صفحه 1:
Or. Dork LA :ی
دجس خاس عه © لس
0۵۵990 ,996 1۵0
0 نله و سمس /:مدا
ساوسو ما هط
Qaversiy oF Orcicd (Pri
صفحه 2:
Cuterprise Outa Dodet
* First step in database development
* Specifies scope and general content
* Overall picture of organizational data at
high level of abstraction
* Entity-relationship diagram
۰ Descriptions of entity types
* Relationships between entities
* Business rules
069 BGP: Dadwr Orwepe (Ober 9) 6-6 6 ماسطاجو
صفحه 3:
data wodel (Pice Ouley Purature ی و موق
Cowprny) [stoped B-R degra]
Enterprise data model
describes the high-level
entities in an
organization and the
relationship between
these entities
Is contained in
fs placed by
069 BGP: Dadwr Orwepe (Ober 9) Pog O 6 ماسطاجو
صفحه 4:
* Conceptual blueprint for organization’s
desired information systems structure
* Consists of:
- Data (e.g. Enterprise Data Model - simplified ER
- Processes - data flow diagrams, process decomposition,
- Data Network - topology diagram
- People - people management using project management
tools (Gantt charts, etc.)
- Events and points in time (when processes are
- Reasons for events and rules (e.g. decision tables)
© مسا 60۸ & ٩( Com م0 سس »0 :5666 069
صفحه 5:
بيذ چپ
* A data-oriented methodology to create and
maintain information systems
Top-down planning: a generic IS planning
methodology for obtaining a broad understanding
of the IS needed by the entire organization
Four steps to Top-Down planning:
- Planning
- Analysis
- Design
- Implementation
069 BGP: Dadwr Orwepe (Ober 9) Poe 6 6 ماسطاجو
صفحه 6:
Gpstews (Phacroicrey سوه
Purpose: align information technology with
organization’s business strategies
Three steps:
1. Identify strategic planning factors
a. Goals
b. Critical success factors
c. Problem areas
2. Identify corporate planning objects
a. Organizational units
b. Locations
c. Business functions
d. Entity types
3. Develop enterprise model
a. Functional decomposition
b. Entity-relationship diagram
c. Planning matrices
069 BGP: Dadwr Orwepe (Ober 9) Poe 8 6 ماسطاجو
صفحه 7:
یه( ره مس( رام
* Organization goals - what we hope to
* Critical success factors - what MUST
work in order for us to survive
¢ Problem areas - weaknesses we now
© مسا 60۸ 2 ٩( م0 سس »0 :5666 069
صفحه 8:
* Organizational units - departments
* Organizational locations
٠ 211512655 functions - groups of
business processes
*Entity types - the things we are
trying to model for the database
*Information systems - application
:6 ماسطا +0 6 )= )2 (Okper سس »0 :5566 069
صفحه 9:
Develop (Buterprise Oodel
* Functional decomposition
- The process of breaking down the
functions of an organization into
progressively greater levels of detail.
* Enterprise data model
- See page 3 (Figure 2-1, text page 38).
٠ Planning matrixes
“an page 12 (Figure 2-3, text page
069 5566: 0» سس (Okper 2) aro 6 0+ ماسطا 6:
صفحه 10:
oP aa order PuPikoed Proton متس پم چا پم
(Pre Ouky Purcte)
Decomposition --
breaking large tasks
into smaller tasks in a
hierarchical structure
Ship customer
Fill customer
سس ی 7ج 2ج سج
Check Createnew || Check product Create
customer crecit customer availability invoioe
Poe ID 6 0۷ ماسطا
sales order
(6 جب:0)_ سین سوت :5666 069
صفحه 11:
* Describe relationships between planning
objects in the organization
Types of matrixes:
- Function-to-data entity: which data are useful to each
- Location-to-function: which function is performed where.
- Unit-to-function: which function is performed by which
- IS-to-data entity: how each IS interacts with each data
- IS-to-business objective: which IS supports each
business objective.
© ماسطا :0 6 10 Poe )2 )سس ده :5566 0069
صفحه 12:
Nelli) |.
۲ 1 S13 2
Data Entity 8 05 als 8 2
Types 8۱ و هه اک 8|<
Business 2 کب ks 2 |
Function 5۱ ۵۱ 2 2ج | < او و|
Casers) Ole le 6 |S تعر نع قاع
Business Planning 2 |
xX X
Product Development xX X X
Materials Managemen: X X KXK ۹
Order Fulfillment X/| XX XN X X K
|Order Shipment x x
صفحه 13:
Two (@pprouhes to Database urd 15
~ System Development Life Cycle
- Detailed, well-planned development process
- Time-consuming, but comprehensive
- Long development cycle
= Rapid Prototyping
Rapid application development (RAD)
- Cursory attempt at conceptual data modeling.
- Define database during development of initial prototype
— Repeat implementation and maintenance activities with new
prototype versions
© ماسطاجو 6 9« )2 (Okerer بسن »0 :5666 069
صفحه 14:
Gpstews Oervelbpwect Lite Cycle
Purpose To davelop a preliminary understanding of 3
ont help
Poe OF
صفحه 15:
Octabase Developed Orivites Durie Nhe Gpustews Oevebpwed bP Opt
(6 جب:0)_ سین سوت :5666 069
صفحه 16:
entity requirements Develop
problem = initial
‘Convert to
operational prototype
prototype |
Revise and
Implement and
use prototype
O@@ OG PE: Dasher Orwere (Okpter 8) Poe 9 6 ماسط اج
صفحه 17:
Puckaped Duta Oodets
* Model components that can be purchased,
customized, and assembled into full-scale
data models
* Advantages
- Reduced development time
- Higher model quality and reliability
* Two types:
- Universal data models
- Industry-specific data models
069 9566: 0» Orwepe (Oper 2) Poe OP 6 ماسطابو
صفحه 18:
Outabuse Orsica
¢ The database design process can be divided into
six basic steps. Semantic data models are most
relevant to only the first three of these steps.
1. Requirements Analysis: The first step in designing
a database application is to understand what data
is to be stored in the database, what applications
must be built on top of it, and what operations are
most frequent and subject to performance
requirements. Often this is an informal process
involving discussions with user groups and
studying the current environment. Examining
existing applications expected to be replaced or
complemented by the database system.
069 9566: 0» Orwepe (Oper 2) ماسطابو 6 © ع
صفحه 19:
Outubuse مرنوو(ا) (cout.)
2. Conceptual Database Design: The information
gathered in the requirements analysis step is
used to develop a high-level description of the
data to be stored in the database, along with the
constraints that are known to hold on this data.
3. Logical Database Design: A DBMS must be
selected to implement the database and to
convert the conceptual database design into a
database schema within the data model of the
chosen DBMS.
069 9566: 0» Orwepe (Oper 2) Poe © 6 ماسطابو
صفحه 20:
Outubuse مرنوو(ا) (cout.)
4. Schema Refinement: In this step the schemas
developed in step 3 above are analyzed for potential
problems. It is in this step that the database is
normalized. Normalization of a database is based
upon some elegant and powerful mathematical
theory. We will discuss normalization later in the
5. Physical Database Design: At this stage in the
design of a database, potential workloads and
access patterns are simulated to identify potential
weaknesses in the conceptual database. This will
often cause the creation of additional indices and/or
clustering relations. In critical situations, the entire
conceptual model will need restructuring.
069 5566: 0» Orwrerte (Ohare 2) Poe 0 60+ ماسطا
صفحه 21:
Outubuse مرنوو(ا) (cout.)
6. Security Design: Different user groups are
identified and their different roles are analyzed so
that access patterns to the data can be defined.
* There is often a seventh step in this process with
the last step being a tuning phase, during which
the database is made operational (although it may
be through a simulation) and further refinements
are made as the system is “tweaked” to provide
the expected environment.
٠ The illustration on the following page summarizes
the main phases of database design.
069 9566: 0» Orwepe (Oper 2) Poe OF 6 ماسطابو
صفحه 22:
Outabuse Orsict (coot.)
xed Dordt مان توت
امه مس
(bevel des mn) مسا مج100
(000۵ سامت مه Gohan وس
امه سوه
© مسا +60
1 سس
= = == [ene te (hasnt ener)
Ringers نس
Oke سس
Andebead Proxies Coreen
] Promo
(6 )سین له :5566 099
صفحه 23:
* Computer-Aided Software Engineering
(CASE) - software tools providing
automated support for systems
* Three database features:
- Data modeling - entity-relationship diagrams
- Code generation - SQL code for table
- Repositories - knowledge base of enterprise
069 5566: 0» )سس 8) Pap OO 6 0+ مسا ©
صفحه 24:
عسیز<) رمزجمی()
٠ Project - a planned undertaking ۲ 0
activities to reach an objective that has a
beginning and an end
* Involves use of review points for:
- Validation of satisfactory progress
- Step back from detail to overall view
- Renew commitment of stakeholders
* Incremental commitment - review of systems
development project after each development
phase with re-justification after each phase
069 5566: 0» )سس 8) Pap OF 6 0+ مسا ©
صفحه 25:
DMucracjercy Prvievts: (Pevple evolved
* Systems analysts
* Database analysts
* Users
* Programmers
۰ Database/data administrators
* Systems programmers, network
administrators, testers, technical writers
099 5566: )سین له 6( Pay OO © Dok but ©
صفحه 26:
uct Okt
Sales Promotion Tracking
211 1008 عمل ۳ 7
w_| Wame TI
۱ سمل | E 1
۱7 سح سر
3 | repo Design 1222222222
| ataoase Desion [zzz
5_| User Documentation یس
و | Preparing
7 ZA
17 a
وس رس 5 روم سوه
اس انه ع ۱ estore © Rated o_O
Shows time estimates of tasks
069 5566: 0» Orwrerte (Ohare 2) Poe BO 60+ ماسطا
صفحه 27:
PERT chat (Progra Cuckstion ond Review Techatque)
Sales Promotion Tracking
تكسن فلت ع ع
ستل هفنا | اجه
مرح مسج fo
20 fooler} «= ستل ههه
ید oe) آسسستا تحص
الععا [ست سا مسعت مهد
Shows dependencies between tasks
069 5566: 0» Orwrerte (Ohare 2) Poe OP 60+ ماسطا