کامپیوتر و IT و اینترنتعلوم مهندسیمهندسی صنایع و مواد

کاربرد کامپیوتر در مهندسی صنایع (Bar Codes & Automatic Data Capture)

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پنام خدا کاربرد کامپیوتر در مهندسی صنلیع (21774( نیمسال دوم تحصيلي 1385-1386 و یکشنبه ها و سه شنبه ها 10:30-9:00 Lecture 7 AIDC

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Bar Codes & "1 Automatic Data Capture

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۳۱ ۱ ‏نب‎ ‎IDENTIFICATION & DATA CAPTURE = DEFINITION: = A computerized technology that allows real- time data to be collected accurately and rapidly to create the potential for improving performance, productivity, and profitability = Automatic Data Capture " Automatic Data Collection = Automatic Identification QUESTION: Why should an IE know AIDC?

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THE NEED =" Demand for AIDC has “Exploded” = Most training in AIDC occurs after graduation

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AIDC Technology Families = Optical = Contact ™ Bar Codes 5 pen Based Systems = Two Dimensional = Contact Buttons BC ™ OCR (Optical Character 5 Touch screens Recognition) = Biometrics « Machine Vision ™ Voice Recognition = Wireless = Fingerprint Geometry = RFDC = Hand Geometry ™ RFID (tags) ™ Retinal Eye Scan 9

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4 AIDC Technology Families =" Cards ™ Magnetic Stripe (Credit cards, 28 words, 256 bytes) ™ Smart/Chip Cards (65000 bytes) ™ Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR) = Optical (Laser) Cards (1.6 mB)

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۳۹ Why AIDC? = Lower Labor Costs = Reduced Errors ™ Reduced process errors ™ Reduced Shipping Errors ® Accurate Inventory Levels = Shorter Cycle Times

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oc BENEFITS ‏ی‎ ۲ 22 MANUAL: = ‏و‎ ‎1 ۷ ‘ae 3 cf 2 5 oo AUTOMATIC 1 ‏ال‎

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EVALUATING AIDC TECHNOLOGIES SUBSTITUTION ERROR RATE (SER) Probability that a given character contains an error e.g., 1 error in million FIRST READ RATE (FRR) Probability that an attempt to capture data will result in data being captured on the first attempt Expressed asa %

صفحه 11:
4 EXERCISES = What is the number of errors to be expected in an application given number of characters entered is 53 million (53,000,000) and the SER is .00001%? = If 1000 labels are to be scanned using a system with a 75% FRR, how many scanning attempts will be required? 11

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oc Technologies = Bar Codes =" Wireless Data Capture = Automatic Speech Recognition

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_ bar Codes ‏الا‎ = Most Widespread AIDC Technology = Material or People Tracking = Database Key

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Typical Applications = Shop Floor Lot © Quay Oval Tracking © bebo Ts = WIP Tracking ٠١ ‏سه‎ = MRP/ERP 7 ene = Inventory 70 Management © bere = Shipping/ © ‏تسس‎ Receiving 14

صفحه 15:
15 4 BAR CODES = Advantages = Low cost printing = Wide variety printing techniques = Customized symbol = Low SER (<1 error in 1 million) = Disadvantages = Not good in hazardous environments = 1-D symbols hold little data = Data cannot be changed

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Wireless Data Capture --RFDC-- 4 © Pontobl Tateracive Bar Code Readers © Oat sed book te host cowputer via Rade ‏امین‎

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4 RFDC Applications = Warehouse ™ Picking & Placing Items = Manufacturing ™ Shipping & Receiving items ™ Parts Tracking = Retail ™ Tracking items on Shelves

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RFDC Advantages Portability Ease of Creation Expense Prohibitions New Capabilities

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Wireless Data Capture --RFID-- = Retrieve data via radio signal from a transponder (tag) attached to item = Used when «۶ Distance impedes optical techniques ® Obtrusiveness is an issue ® Harsh Environment 19

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Typical Applications ۱ = Tracking Shipping Containers on high speed sortation systems = Access Control = Parts/Pallet Tracking = Patient Tracking = Shoplifting Prevention ™ Libraries = Department Stores ™ Jewelry Stores

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معديق = Advantages " Label does not need to be visible = Works well in hazardous environments =" Disadvantages = Expensive Labeling " Requires a Site Survey

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Automatic Speech + Recognition ۱ Digitizes vocal track Recognizes through Pattern Matching Used for Hands-free, Eyes-Free Tasks Speech Independent vs. Speech Dependent Systems 22

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Typical Applications Automatic Generation of Work Measurement Standards Recording defects while performing visual inspections Overcoming Learning Disabilities Overcoming Physical Disabilities Making Airline Reservations Baggage/Shipment Loading

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Automatic Speech Recognition = Advantages: = “Hands-off” operation = Portable systems require no wires = Disadvantages: = Slow (20 seconds) = High error rates = Training required 24

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