سایرتحقیق و پژوهش

معرفی سایت ORCID

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: ۹ اسلاید پاورپوینت تهیه شده دارای ۹ صفحه است و فارسی انگلیسی است. مطالبی برای شناخت بیشتر سایت ORCID و استفاده از آن آورده شده است.


صفحه 1:
درس روش تحقیق

صفحه 2:
و ره هو هت ۳۳۳۳ | of te, ony, or thar reouren. Add membrship or 2 Funaing capture grant ane othr sare you have raced to support ‏تا میم‎ ning | ORCID / Negar Mohammadmirza ei se مه ههار علولا امم ع افا مر

صفحه 3:
سس و ومد سود و Developer tools Want co do more with the ORCIO API? “s Adltional resources ‎coven‏ مدر ‎ ‏موی م۰ ‎ ‎ ‎be ‎0 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎sTrusted organizationse ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎rusted individualse ‎AJternate sign in accountse ‎MOEN TTT Coo oe ‎

صفحه 4:
یی ۲ ۴52۸86۲۴۸6 ۴۵۶ ‎Biography @‏ و۳۹ ‎Mohammadmirza‏ ‎ei‏ ‎tenor‏ + مزمععه ‎‘@https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7166-4849 ‎View public version ‎ ‎'s organizations where you have been professionally affiliated. Add employer. ‎ ‎Employment ‎eee ec )0( + Add qualification + Add education’ Tite ‎seen ‎display your iD on other sites @ Education lists the organizations where you were educated. Add education or add qualification®e « ¢ «| + Addinvited position Add distinction IT Sort ‎Adistinction is an honorai ction. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Public record print view © ‎ ‎iiGet a QR Code for your iD @ ‎ ‎award, distinction, or prize. Add invited position or add

صفحه 5:
‎“Education is participation in an‏ 3 ا ‎ ‎Employment is a formal employment i ® academic higher education program to ١ relationship with an organization eg Beene an usctaradiate gradi. |e aff inter, researcher contraction. other degree. : ‏و مامسوس ع مسو ل‎ Leam more : professional er vocational : ‎accreditation, certification, or training ‎eo program. Both may be in progress or Unfinished ‎"eLearn more ‎ ‎Employment lists organizations where you have been professionally affiliated. Add employer. ‎ ‎Se) Peccccccccccces [education lst the organizations where you were etucated, Adel education or add qualification, jotlivited positions an invited nor ‎Invited positions and distinctions (0) ‘employment affiliation, e.g, honorary ‎fellow, quest researcher, emeritus. ١ eat ce eerie cara ‏و ی المع‎ : Distinction is an honorary or other ‎ok ‘award, distinction, or prize in ‘Membership is membership in any sociaty er organization, Services a dedication of time, money, or ether resources. Add hembership or ‘recognition of your achievements, e.g. § add service trophy, medal, honorary degree. 0 ‎ ‎ ‎777 ‎| ] ‏مطف ی‎ 55 * © society or association; it does not ٩ include honorary memberships and ‎ ‎2707 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏: ور ‎ypc‏ یاهع سس هت من زو امن که نت کاس وس § اه ‎Mecccccccee 3 Service isa significant donation‏ يوون وفففف وو ووو قوووف ةق فقن ‎‘Add information about works you have # Add information about funding grants “ime, money, or other resource, eg.‏ ‎published. You can do this by : © youhave received. You cando thisby § _¢ Yolunteersocety officer, elected board‏ ‎importing from other systems, orty — § $ importing from other systems, or by * position, extension work‏ ‎adding deta manually. Lean more 5 adding details manually. Learn more: PRD UGS wecccccccccc®‏ © ‎

صفحه 6:
9 ‎Research and Researchers‏ و ‎POORSUCRILEM FOR ORGANIZATIONS [EU ‎ ‏سس ‎ ‎YS ‎RESEARCH FUNDING ‎for esearch unde incudna profesional a scolar assocatons ORC con unanbigousy Ink resaches tothe esearch andthe ‘unin rarames tat provi suppor.Underandng eng a finaing 2 al put nue undngsratony a funding ‎ia ‎RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS ‎For esearch organzatons— estes researc companies rand abeators, members o¥gankators—ORCIO cn reese sine consuming process ‏تج امه‎ ae recores ane proves Valdaton sa th peas om Sed SOUTES, ‎ch ‎For pushers nucng ‏مان‎ ORD can arama he maniac submis rocensmprvethe menagerie futher and sei 1 tome ase ance pesto) ens

صفحه 7:
ORCID Connecting Research and Researchers FOR RESEARCHERS FORORGANIZATIONS [Catal HELP WHATISORCID WHO WE ARE WHOWESERVE MEMBERSHIP NEWS & EVENTS Who we serve ORCID serves a broad stakeholder community that Includes Individuals research and scholary organiatons, data repositories and libraries, publishers, patent offices, service providers and more. Find out more> News and Events ORCID engages the community through our newsletter and regular Feglonal events, Follow us on Teter @ORCID_Org, Find out more> What is ORCID ‘ORCID i a nonarofic organization helping create a word in which al who participate in research, scholahip and innovation are uniquely ‘Identified and connected to their contsibutions and affiliations, across dlsciplins, bordars, and ime, Find out more> Who we are ‘ORCID is governed by a Board of Directors representative of our ‘membership with wide stakeholder representation, ORCID Is supported by a dedicated and knowledgeable professional staf Find out more> Our members ‘ORCID membership is open to any organization incerested In Integrating ORCID identifiers. ll member fees ae used to sustain and ‘develop ORCID forthe benef ofthe research community Find out more>

صفحه 8:

صفحه 9:
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