فیزیکعلوم پایه

Alternative sources of energy

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Lessvu ‏رشان‎ © ‏یا ایند ۱" مها نا جر لمج دزا رر8)‎ uble to oPPer oo exphocaica Por the ceed to use dhercoive svurces ve 2۳۷۳ ‎wet?‏ 1 رن و ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

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ام انوم الم

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‎ceed Por dercuive‏ وه ‎there‏ & روا ‎SOW ED DF BvErtp?‏ ‎ ‎9 Dre yrupk that pou cowpleted bust five shows just ‎® 90 per vest oP the works coer suppl’s ‏دمج‎ ‎Prow Possil Puts ‎° (Possil Ruel ure po wedied oad reloively cheap — 0 fice DP petrol in (OSCO would kuve beed OOp ‏خا‎ ‎there woe uv tox added!

صفحه 5:
23 2۵ 75 76 77 18 79 890 91 82 83 34 85 66 87 88 89 9091 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 اندجت انه 0ه 1۳900

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Posoll Puck? ‎Because they ure Possil Purl they DO kave o tPe‏ و ‎Experi‏ ‎° “Ol kas PO — GO peas teh” ‎© ‏با‎ 1990 they suid this tov! — What hos hopped is thot we hove Pourd aew reserves oF oil ood ce

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Q@urcicg Possil Puels kos ‏.دع ان تصصام‌جمموت لوصو‎ ]0( poutribute to avid ra wore sv thoa power stoicos burciey cool. ke carbo stored ta Poseil Pues te released us ‏ماو‎ ‎dioxide wheo they ore bora — this beads to the ued house ePPen ued gobal wareviery Oowt yet this cooP used with the Kole to the vue hyer — this ws onused by CPC's

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٠ Cod! kus the ragest iPe expecta Buel the wost us if yives DPR the wost COO اس و امه رس 0 عورش-صله موم حوطله() ۰ سوم - ‎use‏ وا نا موجه من ص ‎there is tkely to‏ ابا ه ‎Prow sia whick kus‏

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Go whet ure the dercaive ever sources to Poss Pues? Ouse upon a koe — wuskur power wee sera us he neuer. Thine snes OP power could be produced Pow 0 seal ozuat oF ‏مخت‎ ‎* Wowever, tvs oot well koow thot it produced radicariive waste © De woste tp doogercus ty heathy ord He Por ‏للم‎ oP peas ‎bp w seo phor Por storage.‏ یا و ‎©» ‏موه عم امین رل‎ beeu shotered by the explosicg of Oherabyl tt 999

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Oker hopes? QOow thot curtear power is vowsidered tov risky hopes fe Luis this like uct, wwoter, wied, waves ord

صفحه 15:
Reservoir Water ‘behind the dam 198 forward at igh pressure fiow through the dam at high speed The Turbines are like big propeliers. They are place in the middie of each to the generators, The Generators produce the electricity. Each generator connected by a drive shaft to a turbine. Exhaust Water continues on down the river.

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4. Turbine drives generator which produces electricity. 3. Air flow turns turbine. 2. Reduced volume compresses air.

صفحه 19:
Q@wWwoatages oP using woturd svurves DP every 9 Dkep ure itexhcustible — they wil ohuaps be wwoiloble — they are necewuble 9 Dkev oe cleoo ord wil oot dawage the arth © rere ore severd types — sv vor or wore of thew is presed ia euck pouty ° Oost woturd sources oot be used ooo scvdll soote ed serve loo ueeds therefore ‏اوه بوشه‎ irons witiogy the POET

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© Exphaia why Possi Poets are: ® (3) chew ® (6) ia kevited supply نفك (ه) *

صفحه 21:
ut Porwerd orcgecveds ta Pavour ve 9 (a) Osta ‏موه كدي انهه‎ oP cool © (b) wie cucleur power roker tho vil ° (7) ute chercaive sources oP roeryy rather thot ‏لیم‎

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