قالب پاورپوینت آبرنگ

قالب پاورپوینت حرفه ای آبرنگ 47 اسلاید کاملا حرفه ای همراه با طراحی جذاب و مدرن مناسب فعالیت های تجاری و شرکتی و پایان نامه و دانشگاه نسبت تصویری ۱۶:۹


صفحه 1:
Winter | 1 Watercolor 7 ‏لعا اي‎ Here is where your preseniction begins

صفحه 2:
Contents of This Template Here's what you'll find in this Slidesgo template: 1. Aside structure based on a marketing campaign, which you ca asily adapt to your ‏أ‎ ‎needs. For more info on how to edit the template, please visit Slidesgo School or 4 read our FAQs, 2. An assortment of pictures that are suitable for use in the presentation can be found in the alternative resources slide. 3. Athanks slide, which you must keep so that proper credits for our design are given. 4. Aresources slide, where you'll find links to all the elements used in the template. 5. Instructions for use. 6. Final slides with: 7. The fonts and colors used in the template. 8 Aselection of illustrations. You can also customize and animate them as you wish with the online editor. Visit Storyset to find more. 9. More infographic resources, whose size and color can be edited 10. Sets of customizable icons of the following themes: general, business, avatar, creative process, education, help & support, medical, nature, performing arts, SEO & marketing, and teamwork. You can delete this slide when you're done editing the presentation.

صفحه 3:
Table of Contents 01 02 About Us Marketing Here you could HABaly sisia H describe the topic describe the topic describe the topic 04 05 06 Content Plan Budget KPI Overview Here you could Here you could Here you could describe the topic describe the topic describe the topic

صفحه 4:
۱/7 Ee eave)

صفحه 5:
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar System—it's only abit 00١ larger than the Moon. The planet's name has ۱ nothing to do with the liquid metal

صفحه 6:
About the Pr Features of the Product ™@ You can write about the product here . You can write about the product here @ You can write about the product here

صفحه 7:
Our Goals Nan ‏كصب‎ Venus 7 ‏كد‎ © Venus is the second planet from planet from the 3 plane Sun Jupiter Mercu: It’s the biggest Mercury is the ~ planet in the Solar closest stem planet to the Sun

صفحه 8:
Neptune Neptune is very far away from Earth Jupiter It’s the biggest planet in the Solar System ’ s* Core Values Mars Despite being red, Mars is a cold place Saturn Saturn is the ringed one and a gas giant Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun Mercury It’s the smallest one in the Solar system

صفحه 9:

صفحه 10:
۱ . Anat Sets Us Apart? Neptune 6 وا معا ‎farthest‏ ‏ر ۱ ‎ety‏ ‏-0۲۵ ۱0۵ 200 Mercury هت( اهوم هنك عط ما غعمقام اس کیت سل

صفحه 11:
Market Share 50% a Mercury is the smallest planet 30% Neptune is the farthest planet Mars dual = ‘To modify this graph, click on it, follow the link, change the data and paste the new graph here

صفحه 12:
A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words

صفحه 13:
Competitor Analysis Weaknesses Here you can list your competitor's weaknesses Here you can list your competitor's weaknesses Here you can list your competitor's weaknesses Here you can list your competitor's weaknesses ‏بت‎ ‎۰ “a Strengths Here you can list your competitor's strengths Here you can list your competitor's strengths Here you can list your competitor's strengths Here you can list your competitor's strengths

صفحه 14:
: Core Customer Audiences Gender Age » وا 25-25 0 :3645 60 46.5 Interests

صفحه 15:
Market Segmentation OO 9 30% Despite being red, Mars is a cold place 50% Venus is the second planet from the Sun 20% Saturn Satum is a gas giant and has several rings

صفحه 16:
Strategy » Dayl Day 3 Mercury is the Venus is the closest planet to second planet the Sun from the Sun Day 2 Day 4 It’s the biggest Saturn is the planet in the ringed one and a Solar System gas giant

صفحه 17:

صفحه 18:
Product Description Mercury is the ——_—+ Jupiter is the smallest planet biggest planet Venus has a beautiful name Neptune is the farthest planet

صفحه 19:
Basic Pro a) درا ارت تیا ات۱93 قت هک رو 6 00 6 ۲0۶۱ اعصهام 6 0 اعصدام ‎Sun‏ لیات

صفحه 20:
Distribution Channels Consumer Wholesaler نا تس ره

صفحه 21:
Mobile App Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun Promotion Multimedia Press Mercury is the Venus has a closest planet to beautiful name, the Sun but it’s hot

صفحه 22:
فش 2 0 Is the total budget for the campaign )

صفحه 23:
Television ۲۲ 1 Description Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the smallest one in the Solar system Budget Goals Here you can list your goals Here you can list your goals |. Here you can list your goals

صفحه 24:
Advertising Campaign 2 Lill stor Tas} Description 1۱۵۲۵۵۷ en aloe ‏ما 0۵1هام‎ ۱۵۵ 5۱ 6 558/165 ‏فک‎ Budget $50,000 Goals ؟ناملا غ5ذا مقع ناملا متعلم عادهو ی یز 1

صفحه 25:
“This is a quote, words full of wisdom that someone important said and can make the reader agtinsRiged.”

صفحه 26:
PR Outreach a Goals Conversion ~ 15 ‏أوعدماء عط‎ 5 i ‏ناک ۱۳۵ وا )مهام‎ 50% ‏کت ات ت۱۱‎ 0 5 Media Channels

صفحه 27:
Saturn $3,000 $600 $800 $4,400 Budget Allocation Mars $1,300 $100 $700 $2,100 Mercury Venus $400 $200 $2,500 $3,100 $3,100 $600 $800 $4,500 Jupiter $2,000 $3,400 $1,700 $7,100

صفحه 28:
Predicted Reach “340,000 Interactions 20,000 New Followers 1,000,000 Mentions

صفحه 29:
Timeline Mercury is the Neptune isthe Jupiter isthe Venus has a smallest planet farthest planet biggest planet beautiful name

صفحه 30:
۱۵۱۱۱۴۵۵۵۵ Content § You can replace the image on the screen with your own work. Just right-click and select “Replace image”

صفحه 31:
Our Team Helena James Donna Doe You can replace the You can replace the image with your image with your own own

صفحه 32:
Do you have any questions? youremail@freepik.com +91 0000000 yourcompany.com © © © CREDITS: This presentation created by Slidesgo, includ Flaticon, and infogr: Freepi Please keep this slide for attribution

صفحه 33:
8 1 5 . Alternative Resources ™@ Rocks over the lake wi ™@ Beam of light in the st th mountains in winter arry night sky ™@ Shooting stars seen n 18 House on snow with a ear a flashlight held b urora boreal y man Christmas tree with sn ™ Rocky mountains and ow and aurora boreal starry night sky 3 ‎wey in a beautif‏ كات لا ‎ul crystal clean sky‏ ‎ ‎

صفحه 34:
‎on‏ 5 2 هه ‎Resources ‎Did you like the resources PHOTO: on this template? Get @ Cloudy starry night wit them for free at our other h evergreen trees websites I Close-up view of tiny s ‎nowman on snow VECTOI ™@ Close-up view of hous ™@ Watercolor backgroun ‏الس يسم‎ ‏ما عم هد ها دح‎ ‘ow and aurora boreali ‎2 ‎18 Two women standing i n winter forest ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 35:

صفحه 36:
ات وین تشر 9505©

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صفحه 39:
Perio 0 ‏كك احج ددم‎

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صفحه 41:
ده و ی ‎eo es‏ ‎Go‏ لو 2 ها 8 و۶ 0 م © صم ا 0 0 و سای و مه 8 55 20 و و وت | ‎Re 00‏ © © 1

صفحه 42:
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صفحه 43:
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صفحه 44:
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صفحه 45:
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صفحه 46:
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صفحه 47:
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