pptiris not simply random text Cycle matrix ‘Suitable for all category, ‘worw-pptiris not simply Fandom text كا مع ممع 61 b=) Cog 0 ‎we‏ ی ‎‘Suitable forall category,‏ ‎‘wonw.pptiris not simply Fandom text ‎SHIT

صفحه 100:
Custom diagram Description ~ 7 suitable fora category, wi. pins not simply random text Description e--- Suitable forall category, > ~~~ "5 ‏م‎ ‎wwe pps eat simply ' ‏وص‎ ‎random text 1 ‏تایانج‎ ‎0 Suitable for al category, | ‘www pps not simpy fandom text Description Suitable forall category, ‏حب‎ ‎‘ww.pptiris not simply random text SHET 10

صفحه 101:
Cycle part Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Eanes Sultale forall catagories business and personal presentation Suitable forall categories business and personal presentation Suitable for al categories Sultable forall categories ‘business and personal business and personal resentation Pana presentation SHIT 10

صفحه 102:
Pyramid stage diagram Description ‘Of shopping carts are abandoned right before the transaction its completed. Suitable for all categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ab ilo lnventore veritatis et quasi SHIT

صفحه 103:

صفحه 104:
Suitable forall category. Basic shape diagram Description ‏م‎ _« Description Suitable for al category, www peti nat simply wa pets not simply random text. random text. Q Description Sultabe for al category, Sultable forall category, www: ppt. nat simply www pairs not simply random text. random text Description SHIT

صفحه 105:
Parkour chart SHIT

صفحه 106:
3d layers diagram Frontal Lobe Suitable fora Category, wa pptins fot simply random text Parietal Lobe Sultabe forall», category, wirw pptiis ‘not simply random Occipital Lobe Cerebelum ‘ultabe forall». 3 ۰ 4 Suitable forall category, category, wiv pptinis ‘aware aot simply not simply random text Fandom text Throughout our organisation we've always locked to bring together the right sis and knowledge to support our technology evelopment, network growth and customer service. With experience that goes beyond the telecoms and IT industry our group ‘of directors and officers are focused on bringing to marke the latest

صفحه 107:
Setting Up tere nt py ah Yolir Business ع واد ع ‎Finance & Budgets‏ meme nt pct Market Research ‘weet ot pcan Yel ide: Cone ribbon diagram SHIT

صفحه 108:
Triangle analysis

صفحه 109:
Description Description Description Circle sample Descristion Praca ‏مه‎ tpi sa ate ‏وه‎ SHIT

صفحه 110:
Analysis process ‎ora ategories business ea‏ اش ‎sunt expicabo. Stabe fr al catego‏ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 111:
Description Layer stack Description SHIT

صفحه 112:
Custom chart Q Brainstorming Development fons] 4 Prototyping SFL 1

صفحه 113:
Brain explorer Order Entry @ Buy product © ‏سس ا‎

صفحه 114:
Step process Step 01 Step 02 Step 03 Step 04 ‎wf‏ ان ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 115:
2020 2021 “a 27 Performance record 2009 2011 2016 un “i 2 ‘sutaiteeatetegres Surbatralctguies ‏مات‎ all tape SHIT

صفحه 116:
2 1010 “There are many variations of passages of www pp iravalable و Ibesign ‘There are many variations of passages of wont avaliable Custom analysis code “There are many variations of passages of www_ppt available BDeploy ‘There are many variations of passages of ww. ppt avaliable SHIT

صفحه 117:
Arrow process Process 3 و ان

صفحه 118:
Measure diagram 50% 67% 12% Researc sta os Desig Buil ‎nf‏ ان

صفحه 119:
Wine diagram

صفحه 120:
Custom analysis Income Analysis ‎shopping carts are‏ بو ‎abandoned right before the‏ % 5 7 ‎transaction its competed‏ © ‎Sultable forall categories‏ ‎For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls, Sutable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, aque Ipsa quae ab ile inventore veritatis et ‏هو و و و نو وتو او ‎‘gu‏ ‏ك2 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 ‎ ‎2 ‎SFL ۰

صفحه 121:

صفحه 122:
Isometric layer Parietal Lobe ee Lobe Cerebelum

صفحه 123:
Network Analysis (Of shopping carts are 1 24% — avandoned right before the Male Users tansaction its completed Suitable for al categories For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation, aque ipsa quae ab illo inventre vertatis et quasi Social media analysis SHIT

صفحه 124:
Puzzle diagram Puzzle Criteria Something about graphic that you should row Part Part 2 Part 3 Part a ۱ @ Sales call Parts SHIT

صفحه 125:
Custom chart We are not efficient as we could be : For every 6 emails received, we get 3 Phone calls. Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation, Suitable for all categories business and personal presentation 23% 77% Female users Ml Male Users SHIT

صفحه 126:
Layer ring awareness, ion Awareness boner apr oe presentation سس يده ‎Pea‏ الس دسف ‎presertaton Consideartion‏ ‎Cee tna an personal‏ تن ‎‘Suitable for all categones 5 Sete:‏ ‎business and personal eee‏ ‎Purchase‏ ‎a‏ 3 و۴۵۳2 ‎in nd paral‏ ‎presentation ‎SHIT

صفحه 127:
88% 63% 79% 63% Custom chart Description Of shopping carts are Wwansacton ke completed For every 6 emails HEBRELhal JA'SPPRERe calls Sable forall catagories business and personal presentation, Suitable for al categories business and personal presentation, eaque pea quae a ilo inventore ventas et quash SHIT

صفحه 128:
calendar PATA ۰-2۵۵۷ 5 ۲ ۲ ۷ ۲ ۴ 5 5 ۷ ۲ ۷ ۲ ۴ 5 03 1@@:1 567 456789 10 8 9 10n 1243) 4 23 62( 13 4 15 16 7 ‏5د‎ 16 17 186920 2 ‎G3) 2a 25 26‏ 22 24 23 22 2021 19 18 27692069 26 25 وه ويد ‎sean‏ يومد متعيعيدة عع مت ع تاد 0 مد ود ‎Soe Sen‏ سح سم بسن وس سد ةو © مات ۱9

صفحه 129:
Pyramid diagram Content 01 Sutable or at eategry, ww pies not simply andor tet. Content 02 Stable or at category, mum pies not simply andor et. Content 03 ‘Suable or a category, wm pies ot imply andor tet. Content 04 Stable or at category, m.ptirs not simply andor et SHIT

صفحه 130:
Buyer interest 709 SHIT

صفحه 131:
Sales business Income Analysis Put your great subtitle here مس مت موه هرن ‎ts‏ مس من مت موم 9/6 5 7 ‎oni Sut ol tages‏ ‎rey ss ean gia Pee‏ ‎aw toast a pr‏ ‎rechten Seno ages Nas‏ ‎tn ern ton ep eso‏ ‎mre orate‏ SHIT

صفحه 132:
Diverging arrow es

صفحه 133:
comparison Description © besertton i ‏سم ره تسس‎

صفحه 134:
Data analysis Description Suitable forall categories 6 LO% suitable for at categories business an personal business and personal presentation presentation Description Description Description sutabie fora categories 25% 5.0% suitadie for al categories business and personal business and personal presentation presentation

صفحه 135:

صفحه 136:
Circle diagram SHIT

صفحه 137:
Rain drop SHIT

صفحه 138:
Mindmap Gesu) SHIT

صفحه 139:
Mountain sample diagram De eto

صفحه 140:
SWOT Analysis Weakness Saas Ta spy dung Treat ow pti simpy ren ren Strenght wraps ‏ره دوه‎ Oportunity sweets sity ey SHIT

صفحه 141:
Swot analysis 1 Sublet ctegate beta gets rset [ ‘toler at cateates buena petsnal rece ‏وام‎ ? : 4 1۹ buena petsnl rece ‏مام‎ ۱ SHIT

صفحه 142:
SWOT Analysis Streng 1 4 Weakne Mary to nae coats n a pace of clasal Lalo teature trom 45 ‏ع8‎ ‎Contrary to popular belt nas roots in piece of iterate fom a5 8C Contrary to tt has roots in a piec OP ‘lagscal Lato terture frm 45 BC. ‘Contrary to popular belie thas rots ina pleceofiterature from 45 BC Opportuni Threat EMeary to has cots ina pace ot classcal Latin erature trom 45 ‏ع8‎ classical Latin erature trom 45 BC Contrary to papular bell has oats Contrary to popula belle thas rats in pice of iterate tom a5 BC 7 in ‏ممم‎ of iterate tom 25 BC Contrary to thas rots ina plece at SHIT

صفحه 143:
Branch diagram Description 3 Description ‎ui‏ ان

صفحه 144:
Montana 542.242 Florida 456.742 Texas 365.786 Nevada 764.323 5231107 و 20-2 5231117 1 Suitable forall categocy. ‘ww pptirs not simply Tandom txt Sultabe forall category, ‘or pots nt sy United states Map SHIT

صفحه 145:
North america Branch 04 ‘Suitable for alt Category, ww opts fot simpy random text. Branch 01 Branch 02 Suitable for alt Suitable for at ategory, waa: ppt is category, wow potirs 4 hot simply random tex ot simply random txt Branch 03 “suitable forall category, wiv pptins not simply random text SHIT “

صفحه 146:
Australian map Autralian Facts Analysis Something project you should 8 9 ‏ل قر‎ 8 Suitable for ‏اله‎ categories Suitable ‏دوعت اله )ها‎ business and—_personal presentation, eaque ipsa quae ‘ab lo Inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae ica sunt expieabo. Sultable for all categories business and personal presentation,

صفحه 147:
World map

صفحه 148:
The great partner | ‏ات۱‎ BA graphicriver ‏تن‎ عم 0 معنن ۲ ) مهو و Throughout our organisation we've always looked to bring together the right sis and knowledge to support our technology evelopment, network growth and customer service. With experience that goes beyond the telecoms and IT industry our group of aectors and officers are focused on bringing to market the latest Business Grade solutions and dedicated suppor. SHIT

صفحه 149:
ا كك ‎Get in Touch‏ Middle Easton, 245 Eva. Pt.Santerus ie mera) نامع اير Pe

صفحه 150:
Thanks for 4Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away and going away means forgettingpy

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