صفحه 1:
DNA asa
Presentation: Sajjad Babaei
Ph.D. student of Nano-biotechnology, School of
Sciences, Razi Uni. Kermanshah, Iran
Lecture: applications of Nano-biotechnology
صفحه 2:
DNA is a biomacromolecule composed of sugar, phosphate
and organic bases. It has unique and interesting features.
صفحه 3:
DNA’s structure.1-1
This molecule composed of two chains that coil around each other to form
double helix carrying the genetic instructions used in the growth, developm|
functioning and reproduction of all known living organisms and many viruse:
DNA is a long polymer made from repeating units called 1 two hi
chains, bound to each other by hydrogen bonds. The pair of chains has a radi
10 Angstréms (1.0 nanometre). iat
The backbone of the DNA strand is made from alternating phosphate and sugé
deoxyribose) residues. The sugars are joined together by phosphate groups, th
form phosphodiester bonds.(which are known as the 3’ and 5’ carbons).
The four bases found in DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and
thymine (T). These four bases are attached to the sugar-phosphate to form he
complete nucleotide
The DNA double helix is stabilized primarily by two forces: hydrogen bond:
between nucleotides and base-stacking interactions among aromatic nu
صفحه 4:
Adenine © و امه 5
© Hydrogen
oye & end ٠
7 @ Nitrogen
AB 5 © Carbon
© Phosphorus
Phosphate ۰
deoxyribose ra 5
backbone ~
ry Pe ع
Minor groove
١ ۳ کت موزوونی
3 د 3
5 ۵
صفحه 5:
Hydrogen Bonds
8 بو *Here are the two diagrams
وم outlining where the hydrogen
bonds are within DNA (red lines).
N. اج
2 م = *Base A and T are held together
by two hydrogen bonds ( an O-H
11 and N-H bonds)and bases G and
& C are bonded together by three
nents hydrogen bonds ( 2 O-H bonds
| and 1 N-H bond).
8 b+ 6,
5 ee +The different number of
his 8 Hydrogen bonds ensure that the
| Ee bases link together correctly
Cytosine Guanine
صفحه 6:
Major forms of hydrogen bonds in
the DNA structure
> In these various forms, the atoms involved in the H-bond are
» Therefore, it changes the states of syn and anti
(Watson-Crick Hoogsteen
صفحه 7:
Base-stacking Interactions
>» When this interactions occurs, that two aromatic rings, such as two,
plates, are placed nearby on each other.
> Interactive periodic rise and fall in electron cloud, creates a force
between the rings.
» When the electron cloud is thin around one of the ring and a
positive charge is created, in that moment, the other one (another
ring), has a thick electron cloud which gives it a negative charge.
Then a link between the positive and negative charges will be
» In the next moment, the position of positive and negative areas is)
changed. as the result, the connection of the rings will be —
continuous. The reason for this is the harmony of electron cloud
rise and fall times in the adjacent rings.
» This interaction can be flexible and take on the different struct
صفحه 8:
Base-stacking Interactions
Base stacking: an axial view of
twist By WONA
صفحه 9:
DNA has different types
fonns 2 A.B) €, DB, ZH, 1
» Creating these forms of DNA depends on the environmental
conditions and the presence of some ions and molecules
» The presence of these forms is highly depends on humidity
» Depending on the environmental conditions, these forms can be
transformed into each other
For example : B-DNA in an environment with the following features, can
change to Z-form :
a) high concentration of salt
b) adding bromine or methyl to cytosine
c) in the presence of regulatory proteins
صفحه 10:
8 2
267 77
3.03 A 378
5 181
Right handed | Left handed
* Extremely rare variant with only 8base pairs per helical
* This forms of DNA found in some DNA molecules
Comparison of different types of DNA
19 ۸
Right handed
devoid of guanine.
Right handed
2.56 ۸
Right handed
Base pair per turn of the helix
Tilt of pairs (7) base
‘Aaial rise (F)
Helical diameter
Handedness of the double helix
>» B-DNA: Most common ,originally deduced from X-ray diffraction
of sodium salt of DNA fibres at 92% relative humidity.
» A-DNA: Originally identified by X-ray diffraction of analysis of
DNA fibres at 75% relative humidity .
» Z-DNA: Left handed double helical structure winds to the left in
a zig- zag pattern .
» C-DNA: Formed at 66% relative humidity and in presence of Li+
and Mg2+ ions.
صفحه 11:
Structural comparison of different types of DNA
A-DNA مار
صفحه 12:
DNA is the most important biological molecule
It has dimensions about nano-meter
Known geometric and thermodynamics properties
Predictability and programmability of combinations and
sequencing properties /
Laboratory Benefits : Easy and practical construction, Fixing the
mistakes and Easy determination of the features
A question ??!!
Why do we consider DNA as an important molecule
in Nano-biotechnology applications?
» DNA is a bio-database in the all of the living creatures
» Self-Assembly Property
» Also: Electrical conductivity and Catalytic function
صفحه 13:
DNA Self-Assembly.1-2
this is an important Property
» Self-assembly is one of the key approaches that might
enable future methods to be developed for building
nanostructures and nanodevices
» Self-assembly is a process in which a disordered
system of pre-existing components forms an organized
structure or pattern as a consequence of specific, local
interactions among the components themselves,
without external direction. Self-assembly processes
occur in nature in various forms, from molecular-level
protein folding and the formation of lipid bilayers to the
establishment of Earth’s entire biological system.
صفحه 14:
» Self-assembly can be classified as either static or
dynamic. In static self-assembly, the ordered state
forms as a system approaches equilibrium,
reducing its free energy. However, in dynamic self-
assembly, patterns of pre-existing components
organized by specific local interactions are not
commonly described as_ "self-assembled" by
scientists .These structures are better described as
"self-organized", although these terms are often
used interchangeably.
صفحه 15:
DNA origami
> One of the milestones in DNA nanotechnology was
the invention of DNA origami.
>» in this technique, long, single-stranded DNA is
folded into target shapes with the help of hundreds
of short DNA strands called staples. The staple
strands are designed to be complementary to
particular regions of the long DNA, and thereby
guide the folding process. A wide variety of 2D and
3D nano-objects has been made using this
صفحه 16:
Three-dimensional DNA origami
صفحه 17:
single-stranded tile (SST) assembly
>» Another important design strategy in DNA
nanotechnology is single-stranded tile (SST)
>» in which SSTs — nanometre-scale 2D rectangles or
3D bricks, formed from single-stranded DNA — are
designed to interlock with each other through the
formation of DNA duplexes at their interfaces.
Collections of SSTs are used to form 2D sheets or 3D
blocks that can be selectively ‘sculpted’ to create
different patterns and shapes, simply by including
or omitting specific SSTs.
» the sizes of the DNA structures produced in this way
are generally comparable to the sizes of origami
nanostructures: larger structures have be
صفحه 18:
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صفحه 19:
DNA applications as nanomaterial.2
Conductive nano-wire
Diagnostic nanomateri:
Molecular Tag
Drug delivery
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صفحه 20:
DNA acts as an electron donor and receiver
صفحه 21:
DNA is a conductive Nano-wire
» Some researchs have been proven the DNA conductivity . It has
down by connecting metal molecules(gold or silver) to the two
ends of the DNA-wire. The DNA acts as the electron donor and
» Actually the conductivity of DNA is depends on its sequence and
conditions of the formation.
» DNA can even be used to Photoelectric transmission.(The
photoelectric effect is the emission of electrons or other free
carriers when light shines on a material).
۲ Any molecular interference in two DNA strands, reduces the
conductivity of DNA. This is the basis for using DNA as biosensors
صفحه 22:
2-2. Nano-Architecture
» DNA can be used as Nano-Architecture or model in the
manufacturing of different materials
Two DNA 3-D structures which can be used as templates
صفحه 23:
>» DNA has an important role in Down to Top approachs in
» Build the networks of DNA molecules or fabrication the wired
network of DNA are some examples of this type of DNA’s Nano-
۲ Up to now, scientists have succeeded to fabricate a 4-handed
DNA molecule or 2-D Nano-strip and also, Nano-network which
in each ends of that, there are 9 strands of DNA.
» These capabilities are controllable by the changes at the end of
the DNA molecule
» Nano network structure of DNA, has the ability of connecting
with other materials
* Examples of this Application : Production of copper and platinum =~
nano-wires, DNA mutual Interaction with Carbon Nanotubes, DNA
nanolithography(DNA as model)...
صفحه 24:
DNA based template
General procedure:
¢Fix a DNA strand between two electrical contacts
*Exposed to a solution containing some ions
eIons bind to DNA and are then form some nanoparticles
decorating along the DNA chain
DNA bridge
<> electrodes هه
صفحه 25:
صفحه 26:
صفحه 27:
In this type of computers, Information converted to the
molecules based on chemical reactions.
صفحه 28:
DNA based Nano-Computer
» A DNA-Nano computer can carry out massive and fast
chemical reactions
» In this type of computers, instead of binary numbers (0/1) ,
four DNA base molecules(A/T/C/G) and their arrangement
circumstance, will be the driver of computing. Information will
be stored as an array of DNA base molecules.
» A large number of the DNA components are needed to solve a
complex issue. For this reason, proliferation of prokaryotic
organisms such as bacteria is considered
» Based on mathematical calculations and modeling, after 30
times of bacterial proliferation, the DNA-computer's speed will
be at least 1000 gigabytes which is so great scale compared to
binary computers
>» There are tow problems :
1. Weaknesses and defects in the design of chemical reactions
ee gt ا
صفحه 29:
2-4.DNA as Diagnostic nanomaterial
» DNA can be used to detect molecules such as antibodies.
In this case,
method can be used.
>» SELEX method volves a series of processes, such as
ultaneous genetic __ mutation, natural selection __and
In simultaneous genetic mutation, DNA random sequence is
created by placing nucleotides at the different positions
(mutation) . Then, the PCR reaction is performed (amplification).
Each single-stranded oligonucleotide, creates a 3-D structure.
Following that, an oligonucleotide capable to detecting and
connecting to the target molecule, will be separated during the
natural selection and washing process. The natural selection
holds the oligonucleotide that can attach to the target molecule.
And the rest of them will be removed during the washinia
صفحه 30:
>» In the next step, the PCR reaction is performed
again(amplification). Repeat these three mentioned
processes(5-15 times), causes the production of
oligonucleotide that has a high tendency to binding
with the target molecule.
» Eventually, the desired oligonucleotide is selected
and sequenced. This oligonucleotide is ۵
» Some of the benefits of Aptamers include:
* They can be obtained in the In-Vitro environment
* They can be made in according to the desired
* Correcting the chemical structure of them, is simple
* They have a stable structure and if necessary, their
structures are reversible
صفحه 31:
Systematic Evolution of Ligands by
Exponential Enrichment a
GG" z= م وج AS
5-15 times 2
(Systematic Evolution of Ligands & ۰
by Exponential Enrichment)
Sequence <—
Identification |
8ص Re
صفحه 32:
DNA as Nano Machine.2-5
» In a study by Li and his colleagues, A nanomachine
was designed. This nanomachine is made in a
number of different ways . Possible spatial states
included these two cases:
A) A four-string structure, with extra-threaded links
8) A two-string structure, with Intra-threaded links
This nanomachine has the power of dynamic |
expansion and contraction, similar to a worm. 0
صفحه 33:
Li and his colleagues DNA-
0 02
ale ۱
5 وم ۷
TE +
2 سس
مه 8ه
١ ۱
صفحه 34:
Another example
» York and his colleagues developed the nanomachine
that worked with the fuel of the DNA
This DNA-nanomachine is made up of three chains(A, B
and C), which create the Tweezers-Like structure. At the
edge of this structure, a joint part is created between B
and C (24 bases). F fragment is another chain that has
a complementary sequence with both B and C
fragments. For this reason, it can close the edge of the
tweezers-like structure. On the other hand, adding
another fragment called F’ which is complementary to
the F fragment, will release it (the F fragment).
Actually, F and F’ act as the fule for this machine
صفحه 35:
York and his colleagues
nanomachine op
صفحه 36:
DNA as Molecular Tag.2-6
» DNA can be used as a tag for identification
» For example, the DNA identifier is used in the structure of the
combined molecular library
» New security services use the DNA technology to identify
persons. this is known as the DNA-ID card. Some of the
customer's DNA, as his identifier, is kept by the security
service and this is the password code with DNA ink
John Ko
«DNA 1D Card
صفحه 37:
2-7.DNA Nanostructures as Drug-
Delivery Vehicles
DNA molecules can be assembled into custom predesigned
shapes via hybridization of sequence-complementary domains.
The folded structures have high spatial addressability and a
tremendous potential to serve as platforms and active
components in a plethora of nanobiotechnological applications.
The tailored molecular devices could be used in targeting cells
and triggering the cellular actions in the biological environment.
The DNA origami is remarkably impressive example of precise
engineering and construction at the nanoscale which is
important in drug delivery.
The attractiveness of the origami method lies in the fact that
one can add any desired functionality to the tailored DNA shapes.
by assembling other biomolecules and molecular components to
them with nanometer scale precision.
صفحه 38:
۲ The successful delivery of DNA-based structures into cells, ope:
new avenues for tackling diverse medical tasks.
» Studies have shown that DNA nanostructure is a nice drug carrier
to overcome big obstacles existing in cancer therapy such as
systemic toxicity and unsatisfied drug efficacy.
» Scientists managed to deliver doxorubicin (an anticancer drug and
a DNA intercalator) into cells in-vivo, using rod-like DNA origamis
and DNA origami triangles as carriers.
» Researchers have constructed various DNA polyhedrons, from DNA
tetrahedron, DNA octahedron to DNA icosahedron, which can be
served as simple carriers in anticancer drugs delivery.
'! polyhedron is a three dimensions solid object with many plane
faces, typically more than six.
>» By adding marker molecules (mAb, Folic acid or even an aptamer),
to the DNA nanostructure, it will be a purposeful nano carrier.
These marker molecules should have a specific receptors on the
target cell surface.(this process named as Active targeting)
صفحه 39:
Targeted drug delivery
» Even, we can use the DNA itself as a marker molecule to
make purposeful nanocarriers
» pay attention: If we use the Aptamer as the marker
molecule, we don’t need the chemical modifications of
DNA nano carrier.
» With targeted drug delivery, the effect of treatment has
increased (Enhanced Permeability and Retention
» Healthy cells will be safe from the negative effects of the
صفحه 40:
DNA Nanostructure for the Drug-Delivery —
E> Cell membrane
prug rele
Endosome ۰
Cytosol م Nucleus
صفحه 41:
Polyhedra Self-Assembled from DNA
صفحه 42:
>» DNA nanoribbon is another simple DNA structure and just
as the name implies is a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA).
» DNA nanoribbon can be generated from simplified DNA
origami technology. Using this technology, researchers
constructed different nanoribbons to deliver Dox, siRNA,
Photosensitizer and so on..(Photosensitizer (Porphyrin, Chlorine) is
used in photodynamic therapy)
» The major development of DNA nanoribbon in anticancer
drug delivery is the construction of targeted or activatable
DNA nanoribbon.
» Liang and his colleagues, designed a DNA nanoribbon with
two components. One component was dsDNA, which was rich
in -GC- base pairs for Dox delivery. And the other component
was a DNA aptamer named AS1411 which could target
cancer cells by binding with nucleolin. Modified with AS1411
aptamer, this drug delivery system showed effectively
increased cell uptake and decreased cell efflux of Dox.
صفحه 43:
Multifunctional aptamer-based nanoparticles for
targeted drug delivery (X., Liang, X.J., 2016)
صفحه 44:
Other DNA Nanostructures for drug
DNA module assembly nanosystems a
DNA nanoflower nanosystems
Large-scale DNA origami nanosystems
DNA-inorganic nanoparticle hybrid nano.
DNA- lipid hybrid nanosystems ممصي فس نا
۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۴
DNA- polymer hybrid 5
DNA nanoflower DNA origami box:
صفحه 45:
This presentation
was just a brief and short description of a complex and
progressive world,, called DNA-Nanobiotechnology
Thank you for your attention
Sajjad Babaei
صفحه 46: