صفحه 1:
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurial Management Series Workbook 2: Business Model Design Workbook Template

صفحه 2:
Activity 1: Key business model questions Write a brief response to the following questions. 1. How do you acquire customers? 2. After you have landed a new customer, how do you plan to relate to that customer and manage the relationship (if at all)? 3. How do you charge your customers? What is your revenue model? 4. How much do you charge your customers? Can you calculate your revenues for the next month, quarter and year? 5. What assets are available to you or under your control?

صفحه 3:
Activity 1: Key business model questions (cont’d) 6. Who are your key partners? 7. What key activities do you need to engage in to deliver your value proposition? 8. What are your fixed costs? 9. What are your variable costs? Can you calculate your total cost for the next month, quarter and year? 10. Does your revenue forecast demonstrate increased profitability towards the end of the forecast period?

صفحه 4:
Activity 2: Create your own business model ay 5 7 2-6 ‏رد‎ ‎(۱ ACTIVITIES —VgPOPOSITIONS /ELATIONSHIPS SEGMENTS. ۳ ‏عرد مهد | ديو ههه‎ << describe your target customer segment here>> partners here>> | key activities proposition here>> | plan to establish and here>> manage the relationship between the customer and your brand here>> KEY RESOURCES << list the key << describe 1) how resources available you plan to acquire to you here>> customers, 2) how you plan to deliver your value proposition to them and 3) how you plan to communicate with jour customers >> << Describe your cost structure ‏تف‎ << describe your revenue streams here>> here>>

صفحه 5:
Activity 3: Consider your business model Does it work? Do the revenues outweigh the cost? Try estimating revenues and cost for the next month ( or the first month of sales, if you are without revenue for now) What are the risks to your business model? What parts of your business model are most critical for your business to grow in a profitable manner? Are there things that can or should be changed to strengthen the business model or reduce its risk?

صفحه 6:
Activity 4: Clarify your business model assumptions Check each response in the Building Model Canvas against the following criteria: + How do you know what you wrote in each building block is true? Have you made an assumption or do you have solid evidence—in the form of documented facts? — In the cases you have facts, label the response as “Fact” and make a note of your evidence. — In the cases you have made assumptions, label the response as “Assumption.” * Complete the activity by listing all the assumptions regarding your business model on the next slide. The next section will address how to test those assumptions.

صفحه 7:
Activity 4: Clarify your business model assumptions (cont’d) List your assumptions about your business model

صفحه 8:
Activity 5: Prepare to meet customers Prepare the materials needed before you meet potential customers: (create a checklist of the points elow *Sales materials — Website — Product information — Customer presentation - Other (demo/prototype/case study) “Channel strategy description *Sales process description: — Economic buyer — Other stakeholders involved in customer’s buying process — Steps in and duration of sales process — Expected deal size — Pricing options

صفحه 9:
Activity 6: Update your documentation Document your sales roadmap by answering the following questions. + Who are the stakeholders involved in the customer's buying process? + Who typically plays the roles of influencer and economic buyer? + What are the stages and the length of the sales cycle? + What is the profile of the typical buyer? + What is the best sales strategy?

صفحه 10:
Activity 6: Update your documentation (cont’d) Create your positioning statement using the following template. For. Who... Our product is... That provides... Unlike... We have assembled/created/invented a product that...

صفحه 11:
Activity 6: Update your documentation (cont’d) 5 7 2-6 ‏رد‎ ‎ACTIVITIES —VgPOPOSITIONS /ELATIONSHIPS SEGMENTS. KEY cgi RESOURCES Qe 2

صفحه 12:
Activity 7: Plan your next steps Take the required steps to implement your business model (make a checklist of the items below): Develop a revenue forecast 2. Put together a marcom strategy to generate demand and shorten your sales cycles 3. Create a product roadmap 4. Continue to engage with customers on your “initial target list” 5. Plan for growth

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