سایرتحقیق و پژوهش

مدیریت و ارزیابی ریسک (ایمنی و بهداشت حرفه ای) HSE

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 63 اسلاید پاورپینت عالی در خصوص مدیریت و ارزیابی ریسک های ایمنی، بهداشت حرفه ای و HSE. با استفاده از منابع رفرانس


صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Webinar headings and content “Introduction “Key concepts and basic definitions “Risk management process * Risk assessment with Bow tie method

صفحه 3:
داد Framawnrle لله 5۸۳2۳۷ ۱/۹ ccs | ==)

صفحه 4:
Safety risk management the identification, analysis and elimination (and/or mitigation to an acceptable or tolerable level) of the hazards, as well as the subsequent risks, that threaten the viability of an organization. (ICAO Doc. 9859)

صفحه 5:
Safety risk management Safety risk management is a generic term that encompasses the assessment and mitigation of the safety risks of the consequences of hazards that threaten the capabilities of an organization, to a level as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

صفحه 6:
ALARP Concept The ALARP principle is that the residual risk shal! be reduced as far as reasonably practicable. In UK and NZ: SFAIRP (So Far As Is Reasonably Practicable). Risk cost benefit. Risk evaluation. * The ALARP principle is that the residual risk shall be as low as reasonably practicable. > Cost may be inefficient. ALARP CostBeneft * Aleve of isk that is toleeble and cannot be reduced further without the expenditure of ‘costs that are disproportionate ta the benefit gained or where the solution fs impractical to implement | ntoterabi Siem Must be avoided or P region reduced; lag Risk reduction cost Lae may be taken into of account. Beyond a ۳ certain point J Reasonably investment in RR 2 practicable | root

صفحه 7:
sk Management Process Dc Scope, context, criteria ys Risk assessment | __ Risk identification Risk analysis ۱ ۱ Risk evaluation 2 2 3 03 2 £ و و = YA Recording & reporting 2 Uo!e3nsuod »g UO!JeZIUNWLIOD Risk treatment

صفحه 8:
Risk Management Principles Every system is inherently safety vulnerable

صفحه 9:
PERUMIN Reputation Benefits a Assets #7 t 1 Costs Environment Risk Analysis Risks Evaluation

صفحه 10:
BSL Se BENE VY ‏اتن‎ RISK A hazard is actually a source of risk The definition of a risk from a safety perspective is that a risk is equal to the hazard times the exposure. Here’s an example: working at heights is a hazard, but that’s not the risk. There are a couple of risks that come from that hazard working at heights. First and foremost, a worker can fall from heights and you can actually determine what controls you have in place, and the effectiveness of those controls when determining the likelihood of the risk occurring. ‘We could have a second risk from that which is that a worker drops equipment or tools ight.

صفحه 11:
Hazard Risk a Something that can potentially cause harm 2 oS All Heaters are a A fire could occur if = hazard + exposure fire ite hazard! eT Saale ‏با‎ ‎heater! HELP ey ‏-عقت‎ => 1. Physical Hazards 1 From Noise 4 —@ wm fe > <a From Light ‏گر کی‎ KEEP CLEAR AT ALL TIMES! ۳

صفحه 12:
HAZARD Triangle Hazard Triangle ‎Hazard‏ م۵ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۵ و اه و و و و و و و و و ام ۰ ‎Initiating ‎Mechanism ‎٠ ‎. ‎۰ Hazardous ‏لا‎ ‎۰ Element ‏ل‎ ‎۰ ‎٠ ‎٠ Target / Threat ۰ ‏۰ ‏و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و و ون

صفحه 13:
Hazard Triangle ۰ e ۰ ۰ ° ۰ 9 ۰ ‏ی‎ 05 a 8 Exposure with a 7 High electrical a ۳ voltage Panel ۰ ۰ ۰ . : ۰ ۰ eo 59 03 7 ۰ ۰ ۰ اخ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ ۰ و و و و و و و

صفحه 14:
The relationship between HAZARD and mishap (RISK) Hazard-mishap relationship State Transition Elements “After” State Actual Consequences “Before” State Potential Conditions - Hazard Components - Risk Factors

صفحه 15:
Sa ‏سر‎ 7 J] Actuation 5 —~ “——~ ‏بحسم‎ ‎Timing ‎۲ HE IM1 TT ۱

صفحه 16:
Incident & Event If an incident occurs, it means that something is already wrong. An event is a slight change in the state of the system. If an event occurs, it is an indication of a possible system failure occurring in the future.

صفحه 17:
Event The occurrence of a set special circumstances (API ST)

صفحه 18:
Incident 2 ee)

صفحه 19:

صفحه 20:
اس Electricity ‏م‎ ‎3 : gallopi entering the ng ۱ J —~ network ‏ذل‎ ۷ insulatio 2 057 320100

صفحه 21:
‘Lost Time Iniuries' 30 Minor Injuries 600 Near Misses Near Miss Incidents

صفحه 22:
Risk Assessment » The risk assessment process, given the adequacy of any Risk assessment acceptable? سوم و موه کل

صفحه 23:
همع * Hazard & Risk identification Risk Assessment “Risk analysis * Risk evaluation

صفحه 24:
Hazard Identification Hazard identification focuses on conditions or objects that could cause or contribute to the unsafe operation OR safety-related equipment, products and services. A hazard may involve any situation or condition that has the potential to cause adverse consequences. The scope for hazards in PDC is wide.

صفحه 25:
‎e‏ 3 . بوجي ‎Hazard identification and prioritization ‎Hazards exist at all levels in the organization and are detectable ‎through many sources including reporting systems, inspections, ‎audits, brainstorming sessions and expert judgement.

صفحه 26:
The following should be considered when identifying hazards » system description » design factors, including equipment and task design; human performance limitations (e.g. physiological, psychological, physical and cognitive); procedures and operating practices, including documentation and checklists.

صفحه 27:
The following should be considered when identifying hazards > organizational factors, such as those related to the recruitment, training and retention of personnel, compatibility of production and safety goals, allocation of resources, operating pressures and corporate safety culture;

صفحه 28:
سوك ‎The following should be considered when‏ ‎identifying hazards‏ » actors related to the operational environment (e.g. weather, ambient noise and vibration, temperature and lighting);

صفحه 29:

صفحه 30:
Hazard Propagation Potential Hazard | Unsafe ١ . Event | outcome

صفحه 31:
Unsafe Potential Hazard | Event outcome ات

صفحه 32:
Some Hazard Identification and Analysis Tools > Observation and reporting Anyone working at company or using company facilities should be able to report hazards that they see. The process can be more effective when company staff has received training on how to identify and report hazards, a_system or tool is available for reporting, li

صفحه 33:
Some Hazard Identification and Analysis Tools » Daily Inspection Daily inspections are effective in identifying safety hazards. The procedure can be more effective if inspectors have received training to identify types of hazards.

صفحه 34:
Some Hazard Identification and Analysis Tools » Functional brainstorming It consists of gathering a group of people to discuss the issue and identify hazards. A facilitator will make the process more effective.

صفحه 35:
@) Some Hazard Identification and Analysis Tools » Accident and incident investigation A thorough investigation can discover the causes and contributing factors, particularly those hazards that are not obvious (for example deficient training), and investigation reports can communicate the identified hazards to company decision makers for SRM action.

صفحه 36:
Some Hazard Identification and Analysis Tools > Audits Safety and SMS audits are effective tools to identify hazards that are not obvious. Hidden hazards can include outdated training, organizational issues, deficient operational processes and procedures.

صفحه 37:
Risk analysis 1. Determining sources & causes FTA ETA * Bow tie

صفحه 38:

صفحه 39:
Bow tie »Risk management using the bow tie method is one of the most effective graphic methods in which the relationship of all factors related to the risk process is shown.

صفحه 40:
A visual representation of: What can cause an What events could Important Event? result? And barriers needed to control

صفحه 41:
First developed in late 1970s Royal Dutch/Shell first organisation to make full use of technique Now widely used in high-hazard sectors

صفحه 42:
A PERUMIN 1 CONVENCION ‏لعا‎ لا وم مستتمعم Prevent Barriers anagemertt| 1 HAZARD Hydrocarbon inventory in plant and storage facilities

صفحه 43:
HAZARD a REALIZATION Hydrocarbon inventory in plant and storage facilities

صفحه 44:

صفحه 45:
a Working at height Critical Safety Tasks

صفحه 46:
Bow Tie Steps هم

صفحه 47:
EES ۸ Working at height 1- Define the Hazard and the Top Event which is the initial consequence “What happens when the hazard is" released

صفحه 48:
31 CONENCION INERA Working at height 2- Identify the Threats which are the Top Event causes “What causes the release of danger? Critical Safety Tasks

صفحه 49:
3 0۵۸ Working atheight | | 3. Identify the consequences 8 Critical Safety Tasks

صفحه 50:
۱ eta Working at height 4- Identify the existing Protection Barriers each Threat سلمان ترابى كودرزى

صفحه 51:
5. Identify for each Barrier their Escalation Factors - Factors that make the Barrie fail “How can we avoid that the hazard being released? “How can we keep the control?” THREAT Causes or conditions that cause existing safety barriers to malfunction.

صفحه 52:
6. Identify for each Barrier their Escalation Factors Control - Factors that prevent or minimize the possibility of the Barrier or the Recovery CE ach Ceri bean Ao) 2: 5 FACTORCONTROL

صفحه 53:
HAZARD Recovery Preparedness Measure All technical, operational and organizational measures that Hmit the cham of consequences arising from a Top Event. TOP EVENT

صفحه 54:
Consequence Escalation Factor اله Recovery Barrier | فا ليمي اس Preventive Barrier ۳ 2 Top Event |[- Preventive Recovery 8. Identify for each Recovery Measure their Escalation Factors and Escalation Factors Controls Preventive Preventive Barrier Escalation | Factor

صفحه 55:
Threat 3 . lal a Consequence Preventive Preventive Recovery Recovery Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier ۳ ‏لت‎ BY op event fey ۲ 0 ‏م6‎ ‎Threat ial al Consequence Preventive Preventive = Recovery Recovery Barrier Barrier Barrier Barrier i Escalation 7 Factor جسم + Escalation Factor Measures and Escalation Ll | Factors Controls identify the Critical Safety Task سلمان ترابى كودرزى

صفحه 56:
first aid warner ney | evaluati Inspecti on on

صفحه 57:
Risk treatment >in the risk treatment phase where the organization decides how it will address those risks.

صفحه 58:
Risk treatment 1. Identify the Best Treatments Determining the most appropriate risk management solution(s) involves balancing the potential benefits of a treatment plan against organizational objectives, costs, efforts and available resources.

صفحه 59:
Risk treatment »It’s important to keep in mind that while many risk treatments are possible, they are not necessarily mutually exclusive and a particular solution may not be appropriate in all circumstances. » hierarchy of controls

صفحه 60:
Hierarchy of Controls Risk treatment! ۳ » As a starting point, consider the followi1 ep » Avoid the risk 9 > Eliminate the risk ۱ Vv » Reduce the likelihood of occurrence on » Reduce the consequences » Share or transfer the risk (e.g., contracts, buying insurance) >» Implement a combination of options » Discontinue the activity that presents the risk » Accept the risk by informed decision

صفحه 61:
Risk treatment 2. Assess the Effect of Implementing Controls >» Business Impact Analysis (BIA): disruption of an organization’s process, impact of negative OSH consequences on key business processes » Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) > Non-Financial Benefits Analysis :these can include improved corporate reputation, customer satisfaction and business sustainability. » Multi-Criteria Analysis

صفحه 62:
Risk treatment 3. Prepare and Implement Risk Treatment After completing the review of potential controls and their expected impact, it’s not enough to select a risk treatment option and leave it at that. You have to properly implement and maintain it to achieve optimal effectiveness. The plan should be integrated into existing management systems and processes (e.g., maintenance planning, operating procedures) to make the implementation as seamless as possible. Managing risk should be rmal way of doing business and not co

صفحه 63:
Thank's For Listening August 2020 6 @ E-Mail s- tgudarzi@razi.tums.ac.ir Addres Guilan Energy Distribution company, Rasht, Iran & Phone 2666660

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