قالب پاورپوينت - عکاسی - رنگ تیره

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Our Stories Who We Are Prt kat works here how 9 deo cra aren we perce. Dito rea twa yon cook oP ry ot Denar Sato, at eb ‏لها وس ی با‎ Pe Dhaai people Pander ky prick sour prey preemie oie sre pate rich pee tk fe rc ae ou te rk prope here are oo pick iene, 0 “D" kerme. opr here worker dered use ochre, 20 Be chet ‏اذ‎ ‎srt trek Wo ee des ‏میلس صمو رو‎ rl world oa ‏,دا‎ totaal be. De spend ‏مج جر با ی ای‎ twee bot roy

صفحه 7:
Our Stories Who We Are WORK SMART NEVER GIVE UP KEEP TRYING VICTORY companies have chosen ‏ات‎

صفحه 8:
They Love Us Our Clients

صفحه 9:
We want Writ Our Own Histor You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the ‘history of the Mticdf projection and when the chemiaf ended, meaning the picture was fixedpy chemicals, we ere ne: DAVID HOCKNEY

صفحه 10:
Next Slide Is Our Team

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FOUNDER : AWESOME a 7 8 9 4 ۱ BOSS ۱0 ‏1ن نموم‎ Landscape

صفحه 12:
[01۲۱۱ 00۶ ‏سس‎ ‎FOUNDER on 3 AWESOME . كن كن = ‎SHARPSHOOTER™‏ BOSS Strobist Portrait Panorama Landscape

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صفحه 14:
A Group of Peopl ommon Unde rstaitidin You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the history of the optical projection and when the chemicals ended, meaning the picture ed by chemicals, we were in a 295%) HOCRNEY

صفحه 15:
5 5۱۱06 ولا Styles & Services

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Our Services What We DO fern) 1 8 اور ۱9

صفحه 17:
Our Services What We DO 03 TV Commercial Prt ton works here hen door w erect aren ‏سب تم ساك ی رمق موی ما‎ on oP eco Deve sow, we tod ‏و‎ rede Pa. Dhow ted poke PY ud ‏و سوت رو سوه و توا سر‎ ‏0ك‎ ‎tl eo he endl ee ‏م ب سي‎ oer eo mae 02 Photo talk ‘opr fat works fe hor ‏حمق و‎ een ‏ومسي‎ ‏مومت جوا‎ Dato at fa yon hae peat oP my ‏ام تفن مب 02 ف‎ feed e Pa. Dhow nied pop Ped berth thay orate sie ere topes on De change sire © pat hr kt prope a te rk stl oa he rift projec. There are ce pc ee, SOO er 01 Graphic design pot tet works here how o skort rea ‏وی‎ دق زاس ‎Benn ores‏ سعد جرت جا ‎coat oP ary at Dee Cuser, hea eae w cet‏ ‎prec fied Pa. Dhew teed pore Pel‏ reer they proche sow ‏سود رهم‎ ] ‏ی‎ ov pat tc ck people uk be rch shale ou the rh projets. "Phere oe pac te, So ‏اس‎

صفحه 18:
03 TV Commercial rt fo worke have hoo deowe weve ce ‏رم ماه ی وه سم ورتم‎ ‏پیت‎ cca ot Deve Cr, ‏ب تفای‎ ‘peor he Pe Our Services What We DO 02 Photo talk وی و بط و ما سا سا مه سر ‎yo dow tae‏ لت امس ‎Mery erence. Deen‏ ‎pet oF may ot Dre Chem, whe oe © set‏ ‎ror rede‏ 01 Graphic design ری و نومه ما سرا او فا جر ۳ ‎oP cry a Dee Cuan, wht ware w cet‏ ره ‎prem bard Pa‏

صفحه 19:
Our Services What We DO 03 TV Commercial Prt ton works here hen door w erect aren ‏رم سوت مها‎ Benny ‏سبحي‎ thet you do w fe ‘ot oP ecto Deve (roe, wa ort ‘people he oP 06 Fashion rte tt worke here how o deo 8 oreo nea ‏مدي معي لم‎ Benn rma tw you do whe ‘ont ecto Deve sow, hes ro ort ‘peor ke» 02 Photo talk ‘opr fat works fe hor ‏حمق و‎ een ‏ومسي‎ ‎rer expert. Beto rat fk yon hae Peet oP mcr ‏ف‎ Deve Cue, dra ok © Set ror hard 05 Live Event ota ton works have haw 9 deo creme ats Neer experi. Dato great oka yon ae emt oP ey Deve Cuter, ra eo © set rere bare a 01 Graphic design pot tet works here how o skort rea ‏وی‎ ‏مسي جوج ا‎ Genny great wha you do far ‏إن اس‎ ary of Dena Gus, wht eae et ‏و‎ Pa 04 Wedding pote fea works have hoe deo rete en Now ‏مج جا بجي یی مسر رمق ,سس ریت‎ ‘ot oP ery of Deve iu, kes ro opt ‘peor ‏اس‎

صفحه 20:
Hipster nation 1 ‏وسطس يجيا‎ ‏لبان لد سر رو ساسا حل جه که عیسو‎ See Masterful Renee a ‏ا‎ cml he ‏قمر ممصت‎ Modern Experimental ‏قاس تسه مق مه باس بشما‎ ‏سل سید‎ ۶ oakley pt Pree el he ‏سم سس مه‎ Creative Style Our Style 1 ae recy pect proche coxa Pron wkd ee pam oP vw far cocky po vw cl her eumtoer pa ‏اسع‎ Epic Panoramic oer tiny

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۱۱۵۲ 5۱۱06 5 Work Timeline

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How It Work WORK TIMELINE Brainstor Res@arch

صفحه 24:
How It Work WORK TIMELINE Concepts ew Places

صفحه 25:
WORK TIMELINE 1 We 're AGEs Re a d y 8 3 to

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Next Slide Is ell Portfolio

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علانا ‎Event‏ Fashion Selected Artwork OUR PORTFOLIO Graphi @ Design

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Selected Artwork Portraiture AWESOME WARM BEAUTIFUL SHOT (Deb oko Ove The sharpshooter

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Selected Artwork Black And White وه 000 ‎BOT:‏ سس مسبت :000086 Deke doko Dow The SN a lS ee

صفحه 31:
Selected Artwork Autumn in my heart مسف 000 :جنات سات مط :0000807 Debt oko Dow fine \ Sy . SESS

صفحه 32:
Project Name Petar, ooamecita ptectag ot Osis مسب مق سم مسلط ‎Wo‏ مس موف موه رامق ‎ote pote price m Pout ost‏ سای( ما سین وف مشب ساسا ‎rt, hone uae tthe Paves‏ مسد :هه مهمه ممسصية :وجوه 5000 ‎se0,0n0‏ جوم BONG: ‏سس‎ Orb. heh COROOEE: + Ghetcher ۰ ‏سم‎ ‎+ ‏سین‎ ‎۰ ‏مه‎ 30 Compost Selected Artwork Show reel

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About Project | Duis ‏مه سر میت‎ | roped ura oe Ores oo pti prt Poxetna orc hata ‏موش ب‎ bas Curae: Deny oot pir he sae vest Prone Ont one par ‏م سميج‎ ‏سرت طسو موم‎ xbthe One: Bh wt ptr chor ace vende Pgs Our Analysis The Numbers لا 2013 2012 Android 2011 wiPad miPhone 2010 120 100 80 60 40 20

صفحه 35:
28% Asian Cameraman 12% Camera Sold Our Analysis The Numbers 12 Category 8 Category 7 Category 6 Category 5 Category 4 Category 3 Category 2 Category 1 ° ‏م‎ ‎FS ‎3 ‎o ‏نم‎ ‎5

صفحه 36:
AUSTRALIA Our Analysis The Numbers SOUTH AFRICA NORTH AMERICA SOUTH AMERIC) 82% countries $300 sales 109 language

صفحه 37:
There is no certainty, Only ۱ ao eae ero ree ee ee aoe er eM that their individual feeling were worth expressing, 1 + سس ۱۳۸/۶۱۵۱ ۲۵

صفحه 38:

10,000 تومان