صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Goer ir,
adipiscing elit.
۳ هلبم
pet.ir, وم
consectetur consectetur consectetur
adipiscing el adipiscing elit. a adipiscing ۸ 7
Nulla Nulla
feugiatbiben feugiatbiben feugiatbiben
صفحه 3:
صفحه 4:
Wowdy Cuerpo.
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The
process developed and employed by workflow is a flexible framework
designed to maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes. Our
approach balances data and research driven decisions with a wealth of
experience to create the most powerful solutions possible.
صفحه 5:
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The process developed and
‘employed by workfiow is a flexible framework designed to maximize time effectiveness and successful
client outcomes. Our approach balances data and research driven decisions with a wealth of experience to
Create the most powerful solutions possible. Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be
treated as such. The process developed and employed by workflow is a flexible framework designed to
maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes. Our approach balances data and research
driven decisions with a wealth of experience to create the most powerful solutions possible
صفحه 6:
چا ات وشوو Quy
بصجی رل
‘Any creative project is intrinsically unique
‘and should be treated as such, The
process developed and employed by
workflow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
‘successful client outcomes. Our approach
balances data and research driven
decisions with a wealth of experience to
Create the most powerful solutions
possible. Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and should be treated
as such,
Ow crews propolis
هی ره
Any creative project is intrinsically unique
‘and should be treated as such, The
process developed and employed by
workfiow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
successful client outcomes. Our approach
balances data and research driven
decisions with a wealth of experience to
create the most powerful solutions,
possible. Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and should be treated
as such,
Any creative project is intrinsically unique
‘and should be treated as such, The
process developed and employed by
workflow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
successful client outcomes. Our approach
balances data and research driven
decisions with a wealth of experience to
create the most powerful solutions,
possible. Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and should be treated
as such,
صفحه 7:
ع ۲7 )ی
% حك جا مسج میسرب
ss وو irked unique urn shod be
ted ark.
‘Our approach balances data and research driven decisions
witha wealth of experience to create the most powerful
solutions possible. Any creative project is intrinsically unique 3
land should be treated as such. The process developed and
‘employed by workfiow isa flexible framework designed to وه
maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes. (eee
‘Our approach balances data and research driven decisions %
witha wealth of experience to create the most powerful
olutions possible. Our approach balances data and research
driven decisions with a wealth of experience to create the OSS 99
most power'ul solutions possible. Any creative project is,
intrinsically unique and should be treated as such
صفحه 8:
ات ۱
Any creative project is intrinsically unique
and should be treated as such. The
process developed and employed by
workflow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
successful client outcomes.
‘Any creative project is intrinsically unique
‘and should be treated as such, The
process developed and employed by
workfiow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
successful client outcomes.
‘Any creative project is intrinsically unique
‘and should be treated as such, The
process developed and employed by
‘workflow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and
successful client outcomes.
صفحه 9:
[+ tare
Grok Decker
‘Any creative project is,
intrinsically unique and
‘should be treated as such
The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such.
‘The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes,
Ow Gervices.
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such.
‘The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such,
The process developed and
employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes,
صفحه 10:
[+ tare
After listening closely to a client's needs, we
Use our knowledge and experience to carefully
craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
amazing product. One that their customers will
enjoy using, time and time again.
QDrixtor & ویو
After listening closely to a client's needs, we
Use our knowledge and experience to carefully
craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
amazing product. One that their customers will
enjoy using, time and time again.
Guest Deaxxpoedt
After listening closely to a client's needs, we
Use our knowledge and experience to carefully
craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
amazing product. One that their customers will
‘enjoy using, time and time again.
Ow Gervices.
After listening closely to a client's needs, we
se our knowledge and experience to carefully
craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that their customers will
enjoy using, time and time again.
Derkerny & Prorat
After listening closely to a clfent's needs, we
Use our knowledge and experience to carefully
Craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that their customers will
enjoy using, time and time again.
]) ۳ Decker
After listening closely to a client's needs, we
Use our knowledge and experience to carefully
Craft a strategy that'll help them deliver an
‘amazing product. One that their customers will
enjoy using, time and time again.
صفحه 11:
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do is
the cost of entry at
Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit.
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do is
the cost of entry at
Swiss, what tends to
get people iced) is Bt
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do is,
the cost of entry at
Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit.
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
‘great at what you do is,
the cost of entry at
Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit.
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do is
the cost of entry at
Swiss, what tends to
‘act people hired is fit
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do is
the cost af entry at
‘Swiss, what tends to
‘get people hired is fit.
صفحه 12:
Oork Tver. coon
rst Ook Third Ors CP Oork سوت و
Everyone that works here has Everyone that warks here has
Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has
a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing
User experiences. Being great User experiences. Being great User experiences. Being great User experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of at what you do is the cost of at what you do Is the cost of at what you do is the cost of
entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to
‘get people hired is fit. ‘get people hired is fit. get people hired is fit. {get people hired is fit.
Gevon Oork )لسع Ors Oork
Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has
a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing
User experiences. Being great User experiences. Being great
Everyone that works here has
a desire to create amazing
User experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of at what you do Is the cost of at what you do is the cost of
entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to ‘entry at Swiss, what tends to
‘get people hired is ft. ‘get people hired is ft.
get people hired is fit.
صفحه 13:
(ey Pevpe.
a etn re
حت ار TEL Ta
Yoo? ملظ Any creative project is intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such.
nd experience
Dew Versey
صفحه 14:
صفحه 15:
صفحه 16:
صفحه 17:
[+ tare
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The
process developed and employed by workflow is a flexible framework designed
to maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes. Our approach
balances data and research driven decisions with a wealth of experience to
create the most powerful solutions possible.
Everyone here
works directly with
our clients, so ifa
Everyone here Leuk
ساعد ای works directly with
relates to the our clients, so if Everyone here
design they'll client has a works directly with
speak to the question that ‘ur clients, sofa Everyone here
designer that relates to the client has @ orks directly wath
worked on it. I's ا ا ‘question that عر ارود اعد جعي
fun, asit should be. عا 6 6اقعمة relates to the ١ وعد عر
سدع سد يعاو مر client has a works directly with
Wespend so much Sesner ns ار و question that ur clients, sofa Everyone here
الال ا م relates tothe tient nas 9 عه th
at we'd bes jesigner that Gesign they'll
ane We spend so much مس ies ‘question that ur clients, so ita
ee atau Hie wes ag اه رسيس 17 speak to the relates to the Glient has @
that we'd best We ل سما سه ا design they'll question that
enjoy i worked on it. t's speak to the relies tate
Joy ts ‘of our life working fun, as it should be. ی bat Ran
that we'd best We spend so much عي 7ج تسا
‘enjoy it of our life working fun, as it should be 3
if In, as it should be. jesigner that
7 that we'd best Worked on it, It
enjoy it.
صفحه 18:
Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has
a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing
user experiences. Being great user experiences. Being great user experiences. Being great user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of at what you do is the cost of ‘at what you do is the cost of at what you do is the cost of
‘entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to
get people hired is fit. get people hired is fit ‘get people hired is fit. get people hired is fit.
Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has Everyone that works here has
a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing a desire to create amazing
user experiences. Being great User experiences. Being great user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of at what you do is the cost of ‘at what you do is the cost of
entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to entry at Swiss, what tends to
‘get people hired is fit. get people hired is fit get people hired is fit.
صفحه 19:
Everyone here works directly with our clients, so ifa client has a
{question that relates to the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it. I's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best enjoy it. Everyone here works directly
with our clients, so if client has a question that relates to the
design they'll speak to the designer that worked on it. It’s fun, as it
should be, We spend so much of our life working that we'd best
] 2 works directly with our clients, so if client has a
question that relates to the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it. It's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best enjoy it. Everyone here works directly
with our clients, so ifa client has a question that relates to the
Gesign they'll speak to the designer that worked ont I's fun, as it
Should be, We spend so much of our life working that we'd best
enjoy it
Everyone here works directly with our clients, so if client has a
question that relates to the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on it's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
life working that we'd best enjoy it. Everyone here works directly
with our clients, so ifa client has a question that relates to the
esign they'll speak to the designer that worked ont. I's fun, as it
should be, We spend So much of our Ife working that we'd best
enjoy it.
Everyone here works directly with our clients, so ia client has @
question that relates to the design they'll speak to the designer
that worked on if. t's fun, as it should be. We spend so much of our
lite working that we'd best enjoy it. Everyone here works directly
with our clients, soifa client has a question that relates to the
esign they'll speak to the designer that worked on it I's fun, asit
should be, We spend so much of our Ife working that we'd best
enjoy it
صفحه 20:
A eee ao ees
Ser ioc
قمة عنولمت برالهعاكماكاما دز ععزمام #متاقعى بإحم
should be treated as such. The pracess developed
ل لس
صفحه 21:
[+ tare
Everyone here works directly with
our clients, so if. client has a 1 لاقع برعم
question that relates to the design 5 6 ناه
they'll speak to the designer that له Sac ioe
etn worked on it. I's fun, as it should be,
تیوه CO eae eect Eveprone fete works
اليج دا ou ler الع ۷ oe
0 00
they'll speak to the designer that وعد
‘worked on it, It’s fun, as it should be.
Dares sane ae) Everyone here works directly with
eect sere our clients, so ifa client has a
‘question that relates to the design عاط 3 وا ۱۵۵6 را که رامع ود
eta they'll speak to the designer that
worked on it. I's fun, as it should be.
Everyone here works directly with
our clients, so if a client has 2
‘question that relates to the design
they'll speak to the designer that
worked on it. I's fun, as It should be,
Everyone here works directly with
our clients, so if client has 2
‘question that relates to the design
they'll speak to the designer that
worked on it. I's fun, as it should be,
صفحه 22:
Ow ‘Hew. 23 ع
Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such.
The process developed and
employed by workflow is 2
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes,
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such.
The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes,
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such,
The process developed and
employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes.
‘Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such,
The process developed and
employed by workflow is a
flexible framework designed
to maximize time
effectiveness and successful
client outcomes.
صفحه 23:
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
‘great at what you do
is the cost of entry at
Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people
hired is ft. When
talented people fit
well together they
produce some pretty
impressive stuff.
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
‘great at what you do
is the cost of entry at
Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people
hired is fit. When
talented people fit
‘well together they
produce some pretty
impressive stuff.
Everyone that works
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do
is the cost of entry at
Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people
hired is fit. When
talented people fit
well together they
produce some pretty
impressive stuf.
Everyone that works
hhere has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do
is the cost of entry at
Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people
hired is fit. When
talented people fit
well together they
produce some pretty
impressive stuff.
Everyone that warks
here has a desire to
create amazing user
experiences. Being
great at what you do
is the cost of entry at
Neue Swiss, what
tends to get people
hired is ft. When
talented people fit
well together they
produce some pretty
impressive stuff
صفحه 24:
[+ tare
O@vwaztay Ideas
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
‘Swiss, what tends to get people hired is ft.
When talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
Always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no "B” teams.
Orilcat Ideas
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is ft.
When talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no "B" teams.
صفحه 25:
۵ موه
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit
When talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no "B” teams.
Gp #9
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit.
When’ talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no ۲۵۳ teams.
Grp HP
6 0
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit.
When’ talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no “B" teams.
Grp #2
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
‘at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit
When talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no “B” teams.
Everyone that works here has a desire to
create amazing user experiences. Being great
at what you do is the cost of entry at Neue
Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit.
When talented people fit well together they
produce some pretty impressive stuff. We
always strive to put the right people with the
right skills on the right projects. There are no
pitch teams, no “B" teams.
صفحه 26:
Everyone that works here has a desire to create
amazing user experiences. Being great at what you
do Is the cost of entry at Swiss, what tends to get
people hired is fit. Everyone that works here has a
desire to create amazing user experiences. Being
great at what you do is the cost of entry at Swiss,
what tends to get people hired is ft.
Ow @rovess.
Everyone that works here has a
desire to create amazing user
experiences. Being great at
what you do is the cost of entry
at Swiss, what tends to get
people higed is ft.
Everyone that works here
has a desire to create
amazing user
“exarencec| Bulng atest Everyone that works here has a desire to
Sc what you dete thecoct create amazing user experiences. Being
of entry at Swiss, what ‘great at what you do is the cost of entry at
tends ge¥ perple hired Swiss, what tends to get people hired is fit. Everyone that works here has a desire
is ft Everyone that works here has a desire to to create amazing user experiences.
create amazing user experiences. Being great at what you do is the cost
of entry at Swiss, what tends to get
people hired is ft.
صفحه 27:
Our approach balances data and research
driven decisions with a wealth of
experience to create the most powerful
solutions possible. Any creative project is,
intrinsically unique and should be treated
as such. The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a flexible
framework designed to maximize time
effectiveness and successful client
outcomes. Our approach balances data
and research driven decisions with a
wealth of experience to create the most
powerful solutions possible. Our approach
balances data and research driven
decisions with a wealth of experience to
create the most powerful solutions
__ possible.
صفحه 28:
[+ tare
Prvect C
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The
process developed and employed by workflow is a flexible framework designed to
‘maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes, Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The process developed and
‘employed by workflow is a flexible framework designed to maximize time
effectiveness and successful client outcomes.
Chart Title
0% Jan Feb Mar Apr May” jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
mSeries 1 mSeries 2
) ص89 Ours.
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such. The process
developed and employed by workflow Is a
flexible framework designed to maximize time
effectiveness and successful client outcomes,
Chart Title
iPhone = فده
صفحه 29:
Pe Oke. 23 ع
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated as such. The
process developed and employed by workflow is a flexible framework designed to
maximize time effectiveness and successful client outcomes. Our approach balances
data and research driven decisions with a wealth of experience to create the most
powerful solutions possible.
06 99 99
% % 9
ee ee 68
% % %
Ow Oorketag Ow Gres Ow ProPa
‘Any creative project is ‘Any creative project is Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and intrinsically unique and intrinsically unique and
should be treated as such. should be treated as such. should be treated as such.
The process developed and The process developed and The process developed and
employed by workfiow is a ‘employed by workflow is a employed by workfiow is a
flexible framework designed flexible framework designed flexible framework designed
to maximize time to maximize time to maximize time
effectiveness and successful ‘effectiveness and successful ‘effectiveness and successful
client outcomes. client outcomes. Client outcomes,
صفحه 30:
Orns Ou. 2
‘There's something about traveling,
don't you think? It has this way of
changing you. Maybe it’s that it
takes you out of your comfort zone,
or that everything you see and
experience is new and exciting,
Votd Tweet Poo 1
There's something about traveling,
don't you think? It has this way of
‘changing you. Maybe it's that it
takes you out of your comfort zone,
or that everything you see and
experience is new and exciting,
Potd Product Grit
2? ODO
‘There's something about traveling,
don't you think? It has this way of
‘changing you. Maybe it’s that it
takes you out of your comfort zone,
or that everything you see and
experience is new and exciting,
Totd Pacebook Pos
م0 26
There's something about traveling,
don't you think? It has this way of
‘changing you. Maybe it's that it
takes you out of your comfort zone,
cr that everything you see and
experience is new and exciting,
صفحه 31:
Orns Ou. 2
any ee project is ۱ Any creative project is
‘ intrinsically unique and ‘ intrinsically unique and é
should be treated 25 should be treated as
ودام such. The process او such. The process لو
Any creative project is developed and Any creative project is developed and Any creative project is
intrinsically unique and employed by workflow intrinsically unique and employed by workflow intrinsically unique and
should be treated 2s isa flexible framework should be treated es isa flexible framework should be treated as
Such. The process designed to maximize uch. The process designed to maximize uch. The process
developed and time effectiveness and developed and time effectiveness and developed and
employed by workflow successful cent employed by workflow successful client, employed by workffow
isa fenble rmework outcomes. isa flexible framework outcomes. isa exible ramework
designed to maximize designed to maximize designed to maximize
time effectiveness and time effectiveness and time effectiveness and
successful cent, successful cent successful cent,
outcomes. outcomes. outcomes.
صفحه 32:
ee ۰) حصل)
,20% 20%
This is the touchstone for ‘This is the touchstone for
everything we do. Clarity of everything we do. Clarity of
design and simplicity of use design and simplicity of use
produce the ideal combination _produce the ideal combination
ff form and function that we ff form and function that we
specialise in - our websites specialise in - our websites
simply work better all round. simply work better all round.
6096 0
Ovwpay Gkore
This is the touchstone for This is the touchstone for
everything we do. Clarity of everything we do. Clarity of
design and simplicity of use design and simplicity of use
produce the ideal combination _produce the ideal combination
ff form and function that we of form and function that we
specialise in - our websites specialise in - our websites
simply work better all round. simply work better all round.
صفحه 33:
مرچ EF ۰) عصرل۰()
Any creative project is intrinsically unique and should be treated
as Such. The process developed and employed by workflow is 2
flexible framework designed to maximize time effectiveness and
‘successful client outcomes. Our approach balances data and
research driven decisions with a wealth of experience to create
the most powerful solutions possible.
۳ ۲ ۳۳ (۶ 0" Proect.
95 This is the touchstone for This is the touchstone for
everything we do. Clarity of everything we do. Clarity of
0 design and simplicity of use design and simplicity of use
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 produce the ideal combination produce the ideal combination
ay oe a ory fof form and function that we of form and function that we
specialise in - our websites ‘specialise in - our websites
۳9 simply work better all round. simply work better all round,
صفحه 34:
100 100 100 100
90 90 90 90
a0 80 a0 80
70 70 70 70
60 60 60 60
50 50 50 50
40 40 40 40.
30 30 30 30
20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10
of ot ot ot
2010 2010 2010 2010
De (Propet. ۲ 0» سسسب 6 ۳ رسب ۳ 6۳ Propet.
Vivamus pptirlacus vel augue Vivamus pptirlacus vel augue Vivamus ppt irlacus vel augue Vivamus pptirlacus vel augue
laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor
auctor. Cum sociis natoque auctor. Cum socils natoque auctor. Cum sociis natoque auctor, Cum sociis natoque
penatibus et magnis dis, penatibus et magnis dis penatibus et magnis dis penatibus et magnis dis,
parturient montes. arturient montes. parturient montes. parturient montes.
صفحه 35:
Oxnbbse Pier. EF mre
Chart Title
50 bot Prot
ppt.ir, consectetur
a0 adipiscing elit. Nulla
feugiatbibendum portitor.
70 Aenean consectetur
dignissim sapien, ut
0 imperdiet urna tristique vel.
۷ ۱
eee ا Gian
40 Curae; Etiam mi ppt.ir, luctus
vitae vestibulum feugia
Vestibulum ante ppt irprimis
7 in faucibus orci luctus et
utricesposuere cubilia
ac Curae; Etiam mi ppt.ir, luctus
vitae vestibulum feugia.
2020 2011 2012 2013
Axis Title
صفحه 36:
Yewb Prot. EF err
Total Connected Devices
Total Connected Devices
Mobile Connected Devices
Mobile Connected Devices
صفحه 37:
Oprbuide 27 ع
d oO Visited ee
صفحه 38:
eas بپوو]»
66 Bark pr’s abilities go far beyond 66 Bark R's abilities go far beyond
creating effective copy. They are creating effective copy. They are
masters of generating buzz 9 masters of generating buzz 9
worthy content.” worthy content.”
ooo oon
بهههههه مه
66 Bark pR’s abilities go far beyond
creating effective copy. They are
masters of generating buzz 4
worthy content.”
Deke و
صفحه 39:
صفحه 40:
صفحه 41:
(nar, ak
ees ا مقعمعم 0116م
ae 00 همعن 164قرع ممم
اب لاع
صفحه 42:
صفحه 43: