صفحه 1:
Middle East Russian Federation
Pokistan Nepal [
i ۰
.., Ancient India“:
00 — 5.۶, هاعظ
Bay of Benge)
fodian Ocean
Andaman Sea
SH Lanka
صفحه 2:
am glo) را ایا
and Sanskrit the mother of Europe's
India was the mother of our philosophy,
of much of our mathematics, of the ideals
embodied in christianity... of self-government
.لاع قاع 0 لاع 0 0
ys, Mother India is the mother of
- American Historian 1885-1981
صفحه 3:
e Indians, who
۱, ۷۷۱۵0۱۷۲ ۷۳۱۵
۵۹-۸( ل
صفحه 4:
صفحه 5:
صفحه 6:
Astrology and
Astrology and astronomy were
archaically one and the same discipline
(Latin: astrologia), and were only
gradually recognized as separate in
Western 17th century philosophy(the
“Age of Reason").
Since the 18th century they have come
to be regarded as completely separate
صفحه 7:
Astronomy: the study of objects and
phenomena originating beyond the Earth's
atmosphere, is a science and is a widely-
studied academic discipline.
Astrology: which uses the apparent
positions of celestial objects as the
basis for psychology, prediction of
future events, and other esoteric
knowledge, is not a science and is
typically defined as a form of
صفحه 8:
India's Contribution to
صفحه 9:
“In India | found a race of mortals living upon
the Earth. but not adhering to it. Inhabiting
cities, but not being fixed to them, possessing
everything but possessed by nothing". -
Apollonius Tyanaeus
Greek Thinker and Traveller 1st Century AD
0 V4 1
صفحه 10:
In India the first references to astronomy are
to be found in the Rig Veda which is dated
around 2000 B.C
The Calculation of Eclipses And The
: Earth's Circumference_
~The Heliocentric Theory ‘of Gravitation
صفحه 11:
صفحه 12:
telnet LALA كلط1ة
siddhantika (Five Principles) dated
around the 5th century. This text
graphically shows how eclipses are to
غ«اع كلطغ 5بط1 .ل0عئنقابءالةء عط
عمع نوع للا اللا تارتین
Astronomers propounded nearly one
thousand years later
]۱ OTE:
ا و رت
عب 3 ere
اخ ید بو ی درز مه
صفحه 13:
صفحه 14:
Lagadnz-1st millennium BCE)
۷ Th@earliest astronomical text—named
Vedanga Jyotisa—dates back to around 1200
BCE, and details several astronomical
attributes generally applied for timing social
and religious events. The Vedanga Jyotisa
also details astronomical calculations,
calendrical studies, and establishes rules for
empirical observation.Since the texts written
by 1200 BCE were largely religious
compositions the Vedanga Jyotisa has
connections with Indian astrology and details
several important aspects of the time and
seasons, including lunar months, solar
months, and their adjustment by a lunar leap
month of Adhimasa. Ritus and Yugas are also
described. Tripathi (2008) holds that ' Twenty-
mm pm metealiniianne azelimnencs erumm niannte
صفحه 15:
Panchal SERRE
Matsyate, 1
Kikata |
_. An
Map of northern India in the late Vedic
صفحه 16:
۱201 ارات
on the grounds of
.عصلط رفظ ناا
Born 76
Died 550
Era Gupta era
Region India
۲ math
اوالتان 4
interests gstronom
۲ Aryabhati
Major 3
works ۷2 ۵
صفحه 17:
Aryabhata was the author of the
Aryabhatiya and the Aryabhatasiddhanta,
which, according to Hayashi (2008):
‘circulated mainly in the northwest of
India and, through the Sasanian dynasty
(224-651) of Iran, had a profound
influence on the development of Islamic
astronomy. Its contents are preserved to
some extent in the works of Varahamihira
(flourished c. 550), Bhaskara | (flourished
c. 629), Brahmagupta (598-c. 665), and
others. It is one of the earliest
astronomical works to assign the start of
each day to midnight.
صفحه 18:
‘Aryabhata explicitly mentioned that
the earth rotates about its axis, thereby
causing what appears to be an
apparent westward motion of the stars.
Aryabhata also mentioned that
reflected sunlight is the cause behind
the shining of the moon. Ayrabhata's
followers were particularly strong in
South India, where his principles of the
diurnal rotation of the earth, among
others, were followed and a number of
secondary works were based on them.
صفحه 19:
Brahmagupta (598-668 cE)
Brahmasphuta-siddhanta (Correctly
Established Doctrine of Brahma, 628 CE)
dealt with both Indian mathematics and
astronomy. Hayashi (2008) writes: 'It was
translated into Arabic in Baghdad about
771 and had a major impact on Islamic
mathematics and astronomy.' In
Khandakhadyaka (A Piece Eatable, 665 CE)
Brahmagupta reinforced Aryabhata's idea
of another day beginning at
midnight.Bahmagupta also calculated the
instantaneous motion of a planet, gave
correct equations for parallax, and some
information related to the computation of
eclipses. His works introduced Indian
صفحه 20:
Viewpoint A
Distant background
Viewpoint B
Viewpoint A Viewpoint B
shift. When viewed from "Viewpoint A", the object
appears to be in front of the blue square. When the
viewpoint is changed to "Viewpoint B", the object
صفحه 21:
Distant stars
]~'Near star
~ Parallax
Near star
Earth's motion around Sun
Stellar parallax motion
صفحه 22:
Varahamihinaos ce)
was an astronomer and mathematician
who studied and Indian astronomy as
well as the many principles of Greek,
Egyptian, and Roman astronomical
lM -eler-e (ele ar- aT). <o eet 1 Amel AT |
compendium drawing from several
knowledge systems.
صفحه 23:
Bhaskara(d29 ce)
Authored the astronomical works
Mahabhaskariya (Great Book of Bhaskara),
Laghubhaskariya (Small Book of Bhaskara), and
the Aryabhatiyabhashya (629 CE)—a
commentary on the Aryabhatiya written by
Aryabhata. Hayashi (2008) writes 'Planetary
longitudes, heliacal rising and setting of the
planets, conjunctions among the planets and
stars, solar and lunar eclipses, and the phases
of the Moon are among the topics Bhaskara
Oe oT LT) اسر ور نواعت و
I's works were followed by Vatesvara (880 CE),
who in his eight chapter Vatesvarasiddhanta
devised methods for determining the parallax in
longitude directly, the motion of the equinoxes
صفحه 24:
Lallan century CE)
Author of the 531111001111 (Treatise Which
Expands the Intellect of Students), which corrects
several assumptions of Aryabhata. The
Sisyadhivrddhida of Lalla itself is divided into two
parts: Grahadhyaya and Goladhyaya.Grahadhyaya
(Chapter I-XIIl) deals with planetary calculations,
determination of the mean and true planets, three
problems pertaining to diurnal motion of Earth,
eclipses, rising and setting of the planets, the
various cusps of the moon, planetary and astral
conjunctions, and complementary situations of
the sun and the moon.The second part—titled
Goladhyaya —deals with graphical representation
of planetary motion, astronomical instruments,
spherics, and emphasizes on corrections and
rejection of flawed principles.Lalla shows
صفحه 25:
Bhaskara 114 ce)
Authored Siddhantasiromani (Head Jewel
of Accuracy) and Karanakutuhala
(Calculation of Astronomical Wonders) and
reported on his observations of planetary
positions, conjunctions, eclipses,
cosmography, geography, mathematics,
and astronomical equipment used in his
research at the observatory in Ujjain,
which he headed.
صفحه 26:
er 1 ابوک
in the north)
Bhaskaracharya calculated the time taken by
the earth to orbit the sun hundreds of years
before the astronomer Smart.
Time taken by earth to orbit the sun: (5th
century) 365.258756484 days
صفحه 27:
Using an astronomical model developed by
Brahmagupta in the 7th century, Bhaskara
accurately defined many astronomical
quantities, including, for example, the length
of the sidereal year, the time that is required
for the Earth to orbit the Sun, as 365.2588
days which is same as in Suryasiddhanta.
The modern accepted measurement is
365.2563 days, a difference of just 3.5
alae koe
صفحه 28:
۱۰۱ و2۰ - c. 1000)
was an Indian mathematician and
astronomer, and the author of the Maha-
Siddhanta. The numeral Il is given to him
to distinguish him from the earlier and
more influential Aryabhata I.
صفحه 29:
Sripatinoss ce)
Sripati was a astronomer and
mathematician who followed the
Brhmagupta school and authored the
Siddhantasekhara (The Crest of
Established Doctrines) in 20 chapters,
thereby introducing several new
concepts, including moon's second
صفحه 30:
Mahendra Subpin century ce)
Mahendra Suri authored the Yantra-raja (The
King of Instruments, written in 1370 CE)—a
Sanskrit work on the astrolabe, itself introduced
in India during the reign of the 14th century
Tughlaq dynasty ruler Firuz Shah Tughlug (1351-
1388 CE). Suri seems to have been a Jain
astronomer in the service of Firuz Shah
Tughlug.The 182 verse Yantra-raja mentions the
astrolabe from the first chapter onwards, and
also presents a fundamental formula along with
a numerical table for drawing an astrolabe
although the proof itself has not been
detailed.Longitudes of 32 stars as well as their
latitudes have also been mentioned.Mahendra
Suri also explained the Gnomon, equatorial co-
ordinates, and elliptical co-ordinates. The works
صفحه 31:
Nilakantha Somayafi-1544 ce)
In 1500, Nilakanthan Somayaji of the Kerala
school of astronomy and mathematics, in his
Tantrasangraha, revised Aryabhata's model for
the planets Mercury and Venus. His equation of
the centre for these planets remained the most
accurate until the time of Johannes Kepler in
the 17th century.Nilakanthan Somayaji, in his
Aryabhatiyabhasya, a commentary on
Aryabhata's Aryabhatiya, developed his own
computational system for a partially
heliocentric planetary model, in which Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn orbit the Sun,
which in turn orbits the Earth, similar to the
Tychonic system later proposed by Tycho Brahe
in the late 16th century.
صفحه 32:
Nilakantha's system, however, was
mathematically more effient than the
Tychonic system, due to correctly taking
into account the equation of the centre
and latitudinal motion of Mercury and
Venus. Most astronomers of the Kerala
school of astronomy and mathematics
who followed him accepted his planetary
model. He also authored a treatise titled
Jyotirmimamsastressing the necessity
and importance of astronomical
observations to obtain correct
parameters for computations.
صفحه 33:
۱۰۲۵۱۸۱۱ وا و ke)
Sphutanirnaya (Determination of True
Planets) details an elliptical correction to
existing notions. Sohutanirnaya was later
expanded to Rasigolasphutaniti (True
Longitude Computation of the Sphere of
the Zodiac).Another work, Karanottama
deals with eclipses, complementary
relationship between the sun and the
moon, and 'the derivation of the mean
and true planets'.In Uparagakriyakrama
(Method of Computing Eclipses), Acyuta
Pisarati suggests improvements in
methods of calculation of eclipses.
صفحه 34: