قالب پاورپوينت فروش و بازاریابی - رنگ آبی

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
WE atid Many people believe that marketing is just about advertising or sales. However, marketing is Cao) everything a company does to acquire customers and 5 ‏و‎ maintain a relationship with them.

صفحه 3:
Infographic People wkp work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Contact People ۷۱9 ‏ما‎ ‎marketing try to get the attention of target. Our Peopldapsgork in marketing try to get the attention of target. Targe People wito work in marketing try to get the attention of target. ‘Our Agenda Our ۳۰۰86۳0 ‏کون(‎ 0 marketing try to get the attention of target. Clou People wep work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Our Peopléfwleppyork in marketing try to get the attention of target. Calend People wap work in marketing try to get the attention of target. eBook People wiap work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Our ۳۶۵۳۵۸۵۳۳ ‏مأ كاوه‎ marketing try to get the attention of target.

صفحه 4:
our Vision The activities of a company associated with buying and selling The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to delivering products to people. People who work in marketing people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to The activities of a company get the attention of target audiences by using slogans, packaging We 211 2 Marketing associated with buying and design, celebrity endorsements and ‏ی‎ exposure. The “ 1 ‏هام‎ 3 1 ith buying and selling a product company of a company selling a product or service. re achhkietiag ‏ام ج‎ ۴ praciatedcwit lying 9 2 ۵ 00000 2 ‏رابت فاد معو ع ع اك‎ or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to ‎sailing and delivering people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to‏ ۵ ۵۲ 0۳۵0۵ 2 وطنااهء ‎1 jet the attention of target audiences. It includes advertising, products to people. People 9 9 ‎ ‎MCMC who work in marketing WEB CLEAN ‎departments of companies BBSIGd selling a 8QIG and selling a ‎The activities of a company associatddt WAR ‏تق 7 مان‎ selling product includes product includes ‎a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and advertising. advertising. ‎delivering products to people. People who work in marketing CREATIVE TIM ‎departments of companies try to get the attention of target BAYRUGRS selling a © Buying and selling a ‎audiences buying and selling a product or service. It includes product includes product includes ‎advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People advertising. advertising. ‎who work in marketing departments of companies try to get ‎the attention of target audiences.

صفحه 5:
What'We Do? The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences. Targe People who work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Photo Beople who work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Web (۹ work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Marketin ople who work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Batter ople who work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Web Bewtgyo work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Home Seaelg why work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Map Beople who work in marketing try to get the attention of target. Web Beatgrto work in marketing try to get the attention of target.

صفحه 6:
GREAT FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service GREAT FEATURES | Buying and selling a product or service GREAT FEATURES ۲ Buying and selling a product or service GREAT FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service 9 0 © Femate’& Male Silhouette © 9 0 GREAT ۲ FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service GREAT ۲ _ FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service GREAT 5 ۲ FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service GREAT 5 FEATURES Buying and selling a product or service

صفحه 7:
)كحت اناير ‎Female‏ WOR Buying and selling LOV Buying and selling a product includes a product includes advertising. advertising. SPORT Buying and selling MO Buying and selling ۱ a product includes product includes ii advertising. advertising. MOVIE SHOPPIN Buying and selling a Buying and selling@ product includes product includes advertising. advertising.

صفحه 8:
Laurich Strategies Tools People who work in marketing try to get the best attention DIGITA Award People wko work in marketing try to get the best attention Powe People wifo work in marketing try to get the best attention DIGNITI yy activities of a company associated with buying and selling LEADEARSHIP The activities of a company associated with buying and selling GET A BUDGET The activities of a company associated with buying and selling

صفحه 9:
۸۵6۲۱۲۱6۷ ۵۵۲ ۱ ۵ This: Time son ۳ 94% Company Aciiecamerany associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and audiences. STRATEGY 900۵ who work in marketing try to get the attention. و ‎x‏ ® STRATEGY 9200۵ who work in marketing try to get the attention.

صفحه 10:
6 © 0 © Our Objectives Six ObeEfetivesompany associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in corporate marketing Day People jgretwork in marketing 9 Day ۳۵0۵۱۴ in marketing Day People iyytetwork in marketing. Day People jyftptwork in marketing. departments. Work ۴۵۵۵۱2۱ ۴(۵( in marketing. Day ۳۰۰0۱۴ | 016 in marketing.

صفحه 11:
Worldwide Partnerships OUR BEST PRRENERSAIPSOMPany associated with buying and selling a product or service. BRAZIL: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. FRANCE: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. CANADA: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. © © © CHINA: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. USA: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. GERMANY: of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. 9 0

صفحه 12:
Poputation Infographic 34 34 CREAAVIT MAKKE T 7 of 10 The activities of a company po © © © © © ®@ Populatio n 34 PLAIN ‏ل‎ ‎G

صفحه 13:
Gender’Survey Results SURVEY Bratyses of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market Great ‘ures: Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to some companies associated in marketing Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to some companies associated in marketing Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to oo some companies associated in marketing

صفحه 14:
24 ۲ ‏إن‎ ‎Support ctivities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. INVESTMEN T° activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. GETA The activities of a company associated with buying and BUDGET selling a product or service that includes advertising. IMPROVE YOUR PLANNING The activities of a company associated with buying and SKILLS selling a product or service that includes advertising.

صفحه 15:
Relationsh IDS « Day People jyyetwork in marketing. Work ۳60۵۵۱2۱۵۱۵ in marketing. Ss ~ Day People iyytetwork in marketing.

صفحه 16:
Relationships © Circles 38 16 \TI The activ 0۳ associated Mvit! ying and FOUN DATI an selling a product The actiD a company > 25506 ying and 5 ١ FOUNDATI The mano a company associate : نم 56۱۱۱۳۵

صفحه 17:
Features With Icons MARKETING SECURITY SECURITY LEADERSHIP People who work in People who work in People who work in People who work in marketing try to get the marketing try to get the marketing try to get the marketing try to get the attention The activities of a attention The activities of a attention The activities of a attention The activities of a company associated with company associated with company associated with company associated with buying and selling a product buying and selling a product buying and selling a product buying and selling a product or service that includes or service that includes or service that includes or service that includes advertising. advertising. advertising. advertising.

صفحه 18:

صفحه 19:
Meet’Our © CEO MORE ABOUT Jorectivities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. و و 6۵ ۱ 100 100 100 100 100 @SlidePro % % % % %

صفحه 20:
۳ تعلزها 3۳ ۵ 0 60 و29 را BLACK OWNER ople in best marketing get the ttention 0 all argeting with buying and selling ct this layer Go to format Toe 0 ar People who work marketing try to get the best att tion of all targeting with buying and selling ee aes 2. Go to format Toe 0 ar OWNER who v marketing try to be get tt attention of all ating with buying ling ۳ ۳ ۳ اه ۱0 و6 اه ۱0 و6 ۵9 ۱29 ۱ ‏ا‎ Pa ee una) ple who work in work in est marketing try to ing try to get the the st attention of ention of targeting with buying eting with buying and lling and selling

صفحه 21:
People who work in best marketing try to get the best attention of all targeting with buying and selling People who work in best marketing try to get the best attention of all targeting with buying and selling People who work in best marketing try to get the best attention of all targeting with buying and selling AMBER BUACK BOSS People who work in best marketing try to get the best attention of all targeting with buying and selling

صفحه 22:

صفحه 23:

صفحه 24:
۱ AFRICA 93 42

صفحه 25:
۱ RUSSIA $345,054 ¢ 2 AUSTRALIA 5 $345

صفحه 26:
Exporting Worldwide

صفحه 27:
PROVINCE $4,502,0 00 PROVINCE §90,954,0 00 PROVINCE $50,999,3 33 PROVINCE 853,000,0 00 Canada 3,342,0 P8ople who work in marketing try to get the attention. 7,887,5 P8ople who work in marketing try to get the attention.

صفحه 28:
Germany © Map 15 50 Yo Lo MARKETI MARKETI NG NG People who work in People who work in marketing marketing MARKETING HERATEGIES a company selling a product or service that includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market are the best option.

صفحه 29:
Brazil © MARKETING MERATEGLESS a company selling a product 0۲ service that 5 advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market are the best option. MARKETING PLAN STATE 1 STATE 83% 2 Stare 3 STATE EEA 4

صفحه 30:
China MARKETING ۳ 9۲۷ 6 ۲ a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market Great tures: Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to some companies associated in marketing Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to some companies associated in marketing Fast Interface: Buying and selling items to 6 6© some companies associated in marketing.

صفحه 31:
Australia Map POPULATI The activities of a company selling a product or service that includes advertising, selling items and delivering 0 products to people POC) i i a a 1 People 7 Ay Ay ay 2 rope ZZ (J 3 People i 1) 4 ۲ ااانا ااانا ‎People‏

صفحه 32:

صفحه 33:
1. Select this layer 2. Go to format 3. Image 4. Replace with your image

صفحه 34:
iMac features ص 1. Select this layer 2. Go to format 3. Image 4. Replace with your image © SUPER FAST © SHOPPING 24 Th: tiv, f ly T t fac

صفحه 35:
1 7 ra tPacd features ANALYSIS: SOCIAL ‏ومع(‎ of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to DC ad 2.66 16 6 Buying and selling a product premium

صفحه 36:
1. Select this layer 2. Go to format 3. Image 4. Replace with your image 5. Right clic and send to back DSS g a Tag 2.60 16 ۵ 0022-0 a RS ‏»هط ما صوه وصه ناه اون و‎

صفحه 37:
© SOCIAL The activities of a company asMBBba with buying and selling a product. WORDPRES The activities of a company associateg with buying and selling a product. MARKETING The activities of a company asMBBtba with buying and selling a product. APP FEATURES LEADERSH TRe activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product. Pad ‏لا‎ ‎HilPactivities of a com y associated with buying and selling a product. 3 ات رن مه ورزر تک ره ۱ with buying and selling a product.

صفحه 38:
App features @ compare APP 1 agtiviéiee of a company associated with buying and selling a product NAEYSPS ‏بش‎ 9 9 or service that includ advertising, selling items and delivering products ial media market to people who work or The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. Great © © 89 6 ‎١‏ كه ‎| ‏0۵ 19 و( 31896 ‎Beare aun ar)‏ ‎ ‏30 ‏م 16 66 ۵9 ‏عوههز سسوا از ععدام86 :4 ‎

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:

صفحه 41:
200 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. 201 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. © © ۱2۱ Yearly 200 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. 201 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. 200 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. 200 Buying and selling a product includes advertising. © ©

صفحه 42:
Data’thart yearly 96 APP The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a produgharseyepghat includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market this activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. ‎a‏ 3ت 3ك تك ‎

صفحه 43:
۱۳27۲ Drive Data Report Phe activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people who work in marketing 10 % © +O ND ‏هد ها‎ UD OD ~O OD 200 201 201 6 0 5 5 ۲31061 5 [3۲70616 mi Target mi Target 1 2 3 4 Data Report the activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people who work in marketing 201 5 m Target 4 6 0 miTarget mm Target m Target 3 201 2 200 1 10 ‎LP‏ هه ف هه ‎UD‏ هد ها هد هب ه

صفحه 44:
۱۷0۱۱۲۲۱۲۰۹۵5 Report all Februar Novemb

صفحه 45:
۱۳27۲ yearly United Canad Australi Chin Brazi States a a a | APP The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a Prod yg ApA EY'S FS that includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people 78 % % who work on social media market this activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising.

صفحه 46:
Sales"Cornpare Increase 76 =e O 0 aa=D 56 GDP 11111 aD GED 9 GD GED GED => GD GED 1st 2nd 3rd Quarter Quarter Quarter 5 46 ۱ = 1st 2nd 3rd Quarter Quarter Quarter 201 4

صفحه 47:
ما 1. Select this layer 2.Go to format 3. Image 4. Replace with your image 5. Right clic and send to back

صفحه 48:

صفحه 49:
Circular 9 relationships Ad Buying and selling a product 5 Document 5 Envelop e lorem service. The activities of a company associated. Marketin 3 and selling a product We Buying and selling a produ lorem service. The activities of lorem’service. The.activities of a company associated. a company associated.

صفحه 50:
Our solutions

صفحه 51:
OUR SERVICES 75 56 90 MARKETI SEO SOCIAL NG ANALYSIS MEDIA People who work in People who work in People who work in marketing marketing marketing

صفحه 52:
۸۵۸0۳۱۱۱۷7 ۶۱۷۶۱۳۲۳۲۶۲۵۲ ۴ 8 YEAR $100 $230 $289 $300 $340 $432 ۱۱۸۸ ۱

صفحه 53:
Media Consumption Targeted 76 g- | 3 7 —E]) ۸ ‏م0‎ 45 ۵ 3 9 "oe

صفحه 54:
THREE MARKETING 0 STRATEGIES Market Analysis a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and audiences. ‎STRATEGY‏ وم ‎A Pople who work in marketing try to get the attention. ‎9 STRATEGY ‎9200۰ who work in marketing try to get the attention. ‎ ‎STRATEGY ‎PBople who work in marketing try to get the attention.

صفحه 55:
FIVE FEATURES OF OUR SLIDES DIGNITI TV activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising. LEADEARSH [Be activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising GETA The activities of a company associated with buying and BUDGET selling a product or service that includes advertising. IMPROVE YOUR PLANNING The activities of a company associated with buying and SKILLS selling a product or service that includes advertising IMPROVE YOUR PLANNING The activities of a company associated with buying and SKILLS selling a product or service that includes advertising.

صفحه 56:
PICTURE Buying 29 selling a product lorem 56۷۰ Ss ۱6۱3 Buying 29 selling a product lorem service. ive’ features شم PICTURE Buying 2 selling a product lorem 56۳۷۰ OUR BS PICTURE Buying 2 selling a product lorem يدت The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a 0۰ ‏انوم ارو‎ includes advertising, selling items and delivering products to people who work on social media market this activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising.

صفحه 57:
1 User 500MB Free E-Mails 1 PC 50 Server Prices'tables examples 1 6۳ 500MB Free E-Mails 1 PC 20 Server 1 User 500MB Free E-Mails 1 PC 10 Server Econom 1 User 500MB Free E-Mails 1 PC 1 Server

صفحه 58:
۳۱۳۱۰۹۰۹۹ 0۰5 8 examples Most Popular $199 499 Ultimate Plan s99 Professional Plan Basic Plan Creation of the Brief 1 1 Complete Design Creation of the Brief Flyer and Brochures Complete Design Logo ID Flyer and Brochures Spot Radio Plus Logo ID Spot TV FT Gam tel gy Creation of the Brief Complete Design Flyer and Brochures Learn More Learn More

صفحه 59:
0 examples ©) vip او ۵ Y) Premium ۵

صفحه 60:
Feature 5 x Vv Features table د لا ‎ff‏ Feature Feature Feature 5 5 5 x x x 4 ‏ی‎ ‎x ‏”و‎ Descriptio n Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5

صفحه 61:

صفحه 62:

صفحه 63:
۳ PICTURE Buying ۳ selling a product lorem ola (eo 60 10 ترس ی ‎Cnr Ts‏ ۱ PICTURE Buying 3 selling a product lorem توت Portfoli PICTURE Buying ‏ورد‎ selling a product lorem lai ee 16 020 29 ۹ PICTURE Buying 0 selling a product lorem service. > ۳۳ PICTURE Buying ari selling a 2. 60 16 Peet a ص 0 ل یت نوت

صفحه 64:
۳ 1. Select this layer ۳۹ OR Clits 3. Image 4. Replace with your image ۳ ۴ ۱۱۱ 861661 .1 لل ل وود .3 ‎your image‏ رت اه .4 1. 861661 ۱۱۱ ۴ Pac ‏فرط‎ ‎2. ‏وود‎ ‎4. Replace with your image 1 marketing CLIENT: MARKETO selling items social media mv work on About Our 3 ects Fast In Buying and

صفحه 65:
DIGNITI ‎is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their‏ ونم رو ‎satisfaction. from selling because selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques ‎LEADEARSH ‎is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their‏ وتو ‎satisfaction. from selling because selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques ‎+ based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their ‎action. from selling because selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques ‎ ‎IMPROVE YOUR PLANNING ‎2 is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their SKILL ‎e selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques ‎oO ‎ ‎satisfaction. from selling beca ‎ ‎40 ‎2 ‎1. Select this layer 2. Go to format 3. 30 0 ‎PROJECT X ‎

صفحه 66:
۱ points @ The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies. @ The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies. @ The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies. @ The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies try to get the attention of target audiences buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people. People who work in marketing departments of companies.

صفحه 67:
۵ وا ‎column‏ Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications. (Approved October 2004) Marketing Dictionary Resource: The Common Language in Marketing website is an ongoing and comprehensive encyclopedia of globally relevant and standardized marketing terms, activities, metrics, and systems. This open-source, curated library of definitions combines the insights of leading marketing academics, industry trade associations, and subject matter experts with input from the broader community. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does

صفحه 68:
Text in orre" column example 2 Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method for collecting information, manages and implements the data collection process, analyzes the results, and communicates the findings and their implications. (Approved October 2004) Marketing Dictionary Resource: The Common Language in Marketing website is an ongoing and comprehensive encyclopedia WE ARE THE BEST MARKETING COMPANY OF THE AMERICA The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service that includes advertising, social media, selling products

صفحه 69:
0 و ‎columns‏ an ongoing and comprehensive encyclopedia of globally relevant and standardized marketing terms, activities, metrics, and systems. This open-source, curated library of definitions combines the insights of leading marketing academics, industry trade associations, and subject matter experts with input from the broader community. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Marketing is based on thinking about the business in terms of customer needs and their satisfaction. Marketing differs from selling because (in the words of Harvard Business School's retired professor of marketing Theodore C. Levitt) "Selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariable does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse and satisfy customer needs." In other words, marketing has less to do with getting customers to pay for your product as it does developing a demand for that product and fulfilling the customer's needs. Marketing research is the function that links the consumer, customer, and public to the marketer through information--information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems; generate, refine, and evaluate marketing actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding of marketing as a process. Marketing research specifies the information required to address these issues, designs the method

صفحه 70:
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صفحه 71:
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صفحه 72:
1 98 8 x] ‏مه‎ 5))} ni +) ۵ 9 خا »© لا چ 8 5 ۶ و ۵ 0۵ ‎Oem]‏ 2 3 ١ 1 5 8 ص بع ا 9 © 6 36 و وه ۳ 09 ل ۳ ۳ حر ۶ لا م 3غ > :( | -]: ۲ - co 2 wpe 65 © 4 م «< © .<< عه إمر ۳-3 v ا @)) | =| ازع a 5 al 5 2 a A x Co a ۱: ۵ [6 ۱۱۱ ۵ 0 ‏ا‎ <i o eon. ¢} fk) il «a - ‏قط‎ | پر 5 0 e ۵ | ۱۵ ۶ :2 1 < © الى ‎ae‏ ی @ *s [+] مه ب؟ 8 ۵

صفحه 73:
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صفحه 74:
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