سایرتحقیق و پژوهش

نوشتن و انتشار مقاله در ژورنال های ISI

صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
Orta werd pubtshtagy ct 1611 jours ا 0 و 9 ۱ Dr. Alireza Isfandyari-Moghaddam ,Department of Library and Information Studies Islamic Azad University, Hamedan Branch E-mail: ali.isfandyari@gmail.com Home page: www.isfandyari-moghaddam.com

صفحه 3:
حوعنتو و حور 90 جمجوه<)جوجین0) 6 موس موی بر :وا

صفحه 4:
07 67501161 10116011 لولاا ‎ee‏ رو ا ‎A‏ و ‎٠‏ ‎<¢ ‎° ‎os ‏بح‎ ۰ ‎However, editors, reviewers, and the research community DO NOT care about these reasons.

صفحه 5:
Why do scientists publish? ... to share with the science COMMUNITY something that advances knowledge ina certain field.

صفحه 6:
Your paper is your passport to your community

صفحه 7:
Qublshiacgy oct article it 161 -recked jouwrceds .6cteuwe 9

صفحه 8:
Institute for Scientific 15] ‏معرفي موسسه‎ Information ۰ تاریخچه: در سال ۱۹۵۸ توسط دکتر وجین گارفیلد تاسیس شد. و از سال ۱۹۹۲ موسوم به تامسون رویترز گردید. ۰ اهمیت علمي: از میان مجله هاي علمي جهان بیش از ۱۶۰۰۰ مجله توسط این موسسه شناسايي و نمایه تهیه شده است.

صفحه 9:
۳ نتفای نسم سل سای سک با تیم تسس شمسا شمه و ‎ER on Favre Toe Heb‏ Bt (reeal serch Sees ‏م © - من - ۵ > 6 ۵ 1 وم و‎ عمرعه ممم و ‎SCIENCE‏ JOURNAL SEARCH THOMSON REUTERS MASTER JOURNAL LIST - JOURNAL LIST otal joumats: 16373 ABCDOEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ewe Ne EPO! Joumals 140 (ef 1874) 4 ۳ 8 En A+ U-ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISIA ont ISS 0389-0160 ABLPUBL COLTD, 20-8 VUSHIUA2.CHOME BUNKYO-KU, TOKYO. JAPAN, 413 Coverage توت |

صفحه 10:

صفحه 11:
Two ieeportont niles 0. There te uw sine best wo. Prow puper to puper.

صفحه 12:
)2 Reading the literature thoroughly and hraadh: QOePice vod ‏لول‎ fhe problew. Guero F suggested by pour weutr, the propct is ww pour ted god read the fiercture. ۳ ‏لمح لبود‎ 7 موی , .لما دجرر و وی‌طا ها با وجوج وناج صن بطاح ) 5 ‎pou “ceed” ty koow.‏ ما موه وا موه ‎bea wore‏ . ۳ OP desirable, redePiar the project based oc ‏ها‎ ature. 0 00 © >

صفحه 13:
‎pe oP papers‏ راوید ‎* Qeeeech puper. Nhs vaieyory covers pupers whick report vo wey type oP research uedertahed by the author (=). The research wy wove the poosteuciog or testiog of 0 wodel o- Prawework, unica research, testtoy oP dota, warket research or ‎° Otewpvtct. Buy paper, where oooiedt te depeadeot oo the author's ppicice ocd toterpretaiva, shoutd be tochiced ic this 0 ‎۱ paper. Orsonbes ved evdluates techoivd products, ‏.ب وصانمجه عم 707775595

صفحه 14:
۰ ‏وم مین‎ These papers wil be based oo research but wl ‏ماما مار‎ The papers arr they to be decursive oad wll cover ‏یه هط وی اجه تمه ا وا‎ OP rakes! wrk one chin نت ‎or pxpeneuces‏ حامج مجان ‎Cree sth. Ouse sides desonbe antl‏ © ‎report oa‏ ری بو رب اون مشاه سا اب نویه بو تن هیزیهج واه و ی وا و ‎of‏ مجح 2 ,موی موی مد ۳۱ سول لوب ‎teaching exercise‏ ۰ ‏له ۱۰ و مورا‎ thot dl yes oP paper rae cay ‏توارط‎

صفحه 15:
جوم وا جوم ری ۳ .نون موو) * جاه وجشموامحوعك مسا و ررتصویه وی شوم ور ‎he papers‏ موم مس ‎sowe Douvepl, techoique‏ ‎ure likely to be wore descriptive or iestruniiosrd.‏

صفحه 16:
Gtep by step wits ‏جصال اه‎ “The following problems appear much too frequently” = Submission of papers which are clearly out of scope + Failure to format the paper according to the Guide for Authors = Inappropriate (or no) suggested reviewers + Inadequate response to reviewers + Inadequate standard of English « Resubmission of rejected manuscripts without revision ~Paul Haddad, Editor, Journal of Chromatography A

صفحه 17:
my own publishing advice is as follows + Submit to the right journal + Submit to one journal only + Do not submit “salami” articles + Pay attention to journal requirements and structure + Check the English + Pay attention to ethics standards + Ask your colleagues to proof read the article + Be self-critical

صفحه 18:
.]م أاء 773105 20000 makes readers grasp the scientific significance EASILY Important are both ...the CONTENT — useful and exciting ...and the PRESENTATION - clear, logical

صفحه 19:
The overall structure (Vhe bow oP tke paper) ‘The exact structure of a scientific paper or report will vary, but the broad structure listed here is widely applicable. 1. The cover and title pages 2, The table of contents 3. Tables of symbols or nomenclature 4. The main body of your work, consisting of these sections: Abstract Introduction ‘Methods Results. Discussion Conclusions and recommendations 5. The reference list or bibliography 6. Appendices ] Prow Dork, O00

صفحه 20:
John A. Sharp and Keith Howard, in The Management of a Student Research Project (Gower, 2nd ed., 1996, p. 195), propose the following logical order for a research report: 1. Introduction 2. Survey of prior research 3. Research design 4, Results of the research 5, Analysis 6. Summary and conclusions

صفحه 21:
The title should contain three elements 4. the name of the organism studied: 2. the particular aspect or system studied. 3 the variable(s) manipulated. Do not be afiaid to be erammatically creative. Here are some variations on a theme, all suitable as titles THE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON GERMINATION OF CORN: DOES TEMPERATURE AFFECT GERMINATION OF CORN? TEMPERATURE AND CORN GERMINATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR AGRICULTURE Sometimes itis possible to include the principal result or conclusion in the title: HIGH TEMPERATURES REDUCE GERMINATION OF CORN HIGH TEMPERATURES REDUCE GERMINATION OF CORN

صفحه 22:
لك ‎nts‏ 9 756 the fewest number of words that express what you wish to say Put your topic words near the start of the title. Include searchable key wo keywords online. Would readers find YOUR

صفحه 23:
@bstruct * (ua ubstrot is 0 suovient sucowery DP u booger piece vE work, usuchy acadewir io coture, whirl is published jo isvtoica Poo the woic text ood should therePore steed vo its cua ord be ederstarduble without nePereure to the jroer Piece. 4 skould report the batter's pssrutal Punts, ced should ont ‏أمكاا نویه و ور اپ موه‎ is ‏ام‎ there.

صفحه 24:
.@Obstract pout © is purpose is to art os ore ereure tool (Por exavple ino ‏روا‎ ubstraciiagy service), ‏ام لا راومه‎ device whether or opt to read the Pull text. * ‏ری‎ vowed rewsves Por vrittag wo obstruct are! 4 ‏رما و موه و‎ pieve oP work published us a joured! wiicle, thesis, book or web page, oo existing article Por the purposes oF ‏راز و‎ ©. or ty suber ca oppiicaive to vorite a paper Por a ‏.تج موم‎

صفحه 25:
ای پیت و( The most usual structure for an abstract is as follows 1. What is the purpose of the paper, what does it set out to demonstrate, prove, describe? (this should be one or at most two sentences). (You may need to refer briefly to background to provide a context.) N . What is the paper's method? (Le. if.a literature review what approach did it adopt to the review: if research was conducted a brief description of the design: if a conceptual review. how are you testing your hypothesis, what models are you using and what literature are you drawing on?) What were the main findings, the results? 4. What conclusions do you draw from the findings? 5. What are the implications of the findings? Here, you need to think carefully about why others will want to read your paper, and what contribution to knowledge are you making. If you are mainly writing for a practice based community, what are the implications for practice including any proposed change? Tf it is a research paper, what are the limitations of the research, if any? IS the need for further research thrown up?

صفحه 26:
سطسسو|» ۱ to presedt the questios betogy asked ced plave it ic the oootest oP USat is obey ‏لا واه مرن‎ ۱ ۵ the topic is oP ‏مس‎ ۰ ‏وه ها و۲ و‎ ued soope of the problew t& described here} why the work wee iteportod ts exphiced here}

صفحه 27:
ما هه هو 0 که ماه از ماو ما ما موه معا ‎Pe semen‏ > ‎For example‏ ‘This study investigates the relationship between tee density and suit size. The prupose ofthis sty is to deteomin the effect of enzyme concentration on the reaction rate of Give overall picture - keep it brief! (no history lesson!)

صفحه 28:
The final article GENERAL Introduction SPECIFIC | GENERAL

صفحه 29:
Literature review--Rehkted studies Some definitions A literature review is a description of the literature relevant to a pacticular field or topic. It gives an overview of what has been said, who the key writers are, what are the prevailing theories and hypotheses, what questions are being asked, and what methods and methodologies are appropriate and useful. As such, it is not in itself primary research, but rather it reports on other findings.

صفحه 30:
رو یال انا © “a literature review uses us its database reports oP priwery svkvlarship ‏وا‎ Mee privary reports used io the fterature way be verbal, but ia the vost wuipriy oP ‏دعصت‎ ‎reports ure writen domes. ke types of scholarship ‏راومه ها رون‎ theoretical, ‏عه رجتاربادجه للمحقعت‎ ‏.مه نز راداو‎ Grover literature review seeks to describe, sucowarize, euctuate, chadPy ced/or ‏ره‎ ‏موی سا‎ oP priczary reports”.

صفحه 31:
A literature review may be purely descriptive. as in an annotated bibliography, or it may provide a critical assessment of the literature in a particular field. stating where the weaknesses and gaps are, contrasting the views of particular authors, or raising questions. Such a review will not just be a summary but will also evaluate and show relationships between different material, so that key themes emerge. Even a descriptive review however should not just list and paraphrase. but should add comment and bring out themes and trends.

صفحه 32:
© bestc ne

صفحه 33:
.لج جارج جص جلار] ‎The stages oP a Mercure review‏ Define the problem It is important to define the problem or area which you wish to address, Having a purpose for your literature review will narrow the scope of what you need to Look out for when you read. Carry out a search for relevant materials Relevant materials will probably comprise a range of media: © books (monographs, text books, reference books): ‏و‎ articles from joumals, whether print or electronic (but make sure electronic journals have been subject to the peer review process): newspaper articles: historical records: commercial reports and statistical information; government reports and statistical information: theses and dissertations; «other types of information which may be relevant t0 ‘your pauticular discipline.

صفحه 34:
biterutuce review~voct. Cuchate the wotertus Tia api son ori dats + hac atthe ‏وراه هی اه‎ the field? Aze they ainda eputble ‏مسوم‎ 4+ What ite date of pbticaton sit sce cent ce will nowedge lave moved ea? 4 TRabook tte nest ett? سالاد اه خر ان > | تفت 0000 4 Tene write adessing a schol anionce? 1 Does he sso ee he eer here? {Does the auor wate ou ax ebjective ‏ام‎ and ether views xed on facts ater th pions? 4 Ifthe ator uss resstl the esa sou” 1 Isigpemary orsecondary steal? {Does he ior havea patel teoetial riewpoing ‏و‎ ‘+ What isthe reltonsip of this work oer teria youbave fed oa the sme tops, dvs it substatateit ‘ocd a diferent pespectve? 4 Tete amor’ segment logically ganized and lee to hilow? 4 Meds aubor swing ea aractce based perpectve. wht ae the mpitons or practice?

صفحه 35:
ساره ۲ واه انا ‎the Prodi‏ ردب وخا موی وضو ‎Oko thewes ewerye od what‏ * ‎dea?‏ ‎ord dPPerewes‏ اوه ‎Oke we the wuipr‏ * ‎Ore there voy siqeihicce questioas whiok ewerye‏ 58 ‎and whick could Pore a basis Por Porter‏ سكلاو جمد

صفحه 36:
.لو رازه۲ وله ار 21bow to ‏موم‎ a hiercure review (etroductod: dePiae the topic, toyetker wi pour reasvd Por petertag the topic. ody: this te where pou deruss pour svurves. Were oe sowe ways tt whick pou cour orgesize pour disvussivd! ‏اسان‎ را( رسب سمل سلج() عا اه ,اوه وی علا موه ‎Cowhsion!‏ ‎cut Powe io wethodology, yape it‏ را لت لاور امه ۰ ۵ ۵ 5

صفحه 37:

صفحه 38:
The data should be presented in a clear, readable form. Often this will involve the use of one or more tables. Because the results section is describing findings that you have already made, it is written in the past tense. Don't interpret your results, Remember that the results section is intended to present your findings. Avoid the temptation to intersperse this with a discussion of their significance.

صفحه 39:
Osnesiva Put your results into perspective with previously published data ont it and convince the reader that you al Don't exaggerate Be specific (say “48 degrees” instead of “higher temperature”)

صفحه 40:
هت لت ‎Cowhsive‏ Ov: © soworze ord coorlide, restoteg he wai argued, ٠ state how pour Prrdogs/aew Praewwork, etc. apply to the World oP practice * state what ane the ioplicaicas Por Purdher research مهو رو تون ام محر افو ‎say to What‏ * ابص ۱ pour research.

صفحه 41:
أ لهس لجن ‎Ooukstows‏ ۳0 ۱ or ttoduce Ue wuterid ۰ reped the itiroductiod * woke obvious stoteweuts * pooreadint copthiey pou said cartier.

صفحه 42:
(TION: DON'T repeat the a

صفحه 43:
References « Typically, there are more mistakes in the references than any other part of the manuscript. ٠ Itis one of the most annoying problems, and causes great headaches among editors... + Cite the main scientific publications on which your work is based + Do not inflate the manuscript with too many references ences are appropriate for a full

صفحه 44:
Author names: common problems » Jarvinen = Jaervinen or Jarvinen ? » LueRen = Lueben or Luessen ? = Borchard or Borchardt ? » Dr. Jaap Van Harten = Dr. Van ??? » .,, and what happens if you marry ? be consistent

صفحه 45:
?bow to Pied suitable jourcriis Choose a journal for publication Finding the right journal is as important to te publishing process as is having something original to say and saying it well Many journal editors claim that a good proportion of their rejections happen not becanse manuscripts are of insufficient quality, but because tney are inappropriate forthe journal's objectives. As ever, itis easier (and usually leads to a more successfl outcome) if you address these issues as early as possible ‘There are two main issues to consider here: 1, What are the journals in my subject area? 2. How can best reach my audience and achieve my publishing objectives? What are the journals in my subject area? ‘You can find this out in a mumber of ways, by ‘+ discussing with colleagues «+ checking with your professional association(s) «checking online journal listings

صفحه 46:
‘Wow to Prod suitable ‏هویم‎ Research the journal Having found the titles in your subject area, the next stage is to find out more about the journals concemed. Find out about the editorial scope of the journal ‘You need to study the journal's mission statement joumal overview author guidelines (provide more detail) ¢ -mannscript submission requirements ‎editorials, where editors often talk about the scope of‏ و ‎the journal.‏

صفحه 47:
Wow to Pred sutuble jourseis? pout Research past and current issues to see the sort of articles it publishes Do a considerable amount of reading in the joumal itself, which will help you: e find out more about the sort of paper it publishes « be aware of ongoing debate in its pages «be aware of particular special issue which it has published ‎find out more about its scope through reading‏ و ‎editorials.‏

صفحه 48:
Choose the right journal Investigate all candidate journals to find out » Aims and scope = Accepted types of articles = Readership = Current hot topics (go through the abstracts of recent publications)

صفحه 49:
IP: Articles in your references W ely lead you to the right journe

صفحه 50:
ATTENTION! DO NOT gamble by scattering your manuscript to several journals. Only submit once! International ethics standards prohibit multiple/simultaneous submissions, and Editors DO find out!

صفحه 51:
Before typing, read the ‏ولتت‎ ‘Guide for Apply the Guide for Authors to your manuscript, even to the first draft (text layout, paper citation, nomenclature, figures and table, etc,), It will save your time, and the editor’s,

صفحه 52:
The general structure of a full article Title an Authors Make them easy for indexing and Abstract == searching! (informative, attractive, effective) al Keyword Main text (IMRAD) + Introduction Journal space is precious. Make your + Methods article as brief as possible. If clarity can + Results be achieved in n words, never use n+7. ٠ And » Acknowledgements « References » Supplementary material

صفحه 53:
۱3۳۵ avoid 221/۷ ۱۱۱۱۵1 ۱۱۵ 6116 111911005115 0000 25 = No one gets it right at the first time! = Write, write, and re-write = Be self-critical « Ask colleagues for feedback

صفحه 54:
First review through the Editor, Many journals adopt the system of initial editorial review. Editors may reject a manuscript without sending it for review. Why? » Peer-review system is overloaded

صفحه 55:
Revision after submission Carefully study the comments and prepare a detailed letter of response. 71 Consider reviewing as a a discussion of your work. Learn from the comments. and join the discussion.

صفحه 56:
‎after subm‏ در ‎ ‎Prepare a detailed letter of response + Copy-paste reviewer comments and address one by one. Don't miss any point. ‎State specifically what changes you have made to the manuscript. + Give page and line number. ‎+ Atypical problem — Discussion is provided but itis not clear what changes have been made. ‎Provide a scientific response to the comment you accept; or a convincing, solid and polite rebuttal tothe point you think the reviewer is wrong, ‎Revise the whole manuscript + not just the parts the reviewers point out ‎Minor revision does NOT guarantee acceptance after revision. = Do not count on acceptance, but address all comments carefully

صفحه 57:
... and if the paper has been rejected + Don’t be desperate — it happens to everybody 5 + Try to understand WHY, consider reviewers advice + Be self-critical + If you want to submit to another journal, begin as if you are going to write a new article. + Read the Guide for Authors of the new journal, again and again.

صفحه 58:
- Nigel John Cook Editor-in-Chief, Ore Geology Reviews it leads to acceptance ? = Attention to details = Check and double check your work = Consider the reviewers’ comments « English must be as good as possible « Presentation is important = Take your time with revision = Acknowledge those who have helped you = New, original and previously unpublished = Critically evaluate your own manuscript « Ethical rules must be obeyed

صفحه 59:
Manage skills, هو

صفحه 60:
a «= THANK}: YOU ع >« ع ل هل ‎oe‏ ‎ee‏ = =

صفحه 61:

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