زمین‌شناسی و مهندسی معدنصنایع پتروشیمی و نفتعلوم پایه

مخازن شکافدار مدلسازی شبکه شکاف گسسته discrete fracture network

تعداد اسلايدهاي پاورپوينت: 27 اسلايد این ارائه درباره روند مدلسازی مخازن شکافدار به روش شبکه شکاف گسسته است


صفحه 1:
Investigation of the modeling of ee, fractured reservoirs by DFN method Class Seminar: fractured reservoir Supervisor : Dr.Miri student: Sevda Saedi Email: sevdasaedi@ut.ac.ir spring 1398

صفحه 2:
Table oT Content

صفحه 3:
Carbonate reservo oil 60% gas 40% ۳ Oil shale Asia Pacific (405 Proved oil reserves' | ۳ ۰ North America 0 9 Oil in carbonates? BS South and Contral America 703.5 ۲ ‏سس‎ Gas shale Arica 72 Doop carbonates Europe and Eurasia (IR 7444 ‏عمد شير‎ 099999 7 Bh ‏ماعط‎ oi province Thousand million barrels ervoir distribution 3

صفحه 4:
What is fracture? Necessity for Modeling Natural Fractures? Necessity for Discrete Fracture Net Models?

صفحه 5:
acterizatio Fracture Characteristics: Location, Orientation and Size Fracture Aperture Fracture Density Fracture Permeability, Connectivity and Porosi

صفحه 6:
3 (41) Fracture ۲ 7 x plane ۱ Azimuth Horizontal xy plane Fracture strike mis thickness :Aperture Fig 2: 3D fracture[4)_ | Coordinates of center: x, y, Z Orientation: Dip and Azimuth radius :Rad 6

صفحه 7:
L Fig 4: fracture plane Fig 3: fracture[14] morphology [14]

صفحه 8:
x.) (Rad,)° FracDen = ——__—_ Model Volume

صفحه 9:
rte Fig 5: 3D fracture[31]

صفحه 10:
» Seismology >» Outcrop Analysis » Conventional Logging Measurements » Core Descriptions » Drilling Data < Flow and Pressure Tests > Production Data

صفحه 11:
Fig 6: Showing 3 faults in seismic mapF4g 7 : Outcrop of joints in the limb of a non-cylindrical fold in Lavernock Point[4] 11

صفحه 12:
0 SS Fie. | = = ‏آا‎ 7 Gig 2-2 6 8 ‏مهو‎ ‎Se = — ۱۱0۵:۱144 ‏ات‎ 2227.0 | | = ‎[me‏ = و < 3ك ا ا ايب عد 2323.0 || 1 : oe fi 8۱ ۱2/۹ 1 |. 10: 72/189, 2aat.0 ندا 2002.0 10:75/378 م0 | ات( ‎A‏ ‏۱۱5 ۴ موه ]| Fig 8: Core samples in well Fig 9: FMS fracture A, Palm Valley NFR: open interpretation in well E, Palm fractures of high dip and Valley NFR[4] large aperture. 12

صفحه 13:
Table 1: data sources as tools for fracture detection: scales, response characteris Data sources Fracture parameters Scale/coverage of investigation Orientation Regional Fracture size Fracture density Fracture perm and connectivity Orientation Local and Regional Fracture size Fracture density Fracture perm and connectivity ‏الیل يت نانفا‎ Orientation Wellbore Fracture size Fracture porosity Fracture perm and connectivity Orientation Wellbore Fracture size Fracture density Fracture perm and connectivity 13

صفحه 14:
2 analysi

صفحه 15:
Statistical analysis “* Fracture Orientation probability distribution function : normal - uniform - von Mises- circular * Fracture Size Multifractal Geometry

صفحه 16:
Statistical analysis ** Fracture Orientation Fig 10: Orientation data Fig 11: Left: one fracture set, available a section of well F, right two fracture set[28] 46 Palm Vallev NFRI41

صفحه 17:
N(I) = Slope=D ‎Log Mi)‏ سس ‏1020 سس ‎Fig 13: logarithmic plots for ‎estimation of fractal 11 ‎ ‎Statistical analysis * Fracture Size Multifractal Geometry ‎ ‎quare boxes of side ‎length 7 ‎Fig 12:Box-counting method for a natural fracture ‎

صفحه 18:
Spatial analyses using geostatistics ** Fracture location distribution * poisson distribution ٠ parent-daughter model ** Geostatistical analyses semivariogram - variogram - Kriging ** Fracture density distribution ANN- fuzzy logic

صفحه 19:
19 ۱ data Field-scaled data: ۰ Conventional well logs + Seismics + Wellbore images ۰ 5 * Core descriptions * Other geological © Drilling data surveys ٠ Well production and Pressure tests Fracture Characterization Intermediate data of fracture properties: Location, orientation, size, density, porosity, permeability and connectivity Data Analyses Data Integration and behaviours Fig 14: Procedure for the NFR characterization - from raw data to statistics and behaviors of the DFN.[4]

صفحه 20:
Discrete fracture model: ** simulate individual fracture properties * predict fluid flow behavior from knowledge of fracture geometry and conductivity ** deterministic - stochastic - integrated

صفحه 21:
Wellbore data * Conventional well logs + Wellbore images: FMS, BHIV. « — Core descriptions + Drilling data * Well production and Pressure tests Characterization Field-scaled data + Seismics + Outcrops * Other geological surveys Yo yy Fig.15: Overall methodology for NFR characterisation and modelling[4] Final Discrete Fracture Network Statistical Fuzzy Neural Analyses Spat Anis Network Analyses [ ۱ ۱ Fractal Nested Stochastic Fracture network's target Simulation properties to be matched ‏ل كك‎ 1 Initial Discrete Fracture Conditional Global Network ۶ | optimization Simulation

صفحه 22:
Fig 18: Major faults in Palm Valley NFR a

صفحه 23:
1 Application of fracture network model with crack permeability tensor on flow and transport in fractured rock )Jian-Bang Pan, Chen- Chang Lee, Cheng-Haw Lee x, Hsin-Fu Yeh, Hung-! Lin( 2- D fracture modeling integrating geomechanics and geologic data.)Laetitia Mace) 3-Discrete fracture network approach for studying contamination in fractured rock)Beth L. Parker, John A. Cherry and Steven W. Chapman(. 4- Characterisation and modeling of naturally fractured reservoirs)Nam Hong Tran( -5 Discrete fracture network modeling for a carbonate reservoir)Adlet S. Jambayev( 6- Permeability tensor for discontinuous rock masses)M. Oda)

صفحه 24:
8- Nested geological modelling Of naturally fractured reservoirs. )Cacas, M.C., Daniel, J.M( 9- Integrated fractured reservoir characterisation using neural networks and fuzzy logic)Zellou, M( -10Generation of a realistic discrete fracture network model using deterministic Input data derived from 3D multicomponent seismic amplitude data)Simon Emsley*, Shihong Chi, Jim Hallin ( 11-deterministic versus stochastic discrete fracture network(DFN) modellingTapplication in a heterogeneous naturally fractured reservoir 12-Potential utilizations of 3D printed Fracture network model(Anna Suzukil,2, Kewen, Li) 13-Three dimensional modeling of fractures in rock (Kevin Hestir, Jean- Paul Chiles,| Jane Long) -14Fractured porous media(Pierre M.Adler,Jean-Franc)

صفحه 25:
15- Modelling Fracture Flow With A Stochastic Discrete Fracture Network(Cacas et al. (1990)) 16- Geometry and topology of fracture) Huseby, O., Thovert, J.-F., and Adler, P.M.(1997) ( -17numerical and stochastic models of flow in 3D discrete fracture networks(J-R. de Dreuzy 1, J. Erhel 2) 18-Flow simulation in three dimentinal discrete fracture network(Jocelyne Erhel) 19-http://www.statisticshowto.com/unimodal-distribution-2/ ‏تحلیل فضایی گردشگری با استفاده از مدلهای ترکیبی در محیط )سید یاسر‎ -20 ‏حكيم دوست(‎ 21 httosilal : 0

صفحه 26:
۲ - مشخصات نویسندگان مقاله تخمین تخلخل موثر و تراوایی به روش منطق فازی در مخزن آسماری.یکی از میادین نفتی خلیج فارس)مریم ارغا( 23- Finite element generation of arbitrary 3-D fracture networks for flown analysis in complicated discrete fracture networks(Qi-Hua Zhang ) 24-A three dimensional stochastic fracture network model for geothermal reservoir (Xiaonan Wang, Ahmad Ghassemi) 25-Deterministic versus stochastic discrete fracture network moelling application in heterogeneous NFR(Meyssam tavakkoli) 26-Three dimentional modeling of fractures in rock(Kevin Hestir, Jean-Paul Chiles,| Jane Long, and Daniel Billaux2) -27 Flow and transport in porous media and fractured rock) Muhammad Sahimi( 28- Microseismicity-constrained discrete fracture network models for stimulated reservoir simulation (Sherilyn Williams-Stroud1, Chet Ozgen2) 29- Fracture network modeling of Hijiori hot dry rock reservoir by deterministic and stochastic crack network simulator(D/SC) ( Kazuhiko Tezukal and Kimio Watanabe2) 30- Fractal and geostatistical methods for modeling of a fractur

صفحه 27:
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