صفحه 1:
Cheaper 07: Qevpvery Opsew

صفحه 2:
+ ‏وان‎ 0۳: Racer Oyster ‎OkssFiccion‏ ساد ‎Gtorage ‏سس‎ ‎Recovery od ‏رو‎ ‎LoxpBased Recovery ‎Gkodow Pata ‎Recovery Dik Oowured Treceuniow OPPer Oonnewect ‎(Poture with Loss oF Ovavohathe Store Odcred Recovery ‏تج هل‎ @ORIEG Revovery Okprikee ‎Rewoe Backup Oysters ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ne ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 3:
ح ات0 سول + ۲ ‏موب‎ Poke? eee merce cee ee eee ee ee ee te ‏مج‎ مس ره مه ها اس مرو لو ‎Cyetew errors! he‏ © ‎dexfock)‏ ری مج و مت صا جل همه سوت اوه و سور او و سا سوه تلو مسق ۲ او و مرو با ی اس مب بو وی و ارو زا اه و بو تمه هط تاه روا موه ما مرو له( یب ‎Baker destroys df or pat of debe‏ باس مور اه میاه تسوا 0 ۳ ‎pion‏ © Desiring is weaved tp be detevicble! disk drives use chevkouvs ty detent ‏یله‎ |۱۳ Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ne ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 4:
+ Revovery ‏و‎ له ری لعج وا هه ول ترس ۲ اه( ال رالد له توت شمسا ©) Come oP this chapter © Revvery cherthws hove tw ports 6 Qrtces toed durtog aero trocsaniva processtoy io Poure Porch iPorwoticg exists to recover Pro Phares واه و وا عون ‎the dotubase‏ رو وا ولو و له وله ‎(Brticos‏ ‏رات له ری ,وود سور ‎Od. ne ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 5:
+ Ouray Onoter © Ockile strroce! © does wt sue syste rushes © ‏من رم‎ eur, cache ‏رو‎ ‎© Ocak serene! © sunives aysiew rushes © exnopkes! cok, tore, Phok ww, cexruokile (botery barked uw) REO © Orbb veraw: © ‏اوه‎ Por of storage thot survives ‏و( له‎ © pproxtroted by cotctcttay wuliple copies ca dettact ‏ملحب جمدم‎ ‎Od. me ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 6:
وه ام( ‎Gicb's-Owraye‏ ۳۲ ‏مس لا موی خن ری لین نی(‎ separcie disks © copes con be ‏ام اد‎ sites ‏وه اوه مس وا‎ suck us Pre or © ‏وميك عملت‎ dota rousPer on sill resull to tervosistedt copies! Block trae Per ‏ذا انود ددم‎ ۰ ‏مه خی‎ ۱ © Dord Bake! ‏ال جر ایا مت‎ Bl Proeokn store weda Pro Poker dure doa ‏اس‎ (oe ooh): © Crete cp opera os Polos (asm unrkny LUD copes oP suck block): (0 Onte he kPorewatea ro he Pret phypird book. Okeo the Pirst wrte successPuly cowpletes, vars the score toPorcatiog wnt the seooed physicd block. he culpa cowpleted ‏واه رای‎ he seoved write success huly copes. @eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. me ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 7:
+ | Ieopleweucios (Coc.) BH Protein store wed Brow Paki dure de traePer (oo.): BE Oops of a Hock ‏موه توت مد ان سدق رو‎ Po recover Prow Poker: 6 @irst Prod eeocwintedt bloke! ۱ ‏سوم( مشاه رو‎ he two copies of every disk bok. ‏ماه و‎ © ‏موی من مرن با موه لس‎ store (Dookie ROO pr ‏لخي همه اس‎ ۶ Ose the ‏ند سا امن رم مد وت‎ may be ‏ووه وس و ابو سب‎ bee, ۶ ‏میت لو‎ ٩۱۱0 ‏مود‎ 4P ether copy oP oe ‏مه ها وا لستجط ع ولا متسه‎ error (bad checker), venue thy the ober copy. “IP bots have a7 error, but ore dPPeredt, pverurie the seuoed black by the First block. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 وجو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 8:
Oxta Oovess © @hyetd books we those blocks residiry va the disk. ۲ uPPer blobs we the biochs residiey tewporady in wot wewory. © @lck woveweus between dish ood wot wewory we totfcted tus the ‏اطلام‎ uae ‏تصش‎ © tagn(®) those Pere the physiod block (Bt cocks ‏رم‎ © ‏)نحت‎ )©( irenePers the buPPer block (P to the disk, oad replaces the pproprinte physicd block there. ‎bool cope of ol cia‏ ات وا ‎hur ts private Wwork-ureu‏ ,7 ما ها ‎by ilove her.‏ لول ‎tews urreezed ond‏ ‎tow Xt oiled x,‏ مق و ‎P's bro copy of‏ © ‎© Oe weanve, Por skophoty, thot euch cote lew Pity to, ond is stored ‏رطس‎ ot stop blocks. ‎Od. ne ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 9:
+ Oxta Bovese (Ova) © Prnswivd troPers dota tews betweru sysiew bubPer blocks ood ts private ‏وود‎ ustey the Portes pperaiocs | © ret(0) seeks he uoke of skis few 20 the bool varkdble x, © vorte(X) cost the ude oF ‏جما‎ vartable 2, to dc tec OG i the bubPer book. © bok bese commends way vevessicie he tour of ‏مه تلا مه‎ ‏وا مخ ,مت سا موی‎ Bev whic ‏اتوم )ل‎ ts ot dread) fe wer. صم 1 31 تا سا ۲ رسیه ساحاند (00 )لجر ومرو تاوت © ‎Ol xbeequect accesses oe to the bod vopy.‏ © )ات تمه مت ره سا ‎Per‏ © 0 سس ۱ مات موه ‎Od. ne ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 10:
سس 6 اس ‎@ufFer‏ @OufFer Blk — 100 / 0 ۳ work aed ‏نام‎ 00 Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.

صفحه 11:
بزچموه) وه بجورمومو) سم بوب وه لب مس ‎he‏ بط مه فولات لد با بط ا بل ‎«pol‏ ۵ مج ‎ip‏ مه م۳ 30 مط ن 1 مسب لو ‎toh‏ و وا روا یت تایه بط سوم یلیر ‏له 0 ۰( ‎way be required Por 41١ (to vuiput @ ord‏ وه نوی لوق ‎have beeo wode but bePore oll oP thew‏ مشخ سا نس اه مج رون ‎we wade.‏ ‎ ‎4 ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مجو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 12:
+ Reever aud Giaicks (Cod) © ‏روت مت‎ despie Poles, we First cuiput iPorcatiod desorbiay the ‏ال سا رما نات مه ارو با سل‎ Be sity tw ‏اس‎ ‎© bxpbesed recovery, ord * ‏ومبسمسطصاد‎ ‎000 thot i, oo Pier the ober. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 13:
رو رمووو() لودع ظاعوورا B® by her oa okbe sine. © Phe loys a sequewe oF bey revords, ued cototctces ot revord oP update ‏وص انعد‎ va the ‏لول‎ © Ohkea inners 7, starts, tredsiers ‏رواخ‎ a <P, whales revord ۲ Before 1, exentes wrte(X), okey record <P, X, Oy O? 9 wien, where O, te he other oP XC bePore the wurie, ood Ot the uke ty be writes to X. © bet record antes tht 7) kor perPorwed a wrt ‏لک ما مد مه‎ her O, be ore the wrte, ond ull ave voke O,, Pier te wrte. Bl Whew 7) Brisker thet ottewed, be by record <P, ppew> t writes. Be coor Por cow tht bu records oe writed drecly tp okible stone (thot i, fey oe ot bP Pered) © Dw wercaches ‏ار‎ ‎© DePered database wodFivaion © Aexveddie dattbase wodPicdioa سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 14:
+ QsPerred Oxide DrdPodica ۲ ‏با‎ tePerred dotcbesr wodPivatve schewe records dl ‏روصا جما جا جمحش حالسب‎ but dePers dll the wrties ty oPter portal azat. © Ose nce he teeeuntiows ‏ره جیوه‎ ‎ke.‏ لو خی > مج برجا وه مه ‎B® wrte(X) perctica resus ta by reverd <7, X, O> betsy writen, where Ot he wow ihe Por X © ote! od uch ty oot ceeded Por this schewe ‎19 Dhe wrte cet perPorwed oa X ot his toe, bat ts dePerred. ‎Ohea 7, portly ores, <P poet? ‏ما سح‎ te kx ‎© Pind), the bby records ore read oad used ty oct) exerute the previously ‏لاو‎ ‎|۱۳ Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. 7.0 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 15:
+ OsPerred Oxide DrdPodion (Orc) 18 7 ‏يحنى‎ recovery er ‏و‎ crash, 9 rowsuniiog oeeds ty be redooe P oad oaly P bot > ote orl? power oe tere ‏جا‎ he by. BE Redbkn o texecctoa 7, (redo?) sete he ude of ol cota few arched by te ‏ترجه با نا بو‎ vcher. اج مه بل ۲ عه ‎i examen the orice updos,‏ و با © مجحلا بيجا جا ‎kde recovery cote‏ ۶ B excep exeioes Ty ond T, (Ty ‏تسا فص‎ 1١ ‏:ل‎ Dy ress (P) Dy tread (OC) @:-@-80 0 0-400 Orte (®) wort (O) rewd () 6: ۵+0 ‎he‏ (0) هس ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 16:
+ OsPerred Oxide DrdPodion (Orc) © ew we show the bby os it ‏اه عم عدا اد سمه‎ <Tp start> <To start> <Tp start> <T, A, 950> ‏رن‎ ۸, 9502 >, 2, 950< >10, 8, 2050< ‏,و‎ 8, 2050< >, B, 2050> <Ty commit> >10 commit> <T, start> <T, start> <I, C, 600> = <T), C, 600> <T, commit> (b) (9) BPRixy oooh sinnp of eve oP orack is oe ki ose! (0) Oo rab wine weed w be her (b) redo ‏ام © ام( > هلچ سا شمه(‎ (0) vedo( Tg) ‏اسح‎ be perPorcoed Pobowed by rede T)) ‏اه‎ ‎<2, power nd <P, oouna> ore preset سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موه ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 17:
+ towers Dokbwe DodPotva ۲ ۱ ‏ات مرن سل لت‎ dlows database updates oP ot oor ‏جد طلجت سا وا مس‎ the writes ure ‏لح‎ © swe uedoiey way be ceeded, upduie loys ust hove bois ok votue ced ceus uch 198 Opdate by record wast be writes before datas tec is usritest © Oe ws .nve thot the boy record is pulpal direcily tp stuble storage © Coa be extruded i poster by record pulp, 90 boon ‏جد‎ prior to exer ot of oc pulpa(®) operators Por a dota book @, of bt records correspon otros Bonet be Photed ty oktble ‏جمد‎ ‎BE Ouput of uechied books on tohe phire ooo koe bePore or Per ‏تمصي‎ ‏سیر‎ 18 OOrder ta whick blocks ure cual co be dP Perrot Brow the order ia ushick they: re writes, @eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. wae ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 18:
ی + bow One Oud >, sho <P, B, WOO, SSO> 2, ۵, 6000, ۵6060 @=980 @=0090 >, wow > sta <0, 0, 20۵, 600< 0= 000 Dy ®, > ‏سوه‎ ‎4 ‎X.‏ ری انا سا ۵ اقا ‎|۱۳ Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ‏موه‎ 311 ‎

صفحه 19:
+ thowerkts Debwe DodPoctva (Ovu.) Bl Reve proche ‏ام موه ماب‎ of coe! © edb 1) restores the ‏سس‎ of ll dott tec upchaied by “D7 their ob chew, eee eee eee ee eet eee © reb(1) see he vcke of ol deta texee uted by Po the ew ches, yore Ponward Brow te Piet boo record Por 7, Bok opercioxe cam be kewpoied © Dro ‏حك رط‎ P he operdivg is executed wuliple fer the ePPevt is the socve a Pits exerted core * Deeded siwre operatives way yet re-exeruted dure ‏بمصحدم‎ ‎© hee reowvertay oer Pukire: ۱ ‏مس وا ۶ موی بانط( مس‎ he record ST, phat, bet does cet ovis he revord <P eouwA>. © Denton Poors be redoue Pe bx ovata bok the record <P) ett> arnt he record <7 pow. 19 )1( ‏له‎ opertiow oe perPorwed First, hea redy operciicas. ‎Od. «9.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 20:
el ‏بت پا سل تیاه سب‎ tL oppeary ot threw Retaarey oP tern. <Ty start> <Ty start> <Ty Start> <Ty, A, 1000, 950> >10, ‏بق‎ 1000, 950< >10, A, 1000, 950> <To, B, 2000, 2050> >, 8, 2000, 2050< <Ty, B, 2000, 2050> <Ty commit> >10 commit> <T, start> <T; start> >11, C, 700, 600> — <T,, C, 700, 600> <T, commit> ‏م‎ (©) Cron wane Weak oer dae ae (0) canbe (1): © b revered » COOO ened Ov (OOO. (b) verbs (7) orn recy (Tp): Ow reotored POO, axed bea © ‏سف © لحت‎ ‏امهممسه 9060 لمی 060 باس‎ ‏طخ (م‎ )( cx re (P,): O axnd O wre ox ‏ای 990 و‎ 0 reopevand. Phew Oe ont» ODD هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 21:
4 coated ۲ ‏لا‎ recovery proveder us deassed porter : ‏بط رام‎ pute bry fre oe ROAR ‏تاه سم ات مج ولج را موی له سب‎ ( ینجن ‏شا‎ updates to the database. © Greaves recovery procedure by periodicdly perPorwiay chevhpottay 1١ Ouputdl locprevords curredly resides io ait wewory poi stoble storage. Ouiput ol soodPied bubPer blocks te the disk. 2 Orie a log record > vhevkpotd> vain stable ‏يماد‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مه ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 22:
+ Obsukporis (Orct.) © Outeg recovery we ceed tp ooosider oly the wost reved ‏شمه‎ ٩۳ ‏فكلا‎ ‎stated bePore the chechpotd, ‏اه اوه شحو لو‎ ۶ > امس مس جد لعو ابا اه له مس ‎(Goa backwards‏ ‎record‏ Ovniteur sconce backwards lo record <7 stat? ie Poured, ( ‏با وی بای لو(‎ port of ley Polowiesy cbove stad record. Gorter pend oF lpg can be tqeored durteg recovery, ced ooo be erased wheuever desired. 1) or dl ienexctvar (startar Pro Por hier) wih ‏صم‎ >1١ poet, ‏طحي ححص‎ )1١(, ))( ‏ادب سستجمها خم حصت جا بياج ج55‎ ( عص 41 مس اوه سس ‎Forward ict ihe boy, Por ol‏ رمموق) ‎hier wilt <7, vower>, exeruir redo(T).‏ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 23:
‎Puke‏ سود امن ( اعسات صا سل جات ما تفت تاحه تلم لس ‎cos be‏ ۱ ‎Ty ew.‏ 110 9 علي ۱ ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 و ‎Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏ ۱۳| ‎ ‎

صفحه 24:
۳۹) سطله!۵) خا لحاس ها مت ع روم لها نا ماه معا بجوم و۵ ۲ ره اجه سا BE ‏وا بط مدا وج رد مت تم‎ of ‏مس و‎ the pared pe ‏تساه بط اج سل‎ pane ‏یف‎ ۲ ‏انا وج تمه با ی‎ to weve storage, suck trot state oP the database prior ‏لحم چا رو موه ماما و‎ ۱۳ wodPied durtoy exertion © Vo stat wth, bok the page tobles ore ideaicd. Ou curred paye tuble te used Por dat few unpesses dudey executiog oF the trocruriza. © Qkevever coy poe is cba ty be writes Por the Pirst tre © copy oF this pone te wade voip oo need poe. © Dhe correct par tuble te thea wade tp ‏تروصت ححا صا مادم‎ © Dhe update te perPorned oo the copy سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 25:
pigeon disk سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ووم ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 26:
+ 0 (Ghadow cad curred poop tobles oPier write i page shadow page table سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 27:
+ Obadow Parton (Oat) © Po cowl a ixxenios | عاص صا لوصوب مده ها جردم السب لد جاص اف .0 ©. 0 ‏سدم ححصت انحرف‎ ible to tots 6 0 he cures pax tbe he ce shank poe ble, oe Polos! © keep a pointer to the shadow pore table of o Pred (keowa) lpeaios vo deb. 6 6 22 12 22223 222 ‏د‎ fone etre rere ‏اك اك ل‎ ‎iy potuliy pannel puxe tobke na dks‏ جر ‏اوح مس رت ما سا ‎shadow pare‏ نا ‎Ocee porter‏ ۴ ‎© Wp reve & weeded Per 9 prick ‏,رهاط اجه موی مس تست‎ wien fhe shadowy pave tobe. ‎BE Pages owt ported iy Prow curreulshodbuy poy fable should be Breed (srarboxe ‏سیر‎ ‎Od. wor ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 28:
+ Chow Pater (Oow.) ۲ Odvoukes of shadou-pagry over berbused schewes © werhead oF writry log records نضا جا بمصصحص ‏ * 1 ‏:ص0‎ ‎۶ ‏و روت ال و له رون‎ » Coa be reckeed ‏يحاص بو‎ 3 poe thle pinwtwred the 0 O*-iree — Oo weed ty copy euire tee, ody weed tp copy poke ta the tree that bead to ‏سب ببس‎ © Cort overhead shiek even wit ‏مه و‎ + Deed ip Phok every urdhied pay, oud pace tobe © Dota ete Praxnoecied (rebied paves yet separced oa tsk) © ORer every resuniva cowplction, the dotabuse pages ooctatateg obd versizces oP swodhted data ceed to be garbage ‏لاس‎ © ler to exited deporte to olow trresurioes to rust cvarurreciy * Goster to extead log based schewes سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 29:
+ QRevovery Ok Cowured Traswirw ۴ De only te ‏نا وس وی وه و عالطا‎ 2222327 © 001 9 ‏وماد جاص‎ a sine dk bub Per ord a sted bot © 09 ‏تاها‎ bck oa have dots ters urchiied by mee or crore tracert BE Oe wm noe cowry roirol woken viret Luo-phare bhi © he the updkies oP veroercnited trrcsuntizas should oot be visible to ver ‏سور‎ ” Otkeruise how to perPorw verde PDC updates , thea DO updates (DB ‏را له ویو لو‎ TM bas to abort? ۱ ‏با ریسا‎ doce os desorbed eorter. ‏سا رو و وله اه سم رورا و‎ toterspersed ta the lou. ۲ ۱ ‏اد اه له سم پا‎ vo recovery have ty be chased © ste severd irneurives way be uive wheo a chevhpotd is perPorwed. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 30:
۲ ‏وه مان‎ perPorwed us bePore, except thot the chevhpoidt joy revord te ow of the Por < ‏حرا‎ ‎where ts the tet oP trocsunticos ucive of the tie of the cherkpotat ۶ ‏طولب موجه و(‎ or it prowess hte ‏واه‎ ie carted ot (ul roku tir kite) © Wheo he systew revwvers Prow a oresh, tf Pirst doer the Polowterg! ‏وی سا‎ ccd rede-let to ep (Goa the joy backwards Proc the pwd, stoppies uted the Pirst <chevkpotat L> vevord ts Pound. (Por ack record Pourd durtey the backward sro © Bike reper ‏دا‎ >1١ ‏<امجموو‎ , hl Te red-bet Phe records <7, phat, hea P Dye ‏,سحاد جامد‎ add ۰ ‏ال‎ ‎١ Por every Dial, B De ot i rect, ‏بل و لل‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ممم ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 31:
ths port vod coceiets oP recaps traneuntioes whick wast be untoce, ‏سوم سور لو‎ oF Finished trocsantiogs thot aust be redo. © Revvery ww oowinues os Pola: ‎bachivards Brow west reved record, stoppin whet‏ بجاو دحلم ‎eta records have bea earountened Por eveny 1١ ١‏ > ‎© Our he soon, perPors ede Por ‏د صا ما لا اس وا ات‎ trocsurtiog tr ucts. ‏الس را واه > فا ]مرا ‎bog Porwards Prow the <pheckporat L> record tke ead of the low.‏ 1۱ ‎© Orc he soon, perPorw rede Por cack oy record thot bel too ‏سل وه موم‎ ‎|۱۳ Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. «7.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 32:
ی ۵ + وا مسا بط من میگ وضو عط ‎@o over he steps oP‏ 19 موه ,> <0 ,۵ ,0 ,> سس > و > <40 ,۵ ,۵ ,> | سا وه 4 مه دا موه ۱۶ و > ‎<P, 0, 0, 00<‏ <60 ,00 ,0 ,41> ‎٩ ۰(<‏ ممسواسای> بو > ‎<P, 0, 0, 60<‏ ‎<P, O, 0, 00>‏ سس > سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 33:
+ Log Record @uPPertc Bo bog revord bubPerted: oy records ore bubPered in watt wewory, fostead oP oP beta pulpal direnily to stable sore. © Lent records are pulpal ty stable pire hea a block of boc records ta ho babPer ts Pl, or a bog Poroe operon is executed. وممصم اه و رو ماه مه و او و ‎Low Borne‏ ۳ وه وه و( تمه ‎(eke he‏ © Geverd ley reverds con thus be cuipul ‏د عطاك‎ stage ‏مس شوه تون‎ the WO vost. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 وو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 34:
+ Log Record BuPPertaq (Ovu.) BO ODhe nies below west be Polowed P log records ore bubPered: © beg reverts ore pulpal to stuble storage to the order ia whick they ore ‏لس‎ © ‏يجا جملا مت تسه ام با مه 1 مس‎ record > ‏ما مین‎ beew pu ty oti ‏واه‎ © ebore a block oF data te woke wewory ‏وه رال سا نا تن ع‎ records pertototey to dota fo trot blocks o7ust have bers cuigut to stable storage. ۱ ۶۳ nde ts dled the varte~dhead loygag or D@L rue ~ Girely speakie DOL ool requires ‏ای ص و موه طی‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 35:
Octebose OuPPertay B Oottbase watdtoies oo ‏رو‎ bubPer of data beck © Okea a cew block is ceeded, P buPPer is Pull ow extstay blocks ueeds to be rewoved Prow buPPer 01P the block chose Por rewoud hes beeo updated, oust be muiput to dist 19 sa result oP the wortechead Irqgiay rule, Po block with veered updates is mulzut to disk, leg records wih uade toPoreaiiog Por the updates are pulpal te the bog oe stable store First. 1# Wow: ould be to progress ooo block wheo ite cuiput to disk. Ouc b ‏ابید‎ ‎us Polos. ۶ ‏مت سوه‎ o dott few, irrurion umquires exckisive lok oa block ovotaictcry the cote tec © bok co be releused pave the write te cowpleted. + ‏سا اس‎ held Por short duraica ore culled kaichew. © @ePore u block is vulput to disk, the sysiew urquires oo exchusive hatch oo the block * Cesures oo update coc be to progress 7 the blo سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 36:
+ OPPor Oucxpwed (Oow.) © Octubuse bubPer coc be topiewrcted ether © logo ed oF red wokrwewory reserved Por the dutdbuse, or © ‏ی مش‎ ۲ ‏وروی رو و تا با‎ her drawbacks: © Dewey ts portioued bePore-hoad between database buPPer ord ‏قاطا با ,امه‎ ۱۳۹ way chan, ood othougk opera, syste havws best hows swewory should be chivided up of ony tee, amet chooge the portiicatay oP wewory. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 37:
+ OPPor Oucxpwed (Oow.) ناه ره و ره لعج ‎eerily kop ented ta‏ بو ول له ۲ drawbacks: © Oheu operate syoew wer ‏ات وا‎ a pour hol ‏سل وا ,یی ما سم‎ epee Por coker pare, he poe ip unites tp swap space ou toh. © ‏سوا(‎ dotubwwe ‏یل‎ Wy wrte bPPer pave to ok, bPPer pose way be fa Suny space, ond way hve tobe red Brow swor spore oa doh ond ot to the ‏بط بحاصل من سول‎ ts extra VO! ‏مس‎ hed pacts problew. © ded) when swppin pul a cicbose bPPer pane, oper syste shod poss code bp dokbose, whick ia hua pups pace ‏واه تیه سل و‎ SUN ‏بط فده ط ید )ورد‎ Pars!) > Dad pari oon thus be worked, but exons operas ‏سوه‎ db ot روط امه وود ‎Od. wer ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 38:
+ (Pokee Wik bow oP Oodikdiy Gore ‎Powe waned w lose oP corvokile store‏ وق ا ‎Dechoique sive to chevhpoittey used to deul wits bss oP arcrupkatie storage‏ ۱ ‎Cericdicdly dcop the eure couiedt oF the chtcbose to stable strrace‏ © ‎© Oo resuriog wey be orive durioy the dup procedure; a provedure sitar to chevhpotatey wet tohe phase ‎> Quint dl os records murrediy reside ia waa weeny oxto sible sion * Output al buPPer blocks cote the cists. ١ Copy the ovotents oF the database to stable storace. ۱ ‏موجه سای من وان حول > ارو و تون‎ ©) ‏اد موم و‎ ۱ ‏مس ول مور‎ wost revect ducop. ۱ ‏مدع اه لاو لا عمجم اه مل له رها ع ون‎ ‎B® ‏وا للم و‎ olow trawsurtioes to be arive durioy ducrp; heowa os Pay dice or voor dope © Oil sity Paap checkportey ker ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 39:

صفحه 40:
+ Gdanced Gecnery Techanee BH ‏و 60 بو ای سب امه ,مات رما روص و‎ oT ‏اش‎ ‎© Operations the @ ree tesertows und debtions ‏رات تا ما‎ © Dhey comun be ‏ول‎ by resioriogy okt voter (phyotrd vers), she pare « ook brewed, her rexeurines way have urduied the @tree. © Aeetenl, Keerivcs (resp. debetows) ure unror by ‏بمشججمت‎ 0 deleira (resp. feseriva) opercica (horus ‏مها چم‎ ued). Bor suck operon, ued ly records should ovotais he vedo operation ty be exerted © added gird uade bata ۰ ‏ات‎ ty phystod vans br. 15 Rede iPorwaina & byged phyeizdly (hol is, ‏سنج‎ voke Por euk write) eved Por suk operations © Ledted rede ‏یه امه بوچ‎ dotdbase stot oa desk way wt be ‏مه مرن‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 41:
Operatica loguicy te door os Priaws: ‎stare, ba <7, O, operdtorbeda>. ere O, 16 3 wise‏ سین ما ‎idewPier of the operctios aki.‏ ‎Ohte ‏مه‎ tf exeruity, cord ley records wih physicd redo od physica sande ‏صمت جمدم ونام‎ booed. ‎Okeu pperdiva mops, <P, O, vperaorrad, D> is iced, where D ‏تمه له ی ماه مناج نا تج مهم مه تععین‎ ‎٩۴ ‏ورن تسوا موه بای‎ oops: ‎۱ ‏وه طجی و لح ها موق ‎ke physied vedls‏ © ‏ات رورت سل ولا 0000 1701000 ‎1 ‎© bxicd vad is perPorced ‏موق طلی لصوم :00 و‎ Por the persion ‏ای ها‎ Qedo of (Pier crust) stil uses ‎ ‎ ‎4 ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ‏مهمه‎

صفحه 42:
+ Bdanued Qecciery Tectcique (od) ‎doar oe Poke‏ )1 ما جر اس( ‎BH Gow te by bahar‏ ‎Raby record <P, X, Oy On? & Poued, perPorw the vedo oad by‏ 0( ‎by record <7, X, OP‏ موسر اسرد ‎AB a <7, O, vperstowend, O> record te Pond‏ 60 مه ی ‎Rolback the operas brody using‏ * ‏اد ‎ane legged jet the‏ اس ام ومد لوط ‎Opies‏ ‏شحو ماه امه ‏و و روا اه ام ,سا مج اه امه ۲ 0۱) روص له ‎eed‏ ‏سوه 0 ,> و0 > ی اس وا بط و ‎beqo> is Pann‏ ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 43:
+ Bdanued Qecciery Tectcique (od) Bl Gown be by bukards (ov.): AR ‏لاصيا جبحا جا لمحي لاصلص و‎ ‏ممما جا لمعب <ا روطم سب ,0 ,11> د خاك ا‎ skip ‏لجح یط وا مس‎ >, 0, operctorbedts> © Pons. bop be soca when the revord <T, star? te Prvred Okla <P, bor? record ‏صما حا‎ boy Borne prt tr swe! © Ooses 9 and @ obove coo poor coy Phe ‏حول‎ orushes white a ‏ایا لام رما سا طسو‎ ۱ ‏و‎ oF ‏اوه سوه با‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏ ۱۳|

صفحه 44:
+ ‏رس دس رگ‎ Teckel Ook) و موه و موم ات مه موه و۳ با اس را ماه < ‎(Goan fey Porward Brow ket‏ مه .1 Oreste oct veerot char he sia ces Prous را ول ۱ ای و للم جا ‎1١‏ لمتجنا جا ‎stan‏ > سا« ‎deleted Brow‏ 1 ,لوط ‎or <7, xbort>‏ حوموو > مسا( ‏لس ‎A his brags database to state os oP ‏وی جه أعنبد جه ای نت ی‎ ‏رنه شم‎ beeo redoce. ‎Wow ‏و نا مس موه لول‎ keeowpbte, tral tr, have cether ‏لسو يج رجور‎ wor bees Bully roled back. ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. wee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 45:
+ Bdanued Qecciery Tectcique (od) Recovery Brow systew oreek (ovct.) ©. Gra bu backwards, perPorcse wendy a ‏ام سس اه و‎ ‏ی‎ ‏وم و‎ are role back os desorbed eater. © hen <7, wa? ‏جا‎ Prue Por ‏موم و‎ 0 verte, wre a <P, ‏لمصصيت را و‎ ۶ ‏و > اب و بو‎ records hove beeo Pood Por of Pict ‏ال‎ 18/113957 adver the ef Penis oP ecowplete rocsuriioas (hose wih other powell le ey eer eee ere سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 46:
+ Bdanued Qecciery Tectcique (od) Bl Okevhponatag i dice os Pokus: (0 0 ‏يجا اك تحف‎ records in ewer) 1 sible storage Out to doh dl waodPied bubPer books ١١ 0 ‏اتحف‎ bx oa otdble ‏باس را واه > و وت‎ ۱ oot dlowed to perPors coy onicos white chekpotiterg i it prowess. © Rugg chevhpototey dows trocsurtives i progress while the wost ive ‏واه خن وم روصت‎ one to progress ۱ va cen slide سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 47:
+ Bdanued Qecciery Tectcique (od) ۲ ‏وه ریخ‎ is dour os Pols: ‏اس روا لآ و راو‎ Onte 3 <chevkpotet L> ley record ood Pore boy to stable storage ote tt D oP coodiPted buPPer blocks 0 Onw perni ‏اب موم وا شم‎ their orto Ovtput te cist ol soodPied buPPer blacks tet tet D blocks skoukl aot be updated ube beta ‏ان‎ ‏نطو‎ OL: ol ley records pertotatay ‏و‎ block wast be vutput bePore the block ts mutput Gtore 3 potter to the chevkpotat ‏من مانب ما ام و ام‎ hk © kes reomeriog 1 PRuzzy checkporal, stot sca Brow the chevkpotd record ported io by ‏ماس‎ © bow records bePore et_chevkpord hove their upduies reAlevied tr dutcbase pods, cod ceed oot be redo. ‎eens checkporis, where sysiew hed crashed white perPorcicny‏ و ‎Ez‏ رای لا ‎checkpotat, are‏ ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ner ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe ‎

صفحه 48:
@OR166 Revovery Okprikw

صفحه 49:
+ 2۳۷0۵ ۲ 0186 ‏و و‎ oF he ot recovery wrth ‎cuvercus upitvizaives to reduce overheads durtay oral‏ وا و ‎provessrn| ued ip speed up repovery‏ ‎© Dhe “odveued recovery okprihew” we sted carder tr wrdeled Pier ORIEG, but gredly ‏اه وم توا موه‎ ‏0 مد سم اه 0 ۲ سس نا رل نا (00) امه مصصوو بها تسوا ۱ ‏سا راما عم ‎whol updates‏ رام و همم و و()۵)را موی ۱ اد و ‎pphed to‏ ‎٠١ ‏لصم ادصحاصصيوا)‎ Oiny poe toble ty avord umevessary redos durtag recovery ‎(0) Cheap checkpotatey that ody records iePorwatica about ddy payee, ord does ot require diy poops te be vorites cut ot chechpotc Ee ‎* Qore cowie up vo cork of the ubove ... ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 50:
@OR166 Optcazatows © ‏یاه‎ re © OR Revted poe is physiol) deuiPi|d, uciod wikia page coc be boyd © Osed to reduce looper, pvereerds ‎a repo is deleted ced dl ther records hove ty be woved‏ ات بو ‎to Pil kote‏ ‎« ‏جوا‎ rede oa log feet the record delet ‎> Physicdd rede would require lrgsiog oP ob cod ce vokes Por swuck oF the pace ‏ب دستص جف عاك جا اتحودج ‎Requires pace ty be‏ ‎hardware (ROD, dso supported by sve dst:‏ ارت مه و بوچ مود ‎~— eexeplete page cuiput coc be deterted by checks ‏رجا‎ ‎> Out extra ‏ات‎ ore required Por recovery > Drected as ‏ه‎ edt ‏لت‎ ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 51:
+ ORWO Ore Orwiures Bboy seqewe wevber (UG6O) dealer euch by revord © ‏اص(‎ be sequecidly rocreasicry © Dypiedy oa of Peet Prow beara oF boy Ble ty olow Past aces ‏ما را ری مامت رات‎ © Gok pe ‏ی‎ o Pagel GO whick is the LGO of the lest ley record whose ‏ام‎ ore reReried oo the poe © Dodie 3 page ۱ ‏ام(‎ the por, cod write the by repord * Opdkie the pace ۱ Revord the LGO of the boy revord it PaeLOO ۱ ‏عم سل(‎ © Pore Phish to disk O-hiches poe » De poe stite oo desk & opercica occa! ~ Required ip support physiplogical recy © ‏توص يتيك لحك و رام‎ ty preved repeded redo Pe bs سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 مهمه ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 52:
+ @RWO Ove Orrwiurse (Ou) © Goth by record crates LEO oP previous log record oP the ‏او وی‎ LSN TransId_PrevLSN_ RedoInfo UndoInfo be thrtog record way be Kopio4 ‎vowpeuratoa boy revord (OLR) werd ty bt‏ اه او وا رال تس تا ‎dureg recovery thot cever ceed to be ure‏ لا شم ‎© Ob gene the roe of opercioc-ubont bby reverds used in odvaued revovery ‏ماه ‎© ‏مرا‎ a Pek! OodoOex GO to wie ext (carter) record ty be uedooe ۱ Records to betwero woud hove dlready beed vedo * Required to avoid repected ade oP ‏ات وی امه‎ ‎LGO PraclO® ‏تایه وولو‎ ‎ ‎ ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 53:
+ @RWO Ove Orrwiurse (Ou) B On@up hdr © bet oP paves in the buPPer thot hove bers updated ‏اس ۳ ,مین و‎ suck poe ١ PagelhOO of the poe © RebGO & wa bGO suck that ley records bePore thie LOO ‏راد عم‎ ‏مسا‎ uppled to he page versioa po desk ~ Getto cored ead of log used 0 poor is oserted tate dirty poe table (hot bePore bets uechied) ~ Recorded ic chevkpoints, helps to einioie redo work: © Obechport by record ۰ ‏عون‎ ‎۱ ‏تم سوت تن با لجی و۳۳‎ ۱ ۳ ‏سره وی‎ rocsuntion, Lost GO, the LGD oF the hast logy record ‏امد‎ by the traceractin © Cee positon va disk wies LEO of hast excpteted سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 وو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 54:
+ @RWO Revowvery Okoritw ORCC recovery woken hree pwses Bl ‏ةا‎ pose! Orterwkes © hick ‏و مس‎ © Whick pee were diy (deh versio oot up to che) of eve oP rch © Redd GO: LEO Brow whick rede shod stort B Reb pest © Repeus Keto, ‏مه گم‎ Red GO » Rech GO oad Parpb GOs oe weed to avoid redo wots dread phere oe ier © Ocdo pes: © Robs back ol eer p te trocsurtions ١ ‏موه‎ whose ober wos coxplete carer are ot urdooe وت عیشت ول وی تشم وا وی وا له وم تم ‎(Key‏ © ‎oe required‏ لو و له لها سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 موب ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 55:
+ ORWO Revovery: Ordos عم سای ‎log record‏ اسان وی با ما وت ۲ ‎Proce beg record‏ ویو( نا لت © حاحب اسه ناك ‎Gets Redo GO = wit oP RecLOOs of ofl pres is Oi‏ © ‎ww paves ore drip, Redo GO = chevhport record's LEO‏ و و ‎١‏ ‎Gets verdo-tet = bet oF trocsurtivas to chevhpotat ly record‏ © © Reus LG of ket by reverd ‏بویت و مس ات و‎ hevhpotad ley record Gone Porwerd Prow checkpoint © Ouest page... سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 56:
+ @RWO Revvery: Oude (Ova) ude poe (ov.) © Goo Porword Prow chevhpornt © 4AP cay ley record Pourd Por tronsuricd oot fo uerdo-tet, odds troerantia to vedo tet © Ohevever oo updaie bby revord is Pound "AP pose is oot to Oi Pace Dube, itis ockded with Rec GO set to LEO of the update logy record © 1Piecesuniiva ead Ioy record Pood, delete ierosurica Proc ucrdo-tst © (leeps track of fest log ‏ای و مس ات و لس‎ * Day be ceeded Por hater verde ‎of onli puss!‏ لا ‎© Ret GO deterwices where ty stort neds pose ‎© Rech GO Por cack pore tr Or APagePable used ‏ی و‎ redo worl: ‎© 31 ‏له لیا مومسم‎ to be roled back ‏سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 57:
+ ORWO Reb Pow Qedy Poss: Repeus history by reployioy every aniiva oot dread rePievied te the page oa disk, oe Pols: © Goere Ponwerd Prow Redo GO. Ohevever oo update boy revord te Pouerd: (AP tke poe te ont it Dit <Page Mable or the LOGO of the bog record is bees thao the Rec) GO oP the pare io Dit APaceDable, thea ship the boy record » Olkenwiee Petck the page Pro dick. IP the PagelGO of the poe Petched Proc disk ts fess thoc the LOGO of the logy record, rede the boxy record WOTE: P ether test is ceguive the ePPevts oP the bey record ‏راد عم‎ sippeured vo the page. Pirst test avoids evec Petchioy the poce Prow dish! ‎Od. wer ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 58:
+ @RWO Oud Ore Whe ‏رمسو جم صا طحب من‎ Por ot uzdate boy record © @evercte ¢ OUR ooctotatey ter vedo orton perPorued (aciocy perPorcned dura ucds are ۳ ‏.(ب فح‎ ١ ‏ساسا ین و بت لو لس بان‎ © Get DadDex OO of the OUR to the PreXOO ude oP te update oy reverd © Orrows techate DerdoDend OO vale BORGO apport partd rolback © Oeed &.q. to hood: deudooks by roltey back Ket rou to rekecse read. looker © Prqure techoates Porward ovtivey Pier portal roaches * reverds 9 aed & rata, hater S oad O, thea Pull rollback: 0-0 -) oe ‘ebb 06% ۰ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 59:
+ ORWO: Oud Poe Onde pes © Cerforws bochwed soo oo oy vedoiry ol trresurtizg io verdo-tst ۶ ‏و نله‎ ppitetzed by shipptey ueerded ley records os Pols? © Dext LGO te be vedere Por eack trocsoriva set to LOO of fest log record Por trassortiog Pourd by ocdleis poss. * @teuck step pick haryest oF these LGOs to undo, ship back tt ood ede ۱ )۳ ‏اس روا ه بل‎ © Cor ordeary ley records, set cent bGO to be uedoor Por ‏وا ما‎ Pred ‏اس با سا وا لت‎ - ۳ ‏وا موی‎ records (OL(Rs) set cent LGO te be vende ‏م‎ ‎OcrkDen SO crted fa the bog record » Ol ictervediay records are shipped siooe they would ove beec urd ‏باه‎ ای لام ‎perPorwed‏ ول( ۲ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 ووم ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 60:
+ 0 R106 ‏سیم‎ © Revery Ietependewe © axes can be recovered indepeadeniy oP vers » ‏سره ۴ وج‎ deb pours Pal hey oon be recovered Brow a backup while cher ‏را وم‎ werd ۲ Gaweponis: 5 10 ‏سامحم‎ coo revo savepoidis aad rol back to a suvepoiat * OsePul Por copter trassurios © @bp wed to rolbook just eo ugk tp reteuse bck ‏ام من‎ سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 هو ‎@eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.‏

صفحه 61:
+ ‏ان‎ ۵0۷۵6 Prawres (Oru) © re-qraiced lochicry: ۱ thal peril tuple level lochieg vo tedices cart be ‏لوص‎ لسعمدصعه متكت ,على امحتصيوام مها ,صاصر يحل ‎require loyical‏ ۳ ۱ سم ا 13 ‏وی ۳ هو رم‎ © Ory pore tbl coo be used to prePetch payer duro redo © ‏رین‎ order redo is possible: * reds oan be posippaed ooo page betoy Peicked Prow dk, ced ‏وم ات لاو‎ if Petched. + ‏موی طسو رها اه طایمه()‎ poutnue ty be processed |۱۳ Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. «7.00 ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 62:

صفحه 63:
م6 وله نس + ۲ Rewnte backup systews provide high wwvulubliy by olowiey ieneuniva processtay 17 ‏مجك صوقموم‎ P the priory ste ts destroyed. network log records @eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe. ee ©Sbervehnts, Cork ced Cnakershe

صفحه 64:
+ Qewoe Backup Oystews (Ovd.) © Oetriva of ature: Buchup site cust detect wheo pricey site ‏اه عم‎ © to deteenick primary ste Poker Prow bol ‏اوه وی سل‎ po ‏دادج فى‎ hake beter the privcary ocd the newts backup. © Procter of wait © Dp tohe over ood backup ste Pst perPorn revovery ‏جل جاص‎ copy oP the database ced ol the brag records thos reveived Prow the priory. و مسا مومس له سل ‎ore‏ ما لاو ‎Dos,‏ ‏اس لا ©) Okeu the backup site tches over processiay it beowes the oew priory © Do trxePer ovine buck to old priwary when tl recovers, ol privary wet reveive rede loye Prow the old backup ood apply ol upchites locally. سا0 لح 0 لا سواه 1 وج ‎Od.‏ ,تن 6 تیه

صفحه 65:
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صفحه 66:
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صفحه 67:
Gad oP Okaper

صفحه 68:
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صفحه 69:
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صفحه 70:
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صفحه 71:
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صفحه 72:
Grae oP Gystew bog ard Oatbose Oorrespradiay tio Ty wl T, Log Database <Tp start> >10, ‏بك‎ 1000, 950> >10, B, 2000, 2050> >10 commit> >11 start> <T,, C, 700, 600> <T, commit> @eedrwr Gyetre Oocowytr, Oe.

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