علوم انسانی و علوم اجتماعیادبیات و زبان

10 ماده غذایی با قدرت بهبودی زیاد (زبان انگلیسی)

تعداد اسلایدهای پاورپوینت: 14 اسلاید این پاور پوینت مناسب برای لکچر(lectures) کلاس زبان است. سطح advanced هستش و زیر کلمات مهم آن خط کشیده شده.


صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
۱۷0۱ ۱۷۱۱۲۱۲ 0101١7 that the fiber in apples and broccoli helps ward off diabetes and heart disease, that the.anti= -oxidants in berries have anticancer powers, and that the protein in lean meat builds muscle. But did you know that flax- seeds can reduce hot flashes? Or that pumpkins are one of the foods toler ated by Crohn's ere 10 more foods that Here are even healthier than you knew. *

صفحه 3:
۱ ۵5 A Journal o the National Cancer Insti- tute study reported on the significant correlation between a high intake of dietary flavonoids, such as those found in onions, and a reduced risk oflung cancer. Onions may also help boost your good (HDL) cholesterol.

صفحه 4:
ASPARAGUS Asparagus contains the natural di- ١ uretic asparagine, which helps your body get rid of excess fluid and salt. This is helpful for people with edema caused by high blood pressure. Plus, the B vitamins in asparagus can help fight cognitive decline and depres- sion. If you have gout, though, keep your consumption to a minimum: Asparagus contains purines, which can precipitate painful attacks. asparagus

صفحه 5:
۲ لا The fat naturally contained in most cheeses coats your teeth and acts as a natural barrier against bacteria. Cheese also contains casein, a protein that provides natural tooth protection. But aged cheeses, such as blue cheese and Camembert, can trigger migraines in some people.

صفحه 6:
۲ ۰۶۱/۵۱۱5 ۸۱۱۵ ۵5 The citric acid in lemon and lime i juices helps stave off some kinds of 5 kidney stones by reducing the excre- ~ tion of calcium in urine. Lemon tind is also rich in a compound called rutin, which can strengthen the walls of veins and capillaries, 9

صفحه 7:
۱ 2۸۹ A medium banana has 30 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin B6, which helps the brain produce mellowing serotonin. It also gives you tryptophan, which relieves depression and anxiety. One curious caution: Bananas (along with papayas and avocados, for that matter) can __trigger an allergic reaction in people sensitive to latex.

صفحه 8:
@ APRICOTS Apricots, especially when dried, contain a lot of beta-carotene, which may help prevent cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Plus, dried apricots are high in iron and potassium, which are essential for nerve and muscle function.

صفحه 9:
۱ ۵ Mustard contains man- ganese and phosphorus, which contribute to strong bones and teeth. Mustard also provides selenium, which may protect against cancer and heart disease, and magnesium, which helps reduce inflammation, blood pressure, and blood sugar.

صفحه 10:
BRAN Including wheat bran in a high-fiber diet can help prevent diverticulitis, an intestinal disorder in which small pockets bulging from the colon wall become infected or inflamed. However, the phytic acid in raw © bran inhibits the body’s absorption of calcium, iron, zinc, and other important minerals.

صفحه 11:
۲ ۵۸۷۸۵۵ One medium-sized papaya provides more than twice the daily recom- mended dose of vitamin C, and a study of more than 20,000 people found that those who ate the lowest amounts of vitamin C-rich foods de- veloped rheumatoid arthritis at more than three times the rate of those who consumed higher amounts.

صفحه 12:
@ BEETS Beets produce nitric oxide, which helps increase blood flow throughout your body and your brain, which in turn may help reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and vascular dementia. But beet greens (the leafy tops) are high in oxalates, which can form small crystals and contribute to the formation of some kidney stones. ۳۹ om beetroot (8rE) beet (NAmE)

صفحه 13:

صفحه 14:
For more healing foods, check out Foods That Harm, Foods That Heal, available at rdstore.com/ foodsthatharm and wherever books are sold. 12 Foods with Extra Healing Power

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