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پیچ دک استارتاپ AppVirality

صفحه 1:
App Varility اع مك داع لز \ حورل كسد

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۸00 ۷ Growth Hacking Toolkit For Mobile Apps

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it does an app developer want

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Millions of dewnteads Organic downloads

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User engagement and retention

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= One way referral - Share & get 125MB free space Two way referral - Give $20; Get $20 8 Social pay - Buy or invite friends ‎Sweepstakes - Participate & Win‏ ی ‎and many

صفحه 7:
= One way referral - Share & get 125MB free space Two way referral - Give $20; Get $20 8 Social pay - Buy or invite friends ene Sweepstakes - Participate & Win ‏هن‎ ‎and many eae} 3 0 03 (ee

صفحه 8:
App Virality helps app developers to identify and implement the right growth techniques, within minutes. No coding required + Light weight SDK + WYSIWYG dashboard + Recommendation engine + In-depth analytics + A/B testing

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How it works It’sa simple 4 step process

صفحه 10:
ار امه ‎‘one‏ ] —; AppyName, Create Campaign | G Change Settings P| oy 2 I 7 eee! مروت مس اضر @ View Soren on Git We have built light weight (120 KB) SDK that can be integrated within 10 minutes.

صفحه 11:
دک Customer Retention Proview Proview Preview etain your customers by ‏واه‎ ward you customers fer refering Sacount coupen fer thelr next thal tends. Tack dowrdoada ‘archaeon tum ofa FB ess plato and mode, ‘Shae, Tweet and more. Recommendation engine helps app developers in identifying the right growth technique at every state of the business.

صفحه 12:
ی مینست 0 0 ج سه سب ‎Advanced Customization‏ @‘ یداو سوه او مس ‎en ahd‏ 8ه ‎“or (loan‏ تسج تسین Configure & 0 2 LAUNCH PAGE Businesses use their App Virality dashboard to customize and configure growth campaigns without worrying about making changes to cade, updates to play/app store etc.

صفحه 13:
‎a‏ وا ‎LAUNCH PAGE (GROWTH HACKS & SOCIAL ACTIONS ‎Cs ES) 52 ‏سس سود و‎ ‎‘Actions: Thal your user should do to participate ‎clusive <7 ‏ووو سه‎ ] weer” @ Wintsrop ‎er ‏"الهم‎ 75 Share (HEE ove win you fren arc ‏وی‎ exsve 10% ot on yourret ord ery ut ‎‘oclam ms ont ‎Businesses can select actions of their choice, it could be Facebook, Twitter, Poll, Survey, Feedback, Review, etc

صفحه 14:
4 Image Name Action Friende/Followers Date Views (7]_—Clicks[7]_—_Downloads{7} ‎homme 8 :‏ 7-7 3 5 52 موه 08 6خ امد مه ®» ‏3 مه 04 هونن 200 ق ‎saat‏ 9 3 ‎» © want (Ke so arene 2 5 -© ‏ها مدا موه‎ 3 3 ‎11-18 0f18 records shown, ‎Fret | «prev | 1 2 | 3 ‎ ‎jnesses can track everything right from number of users endorsed to performance of each individual user's endorsement. identify top influencers and make use of them for further promotions. ‎

صفحه 15:
۱۳ Dashboard | | — UserTargeting |__| Actions ۱ Ez) Gee) Gere ye Track Installations Fraud Detection A/B Testing

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Laxman Papineni Ram Papineni Founder & Business (cofounder & Prod, uc Limited ENE عم شام مس Madhu Manne First hire & Product + Team consist of folks with 1 exit & 1 falled venture under their bel

صفحه 17:
) ۵ Mohit Saxena Shyamal Mehta ‏سیون‎ ۳ ۱۵۲۵8۵۱ ‏م10‎ Batch td - Microsoft Accelerator, Bangalore.

صفحه 18:
ی تا نز $1 to $3 $18B لسن

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Monthly subscription, Pay as you grow. Free up to 10,000 MAU's aterttarws B2 for every 1,000 wavs Example: 300 MAU app pays $600 monthly and $7,200 Yearly

صفحه 20:
+ Getting marquee clients + strategic partnerships to ‘enhance distribution ‘channel + attending and organizing conferences + creating and cultivating developer grouns ne متس دمي وه مص ‎Search Engine Marketing‏ + + Presence on social media + Creating repository of content appery.io BIANTESSAPPS او تس stackovertion 2 66 Ei W ۲ ‏لجن" مسي‎ تک ریت Channet Key Players

صفحه 21:
Thank You A App Virality Laxman Papineni Co-founder angel.co/appvirality-com -—-lax@appviralitycom = www.appvirality.com
