صفحه 1:
صفحه 2:
Instructions for use
Click on the button Under the Click on the button Under the
presentation preview that says"Use presentation preview that says
as Google Slides Theme" "Download as PowerPoint template", You
You will get a copy of this document will get a .pptx file that you can edit in
on your Google Drive and will be شتا
able to edit, add or delete slides Remember to download and install the
fonts used in this presentation (you'll
find the links to the font files needed in
the Presentation design slide)
You have to be signed in to your
Google account.
صفحه 3:
lam here because |
love to give
صفحه 4:
lam here because |
love to give
صفحه 5:
Let’s start with the first set of
صفحه 6:
Quotations are commonly
printed as a means of
inspiration and to invoke
philosophical thoughts from
the reader.
صفحه 7:
This is a slide title
» Here you have a list of items
>» And some text
< But remember not to overload your
slides with content
Your audience will listen to you or read
the content, but won’t do both.
صفحه 8:
Bring the attention of your audience
over a key concept using icons or
صفحه 9:
You can also split your content
White Black
Is the color of milk Is the color of coal,
and fresh snow, the ebony, and of outer
color produced by space. It is the
the combination of darkest color, the
all the colors of the result of the
visible spectrum. absence of or
complete absorption
OL اس
صفحه 10:
In two or three columns
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of Is the colour of Is the color of
gold, butter and the clear sky and ۰ blood, and
ripe lemons. In the deep sea. It because of this it
the spectrum of is located has historically
visible light, between violet been associated
yellow is found and green onthe with sacrifice,
between green optical spectrum. danger and
and orange. courage.
صفحه 11:
A picture is worth a thousand words
A complex idea can be
conveyed With just a
single stillimage, namely
making it Possible to
205070 3 of
data quickly.
صفحه 12:
Want big impact? USE BIG IMAGE خم
Whoa! That’s a big number,
aren’t you proud?
صفحه 13:
١ Use charts to explain your ideas
صفحه 14:
And tables to compare data
A B ع
Yellow 10 20 7
Blue 30 15 10
Orange 5 24 16
صفحه 15:
ber, aren’t you
صفحه 16:
185,244 users
Total success!
صفحه 17:
A picture is worth a thousand words
A complex idea can be
conveyed With just a
single stillimage, namely
making it Possible to
205070 3 of
data quickly.
صفحه 18:
r process is easy
صفحه 19:
Let’s review some concepts
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter _—Is the colour of the clear sky _Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. Itis because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and _ historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum, courage,
Yellow Blue Red
Is the color of gold, butter _—_Is the colour of the clear sky _Is the color of blood, and
and ripe lemons. In the and the deep sea. itis because of this it has
spectrum of visible light, located between violet and _ historically been associated
yellow is found between green on the optical with sacrifice, danger and
green and orange. spectrum, courage,
صفحه 20:
he Qed
“eb ook of tr ca hyd fare he of Heed been of
cheep eect Vir bet پا میا ir Bar ery bw cock
موه امور مما وج جور لوج tak seer, cheng موم لس
oe coer of Her, been of wes
betee beter س nore! Siete eke oP bere eed bere et
| Bee, dome oo are, دمج ع ريصمو دجوي سيلو بجر
| Pe, deanp ed coro
صفحه 21:
5م ییات
صفحه 22:
Show and explain
your web, app or
software projects
using these gadget
صفحه 23:
Show and explain
your web, app or
software projects
using these gadget
صفحه 24:
ie tke okor of op, baer ode he colour oP te clear رو
pe wou. la fe حك ممعم oud ker deep ova. tis booed
veble ifs, petow Poverd اسان منیا ore green oa fe
اجه و ما rane وه لو
صفحه 25:
Show and explain
your web, app or
software projects
using these gadget
صفحه 26:
Show and explain
your web, app or
software projects
using these gadget
صفحه 27:
Ss to explain your ideas
صفحه 28:
صفحه 29:
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صفحه 30:
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