صفحه 1:

صفحه 2:
لحعجصمح() عا با ‎Vopios‏ "3 ‏ووو جوو0)‎ PrePerewesr ® Bucket Cousiraicts "3 Couwer Choice 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke S

صفحه 3:
لحعجصمح() عا با ‎Vopios‏ © Dargie tity ond Conmuiver Okvives a Cost-vP-Livicry dodexes ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke SD

صفحه 4:
Oowsurver Oekwior © Pwo upplicatioes thot thusteote the inmportcae DP the evouwir thepry oP poosuver belkavirr Nine: © @ppte-Ciseenood Okrerivs © The Pood Gtawp Progra. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke

صفحه 5:
Oowsurver Oekwior ® Gecerd ils hed to detercoiae how high o Prive to charge Por @pple-Ciccracpoa Cheerivs bePore it weet to the warket. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke S

صفحه 6:
Oowsurver Oekwior ® Qkeu the Pood stp prope wos potublished to the pady (Q0Os, the desiquers hed to detercotag to what exteat the Pood ed unt just sisoply subsidize the Pood they 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke Oo

صفحه 7:
Oowsurver Oekwior 6 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 8:
Oowsurver Oekwior ® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP powanver behwior. 0) Ov wil study cousuver preferewes. Do describe how ued why people prePer vor youd to cother. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke O

صفحه 9:
Oowsurver Oekwior ® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP powanver behwior. 5) reo we vill ture to budget 171751-01. * People kave hevited ome. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke SO

صفحه 10:
Oowsurver Oekwior ® OD here we thee steps volved in the sty oP * Okat cowbicativd oP yoods wil posers buy ‏شوه وا نموه و‎ 0 ۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 11:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes Onrket Ooshets ۱ ) ‏اون‎ boshet is u oollevtiva oP vue or wore powwodilies. ® Oe worket bushet wap be prePered per ‏بو اون‎ busket pootaiciagy a diPR erect 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Olde 0

صفحه 12:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes | Ossucvpives 0) rePerewes ure ‏ام‎ ‎wood to less.‏ نوه ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IC ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 13:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes ‎eke Outsoh Pood Outs of Chtkcy‏ وا( ‎0 ‎۵ ‎ ‎co ‎do ‎FO ‎90 ‎do ‎do ‎Oo ‎0 ‎0 ‎2 ‎0 ‏ناك‎ ‏2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎

صفحه 14:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes ‎Ouves:‏ هبو( ‎ ‎ ‎8 odiPPereuwe curves represect ull the suve level oP sutisPuntivg to 0 persvu. ‏»۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 15:

صفحه 16:
۵» 2 و0 :9 0۳ ۰0 & preferred O, Weld the ‏متسد سود‎ Ovwhrnts 8,0, & D ‘Ope prePerredic L & 8

صفحه 17:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes © 4odiPPerewe Curves © dadPRereure curves slope doweward to the right. OP it stoped upward it would vickate the ussuwpiiod that wore oP ‏دا نل جومت روي‎ prePerred to fess. ع0 عبت 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 18:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes ‎4dodPPerewe Ouves‏ ا" ‎Oa worket busket voy above ed ty the right oF‏ و ‎tuo fodiPPereure purve is prePened to coy warket‏ ‎curve.‏ لین ‎basket that lies va the‏ ‏0 »۵۷ 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎

صفحه 19:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes ۶() مهو( " ‏ال اه او ها وت الب جب8)‎ purves thut describes u persvu's prePereuves Por ‏موی اه‎ oP two vowwodliies. © Gock indPPereue curve io the wap shows the wurket buskets aoa whick the persva i= 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 1S

صفحه 20:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes © dodPRereause Ouves © Piodly, indPPereuwse vores ont poss. ‏یت نا موجه با اش لور با‎ is preferred to less. 60 ۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 21:
Orbs bust @ we prefered @. Oaths butt Oe prePered ts O. Oke Od 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 22:
60-66 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 23:

صفحه 24:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod ® Dke worqied rote oP substiuican (DRG) quodiPies the onoud oP oe yood uo poasuner vil give up ‏لوص ای خن و تیان ما‎ ۱ iotP Renee DIE. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde OF

صفحه 25:

صفحه 26:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod a Ov wil cow odd o Pourk ossucoptiod ‏رو زر‎ pousuwer prePereuce! © loo oa tod Rereuse curve there is a + ‏رو(‎ the DRG Por @@ was O, while that Por DE wes 2 ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 27:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod © Qvuesiod © kat we the Pirst three ussucvpiives? 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke OP

صفحه 28:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes QOarqed Que oP Gubstrutoa 8 dodPPereuwe curves ure cowex bevousr us wore oP poe youd is cousnved, ‏كك‎ 705179 would prePer to que up Rewer wits oP o ‏با لوب مود‎ yet odditiccal ucts oP the Pirst pw. ® Oowsanvers prefer u bolrosed warket basket 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke CO

صفحه 29:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod # Perfent Gubstiutes ond PerPevt Oovwpleweuts ‎qoods we perPent substitutes whea the‏ رز و ‎warqicd rote oP substituiod oP mae youd Por the‏ ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obte SS ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 30:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDargcrd Rae oF Gubsttutiod # Perfent Gubstiutes ond PerPevt Oovwpleweuts ‎Pwo woods we perPent cowplewedts whea the‏ و ‎iodPPereuce curves Por the woods ure skhuped us‏ ‏0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 31:
hice (chores) ‏هج‎

صفحه 32:
Obte SE ares i 9 ae \ 9 0 68 9 ] ‏ری‎ Choe 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 33:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes ٩ 0005 ۱ ® Cxanples © ir ‏ای‎ ‎© ) ‏وصوص راد‎ 9 ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 34:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes ™ Oka Ov You Thick? ow on we woot Por Buds io the ‏خام جور اهمه‎ 7 + ‏وه اس‎ ( 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde OE

صفحه 35:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1) © Qupwoble exevuiives wust recudy decide whe to foicoduce ce wodels ued kow work woury ty vest it nestplicey. ۱ ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 36:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1) ۴ )(۰ ‏تردن‎ oP power prePereuves would kelp to detercvice Whe ced iP por powpodies should chooge the sipliog oP their mars. ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏ی 2 و0‎ SO

صفحه 37:
لعج 09 سره Wk ORG hese rowers re ‏سب ها متس‎ 7 ‏سمتسستا‎ ۱ Sas 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore 0

صفحه 38:
۱ = 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore SO

صفحه 39:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1) ™ Oka Ov You Thick? © ‏وراك‎ oon we deterring he poo ers 9 ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 40:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1) #0 revedt study oP ‏مجح موی‎ ict the Onvited Gtotes shows thot over the post tuo ‏اوه ولمم‎ poosuvers hue prePerred ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 ۵ FO

صفحه 41:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes 17۳۲۷ QDestaitcay Dew @uoxovbles (1) ® Growt oP daporese * (97 O's un 09© ‏ج00‎ *1S% oP dowesiic rors werdernwedt ‏صابك ه‎ chooge pack peor ¢ Dhis cowpures ty CO% Por ixoporis 9 0 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 42:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes © Ditty © Oily: Ouwercd score represeutocgy the soisPuctivg that poosuver yets Poo a yivedt worket basket. لب 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 43:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes © Ditty OP buyin O copies oP ‏جعاد وده جد ددموز(1)‎ wokes pou khuppier thea bupiegy var shin, thea we say thot the books qive pou wore uly thao the shirt. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde PS

صفحه 44:
Oowsurver PrePereuwes © Ost» Pucctivas ۰ ‏مس رواب 2 مسق‎ Por Pood (P) ued ‏واه‎ ‎(C) @c)=e+eC0 Ourket Baskets! P waits OC units O(P,C) =P +OC ۳72-۳0۳ ۳ 6 ۳ كت ۳ 0 6 8 e ‏م«‎ 6 + )6( - 48 The ‎Dhe oowanver‏ 0 0 در مه ۰ موه ‎prefers 0 & Ot O ‏© ی 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 45:
‎IedPPerewe Ourves‏ & ی( ربلا( ‎ ‎ ‏ما0 ‏عم ‎zane: 0 = PO‏ رس ‎Ourket Basket 0 < 0‏ \ ‎as \ 0 99 <‏ ‎8S)‏ \ ‎eS =S(S)‏ © ۷ - هه هال 0 (©:0)6 (ي0 ط لمحتس ”ا) 000- و0 ‎Ba‏ ‎Og =80 (Preferred 0(‏ 0,26 0 1 ‎ond‏ 1 ‎(waite per week) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎Obde PS ‎ ‎

صفحه 46:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes ۴ ‏لسن‎ Orrsus Curcdicral ety ® Ordicd Otlity Pucctica: places warket baskets ia the order oP ost prePerred ty leust prePerred, but it does ant iodicate ‏یمن تیم‎ oe aarket bushet is prePenced to wovther. ® Cardi Oily uccion! utility ‏تسیل مت‎ the exteat to Wwhiok poe warhket busket is prePerred ty covtker. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde FO

صفحه 47:
۱0۳ PrePereuwes ® Orde Orr Cardi Ruch © Phe ucted uct oP weasurewent Por uly i ut 0 ‏صا تیه ها بو ام و ری و‎ ع دی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 48:
جاده 02 اصل:9) وی و و او امه صل دصرم رص جرت ا" ‎bekavior.‏ ‏حا ره مه ‎Qudget pocstroiats ubsy beri‏ © ubiliy to poosucve to light oP the prices they 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore FO

صفحه 49:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice © Phe budget hoe iodicates ofl powbicaives oP iow powwodiies Por whick tot ocey spect equals total ioe. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde FO

صفحه 50:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice bet P equdl the oud oP Pood purchused, ocd C is the awoud oP ‏ای‎ © Price oP Pood =P, ocd price oF ‏نام‎ = P, © Phea P, Pig the aooudt of wou sped oo Pood, and PO is the caoudt ‏اه رو اه‎ © rApthicrey. 0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 51:
جاده 02 اصل:9) © De bucket fee theo coo be vores PrP + 6 < [ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 52:
جاده 02 اصل:9) م6 ۵( (6) میات ‎Pood (P)‏ سایق یلو 21 0 ,۳ )$2(=@ )$0(= ,@ 6 0600 0 66 9050 0 6 ۵9060 0 0 6000© 0 6 600 60 وس رم سح ‎٩9:‏

صفحه 53:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 2 0,280 89عیم 290 00 عدا على @ Co ‏هم‎ ‎Oow wer Behar Obte SO‏ :9 بان ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 54:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice © )95 ‏رواد ورس بمادرجسكجمون‎ a budeet fice ‏ما‎ ‎the iutercept, the poosuver speuds less vo vor Phe slope of the foe weusures the ‏رشاو‎ ost oF Pood ord clothicry. oP the tuvy «yoods. eq eq ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 55:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 9 ۱۱ Bucket Lice © ‏بای وموك جو"‎ the rote of whick the two qoods coc be substituted without choagiccy the avo oF wouey sped. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obte SS

صفحه 56:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 9 Bucket Lice © Phe veriiod intercept (WP), tistrotes the i aout bP O that coo be purckosed wis ore ‘1. © Phe horizvcte ictervept (VP q), thistrates the wurtwud aout oP CP that cod be purchased wis ove ‘1. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obte SO

صفحه 57:
جاده 02 اصل:9) ® Dke @RRects ‏له وا و م6 هن‎ Prices © hooowe Charnes * Oo reuse in ‏مج و‎ the budget tice to sh cutuvard, parcel to the vrigicral fice (koldicry 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore SP

صفحه 58:
جاده 02 اصل:9) ® Dke @RRects ‏له وا و م6 هن‎ Prices © hooowe Charnes 90 depreuse in wows vouses the budket fee t7 sh iad, parcel to the vrigictal fae (holder 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore SO

صفحه 59:
O roreer ۰ eoowe shPe ‏لیصا‎

صفحه 60:
جاده 02 اصل:9) ® Dke @RRects ‏له وا و م6 هن‎ Prives ° Prive Changes: ۰/۱ ‏با‎ prive oP cae yood immreuses, the budget foe shits icpvard, ‏بستنم‎ Prov the vier xpos intercept. 0 »۵ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 61:
جاده 02 اصل:9) ® Dke @RRects ‏له وا و م6 هن‎ Prices ° Prive Changes: » OP the price oP var yood decreuses, the budget ۱ Prov the other xpos intercept. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke Od

صفحه 62:
9 ‏اه سبط‎ ‏مساج‎ oP Boxed Ge $.90 chomer ‏وراد صا‎ oP ie bucket hoe ord متفه ۱ سیر Pood (vcs per week) See 190 وس

صفحه 63:
جاده 02 اصل:9) 8 ‏بب۱/‎ GPPevts ‏اجه جوا و 0 خان‎ Prices ° Prive Changes: °1P the tlw yoods inoreuse iu price, but the rofiz DFP the tio prices is vackoaged, the slope will ‏.سعد ات‎ ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 64:
جاده 02 اصل:9) له وا و م6 هن ‎Dke @RRects‏ ® ‎Prices‏ © Price Charnes * Wowever, the budget foe will shi inward to a ‏ارم‎ porcbel to the vrigicral bucket fice. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde OF

صفحه 65:
جاده 02 اصل:9) ® Dke @RRects ‏له وا و م6 هن‎ Prices ° Prive Changes: ۰/۱۳ ‏رم و حول ون مر با‎ but the rofiz oF the tivo prices is vockoaged, the slope 0۳ 9: ‏لب 2 و0‎ OS

صفحه 66:
جاده 02 اصل:9) له وا و م6 هن ‎Dke @RRects‏ ® ‎Prices‏ © Price Charnes هط توش تاه ان وتا ایلیا سا رورا ‎porcbel to the vrigicral bucket fice.‏ ارم ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 67:
Couwnuwer Ohvive ® Oocsunvers choose ‏اجه موس و‎ thot wil worxieize the sutisPuctivg they mort uhieve, qive the lievited budget avaiable tz عه ل 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 68:
Couwnuwer Ohvive ‎woarket busket wust sotishy‏ موب ‎Phe‏ "ا جک با ‎be located va the budget lice.‏ ۹( ‎bP yoods oad‏ نامر ‎prePerred‏ ‎51217725. ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke OO ‎

صفحه 69:
۱0 Choice Reval, the slope ‏وس( جه خام‎ pure is: 1 Obte OS AC MRS=- — AF Pe Slope-- (urtker, ۱ م29 و0 :9 بان

صفحه 70:
Couwnuwer Ohvive 9 Therefore, See eet Cee rea Se 0 9: ‏م2 موه‎ Ode TO

صفحه 71:
Couwnuwer Ohvive 94 coc be suid thot sufsPantiva is ‏لو‎ ‎O) 6 equal to the rota oP the prices (oP Pood 0) 0 »۷ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 72:
o eo 0 60 Pood (ctr per werk) 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke TO

صفحه 73:
۱0 Choice ‎P,=$0 1=‏ 89عوم ‎ae‏ ‎per‏ ‏30 عند 0 ساسا بو 0 تست ‎eon he veredt‏ ی لیا رای( سر رس ری ۳ ‎OOM‏ 0 60 © ‎ ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oe TS ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 74:

صفحه 75:
Oowsurver Choire © Covsider two yours oP ‏اوه ,موه‎ wiskiay t7 sped $10, DOO vu the stpliccy cord ‏وم هم‎ oF pars. ® Gack your kes dP Perec prePereuces. ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oe 7S

صفحه 76:
Oowsurver Choire ® Op Proctor the potot oP toogeuppy ‏ده حون‎ ‏ی له من‎ ced the budget powstroat ‏نت‎ powpodies coo designe a ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore TO

صفحه 77:
‎Ori Durables (41)‏ ت00 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 78:
‎Ori Durables (41)‏ ت00 ‎ ‎ ‎ ‏و۳۶۲ 800,000 $9,000 ‎۵ TO ‏2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 79:
Oowsurver Choire QDevision Dubie & Publis Poioy ® Choosing betweed ‏له سوه وه‎ wwutchiey yc to Puerd police expestdituces 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke TS

صفحه 80:
0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore OO

صفحه 81:

صفحه 82:

صفحه 83:

صفحه 84:
0 20 ون 6 © porcer ooltiog exists Po ‏جح‎ buys io extrenves, werd buys ull oP coe voteyory oP qpood ced aoe pe covther. ‏و‎ VD his exists where the indPPereore purves ure foogeut to the korizvotal cod vertical unde. © DRGs ‏مت وا مج سب‎ عبت ‎Brlvasor‏ و0 :09

صفحه 85:
0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore OS

صفحه 86:
Couwnuwer Ohvive 2 Concer Golation © Bt poict , the ORG oP ive crea Por Prozeo powurt is qreuter thao the slope oP the budget fae. © This suqqests that iP the poosuwer could give up swore Prozeo pos Por ioe ‏موه‎ ke would do BU. © Wowever, there is uw wore Prozes pox ‏صا‎ vive | wp! 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore OO

صفحه 87:
Couwnuwer Ohvive 2 Concer Golation © Okeo u porcer svluicd wises, he ‏جود وس‎ ORG des wt cevessoriy equdl the price raiv. 84a this ‏موز‎ tt ooo be suid that! MRS Foe ‏عم‎ ۳ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke OF

صفحه 88:
Couwnuwer Ohvive 9 ) Corcer Gohativa OAR the ORG ws, in Pont, sigqnPicadty yreuter tho the price roc, thea o soul depreuse in the price ‏ام‎ Prozes posurt wil aot dter he poosuer’s warket basket. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Okt 66

صفحه 89:
Couwnuwer Ohvive ® Ovleye Trist Pucd ® Suppose dace Ove’s pareets set up trust 9 ‏رازب‎ the woury weet be used Por education. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore 9

صفحه 90:
Couwnuwer Ohvive ® Ovleye Trist Pucd BP pont of the wouery could be used Por the purchase oP other yoods, ker poususpptios 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 ۵» OD

صفحه 91:
Oowsurver Choire ‎Trist Puc‏ باون ظ) ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎@: Cousucoption bePore the trust Pucrd he trust Pued shits the budget foe 00: ‏مس0‎ fret fee cet raced 1 operand C2 1P tke trust could be spect oo ‏حي جه‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 92:
BP we ‏و ون وا زر‎ power hus ۱ What her prePereuves ure iP we hove icPorevotiod bout ‏موی تایه وه‎ oF choices that ane woude wheo prives und owes voy. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obte SS

صفحه 93:
Qeveded PrePerewes-- Two Oudcet bices Pood (uate per wouk) و ی 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 94:
Qeveded PrePerewes-- Pwo Budcet Lices Pood (uate per wouk) 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obde OF

صفحه 95:

صفحه 96:
Qeveded PrePerewss Por Qeoreuioa “The rete ‏و وا‎ 90 + 360/2۷ *Orw bucket ee 1, 3 ‏ماه‎ 0 *Reved prePerewe of Ow ® ‎Ohb’s‏ حا لدج( سس ۳ ‏موه «سمو ‎(ere)‏ هم ‏و ی ‎— ‎*Roberta'» ‏لعج‎ < 9100 ۰۳ oP exoroee = $Pikofwook ‏با ,0 صف 0 ف شا 0( ‎*Crercere‏ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 97:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive © Qarged! utliy weasures the odditiocral sulisPuction obtoiced Proow poosusviey oo uddiiocal weit oP a youd. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore O?

صفحه 98:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive Darqd Oily © Exavple © Phe ‏مومت‎ uty ‏رو مت مرب‎ Pro 0 ۲ ) ‏ی‎ oP Pood wight be O ‏متسب و‎ Prow (to © wight be ‏م4‎ ‎© dooreusiagy Prow © ty OD wight be © © Observation: Dargical utliiy is diovicishicry 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ore SO

صفحه 99:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive Oroivishtay Darcy Daly 5 DP ke privwiple oP ‏ارو منم‎ tity stites that us sore ord wore oP a youd is powsuved, pousviegy uddiiccal cous Will vied swdler ond sxodler additions to utility. ۱ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obte SO

صفحه 100:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive © Dargie (Ditty ocd the TediPRereure Curve °41P Woornopiivd woves doy oo iodiP Perouse pore, the oddiigod uthiy derived Pro ‏جه‎ ‏هو‎ fo he powsuvpiiv vor yoo, Pood (P), io the poosuvptivg io the vier ypood, clothes (C). 0 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 101:
O=MUAF) + MUAC) 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obl 100

صفحه 102:
- (AC/AF) = MU,/ MU, 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oe IOC

صفحه 103:
DOuarcjcrt Othiy cord Cowsanver Ohvice - (AC/AF) =MU,/ MU, © Oeownse: - (AC/AF) =MRSECPorO ۱۳5-2 ۶ »2 م29 و0 :9 بان

صفحه 104:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive :سكأ مت اه نموه ‎Okeu coe‏ # MRS= P/Pc © Giove the ORG is ds equal ty the rotig oP the waryical uities DP ooosucicgy Pood O, it Polos teat: \ MU/MU = P/Pe »2 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 105:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive ® kick ques the equetiod Por ult ‏:كلاد دلوج‎ MU,/P, =MU,/P, »2 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 106:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive © Dordt tlliy ts woxtized Whe the bucket is pexpeudture is the sawe Por eack ‏بل‎ 8 OD his tp rePerved to us the equ worded pricwiple. ۱ »2 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 107:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive Gusvice Ruiz BW d9TE und ugic it JOO, the ‏امن‎ ‎DV his resulted io shortages ood yusvlice Wor‏ ا" ‎= ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IO? ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 108:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive Gusvice Ruiz ® Ovaprice roivoiery is wo ohercative ‏ام و‎ rotivaicarcy. ® Qader vor Porw evervour kes oo equ vhowe to purchase u roivced youd. k= § Gusvliue is roficced by brag fines ut the yas 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ob 100

صفحه 109:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive ® Rativoiey hurts sowe by licviiog the out oP © DP kis coo be seed in the Polowiey wodet. #4 upples to wowed wits co cod owe vf $60,000. »2 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 110:
Darqycra ‏له ربا(‎ Cowsnnver Chvive ‎Phe horizvntd unis shows ker ooo‏ "ا ‎DP yasvlce ot $0 /caloa.‏ موجه ‎# OD ke vertiodl unis shows ker newvuiniacy ‎۱ ‏0 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎

صفحه 111:

صفحه 112:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes ® Dke CP is calouhated rack pear us the ‏صقم‎ ‎DP the vost oF a typical ‏موی خن من‎ ‏رت‎ und servives today is powporisv to the vost durieg 0 base period. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 006

صفحه 113:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes # Oke Ov You Thick? ® Opes the CP wouwrately rePlent the vost oP liviery Por retirees? 045 11 appropricie to use the CP us a posto -tvicry Prvdte usivg peosivas, ud Por other privete wage ayeewents? 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 009

صفحه 114:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes © Gxcnople © Pwo sisters, Ruckel ond Gurck, hove idectical prefereuves. © Garck beyon college in (OO wik 00 ‏الا روصم‎ ° 1099, Rackel stated oolleye ond ker poreuts prowised her uo budget thot wos equivdect io purchusiag power. 10 »9 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 115:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) 099 (Gack) (OO? Crice Poke (RAD Ook — $UDO/owk ‎oP books as 9‏ ای( ‎Prive oP Pood 9 ۰ 9.00۲ Pours oP Pood doo 900 ‏ع لم2‎ 99000 50,660 ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 006 ‎

صفحه 116:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) لصو وق) ‎1S books x $20 /bork‏ + 00/۲۰. 86« لس نع 400 < 9600 QRackel’ Expecctiuce Por Equal tly 90,990 < 9000 bbs. oF Pood x $2.EOIb. + O books <> 500000 bork 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 0

صفحه 117:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes 8 OD ke ded costo diviay odustieed Por Ruckel is 52600. © OD ke ded ‏بور /دودوصم‎ todex is $4,C00/$6O0O 2 9.88 7 ۰ § This itoples u IGC% ‏تحت‎ it the vost oP hier. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 00

صفحه 118:
‎Pood‏ 6 دا (مصصواط) ‎0 90 10090 189 090669809 00096900 ‎(oe ae ۲ 0 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 119:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes ‎DV he idedl ost oP liviey iodex represeuts the vost‏ "ا ‎DP uttaiciosy a qived fevel oF utility ot mune‏ بات ‎prives reltive to the vost oF‏ )?199°( ‎the sue utlliy ut base (JOOP) prives.‏ ‏»۳ج 2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎

صفحه 120:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes D0 do this ‏من من‎ Poo wide bosis would © Price indexes, the the CP, we u Pied pousuvptiod bude io the base period. ‎ut Luspepres prive fedex‏ لاو و ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obl JOO ‎

صفحه 121:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Lespepres Tedex | © Dke Luspepres index tels us: © Phe ‏امن‎ oP ‏رو‎ ot pune peur prices that wo iodividual requires to purchase the buede oF qoods ued services thot wos chose ia the bose peur divided by the vost ‏رهطم اه‎ the suwe ‏من‎ of base yeur prives. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ob 40

صفحه 122:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes a Culoutaticry Ruvkel’s Luspepres vost ve ‏كدارها‎ iercdens © Gotiog the quoctiies oP ‏لس‎ ia IQOP equal to what were bought by ker sister, but seticrey thei- prives ut ther (90°? levels result ict oo ‏اه وه‎ $d,PCO (IDO x C.CO + 49 x $400) 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IOC

صفحه 123:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes a Wer vost oP livieg adustoed would uw be 9۰ " ۳! Luspepres iudex is! $d,PCO/$GOO = OFF. 8 OD iis puerstites the true vost-vP =i [1۳۳۳ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IOS

صفحه 124:
روما ها موق | ‎backer her hiro‏ ‎wow Ip To:‏ ~~ Pood DSOWOODODWODSGPODPOIHODSSIHOO _(b-qurrer) 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oe IOP

صفحه 125:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes ® Oka Oo You Thick? © ves the buspepres index dhuvapys overstate the tro ‏روم‎ 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IOS:

صفحه 126:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Vy Bes! © Dke buspepres index ussuves thot poosvers do 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IO

صفحه 127:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes 8 Ves! © Op ‏جود حدم صصص‎ oP those itesos thot kove purchases oP the neloively wore expeusive itews ‏وج سا رنه مور محر‎ bevel oP utility without Kovieg ‏لا موه تا‎ sce bude oP yoods. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 16?

صفحه 128:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes # Dke Pausche ‏له‎ ‎© )0 ‏دجون دان‎ the aouct oP wooey of ‏عوجر لومصسج‎ prices thot oc iodividual nequings to purchase 0 vost oF purchoasioy the suze bude io the bose peur. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 160

صفحه 129:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes a Quik todexes iuolve ratios thot ual today’s pure yeur prves, Po, sd (Po © Wowever, the buspepres inex relies va buse 1/۳۲ ۲۲7۳ F,, ard 6 © Okereus, the Pocasvhe index relies vo today’s pure pous upon, 2 ‏لحم‎ 6: 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke IOS

صفحه 130:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) له رورا اجه ون و میب( ا« ‎qives the Pol vier equetives:‏ وله علموونظ) panna Pen, کی + گس رص | 20 + ور لافيت 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 131:
حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) ‎Tedexes‏ مس عا و0 ‎ ‎ ‎© Suppose: ‎© Die woods: Povd (@) aad Clrkicy (C) ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 40 ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 132:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes Bet: en. 9 & P., ‏اه‎ peur prives © Py, & Po, be bose peur prives © P& O be ore peor quotes © ,& O, be bose peur quotes 0 »۳ 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 133:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes ® Ouch (O90) P bose-peur bude ot munca prices equals © Cost ol $4,°CO ((OO bs x $2.CO0/b + IS bovks x eck) P soe boode of base pear prices is $SOO bs x $28.00/b + 1S bovks x $20/bovk) 90000 © 025 ‏ان‎ ‎(doo 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 199

صفحه 134:
دج حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) =344 Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes ® Gack (O90) 194720 ۱ $500 2 و0 :9 0۳

صفحه 135:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes Coxwpartay the Tivo Tedexes ® Gack (O90) © Cost oP bupiegy ‏الما ور ام‎ of mune peur prives is $0,800 (8OO bs x $8.80/b + 8 bovks x $000 /bovk) © Oost of the sexe bude of base peur prices is 9290 )9000 ۲ « 50/۳0 + 9 bovks x 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obbe 19S

صفحه 136:
Oke 190 حعطب|» رن حاوسبوو) 2 ‎Tedexes‏ مس عا و0 ‎Gack (O90)‏ ® ‎_ $1260 ‎Zi ‎$720 ‎ ‎ ‎۱ ‏2 و0 :9 0۳ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

صفحه 137:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes ke Paasche ۶ BD he Pausvhe index wil voderstate the most oP fvies berouse it ussusves that the icivicdual will buy the poured peur buckle ia the base peur. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 19?

صفحه 138:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes 81000906, the qovernnvedt udopted the churd- wweiIqkted prive index to dePhote its weusure ve red GOP. ® Developed to ‏وس‎ problews thot uner wheo ‎oP BOP were wade usicgy‏ وم وا الم وب نم له له عنم لو ‎aa‏ ۱ ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Oke 190 ‎

صفحه 139:
OostoP-Diviag Idexes The Oras oF tke OP 1 ® Oka Oo You Thick? ® Okt is the inppont vo the Pederd budget oP ustey the ‏تك سن‎ 2 1 Ser ay ond other progres Por chooyes fa the cost oP fvicrcy? 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obl 0

صفحه 140:
060 ® people bekuve rotivody to oo uttecpt t7 wuxiwize suisPactiod Pow ‏عه ادصفعوم ه‎ ® Oowsuver chive kes tuo related parts: the poanver’s prePereures ced the budyet toe. 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Ob IFO

صفحه 141:
060 ® Oowuwers woke ‏را حون‎ vowpuricy worket baskets or buades oP coswodities. ‎ure doweward slopicy‏ حور اا ‎un poco idersent oor cavtker.‏ ‎® Cocusuwer pretereuwes oo be vowwpletely ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obey 060 ‎

صفحه 142:
060 ‎substituiicd oP PPor C‏ ان ‎rote‏ آممزون بب۱/ نا ‎is the woxitousy avout oF C that 0 perso is‏ ‎up to obtaia poe oddiiosral weit oP‏ طرش طبار ۳ ‏جه وا لاه موس وا ارلی() ظ اه اوه مهو ‎qoods Por whick‏ 00 ‎0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obl IFS ‎

صفحه 143:
060 ۲ Oocsunvers weondwize sutsPaction subject 7 ‏اه اوه الط‎ © Dhe theory oP reveded prePerewe shows how the choices that idividuas wake wheo ‏رو و لت ار‎ oo be used tv 0۳ 9: ‏و0‎ 2 Obl IFS

صفحه 144:
Gud oP Ckupter 9

34,000 تومان