کسب و کارمدیریت و رهبری

مقدمه‌ای بر نظریه سازمان و مدیریت

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
درونی آن». - مديران بايد 4 ارزيابى كنند و نظريه 3 ‎a‏ 5512 سوال اساسی: ‎rcp Bobo‏ 2 مديريت و عملكرد سازمانى را تقويت كنند؟

صفحه 3:
2 دسته بندی نظریه های سازمان از نظر اسکات (بر اساس تاد آنها بر عاصر عقلانی» طبیعی یا محیطی) ‎Caro‏ ۱ ا ‎(Cee‏ ‏- دیدگاه سیستم باز (تاکید بر عناصر محیطی)

صفحه 4:
جامعه به صورت ذ لا سه جنبه مجزا ولى به 0 enn (Cre SORES) Ben eg ECS ICSD ‏ل‎ enE) tke (Aadla 5 glejls slioe! مراتبء ۱

صفحه 5:
- استعارة زندان روانى - استعارة ابزار سلطه ‎ese‏ 0 0

صفحه 6:
اين 2 2 byes

صفحه 7:
1۳ Oy ‏نظرية مدیریت کیفیت‎ ۰ ‏نظرية فرهنك سازمانى و رهبرى‎ ٠

صفحه 8:
Representative theorists Max Weber Frederick Taylor Frank Gilbreth Henry Gantt Henri Fayol James Mooney Luther Gulick Mary Parker Follett Elton Mayo Fritz Roetl erger Chester Barnard Robert Merton Philip Selznick Alvin Gouldner Peter Blau continued Historical era 18905-19105, 18905-19205 19105-19305, 1920s 19305-19405 19305-19405 19405-19505 it 1.1 Major Schools of Thought Central focus Identifying the structural characteristics that facilitate administrative efficiency. Using scientific study and rational planning to enable fast and efficient task performance. Identifying the administrative principles that allow organizations to accomplish complex tasks. Enhancing morale and securing cooperation by depersonalizing the authority relationship. Adjusting workers to ‘the workplace and securing their cooperation using various behavioral methods. Maintaining cooperative systems by offering inducements and exercising moral leadership. Identifying the functional and dysfunctional consequences of bureaucracy. Exhi School of thought ‘The theory of bureaucracy (Chapter 4) Scientific management theory (Chapter 5) Administrative management ‘theory (Chapter 6) Pre-human relations theory (Chapter 7) Human relations theory (Chapter 8) Natural systems theory (Chapter 9) structural functional theory (Chapter 10)

صفحه 9:
Representative theorists Katz and Kahn James D. Thompson Joan Woodward Emery and Trist Burns and Stalker Lawrence and Lorsch Kurt Lewin Rensis Likert Abraham Maslow Chris Argyris Douglas McGregor Frederick Herzberg Armand Feigenbaum W. Edwards Deming Joseph Juran Kaoru Ishikawa Edgar Schein William Quichi Pascale and Athos ‘Tom Peters Historical era 1950-19702 19402-60۶ 19505-805 19802-19905 Exhibit 1.1 continued Central focus Keeping the organizational system viable through internal maintenance and external adjustment. Enhancing motivation and productivity by satisfying the full range of human needs. Institutionalizing a cultural commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction. Creating a culture committed to high performance through visionary leadership and symbolic management. School of ‘thought Open systems theory (Chapter 11) Human resources theory (Chapters 12, 13) Quality management theory (Chapter 14) Organizational culture and leadership theory (Chapter 15)

صفحه 10:
‎EST OOo ESI‏ ارتقاء بهره ورى سازمان توصيف وضعيت فعلى سازمان (نظريه هاى توصيفى) ‎ACIE Wes!) Pave ey Arena eeRE CR]‏ 66

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