صفحه 1:
Software Architecture OL. Week

صفحه 2:
Outline sic Ovwer ‏سا‎ Giles oo oooo

صفحه 3:
Basic Concept he ‏موه و ی موه وه ماه‎ Prawework trot desorbes ts Por oad structure — ‏سا اجه وه طا‎ they Pa ‏و‎ © bad archierturd desta Por o bukdery ‏تسج چا مس‎ by «pod ‏موه ۳ موی‎ is tre Por soPware kere oe siles oF buikdtory cod soPivane architecture

صفحه 4:
Architectural design process ‎sinwtuiey‏ سره لا ‎2 0١5 ‏مرو‎ i ‏ور موه و لوط‎ sb-systews aed ope ‏ممه تمس سملت محا مجميججا ووصادصم‎ khestP ad ‎DF Coeiral wodettery ‎© worl oP the oouiel rekticoships between he dPPereul pats PP thre yeasty te reatabbesrd ‎DQ 00‏ وططدم من اودرو مدص جمد ‎De KdeciPied sub-spstews‏ <

صفحه 5:
Sub-systems and modules ها موه ‎mwa rh Whose‏ چا ۱ ورد و و محصحطد © لا وراه واه ‎by‏ موس موه بط اه ماو ‎to oer‏ وه طم با مرو و وج طلوت و لا ‎cowpeas bul would wot weedy be cowkered wo separde‏ ‎ann ‎

صفحه 6:
Architectural models 2 ‏اه رصق‎ oad weodtkr decowpostion way be based ooo pari dkar wedel or archiecturd sive ‎Ahowever, wost systews ore hetervyeurvus in thot dPPRereut ports of‏ لا ‎he systew oe bee oo dPPeredt woe oad, it sowe oes, he‏ اج موه و ‎syste wey Polow‏ ‎Qo Dke orchtecturd wodel used oPRevis ‏دجوا جات ,عم ووم جما‎ Ustrbutcbliy oad cvaictcicabity oP he systew

صفحه 7:
System structuring ز ز ز ز ز [ ز ز 000 151250 Phe arhierturd ‏ذا مادص‎ corwdly expressed oy o bok dagraw preseutog oc Dver view oP ihe Syste since Qore speckic odes showin how sub-sysiews share chs, ore ‏لاوس‎ ond talerPare wih euck ker way dso be devebped

صفحه 8:
Architectural Style

صفحه 9:
1. Main Program With Subroutines M fan-out a 7 6 ‏و‎ ‎depth ‎0 e k 1 7 1 ‏اا ؟‎ 7 o|le q fan-in i i r ‏جع‎ width) ———__________»

صفحه 10:
Control ge icc, Output rted output 10 Sort Shift Procedure call store shifts input Input + —-Access to data structure + 0

صفحه 11:
2. Abstract Data Type 11 Control Input Store Shift output

صفحه 12:
سوق لا :وکام ۶ ‎PuCkor(rw,0,):‏ » | ite caled oPer ol apuioes have bera stored troy successive ols of (PuChar() > Linen (): delivers the onober of hoes stores < Worde(r) > Chers(rw) * Cher(rw.7) ‏سب لا‎ < 001 ‏سس سس‎ > Read Pro tpt od call PuCher(...) < 0 ‏اسان‎ 12

صفحه 13:
13 حورت لا (اسسا۵) ۶ ()عل۵۳0) < (سبااس ۵۳0 < ‎OP Cher (|w,2)‏ » وه لا موقم < ‎xpetlortex(w)‏ *

صفحه 14:
Output output 3. Implicit Invocation ۷ Sort Control Shift 1 MakeShift Store ۳ call The MakeShift module is no explicitly called 14 Input فيح كريد | input سر

صفحه 15:
4. Pipe and Filter Input Shift Sort Output input output 15

صفحه 16:
5. Repository 0 8 ‏ما عه سس سق‎ data. Dhis wep be dour is tu ways! > Oka datas held 0.0 ceurd dotcbuse or repostiory vad way be aovessed by ul sub-ppsiews * Cok b-systew wotdate is nwo dotobose od posses cota explo) io vier sub-syotews ‎cxpounis of dota ore to be shored, the reposiiory cde‏ وا ما لا لح رات ات سا ‎DP shartay‏ ‎16

صفحه 17:
17 واه ‎software‏ client software Conti. olient olient software software Data store (repository or back board) client client sofware software client software client software

صفحه 18:
Conti. OD ‏سمل‎ ‎PR Rpeot way to share barge axons oF ett © Oxb-systews werd wt be coaerced wit how data is prokuced ۶ ‏وب موم تون‎ backup, smu), et. © Garay wodel is published os the repository schewa دعست لا 6 ‏روم و وه وه امه و روول‎ data wodel. Teevitabhy ‏وه و‎ © Octo evoked is dP Pod cod expecive 18

صفحه 19:
6. Layered ‘components user interhoe layer application layer utlity layer 19

صفحه 20:
7. Client-server Opttbuied syste corde whick shows how cota ced processions i ‏ص و ار رح و مه اما‎ ‎servers whick provide speniic services sucks‏ ی ‎pricier, dota (KREME, FIP.‏ ‎Get oP chects whick cull va hese services ‎Qetwork which dows ches to aoess servers ‏ند ۴ ‎20 ‎oo ۲ o

صفحه 21:
Conti. 2 ‏مه‎ ‎© Oisinbuion oP cha ts straghPorward © Oches ePPertve use oP uetuorked syste » Cray ok wew servers or upgrade exten servers ‏منم لا‎ » Op shard dot wodel sv ‏له سس وله‎ dota Dep. © Dot interchouge way be toePPiciect © Op cedird reyeter of canes oad services - i way be hard ‏و‎ ‎Rid out whol servers ond services ore avcthibke 21

صفحه 22:
Control Model

صفحه 23:
Control models OQ Ore coerced wih he poukol Pow betowen sub-spotews. < Opi Brow the systew deoownpontion woe امه سین تا وه له امه ۳ راو اوه وا وولو و ۶ اه لمیر تا اه ای رام و موه مه ‎Cork ab-sysiew‏ 2 اوه ‎sysiew's‏ با و موجه مهام مس 23

صفحه 24:
1. Centralized control مج ‎takes respousbliy Por wane he‏ وولو امه 8 ۵ موجه ان جر ‎Cohretwn wodel‏ تا ‎ Dop-dowa subroutce wodel‏ < ‎starts of he ip oP a subroutce hierarchy ond woves‏ اون ‎cbunward.‏ ‏سوه وی نا ‎ Opplouble‏ < امن موق ۲ ‎Owe systew vxwppuedl ood the sippy, start) ocd‏ < ‎vihur syoiay prouvon.‏ ات ومشكعل ممم ‏.75 جاجبره م۱ ‎24

صفحه 25:
Call-return model 25

صفحه 26:
A centralized control model for a real-time system control

صفحه 27:
2. Event-driven systems OQ Orvea by extercaly yruerced suede where te tan of ‏ها و‎ puide the coal of the sub-spstews whick process he evel نامك صه و اه وت اه تس ‎Na‏ 2 من و ماود مین سا سا زرا لوط او موه ام مس تا ۶ ‏بطم ۵ موه 0 لو لو‎ 7 dl ab-spstews. gy abaystew whick oom ‏مد صل بوب مرو بطم‎ * Agerpedived odes. Osed i nedhioe sysiews where ‏مه مه با لد بو مر‎ kouder oad passed ‏ها‎ ‏مس ما موه ی و‎ 27

صفحه 28:
Broadcast model و و وه حول مه موه هفخ سس ‎Oke these‏ وه ود و مد و يي معيو ‎ihe sub-syotew whick vee bode the‏ و اما امه سوه ار ‎Cowl poly is wt ewbedded in the eve ood wessape kooder. Gub-spstews decide va eves oP toterest io hew ‏الم بت رب مره مج لت تن ام موجه ,جوا ‏وت ات ‎m1.registerTo(m2)‏ ‎m2 receive an event m2 will call m1 ‎ ‎28

صفحه 29:
Broadcasting pay ۱ 6 ‏مر‎ 3 system (Subsystem) ۲ ‏ر‎ ۱ 4 J ‘Event and message hander 29

صفحه 30:
Interrupt-driven systems عا هو مه ها وص ممصم ‎sysiews where Pot‏ لین ‎Osed in‏ ‎resid‏ here ore ku we tlerrupt ype wie a hoader dePced Por euck bpe و له مها پر ه عاتن له چا بو ‎ack‏ ‎trePer tp ts harder‏ ی[ Olbws Post respowe bu pwplex ty proyreny ood dPPiodl ‏لطس جا‎ 30 o oo oOo

صفحه 31:
31 “Process ۲ ~ Process » “ Process ١ / Prowss > JY SQ SQ ‏لفت‎ Handler Handler Handler 3 4 Handler vector Interupt Intermupts Interrupt-driven control

صفحه 32:
32 Modular Decomposition

صفحه 33:
The problem that they have to deal with are complex, ..., software engineers cannot reduce this complexity. However, it can be funneled and confined within weakly coupled closed areas. By judicious segmentation of the 33

صفحه 34:
Modular decomposition ات او و مره موم وه اوه ططلو وتو ون من 2 Oa cbt wodel where he syetew ‏صم لوطل ذا‎ irom, ‏جاعزنا‎ 2 © detePw sodel where the systew ts devowposed into ‏جنه نا ود موم نطو مخ‎ Pls ‏ات او او من‎ 4P possble, devia chow comme shod be dekyed ‏لس‎ لجوج اتوص ‎ser‏ امي 34

صفحه 35:
Object models ‎systew hig a set oF lovey coupled ober wih welt‏ با ص66 ‎wit Rect ray object‏ اه موس ‎Objectoneded‏ ‏هه واه و ای ال ای ‎Ow: ‎> pose) pow led: the ‏اه ماو‎ objects oa be coded ‏مويك لفن‎ vier objevts ‎< Cosly wodeled: obects are oPea represrataions oP rector retires ‎33 ‏م ۲ ۲ ۲

صفحه 36:
Invoice processing system 36

صفحه 37:
Data-flow models (Cusetcod trresPorwalives process their taputs to produce ‏یی‎ ‎Quy be rePerred to os 3 pipe ord Pier coded (cr ict DD IX shell) و فصو ان موی بو ‎oP this approach ore‏ نو ‎sequedid, this iso back sequectdl wodel whick ip exteosively used ia dott‏ ‎sysiews‏ ] Oot edly exible Por ‏وه عم‎ Ow. سجن مس با و A eka ‏روت تن‎ peop ‏فا اه هوجو وا اه‎ ood 0۲ 7۲ ۶ Bunlviey the ‏تن بل با مود‎ tnnePorwdios & uly ‏اسرد‎ معاصيره أمامصوجد د عن لسمصجموه د جد اه ماو ‎to‏ و وا ۶ 37 ooo oo

صفحه 38:
Invoice processing system ‎Isue ۱‏ / تحت ثم ار ‎Le pe‏ ‎ ‎38

صفحه 39:
Domain-Specific Architecture

صفحه 40:
Domain-specific architectures QO rchiectird codes whisk ore speoPic b soe ‏و موب‎ QD woe pes oP ‏ات مود‎ » Cevere wok whick ore obsiewives Prow a anober oP red pyeteave axl whieh eoruakiy ‏لمم جما‎ vhuruterttee oP hove opti °° Duy be rewed dreviy ino desi °° ‏ال موی‎ ۶ ‏الب حون مج(‎ oe wore cbyirw, Medked woe. Crovdle ‏اجه موه ره موی ما مه موه اه مت و‎ UP ‏متاخ پمج مومت‎ ۱ popare possibe: architerture © Dop-dows woe 40

صفحه 41:
Generic models Crxopler wade io weltkanwa expe dha oher wodets exist ‎dooce‏ ماو اوه سوت و واه لیا 2 ‎ Gycobol ible‏ < سمل سر < ‏عصا 6 2 رل صطممموی ‏ < ی ولو < ‎0 ‎1 ‎41

صفحه 42:
A data-flow model of a compiler Synbol tdle © Lexical ١ © Syntactic ١ (Semantic ١ coe ( _ amlyss > amlyss > amlysis Pr generdion ) 42

صفحه 43:
The repository model of a language processing system

صفحه 44:
Reference architectures RePerewe woteb oe derived Prow ‏صا خا تلم م‎ upphcuica ‏وه وه و ما مود‎ Quy be wed «5 beste Por ‏مه مود‎ or 0 ‏موه‎ ‎UPPereot syotews. Wore or 0 stoked ‏موی‎ whic ‏مه وود‎ be evoked ره موه بو اون لوا هب للم 661 44

صفحه 45:
45 OSI reference model متام نارجه ‎Presentation‏ ‎Session‏ ‎Transport‏ ‎Network‏ ‎Data link‏ ‎Physal‏ Network Datalink Physal Communications medium Presentation Session, Transport Network Datalink Physial

صفحه 46:
Design Pattern

صفحه 47:
۱ OO00 ‘OO0’00

صفحه 48:
48 What is a Pattern? QO Current use comes from the work of the architect Christopher Alexander O Alexander studied ways to improve the process of designing buildings and urban areas Q “Each pattern is a three-part rule, which expresses a relation between a certain context, a problem anda solution.” Q Hence, the common definition of a pattern: “A solution to a problem in a context.” Q Patterns can be applied to many different areas of human endeavor, including software development

صفحه 49:
Why Pattern? Q "Designing object-oriented software is hard and designing reusable object-oriented software is even harder." - Erich Gamma QO Experienced designers reuse solutions that have worked in the past Q Well-structured object-oriented systems have recurring patterns of classes and objects QO Knowledge of the patterns that have worked in the past allows a designer to be more productive and the resulting designs to be more flexible and reusable 49

صفحه 50:
OQ 1987 - Cunningham and Beck used Alexander’s ideas to develop a small pattern language for Smalltalk Q 1990 - The Gang of Four (Gamma, Helm, Johnson and Vlissides) begin work compiling a catalog of design patterns Q1991 - Bruce Anderson gives first Patterns Workshop at OOPSLA ‎Kent Beck and Grady Booch sponsor the first‏ - 1993 لا ‎meeting of what is now known as the Hillside Group‏ ‎QO 1994 - First Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) conference ‎01995 - The Gang of Four (GoF) publish the Design Patterns book ‎50

صفحه 51:
Types of software patterns Q Organizational O Analysis QO Design O Process Q Project Planning QO Configuration Management 53

صفحه 52:
Types of software patterns O Riehle and Zullighoven in “Understanding and Using Patterns in Software Development” mention three types of software patterns Q Conceptual Pattern » Pattern whose form is described by means of terms and concepts from the application domain QO Design Pattern » Pattern whose form is described by means of software design constructs, such as objects, classes, inheritance and aggregation Q Programming Pattern (Programming Idiom) » Pattern whose form is described by means of programming language constructs 52

صفحه 53:
Design Pattern Le Abstraction QO Complex design for an entire application or subsystem ۳ abstract Q Solution to a general design problem in a More concrete particular context J QO Simple reusable design class such as a linked list, hash table, etc. 53

صفحه 54:
GoF Design Patterns QO The GoF design patterns are in the middle of these levels of abstraction QA design pattern names, abstracts, and identifies key aspects of a common design structure that makes it useful for creating a reusable object-oriented design.” QO The GoF design patterns are “descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.” 54

صفحه 55:
GoF Classification Of Design Patterns Q Purpose - what a pattern does ~ Creational Patterns * Concern the process of object creation ~ Structural Patterns * Deal with the composition of classes and objects » Behavioral Patterns * Deal with the interaction of classes and objects Q Scope - what the pattern applies to ~ Class Patterns * Focus on the relationships between classes and their subclasses * Involve inheritance reuse > Object Patterns * Focus on the relationships between objects * Involve composition reuse 55

صفحه 56:
GoF Essential Elements Of Design Patterns Q Pattern Name » Having a concise, meaningful name for a pattern improves communication among developers O Problem + What is the problem and context where we would use this pattern? ~ What are the conditions that must be met before this pattern should be used? Q Solution » A description of the elements that make up the design pattern » Emphasizes their relationships, responsibilities and collaborations > Not a concrete design or implementation; rather an abstract description O Consequences > The pros and cons of using the pattern > Includes impacts on reusability, portability, extensibility 56

صفحه 57:
GoF Pattern Template Q Structure > A graphical representation of the pattern Q Participants > The classes and objects participating in the pattern QO Collaborations » How to do the participants interact to carry out their responsibilities? QO Consequences » What are the pros and cons of using the pattern? QO Implementation » Hints and techniques for implementing the pattern 57

صفحه 58:
GoF Pattern Template Q Pattern Name and Classification » A good, concise name for the pattern and the pattern's type O Intent » Short statement about what the pattern does Q Also Known As » Other names for the pattern Q Motivation » A scenario that illustrates where the pattern would be useful Q Applicability » Situations where the pattern can be used 58

صفحه 59:
GoF Pattern Template OQ Sample Code > Code fragments for a sample implementation QO Known Uses > Examples of the pattern in real systems O Related Patterns > Other patterns that are closely related to the pattern 59

صفحه 60:
Key points | ip respousble Por derivieny 9 strurtirdd systew ‏له او او و رال‎ a mbes ears ‏ممصم مسحي‎ coated (pars ‏ی رو و و موم‎ chest ‏تا ماوت تس له بات نو‎ ال مهو لو اوه هه ماود ‎Control wodels‏ 60

صفحه 61:
Key points Oodular devowposiiva wodels tachide doto-Flouy ocd object wodets ‎over a‏ و بو ‎wes‏ ماه ود وتا ‎epplcdicn dowar. They way be cowsiructed by obsiractay Pro‏ اه جوا ال بو رو و موه ‎pena‏ ‎61

صفحه 62:
The architectural model provides a Gestalt view of a system, allowing the software engineering to examine it as a whole R. Pressman 62

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